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відремонтую його завтра. 5.Діти підуть спати дуже рано, тому що завтра вони виїздять на море. 6. Діти не будуть дуже стомлені після такої прогулянки. 7. Як тільки збори скінчаться, я тобі повідомлю. 8. Що ви збираєтесь робити завтра ввечері? – Я збираюсь поїхати на вокзал, щоб зустріти свого товариша. 9. Ми не зголодніємо, якщо пообідаємо зараз. 10. Як тільки дощ вщухне, ми підемо гуляти, чи не так?

Ex. 137. Use the Present Indefinite, the Past Indefinite, the Future Indefinite or to be going to instead of the infinitives in brackets.

A. 1. Who usually (to do) his homework in this room? – This student (to do). 2. I (to live) near my office last year. I always (to walk) there. 3. How well your friend (to speak) English? – He (to speak) badly. 4. What language you (to learn) five years ago? – I (to learn) French. 5. What language you (to be going) to learn next year? 6. Who you (to discuss) this question with last night? 7. He (to have) an operation next week. 8. It‘s very cold. I (to light) a fire. 9. If I (to find) your passport, I (to telephone) at once. 10. You (to go) with me to the theatre if I (to invite) you? 11. I (not to go) to the party if the weather (to be) bad.

B. 1. I (not to work) at this office three years ago. 2. Ask him if he (to know) him two months ago. 3. I (not to hear) anything. You just (to imagine) things. 4. You (to go) to the auction tomorrow? – Yes, I (to go) but (not to buy) anything. 5. The Queen (to open) Parliament next month. 6. They (to invite) twenty guests. 7. What she (to be going) to do with the money? 8. The police (to arrest) him if they (to catch) him. 9. Ask him when he (to take) his exams. 10. Unless you work very hard, you (not to be) successful. 11. I (to lend) you money a month ago. When you (to repay) me? 12. Unless you (to be) more careful, you (to have) an accident. 13. You (to realize) that you (to stand) on my toe? 14. When you (to come) to Moscow? – A week ago. 15. No one (to know) when he (to come) tomorrow or whether he (to come) at all. 16. I think he (to make) progress very soon because he (to work) very hard. 17. He (to light) a cigarette and (to look) at me for about three minutes. 18. What you (to do) on your last day off? – I (to spend) it with my friends. 19. If anyone (to call) when we (to be) out, tell them we (to be) back at five. 20. He (to draw) the candle towards him, (to take) his pen and (to begin) a letter to his mother.

Ex. 138. Translate into English.


А. 1. Я навчаюся у Київському національному лінгвістичному університеті. 2. Щодня я ходжу на лекції і практичні заняття. 3. Моя сестра працює на великому заводі. 4. Зазвичай вона дістається до заводу автобусом, чи не так? 5. Вона витрачає півгодини на те, щоб доїхати до заводу. 6. Але вчора вона витратила сорок п‘ять хвилин через сильний снігопад. 7. Де і коли вона обідає? 8. Вона обідає в їдальні. 9. Ви прийшли додому вчора о 7 годині вечора, чи не так? 10. Ми повечеряли, послухали передачу УТН о 21 годині і переглянули цікавий фільм. 11. Ви лягаєте спати рано чи пізно? 12. Ми ніколи не лягаємо спати рано. 13. Коли я одержу квартиру, я куплю меблевий гарнітур. 14. Він буде дуже радий, коли вона прийде сьогодні. 15. Ви поговорите з ним, якщо побачите його на лекції? 16. Ви зателефонуєте мені, як тільки приїдете до Києва? 17. Моя сестра Галина збирається відсвяткувати день народження своєї доньки наступного тижня. 18. Вона збирається запросити всіх друзів своєї доньки. 19. Вони завжди приносять багато квітів і подарунків.

