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We are frequently told these days that we should eat more vegetables (1) … part of a healthy diet. However, a large (2) … of people are still not taking this advice. One of the reasons could be that they (3) … bad memories of the few vegetables they were forced to eat by (4) … parents when they were children. (5) … the other hand, potatoes are one (6) … of vegetable which we are familiar (7) … although we do not perhaps think of them (8) … healthy food to eat. Of course, chips are not very good for us (9) … of their high fat content, but potatoes can (10) … cooked in many other interesting ways which do not harm our health. (11) … vegetables which we will almost certainly (12) … eaten are carrots, turnips and parsnips. Carrots can be eaten raw, while parsnip can be prepared (13) … potatoes, and baby turnips are crisp and as sweet as apples when cooked. Alternatively, there are many different vegetables in the shops, (14) … as celeriac, kohlrabi and salsify. These may (15) … strange to us at the moment, but they are as easy to cook as (16) … of the other vegetables mentioned and make a delicious change.

Exercise 11

Translate into English:

  1. Томатний сік, завдяки вмісту калію, добре стимулює утворення шлункового соку, поліпшує роботу серця. Склянка томатного соку забезпечує половину добової потреби організму у вітамінах А і С. Найкраще його споживати в суміші з яблучним, гарбузовим, лимонним соками. Така суміш корисна людям, які прагнуть швидко схуднути.

  2. Греки називали цей горіх “святом мозку” і “їжею богів”. Волоські горіхи містять у 5 разів більше поживних речовин, ніж яйця, в них більше жиру, ніж в олії, і більше білка, ніж у м’ясі. Горіхи рекомендується щодня вживати людям, ослабленим хворобою, операцією, стресами і важкою фізичною працею.

It is interesting to know


Read the following text and explain the meaning of the underlined phrases. Use them in the sentences of your own.

Single serves

For the young career person or the older retiree, living alone has certain merits. Cooking can and should be one of them, with its reward of helping you to keep fit and interested in life.

It is an easy matter to eat well and enjoy a varied and balanced diet by having a repertoire of good, quick and easy-to-cook recipes on hand. To maintain good health, the daily diet should include these basics: meat, eggs or fish; wholemeal bread and butter or margarine; raw or cooked vegetables and raw or cooked fruit; milk or milk food.

Remember, fad-eating is bad for health. Crash diets, fast and health-food crazes, if taken to the extreme, ruin the balance of our eating, allowing poor health to creep in.

Take the time to serve food attractively if eating alone. If using a tray, set it with care. Use a fresh napkin and individual salt and pepper shakers. Empty commercial sauces into a small dish, even while eating in front of the television – and include a glass of wine, as it is amazing what just one glass does for morale. Fresh herbs give special dash to food. Try growing a few in the window box.

Keep on hand ingredients that cook quickly. Eggs, bacon, onions and cheese, as well as a loaf of sliced bread in the freezer, are basics. There is a lot you can do with canned tomatoes, fish and fruits. Pasta, rice, dried peas, beans and lentils are great staples. Packets of real chicken, beef and vegetable stocks are useful.

The sweet-teeth are easily catered for, either with fresh seasonal fruit or canned fruits.

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