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Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks (1 – 20) with the correct particle or preposition where necessary.

1. Recycling materials (1) … household waste can have considerable benefits (2) … the environment. 2. It is estimated that some 70 to 75 per cent of materials (3) … scrap cars is recovered. 3. (4) … the Environment Protection Act 1990, local authorities are required to make plans for the recycling of waste. 4. Encouraging research (5) … recycling technologies and other initiatives have also been set (6) … . 5. In the Lake District 30 per cent of jobs can be directly attributed (7) … tourism. 6. There was gossip that Tom had once been concerned (8) … something crooked. 7. You feel absolutely no concern (9) … your future. 8. Elizabeth was concerned (10) … setting (11) … hostile and oppressive governments in Eastern Europe. 9. Little (12) … little, the level of poison in the river began to rise. 10. Two years ago, the park was closed for the public (13)

good. 11. (14) … … household garbage, industrial chemicals had (15)

years been dumped in the Pinehaven landfill. 12. Archaeologists still arrive (16) … droves, lured (17) …remains hidden. 13. Dan always made a

point of dropping (18) … , not so much (19) … account of the coffee, which as good , (20) … … the woman who owned it.

Ex. 3. For questions 1 – 7, read the following text and then choose, from the list

(A – J), the best phrase given below. Each correct phrase may be used once. Some of the suggested answers do not fit at all.


In Britain, 28 million tonnes of household rubbish is generated each year, and the country is running out of holes in the ground (1) ……… . The government says that from now on, dumping waste should be a last resort that is reserved for things (2) ………….. . And there are other possible solutions. Passing on the things we no longer need to somebody who does, is environmentally better than recycling, (3) …… .

Clothes, newspapers and so on are relatively well-known candidates for recycling and re-use, but old electrical goods present more of a problem. While larger items, such as fridges and freezers, tent to have a value as scrap metal, many smaller things do not (4) ……. .


A company with computers it no longer needs, finds it much easier than a householder to pass them on to another user, (5) ……… . Almost all dealers who buy old computers are keen on to collect and deal with large quantities, (6) …… . Another big problem is a growing amount of unwanted mobile phones, estimated at up to 25 million in Britain alone. But binning any mobile is a bad idea because the batteries count as

‗hazardous waste‘ (7) ……….. . Some companies operate what‘s called a ‗Take Back‘ scheme to help with this problem.

Aand then redistribute to those in need

Bbut they are not the only ones

Cbut don‘t want to bother with single items

Dand are simply buried

Ebecause it uses less energy

For get them recycled

Gand will collect it from private homes

Hand should be handled with care

Iwhich can either be recycled nor burned

Jto put it all in

Ex. 4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given (1-10).

1.As soon as he was promoted, he started the pursuit of material affluence.

No sooner …………………………………………………………...

2.The number of cars has increased so much that it is a key factor of global warming.

So …………………………………………………………………....

3.If we had been told the truth earlier, I would have fined the polluters.

Had …………………………………………………………………..

4.All strict safety regulations had been taken and a flexible policy had

been adopted.

Not only……………………………………………………..…………

5.The government won‘t alter its policy on human waste disposal. On no account …………………………………………………

6.I have seldom lived at a basic subsistence level.

Seldom ……………………………………….


7.She had no sooner dropped in to tea than the telephone rang.

No sooner …………………………………………………..

8.I have never heard about harmful wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation.

Never before ………………………………………………………..

9. The police didn‘t know that the man was a criminal. Little …………………………..……………………

10. They shouldn‘t destroy marine habitats under any circumstances.

Under no circumstances……………..………………………….

Ex. 5. A Put a, an or the where necessary (1 – 17).