В. 1. Всі подивилися на них з цікавістю. 2. Вчора ніхто не дав мені відповіді на моє запитання, тому сьогодні я збираюся обговорити його знову. 3. Коли вони були молодими, вони, бувало, їздили у відпустку до Криму. 4. Якщо ви не поквапитеся і не візьмете таксі, ви спізнитесь на поїзд. 5. Я не бачила його до того часу, доки він не повернувся до Англії влітку. 6. Не виходьте з автобуса, доки він не зупиниться. 7. Раніше вона була гарною спортсменкою, а зараз вона дуже зайнята, тому що збирається вступати до університету і не має багато часу на тренування. 8. Він приєднається до вас, як тільки закінчить свою роботу. 9. Якщо піде сніг, то не буде так холодно, чи не так? 10. Де живе ваш приятель? - А хіба ти не знаєш його адреси? Я був впевнений, що ти бував у нього раніше. 11. У вас заняття з англійської мови по понеділках чи по вівторках? 12. Коли приходить декан вашого факультету? – Як правило, він приходить о дев‘ятій годині, але вчора він прийшов значно раніше. 13. Хто написав цю книжку? Вона дуже цікава, і дуже шкода, що я не знаю її автора. 14. Не хвилюйтесь, він незабаром прийде. Він ніколи не запізнюється.

7.2.2. The Continuous form of the verb in the Active Voice

Ex. 139. Translate into your native language. Explain the use of the Present Continuous tense in these sentences.


1. I am reading a very interesting article in the newspaper. 2. Listen, she is singing so well. 3. Now he is working at the Pedagogical Institute. 4. I am staying at home today. 5. My grandmother is always grumbling. 6. Look, they are crossing the street. 7. The expedition is starting in some days. 8. My little nephew is such a naughty boy, he is continually worrying his parents. 9. This writer is working at a new book of poems. 10. They are leaving for Bulgaria in a week.

Ex. 140. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous tense and explain its use.

1. Please, be quiet. I (to try) to concentrate. 2. Look! It (to snow). 3. Why you (to look) at me like that? Have I said something wrong? 4. You (to make) a lot of noise. Can you be a bit quieter? 5. Excuse me, I (to look) for a phone box. Is there one near here? 6. Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They (to shout) at each other again. 7. Why you (to wear) your coat today? It‘s very warm. 8. I (not to work) this week. I‘m on holiday. 9. I want to lose weight. I ( not to eat) anything today. 10. Please don‘t make so much noise. I (to study). 11. Let‘s go out now. It (not to rain) any more. 12. Listen to those people. What language they (to speak)? 13. They (to come) to see me tomorrow. 14. Tom isn‘t free today in the evening, he (to go) to see his mother in the hospital. 15. You (to go) to the party on Sunday? 16. I (not to work) tomorrow in the evening. 17. What are you doing these days? - I (to work) at my article. 18. I (to look for) a job now.

Ex. 141. Choose the correct variant.

1. Vegetarians are people who (don‘t eat / are not eating) meat. 2.

Look out! My husband (comes / is coming). 3. Some people still think the sun (goes / is going) round the earth. 4. I (play / am playing) tennis every weekend. 5. Who (sits / is sitting) in my chair? 6. What (happens / is happening) in golf if you lose the ball? 7. An alcoholic is a person who

(drinks / is drinking) too much and can‘t stop. 8. Look! (She wears / She‘s wearing) the same shoes as me. 9. What (are you looking / do you look) at? – A strange bird. 10. We (usually stay / are usually staying) with Peggy when we go to Chicago. 11. Can you explain why water always (runs / is running) downhill? 12. What (do you do / are you doing) with my coat? 13. Nobody (gets / is getting) up early for fun. 14. Not many passenger planes (fly / are flying) faster than sound. 15. Excuse me, what language (do you speak / are you speaking)? 16 Where is Tom. – He (is having /


has) a shower at the moment. He always (has / is having) a shower at 8 o‘clock. Why are you so nervous? – He always (has / is having) a shower when I need him. 17. Excuse me, but you (are sitting / sit) in my place. – Oh, sorry, I‘m so absent-minded, I always (make / am making) mistakes. 18. Where (are you / are you being), Roy? – I (am / am being) in the sitting-room. I (am reading / read). 19. Listen! What a nice piece of music!

– I (don‘t hear / am not hearing) anything.

Ex.142. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite tense or the Present Continuous tense to express an action in the near future.

