- •Part I what we eat Fruit and Vegetables
- •H. Translate into English:
- •In a sauce
- •Pasta and bread
- •Herbs, spices and nuts
- •Vanilla
- •Vinegar
- •Exercise 5
- •Exercise 9 Do you eat to live or live to eat?
- •Exercise 19
- •Part II healthy eating
- •What Do the Stars Eat?
- •Vocabulary Practice
- • Reading
- •To meat or not to meat
- • Reading
- •What is a healthy diet?
- •How much fat is too much for healthy eating?
- •General Advice
- •Exercise 1
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- • Reading
- •What Our Food Contains
- •Junk Food
- •Vocabulary Practice
- •A. Ask for b. Demand c. Order d. Command
- •A. Grabbed b. Snatched c. Took d. Bit
- •A. Earn b. Win c. Put d. Gain
- •A. Diet b. Fast c. Nutrition d. Health
- •Eat, drink… and don’t be sorry
- •Vocabulary Practice
- •Exercise 3. Read the text again and talk about chocolate, sugar, cheese, butter and cream, meat and coffee or tea in terms of : nutrients, calories and ways they affect the human system.
- • Reading
- •A view of fast food
- •Listening
- • Speaking
- •Role-play
- • Reading
- •What is cholesterol?
- •For less cholesterol…
- •1. Вітамін та його молодший брат - каротин.
- •3. Редис – поліпшувач травлення.
- •Exercise 2
- •Part b. Say what someone should do to change their unhealthy eating habits. E.G. You should eat fruit instead of crisps when you want a snack.
- •The balanced diet
- •It is interesting to know
- •In Eating Habits, East is Better than West
- • Reading
- •He isn’t heavy, he’s on redux
- •Keeping fit
- •How did you score?
- •Fighting fit
- •Розпочніть день правильно
- •5 Дієт на всі випадки життя
- •Genetically engineered food
- • Reading
- •Eat less and live longer
- •Vegetables
- •Single serves
- •Part III cooking
- •Ways of cooking food – verbs
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 5
- •Exercise 6
- •Pea soup
- •Holubtsi (Cabbage Rolls)
- • Speaking
- •Chocolate – like falling in love
- •Vocabulary Practice
- •Exercise 11
- •Sponge cake
- • Speaking
- •Stuffed tomatoes
- •Exercise 13
- •Apple cake
- •Ingredients
- •Shepherd’s pie
- •Ingredients
- •Varenyky with cottage cheese
- •Exercise 16
- •Бісквіт зі смородиновою начинкою
- •Ягідний торт з горіхами та йогуртом
- •Fish and Chips
- •Irish Stew
- •Burger and Fries
- •Pancakes with Maple Syrup
- •Exercise 17
- •Describing food
- •Exercise 18
- •Десять заповідей кухаря
- •A Housewife’s Day
- •Baked tuna and apple flambé
- •Part IV my meals
- •Why We Eat What We Eat
- •Comprehension check
- •Interested
- •Interesting
- •Words to remember
- •Phrases to remember
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 6
- •Exercise 7
- •Let’s eat breakfast
- •Exercise 8
- • Reading
- •The cocktail you couldn't mix
- •Drinking
- •It is interesting to know
- •Champagne
- •Vintage and non-vintage champagne
- •Exercise 19 Translate the following sentences into English:
- •I. Nonfood considerations.
- •II. Food
- •Exercise 20 Translate the following into Ukrainian:
- •Part V
- •Eating out
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 5
- •Korean Dining
- • Reading
- •Glossary
- •Role-play
- • Reading
- •At the Restaurant
- •Exercise 9
- •In the dining-hall
- •Exercise 10 Translate into English:
- •Listening
- •Translate into English:
- •До мережі сендвіч-барів
- •Caribbean Club
- •Turkish Antalya
- •Khutorets
- •Italian
- •International
- •Listening
- •Exercise 14
- •Exercise 15
- •Exercise 16
- •Role-play
- •Exercise 18 Translate into English:
- •Post-listening
- •Ordering food in a restaurant
- •Exercise 19
- •Crossword
- •The Restaurant Game
- •Main dishes
- •Desserts
- •Beverages
- • Speaking
- •Introduction
- • Speaking
- •Introduction
- •Main Body
- •Exercise 24
- •Part VI table manners a list of do’s and don’ts
- •Never stretch over the table for something you want, ask your neighbour to pass it.