1. The window alcove measures exactly (1) …. metre across.2. When you go to (2) … Athens, don‘t forget to visit (3) … Acropolis and (4) …

Ancient Agora. 3. (5) … famous actress wanted to be married in (6) … British castle. 4. My new BMW motor cycle can reach speeds of over 300 kilometres (7) … hour. 5. The community managed to raise quite (8) … large sum of money for the building of the new school. 6. Many people are attracted by (9) … unknown and (10) … unexplained in (11) … nature. 7.

During (12) … Napoleonic Wars, the army tried to defeat (13) … Russia.

8. This government doesn‘t care about (14) … jobless. 9. (15) … Indian

Ocean lies between (16) … West coast of Australia and (17) … country from which it was named: India.


Ex. 1. Translate the following text into English.


Найвідоміші вчені планети передбачають для Землі жахливі наслідки глобального потепління. Приблизно через 100 років Крим перетвориться в маленький острів, третя частина планети стане пустинею, а Лондон, Париж та Нью-Йорк опиняться під водою. До кінця теперішнього століття Земля в тому вигляді, в якому ми її знаємо, перестане існувати. Глобальне потепління викличе масштабне танення полярного льоду, що призведе до затоплення величезних територій. Одночасно з цим зміна клімату спричинить перетворення третини суші на планеті в пустиню. Це, напевно, найсумніше з усіх існуючих прогнозів зробили співробітники Хедлі,


Центру кліматичних прогнозів і аналізу при метеослужбі Великобританії.

Повені та засухи зроблять неможливим вирощування продовольчих культур, підтримку надійної системи санітарії та обмежать доступ до ресурсів питтєвої води.

Дослідження Центра Хедлі чудово вписуються в апокаліптичну концепцію ‗кінця світу‗, яка вже давно розробляється ведучими екологами. Вчені зробили висновок, що кількість територій, які можна буде назвати екстримально посушливими, збільшиться в десять разів. Якщо сьогодні таких площ на планеті всього 3%, то в 2100 році їх буде більш ніж 30%.

Ті регіони планети, де засухи бувають і сьогодні, на приклад Африка, в майбутньому перетворяться практично в голу пустиню. Утворяться пустині на місці лісів, які займають величезні території в Європі, Азії та США. Одночасно з пустинею сушу почне поглинати і світовий океан.

Схоже на те, що Антарктида залишиться єдиним населеним континентом до кінця цього століття, якщо людство не почне вживати заходи для боротьби з глобальним потеплінням.

Ex. 2. Translate the following text into English


У епокаліптичних прогнозів досить критиків. Серед них і ті вчені, які говорять про перебільшені масштаби та наслідки глобального потепління, і ті, які вважають його міфом. Екологи заявляють, що настає глобальне потепління, спричинене викидами парникових газів. Час від часу певні дослідження підтверджують докази критиків. Минулого року американські вчені , користуючись даними супутникового мониторингу, констатували, що озоновий шар планети перестав скорочуватись в обсязі. Відповідно, зупинився ріст озонової дірки над Антарктидою. На хвилі загального оптимізму, що виник у наслідок цих подій, дослідники прогнозували, що відновлення озонового шару відбудеться вже через кілька десятиліть.

Але на початку жовтня цього року Всесвітня метеорологічна організація при ООН повідомила, що розміри озонової дірки над Антарктидою досягли нової рекордної позначки – 29,5 кв.км. Все більше і більше дослідників схиляються до думки , що ні Кіотський


протокол, ні інші заходи, які вживаються для зниження концентрації парникових газів в атмосфері, не зможуть запобігти подальшому скороченню концентрації об‗єму азоту.

Серед іде щодо охолодження клімату Землі є абсолютно фантастичні думки. На приклад, установка величезного дзеркала між Землею і Сонцем за орбітою Місяця.

Задум такий: це створило б велику площу тіні на диску Сонця, який видно з Землі і скоротило б кількість сонячного світла, енергії та радіації, яка попадає на нашу планету.

Ще один монументальний проект передбачає поширення в верхніх шарах атмосфери найдрібніших часток сірки, які б могли відбивати частину сонячного світла назад в космос. Але більшість вчених зауважують, що масштабні геоінженерні проекти занадто ризиковані. Ніхто не візьметься передбачити їх наслідки.