1. Now we are very busy as we (to leave) tomorrow. 2. In summer we always (to leave) for the country. 3. Let‘s go to the platform, the train

(to arrive) in five minutes. 4. The delegation of English teachers (to arrive) by plane tonight. 5. On Monday I (to take) an exam on the History of England. 6. Students (to take) exams twice a year. 7. My sister (to come) on Sunday. 8. When my friends (to come) to our town, they usually (to stay) at our house. 9. My friend (to arrange) a party tonight. 10. When they (to arrange) a party, they usually (to invite) all our family. 11. Hurry up! The last train (to leave) in a few minutes. 12. Their friends (to leave) for the Crimea in a week. 13. Why you (to hurry)? – I (to have) a lecture at 11 sharp. 14. Where you (to go) tonight?

Ex. 143. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous tense or to be going to form.

1. I (to play) bridge tonight with Tom and Ann. 2. He (to have) an operation next week. 3. It‘s very cold. I (to light) a fire. 4. My nephew (to come) to stay with me next weekend. – Where you (to put) him? – I (to put) him in the room in the tower. 5. What you (to tell) the police? – I (to tell) them the truth. 6. When you (to have) your next lesson? – I (to have) it on Monday. 7. We (to take) the children to the seaside this summer. 8. I (to give) him a football for the next birthday. 9. She (to sing) in her first big concert next month. 10. What you (to do) with the money? 11. I (to pick) you up at 6.30. Don‘t forget. 12. I (to compete) in the bicycle race tomorrow. 13. Mr. Pitt has just phoned to say that he (not to come) back till Wednesday night. 14. The Town Council (to build) a new school here.

Ex. 144. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite tense or the Present Continuous tense. Explain the usage of the tenses.


1. I (not to belong) to a political party. 2. Hurry up! The bus (to come). I (not to want) to miss it. 3. The River Nile (to flow) into the Mediterranean Sea. 4. The river (to flow) very fast today – much faster than usual. 5. It ever (to snow) in India? 6. We usually (to grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we (not to grow) any. 7. Can you drive? – No, but I (to learn). My father (to teach) me. 8. You can borrow my umbrella. I (not to need) it at the moment. 9. George says he‘s 80 years old but I (not be believe) him. 10. Ron is in London at the moment. He (to stay) at the Hilton Hotel. He usually (to stay) at the Hilton Hotel when he‘s in London. 11. This machine (not to work). It hasn‘t worked for years. 12.

He (to appear) at the Fortune Theatre next week. 13. She (to appear) to have a problem. 14. Why you (to look) at me like that? 15. It (to look) as if it‘s going to rain. 16. I (to see) what you‘re trying to say. 17. I (to see) the manager this afternoon. 18. I (to think) you‘re right. 19. What you (to think) about? 20. I (to feel) very tired today. 21. I (to feel) she‘s making a mistake.

Ex. 145. Translate the following sentences into English.

А. 1.Він все ще працює. 2. Вона ще читає ту книгу? 3. Вони зараз не вчаться. У них канікули. 4. Я збираюсь допомогти йому. 5. Вони приїздять наступного четверга. 6. Що він робить? – Дивиться телевізор. 7. Зараз на вулиці йде сніг. 8. Том зараз складає іспит. 9. Хто це стоїть біля столу? – Там стоїть наш викладач. 10. Вони зараз йдуть обідати. 11. Який фільм зараз показують? 12. Він зараз вдома. Він готується до контрольної роботи. 13. Моя подруга навчається в університеті. А зараз вона відвідує місячні курси водіїв. 14. Вони виїжджають ввечері, а зараз вони збирають речі. 15. Про що він мене запитує? Я його не розумію.

В. 1. Я не знаю, чим він зараз займається. 2. Чоловік, про якого ви розповідаєте, мій друг. 3. Книга, яку я зараз читаю, дуже цікава. 4. Вам подобається чай? – Так, дякую. Це вперше, коли я п‘ю чай із задоволенням. Зазвичай я п‘ю тільки каву. 5. Я пишу їй листа знову, хоча й не вірю, що вона мені відповість. 6. Що ти робиш сьогодні ввечері? – Я збираюсь піти до своїх батьків. Вони завжди кличуть мене до себе, і якщо я сьогодні не прийду, вони образяться. 7. Еліс вдома? – Так, але вона приймає душ. Якщо ви збираєтесь чекати, то проходьте до кімнати. – Так, я зачекаю. 8. Послухайте! Хтось співає у сусідній кімнаті. – Так, я чую, це моя улюблена пісня. 9. Хто це так кричить нагорі? – Це наша сусідка. Вона завжди кричить. 10.