- •Never ______ over the table for something you want, ask your ________ to pass it.
- •The abc of Table Manners
- • Speaking
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Speaking
- •Exercise 5
- •Exercise 6
- •Part a. Зовсім нескладний етикет.
- •Part VII National cuisine
- •Ukrainian Cuisine
- •It is interesting to know
- •Ukrainian specialities
- •Ukrainian cuisine
- •English Cuisine Reading
- •Australian food
- •Eat your heart out …in the usa
- •French cuisine
- •Asian food
- •Greek guisine - simplicity inspired by gods
- •Revision topics
- •10. International cuisine.
Exercise 17
Translate into English:
На свій день народження вона завжди готує своє фірмове блюдо – голубці.
Страви з тіста займають велике місце в раціоні українців.
Для капустяної начинки вимийте та нашаткуйте велику капустину. Потушіть капусту на олії до готовності, додаючи сіль.
Щоб приготувати рублені котлети, треба обскубати і почистити одне курча, відділити м’ясо від кісток та зробити філе, а потім фарш.
М’ясо необхідно перемолоти, додати ½ склянки борошна, ½ буханки білого хліба, вимоченого у воді.
Обчищену картоплю відварити, пропустити крізь м’ясорубку, додати сире яйце, сіль, перець.
Макарони варять у грибному бульйоні, а потім змішують з дрібно нарізаними вареними грибами та підсмаженою на маслі нарізаною цибулею.
Очищену нарізану щуку посипають сіллю та перцем, заливають сметаною і тушкують або готують на маленькому вогні.
У тарілку з борщем кладуть варені потрухи, сметану та дрібно нарізану петрушку.
У підготовлену капусту додають мелені сухарі, розтерті з цукром жовтки, розігріте вершкове масло, підсмажену нарізану цибулю, збиті білки, сіль, перець, кладуть у каструлю і запікають в духовці.
Describing food
Tasty; delicious; tasteless; insipid; bland; mild; plain; sweet; creamy; bitter; sour; salty; sugary; sickly; savoury; highly-seasoned; flavoured; nourishing; hot; spicy; salted; fresh; tender; tough; fatty; lean; fattening; crunchy; stale; greasy; stodgy; more-ish; mouth-watering; succulent; rare; medium-rare; well-done; done to a turn.
Part 1. Interview your partners and then report about the following things.
Use these phrases:
Do you mind if I ask you some questions?
Excuse me, I’d like to know....
I was wondering what food is to your taste? is to your liking?
Do you like your menu varied? monotonous?
What food do you prefer on weekdays? weekends?
Plain Salty Bland Refreshing
Overcooked Undercooked Spicy Succulent
Overdone/ Underdone/ Crispy Crunchy
Lean Highly-seasoned Watery Fatty
Juicy Fattening Disgusting Weak
Insipid Rare Hot Digestible
Tasteless Medium-rare Savoury Dainty
Tart Well-done/cooked Zesty Nourishing
Sour Done to a turn Flavoured Tasty
Bitter More-ish Sweet Delicious
Tough Creamy Sugary Mouth-watering
Edible Rotten Lip-smacking Undersalted/
Stodgy Detestable Crusty Oversalted
Perishable Rough Scrumptious Rich
Lukewarm Tender Appetizing Thick
Stale Greasy Spiced
Part 2. Use the taste and flavour words above to describe the following:
Indian curry
Sea water
An unripe apple
A cup of tea with 5 spoonfuls of sugar
Strong black coffee with no sugar
Factory-made white bread
Part 3. What might you say to the person/people with you in a restaurant if ……
your chips had too much oil/fat on them?
your dish had obviously been cooked too much/too long?
your piece of meat was absolutely perfectly cooked?
your dish seemed to have no flavour at all?
Part 4. Fill in the table using the necessary words which describe taste.