Write a discursive essay on the suggested topics (250 -300 words). Follow the guidelines for discursive essays in your textbook.

1.Overpopulation is perhaps the biggest global problem that our generation will face.

2.Smoking is the cause of millions of deaths and pollution. Therefore, there should be a worldwide ban on smoking. To what extent do you agree?

3.In recent years our diet has become increasingly poor.

4.Environmental problems are really social problems anyway.

5.The 21st century: for better or worse?


Ex.1. You are now going to hear an interview between Peter Whitehead, the presenter of a current affairs programme, and Frances Kelly, the


leader of the Campaign for Clean Air. While you listen, decide if the following statements are True or False (1-8).

1.The government is acting too slowly for Frances.

2.Sulphur dioxide is produced by power stations.

3.Britain is one of the worst polluters.

4.Carbon monoxide causes heart problems in adults.

5.In the short term, carbon dioxide isn‘t dangerous.

6.There is little evidence to show these gases have a bad effect on the development of children.

7.The greenhouse effect will cause droughts.

8.Frances believes that the government has a limited responsibility.

Ex. 2. Choose one of the suggested topics and comment on it or discuss it with your partner.

1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future? What makes you think so?

2.Protecting the environment is the most important problem facing the world today. Speak on all the different ways of protecting it.

3.Dwell on some natural and man-made catastrophes that threaten the world. Which are the most serious ones? Which are you most/least afraid of?

4.The energy crisis is a big challenge for each country and its government. Optimistic and pessimistic forecasts for nuclear energy and fossil fuels

have been claimed.

5. Chernobyl dependency is still a priority and a severe strain to national budgets. What associations and implications does the name of Chernobyl have for you personally?

6. What evidence of climate change could you name? What are the causes?


7. What factors have been responsible for species becoming extinct? Which of the species were destroyed intentionally by man? What do you think is the best way to protect endangered species?


Ex. 1. You will hear a radio report about a wildlife holiday in the Yellowstone National Park in the USA. For questions 1-9, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Michela describes the man she met in Canada as being (1) ………….. by his experience.

As a species, the wolf is now officially classed as (2) ………….. in North America.

It is thought that as many as (3) …………. visitors have seen the reintroduced wolves at Yellowstone.

On Michela‘s first evening in Yellowstone, a (4) ………gave visitors a talk about wolves.

Coyotes, which have longer ears and (5) ………. colouring, are often mistaken for wolves.

Michela‘s personal guide originally trained to be a (6) ……….. .

Around half the wolves in the park are now fitted with (7) ……to help people locate them.

Ken advised Michela to look for wolves on hillsides where (8)..………. could be seen through the snow.

Michela used a particularly good (9) ……….. to study the wolf she eventually saw.

Ex. 2. Match the following words with appropriate definitions (1-16).

1. calamity


the care and management of the natural




2. conservation

b. the production or release of sth., light, heat, gas

3. drought

c. a place where wastes are kept or stored

4. deteriorate

d. not controlled or kept within limits

5. economic sticks



and carrots


a group of Australian animals that carry their



young in a fold of skin on the mother‘s stomach

6. emissions


an event that causes great harm or damage;


7.energy consumption


concerned with the protection of the




8. erosion


the using up sth. (fuel)

9. green/soft tourism

i. an animal that kills and eats other animals

10. marsupials

j. a period of continuous dry weather

11. predator

k. destruction of sth. or wearing sth. аway




12. rainfall


the state of soil containing the high



level of salt

13.repository of waste

m. to become worse in quality or condition

14. spawn (of fish)


to produce eggs

15. salinity

o. the total amount of rain that falls in a certain



time period

16. unbridled (tourism)

p. the reward and the threat of punishment used



together as a means of making sb. try harder

Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks (1 – 20) with the correct particle or preposition where necessary.