Допоможи мені знайти ключ. Я завжди все гублю. 11. Коли я приходжу додому, моя дружина завжди готує вечерю. 12. Чи ви йдете сьогодні на вечірку? – Так, але ми трохи запізнимось, починайте без нас. – Завжди у вас якісь справи.

Ex. 146. Choose the correct verb form.

A. 1. I (saw / was seeing) a very good programme on TV last night. 2. I (cooked / was cooking) and I dropped the knife. 3. It was 8.00 in the morning. A lot of people (stood / were standing) at the bus stop waiting to go to work. 4. A magnificent oak tree (stood /was standing) in the middle of the garden. 5. I (studied / was studying) politics at university. 6. He (studied / was studying ) the effects of radiation when he suddenly died. 7. When I woke up this morning, it (rained /was raining). 8. It (rained / was raining) every single day of the holidays. 9. Ann (waited / was waiting) for me when I arrived. 10. We (did not go /were not going) out because it was raining. 11. What (did you do / were you doing) at this time yesterday? 12. Yesterday Sam (worked / was working) hard all day long.

B. 1. While I (shopped / was shopping) this morning, I (lost / was losing) my money. I don‘t know how. 2. Last week the police (stopped / were stopping) Alan in his car because he (travelled / was travelling) at over eighty miles an hour. 3. How (did you cut / were you cutting) your finger? 4. I asked him what he (thought / was thinking) about. 5. I (thought / was thinking) the game was extremely good. 6. The flight (lasted / was lasting) three hours. 7. George (fell / was falling) off the ladder while he (painted / was painting) the ceiling. 8. Last night I (read / was reading) in bed when suddenly I (heard / was hearing) a scream. 9. (Did you watch / were you watching) television when I (phoned / was phoning) you? 10. Tom (took / was taking) a photograph of me while I (did not look / was not looking). 11. I (broke / was breaking) a plate last night. 12. The waiter asked us if we (waited / were waiting) for him or we just (rested / were resting).

Ex. 147. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite tense or the Past Continuous tense.

A. 1. When we (to go) out, it (to rain). 2. I wasn‘t hungry last night. I (not to eat) anything. 3. You (to watch) television when I (to phone) you? 4. Jane was not at home when I went to see her. She (to work). 5. I (to get) up early this morning. I (to wash), (to dress) and then I


(to have) breakfast. 6. The postman (to come) while I (to have) breakfast. 7. We (to meet) Joan at the party. She (to wear) a red dress. 8. The boys (to break) a window when they (to play) football. 9. I was late but my friends (to wait) for me when I (to arrive). 10. I (to get) up at 7 o‘clock. The sun (to shine), so I (to go) for a walk. 11. He (not to drive) fast when the accident (to happen). 12. Margaret (not to go) to work yesterday. She was ill. 13. What you (to do) on Saturday evening? – I (to go) to the cinema. 14. What you (to do) at 9.30 on Saturday evening? – I (to watch) a film in the cinema. 15. They (to sit) in the garden when it (to start) to rain.

B. 1. At six o‘clock this morning I (to have) a wonderful dream, but then the alarm (to go) off. 2. This time yesterday I (to lie) on the beach. 3. When I walked in, they all (to talk) about babies. 4. I saw Sid when I (to come) to work this morning. He (to shop). 5. She (to meet) her husband while she (to travel) in Egypt. 6. While I (to talk) to Mrs. Singleton, somebody (to walk) into my office and (to steal) the computer. 7. When Jake (to come) in, everybody (to stop talking). 8. I (to look) out of the window and (to see) that we (to fly) over the mountains. 9. I (to wake) up to find that water (to pour) through the bedroom ceiling. 10. He (to break) his leg while he (to play) football. 11. I (to go) to see how she (to be) and found she (to cry). 12. She (to tell) me she (to have) a bad time with her husband.

Ex. 148. Translate the sentences into English and explain the usage of tenses.