1. crisps, nuts, bacon |
2. pastries, cakes, chocolate, honey |
3. curry, chilli, Tabasco, chilli peppers |
4. dark chocolate, olives, black coffee |
5. chips, fried bacon, fried chicken |
6. bad milk, lemons, pickled onions |
7. whipped cream, yoghurt, milk |
Part 5. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
Indian food is often very hot and …………. .
I’m sorry for being so noisy, but this apple is really …………. .
Haven’t we got any fresh bread? This loaf is ………… .
The meat was …………. because she forgot to take it out of the oven in time.
Fizzy drinks are very ……….. and can be bad for your teeth.
Part 6. Choose the right answer.
What are you cooking? It ..... good.
a) feels b) flavours c) smells d) sniffs
The dish had a very interesting taste as it was ..... with lemon.
a) flavoured b) pickled c) seasoned d) spiced
The apple was so ..... that he put some sugar on it.
a) bad b) juicy c)ripe d)sour
It tasted so …… of mint that the other flavours were lost.
a) forcefully b) fully c) hardly d) strongly
The apples had become so ..... that we had to throw them away.
a) overripe b) poisonous c) rotten d) green
That milk smells ..... .
a) acid b) bitter c) sharp d) sour
The sauce would be more . . . . . if you had put more garlic.
a) taste b) tasteful c) tasteless d) tasty
The delicious spread of sweets made the child's mouth ..….. .
a) cold b) dry c) water d) wet
Please, put some more water in my coffee because it is too ….… .
a) black b) dense c) strong d) thick
If there is one thing I don't like, it is ..... tea.
a) delicate b) light c) pale d) weak
I wouldn't eat those gooseberries if I were you, they don't look ……. .
a) formed b) ready c) ripe d) underdone
There is nothing more …… on a warm day than a glass of ice-cold fruit juice.
a) freshing b) quenching c) refreshing d) relaxing
Mr Forgetful didn’t put the milk in the fridge so it …….. .
a) went back b) went down c) went off d) went out
I don’t like my steak cooked too long. I like it …… .
a) hard b) raw c) underdone d) well done
15.Mr Fatty wants to slim, so he should avoid eating ..... foods such as bread or potatoes.
a) fatty b) greasy c) spicy d) starchy
Reading and Speaking
Read the following dialogue and act out your own conversation at table. Explain the meaning of the underlined phrases. Use them in the sentences of your own.
At table
Nick: I say, mum, I’m terribly hungry. I haven’t had a thing all day. I could do with a snack.
Mother: Why, you’re just in time for dinner.
Nick: No soup for me. I’d rather have beefsteak.
Mother: Are you quite sure you wouldn’t like some soup? It tastes all right.
Nick: There is nothing like steak and chips. I’ll go and wash my hands.
Mother: How’s the steak? I’m afraid it’s underdone.
Nick: Oh, it’s done to a turn, just to my liking. I don’t like meat overdone. May I have another helping of chips?
Mother: Yes, certainly. Hand me your plate, please, and help yourself to the salad. Just to see how it tastes.
Nick: Oh, it’s delicious.
Mother: Shall I put some mustard on your steak?
Nick: No, thanks, I don’t care for mustard. I’d rather take a spoonful of sauce. Pass me the sauce, please.
Mother: Here you are. Oh, isn’t there a smell of something burning?
Nick: So there is.
Mother: I’ve left the layer-cake in the oven.
Nick: For goodness’ sake get it out quickly.
Mother (coming back): Oh, Nick! How awkward of you to have split the sauce over the table cloth. Get a paper napkin from the sideboard and cover it up.
Nick: I’m terribly sorry. I was quite upset about my favourite cake getting spoiled.
Mother: Don’t worry. Here it is, brown and crispy on the outside. What will you have, tea or coffee?
Nick: A cup of tea.
Mother: Any milk? Shall I put butter on your bread?
Nick: No, thanks. I can’t see the sugar-basin.
Mother: It’s behind the bread-plate. Have a better look.
Nick: I’m afraid it’s the salt cellar.
Mother: So it is. In my hurry I must have left it in the dresser.
Nick: It’s all right. I’ll get it myself.
Mother: Help yourself to the cake. There’s nothing else to follow.
Nick: I’ve had a delicious meal.