1. (1) … the new millennium, we need a new beginning, a fresh start. 2. Our own way of life is (2) … threat. 3. This is a global problem (3) … catastrophic implication for human health. 4. Coastal habitats (4) … coral reefs and sea grasses are smothered and the sea creatures that live there are wiped (5) … . 5. Thousands of shellfish, sea turtles and other marine creatures fall victim yearly (6) … this new ‗black death‘. 6. He could visualize the dog getting skinner and skinner and finally wasting (7) … … a shadow of his former self. 7. The fate of the communities blighted (8) … Chernobyl will continue to haunt discussions (9) … energy generation for decades to come. 8. The Department‘s total expenditure (10) … research related to climate change was over $14 million. 9. (11) … a metre rise (12) … sea levels, 200 million could become homeless. 10. 95 per cent of the native plants are unique, and many are (13) … the verge of extinction. 11. We should do something (14) … 240 species currently threatened (15) … extinction. 12. (16) … American national bird, the bald eagle has been protected (17) … various ways (18) … 1940. 13. Students sometimes drop (19) … while they are in class or at the lecture. 14. Many governments have signed (20) … … measures, which will help to minimize climate change, to cut carbon dioxide emissions.


Ex. 4. For questions 1– 9, read the following text and then choose, from the list

(A – J), the best phrase given below. Each correct phrase may be used once. Some of the suggested answers do not fit at all.


When Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, the

Bishop pf Worcester‘s wife was most distressed. ‗Let us hope it is not true,‘ she remarked. ‗But if it is, let us pray that it does not become generally known!‘

Supposing that we had been alive a hundred years ago, would we have been repelled by the suggestion that humans and apes may have had a common ancestor? And had our ancestors been born in modern times, would they have been similarly repelled by the thought of ‗designer‘ babies? I suspect that the answer to both questions would be (1) ……… . I have tried to rationalize (2) …………. to genetic engineering. I personally feel that if we were supposed to be perfect, we should have been designed that way. Surely (3)……….. is an invasion of the human self. (4)

…………. , can we honestly say that human self is to be found in our genes?

From the medical point of view, genetic engineering has opened up exciting possibilities for the treatment of genetically related disorders. (5)

…………. , the real problem with new science is that it threatens to undermine the categories through which we understand our world: (6)

………… .

Like the bishop of Wolcester‘s wife, (7) …………… wishes to shut out the facts that might upset its moral universe.

Yet, if morality had originally been based on reason, (8) ………..

justifiable. Unfortunately, morality has its origin in prejudice, ritual and habit, and, as a result, the possibilities (9) ……….. are increasingly constrained.


AOn the other hand

Bour attitudes might have been

Cin the affirmative

Dafforded the scientific advance

Eour moral and social codes

Fexperimenting with genes

Gmy own response

Hany kind of activity

Ithe anti-science lobby


Ex. 5. Put a, an or the where necessary (1 – 11).

1.Did you know that (1) … gold was discovered in Australia in (2) … 1850s?

2.Hikers in (3) … Loch Ness reported seeing (4) … large moving mass at dawn.

3.(5) … reigning monarch stayed at a plush five-star hotel in (6) … city centre.

4.(7) … Bermuda Triangle has received notoriety as (8) … area of misfortune because (9) … number of vessels have disappeared there. 5.

(10) … director will chair (11) … meeting tomorrow so everybody should come prepared.

Ex. 6. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space (1 – 16).


The land is not the (1) … victim. Rainforests are a richly populated habitat. In the rainforests of Madagascar there are at (2) … 150.000 individual species of plants and animals which are found nowhere (3) … in the world, and more are being discovered all the (4) … . Furthermore, approximately 50% of all endangered animal species live in the world‘s rainforests. The destruction of the forests effectively represents a complete removal of all these plants and animals. Deprived (5) … their natural environments, they will disappear altogether. Again, this process is


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