А. 1. О сьомій годині ранку вчора я працював. 2. З п‘ятої до сьомої вечора вона готувала вечерю. 3. Вчора увесь день вони готувались до іспиту. 4. Коли він прийшов, ми пили чай. 5. Що ви робили вчора в цей час? 6. Де ви були о сьомій вечора вчора? – Я працював у бібліотеці. 7. Він читав книгу, коли я увійшов. 8. Поки я відпочивав, він наполегливо працював. 9. Я не знав, що він пише роман. 10. Ми закінчували роботу о шостій годині позавчора. 11. Він запросив вчора на прогулянку до парку. Погода була гарна, сонце сяяло, дув легкий вітерець, на небі не було жодної хмаринки. 12. Коли він увійшов, на годиннику була 2-а година, усі спали. 13. Вчора я запізнився, тому що о 9 годині я все ще чекав на автобус. 14. Я не міг зайти до директора, тому що він із кимось розмовляв. 15. Він казав, що йде дощ.

В. 1. Коли я чекав на трамвай, я побачив Алана, який стояв поблизу мене і з кимось розмовляв. 2. Коли поїзд зупинився, я


побачив свого брата, який стояв на пероні і чекав на мене. 3. Куди ви йшли, коли я зустрів вас біля бібліотеки? 4. У той час, коли я читала, мій брат готувався до іспиту. Він мовчки сидів за столом, щось писав і не хотів відповідати на телефонні дзвінки. 5. Коли я увійшов, він мене не побачив, тому що він щось читав. 6. Потяг не міг зупинитись, тому що ішов дуже швидко у той момент. 7. Він запитав мене, чи я чекаю на когось. 8. Я не знав, чи він збирається приєднатися до нас. 9. Що ви робили з третьої до п‘ятої вечора минулої п‘ятниці? – Грав у гольф. Я завжди граю у гольф щоп‘ятниці. 10. Він казав, що його звуть Джон, і додав, що мешкатиме у готелі, поки продовжуватиметься конференція. 11. Вона побачила, що хтось наближається до них, і сказала, що не впізнає, хто це. 12. Коли я прокинувся, вона вже збиралась виходити. Як завжди, вона виходила з дому о восьмій годині ранку.

Ex. 149. Use the Future Continuous tense to express an action which is supposed or anticipated in the future.

1. Will you have a cup of tea? – No, thank you. I (to have) lunch soon. 2. I must be off now. They (to wonder) what has happened to me. 3.

Will you, please, wait a little? He (to come) home soon. 4. I don‘t want to disturb you. I know you (to pack). 5. It‘s just the time to see him. He (to work) in his little garden. 6. He is supposed to be very busy then. He (to prepare) for his examination. 7. Just a second. You (to see) Nora tonight? 8. What game he (to play) tomorrow?

Ex. 150. Use the Future Continuous tense to express an action which is supposed or anticipated in the future.

1. Will you have a cup of tea? – No, thank you. I (to have) lunch soon. 2. I must be off now. They (to wonder) what has happened to me. 3.

Will you, please, wait a little? He (to come) home soon. 4. I don‘t want to disturb you. I know you (to pack). 5. It‘s just the time to see him. He (to work) in his little garden. 6. He is supposed to be very busy then. He (to prepare) for his examination. 7. Just a second. You (to see) Nora tonight? 8. What game he (to play) tomorrow?

Ex. 151. Complete the sentences with the Future Indefinite or the Future Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. Will you (to come) to the concert this evening? 2. I‘d rather you didn‘t call tomorrow afternoon. I (to entertain) visitors. 3. What do you


think you (to do) at this time next year? 4. I (to see) him next week, so I (to mention) it to him then. 5. I (to work) late at the office this evening, so I

(not to get) home till about ten. 6. You (to disappoint) her if you don‘t go. Now that you‘ve promised, she (to expect) you. 7. Do you think they still

(to wait) for us when we get there? – Oh, yes! They (not to go) till we arrive. 8. When you arrive at the airport, an escort (to wait) for you. You (to recognize) him very easily. He (to wear) a dark green suit and a yellow tie.

Ex. 152. Choose the correct verb form.

A. 1. I (will be coming / am coming) to London next Wednesday to see some customers. 2. (Will you be / are you) free any time in the afternoon tomorrow? 3. She (will be working / will work) in London while I (will be staying / am staying) there. 4. My company (will open / is opening) a new office in Bonn next year. 5. When (will you be going / are you going) to Germany? – On Monday. 6. If I get a taxi, I (will work / will be working) in my office at 12.30. 7. Don‘t worry, I (will see / will be seeing) you at the airport. 8. Bye, I (will see / will be seeing) you on

Thursday. 9. I‘m sure you (will be looking / will look) through the morning newspaper when she returns. 10. While it (is raining / will be raining), we (will be staying / will stay) at home.

C. 1. So you‘ve sold the house? When (will you move / will you be moving)? 2. Darling, I love you. (Are you going to / will you) marry me? 3. I hear you‘ve been offered a new job. (Do you / are you going to) accept it or not? 4. Do you think they (will find / find) a way to stop people ageing soon? 5. Hurry up and buy your ticket. The train (will leave

/ will be leaving) soon, and I don‘t want to miss it. 6. Which platform (will it / does it) leave from? 7. Damn! We (are going to / will be) late for the party. By the time we get there, all the others will have eaten, and there (will be / is going to be) nothing left for us. 8. When (are you going to get / will you be getting) changed? The taxi (will arrive / will be arriving) any minute, and you aren‘t even ready yet! 9. Don‘t worry. We‘ve got lots of time. What time (will the play start / does the play start)? 7.00, isn‘t it? If the traffic (isn‘t / won‘t be) too bad, we (will be sitting / will sit) on our seats at 6.45. We (will have time / have time) for a quick drink. 10. What time (are we going to get back / will we be getting back)? I (have to tell / will have to tell) the babysitter.


Ex. 153. Express a future action using different future forms and explain the usage of the form.

A. 1. Your plane (to arrive) at 14.05. 2. What you (to do) this time next week? 3. Take the medicine. You soon (to feel) better. 4. What you (to do) while you (to be) on holiday? 5. I (to have) lunch with the director tomorrow. 6. Mind the baby! She (to touch) the fire! 7. Ring me tonight. I (to give) you my number. 8. It (to remain) cold and there (to be) snow on the hills. 9. Don‘t phone at 8.00 because I (to have) dinner. 10. He looks pale. I think he (to faint). 11. They (to knock down) that old building. Isn‘t it a shame? 12. Don‘t worry about the mess. I (to tidy up). 13. Next term (to begin) on September 1. 14. When do you think they (to start)? 15. I (to go) to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come too? 16. According to the weather forecast it (to rain) tomorrow. 17. I‘m sure Tom (to get) the job. He has a lot of experience. 18. I can‘t meet you this evening. A friend of mine (to come). 19. Tom isn‘t free on Sunday. He (to work). 20. I think it (to cost) about $ 3000 to rebuild the garage. 21. Alice (to have) a baby. 22. I (to play) tennis with Stan on Sunday. 23. He (to win). He always does. 24. Don‘t tell her. She (to tell) everybody else. 25. She (to get married) on Friday at the local church. 26. It (to rain), look at those clouds.

B. John and Anita (to get) married in two week‘s time. The church ceremony (to start) at 3.00, so all the guests (to have) to be in their seats by

2.50. John‘s brother, Paul, (to be) his best man, so he (to have) to make sure all the arrangements go smoothly. At 5.00 they (to have) the reception in the King‘s Head Hotel and at 10.00 they (to go) to Italy for their honeymoon. They (to stay) in a hotel near Lake Como for two weeks, and when they (to come) back, Anita (to start) looking for a job. By the time it‘s all over, it (to cost) them over two thousand pounds! What a lot of money!

Ex. 154. Translate into English.

A. 1. Завтра о сьомій годині ранку я буду працювати. 2. З 15-ї до 17-ї години ми будемо писати контрольну роботу. 3. Цілий день вони будуть обговорювати це питання. 4. Коли він прийде, усі вже будуть танцювати. 5. Що ти будеш робити завтра в цей час? – Я буду готуватись до іспиту. 6. Ми будемо вечеряти, коли ви прийдете. 7. Завтра я буду вдома увесь день. 8. У неділю увесь день ми будемо готуватись до їх приїзду. 9. Завтра в цей час я бу ду їхати потягом до Києва. 10. О 12 годині він все ще буде перекладати статтю.


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