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Finkenzeller K.RFID handbook.2003

6.09 Mб


(magnetic strip, semiconductor chip). The standard consists of the following parts:

Part 1: General

Part 2: Magnetic strip technologies

Part 3: Integrated circuit cards (contact smart cards)

Part 4: Contactless integrated circuit cards (close-coupling) Part 5: Optical memory cards

Part 6: Proximity cards (contactless smart cards in accordance with DIN/ISO 14443)

Part 7: Vicinity cards (contactless smart cards in accordance with DIN/ISO 15693)

ISO 10374: Container — Automatische Identifizierung (Freight containers — Automatic identification). Automatic identification of freight containers by a 2.45 GHz transponder system.

ISO 10536: Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards. Contactless smart cards in close coupling technology. The standard consists of the following parts:

Part 1: Physical characteristics

Part 2: Dimensions and location of coupling areas

Part 3: Electronic signals and reset procedures

Part 4: Answer to reset and transmission protocols

ISO 11784: Radio-frequency identification of animals — code structure. Identification of animals by RFID systems. Description of the data structure.

ISO 11785: Radio-frequency identification of animals — technical concept. Identification of animals by RFID systems. Description of the RF transmission procedure.

ISO 14223: Radio-frequency identification of animals — Advanced Transponders:

Part 1: Air interface

Part 2: Code and command structure

ISO 14443: Identification cards — Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards:

Part 1: Physical characteristics

Part 2: Radio frequency interface

Part 3: Initialization and anticollision

Part 4: Transmission protocols

ISO 15693: Identification cards — contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Vicinity Cards:

Part 1: Physical characteristics

Part 2: Air interface and initialisation

Part 3: Protocols

Part 4: Registration of Applications/issuers



ISO 15961:

RFID for Item Management: Host Interrogator; Tag functional


commands and other syntax features


ISO 15962:

RFID for Item Management: Data Syntax


ISO 15963:

Unique Identification of RF tag and Registration Authority to


manage the uniqueness



Part 1:

Numbering system



Part 2:

Procedural standard



Part 3: Use of the unique identification of RF tag in the



integrated circuit


ISO 18000:

RFID for Item Management: Air Interface



Part 1: Generic Parameter for Air Interface Communication


for Globally Accepted Frequencies



Part 2: Parameters for Air Interface Communication below


135 kHz



Part 3: Parameters for Air Interface Communication at



13.56 MHz



Part 4: Parameters for Air Interface Communication at



2.45 GHz



Part 5: Parameters for Air Interface Communication at



5.8 GHz



Part 6: Parameters for Air Interface Communication — UHF


Frequency Band (868/915 MHz)


ISO 69873:

Tools and clamping devices with data carriers — Dimensions


for data carriers and their fitting space



AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices



Railway Electronics, S-918: Standard for Automatic



Equipment Identification. Adopted: 1991; Revised: 1995,





VDE 0848:

Safety in electromagnetic fields (Part 2 — Protection of people


in the frequency range 30 kHz to 300 GHz, Part 4A2 —



Protection of people in the frequency range 0 Hz — 30 kHz.

VDE 0750:

See EN 50061.


VDI 4470 — Teil 1:

Warensicherungssysteme — Kundenabnahmerichtlinie f¨ur


Schleusensysteme Ermittlung der Erkennungsrate und Detektionsrate bei der Inbetriebnahme von EAS-Systemen vor Ort.

VDI 4470 — Teil 2: Warensicherungssysteme — Kundenabnahmerichtlinie f¨ur Deaktivierungsanlagen. Prufung¨ von Deaktivierungsanlagen fur¨ EAS-Systeme.

14.2.1 Sources for standards and regulations

DIN, ISO, VDE, VDI and other standards can be purchased in Germany from:

Beuth Verlag GmbH,

Burggrafenstr. 3



D-10772 Berlin


Telecommunications standards (EN, I-ETS) can be downloaded free of charge from: European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)

650 Route des Lucioles F-06921 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX-France

Homepage: http://www.etsi.org

German national legislation and the Amtsblatt (Official Journal) can be obtained from: Regulierungsbehorde¨ fur¨ Telekommunikation und Post (RegTP)

Canisiusstrasse 21 D-55122 Mainz Germany

Homepage: http://www.regtp.de

An overview of regulation in the 44 member states of CEPT, plus all documents of the European Radiocommunication Committee (ERC), can be downloaded free of charge from:

European Radiocommunications Office (ERO) Peblingehus

Nansensgade 19 DK-1366 Copenhagen

Homepage: http://www.ero.dk

General notes on CE marking in the EC internal market, plus notes on the R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC) for radio and telecommunications terminal equipment can be found at the following websites:





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14.4Printed Circuit Board Layouts

14.4.1 Test card in accordance with ISO 14443

This section contains the layout, component mounting diagram, and jumper settings for the circuit introduced in Section This is a contactless test card used to generate a load modulation signal in accordance with ISO 14443 at a reader.1

1 Reader: 13.56 MHz. Contactless smart card: load modulation with subcarrier 847 kHz. Subcarrier ASK modulated with Manchester coding or BPSK (2-FSK) modulated with NRZ coding.



The layout of the test card is available to download from the author’s homepage (http://rfid-handbook.de/downloads) as a Postscript or Gerber file.

14.4.2 Field generator coil

The layout depicted shows the field generator coil described in Section 9.2.4. This coil is however also excellently suited for use as an antenna in the frequency range of 13.56 MHz.

Table 14.1 Jumper position for setting the supported modulation procedures

Jumper setting










Don’t transmit


Manchester 1111





Manchester 1010





BPSK 1111




BPSK 1010, Phase 0




Right —

BPSK 1010, Phase + π/2





BPSK external data, phase 0





Right —

BPSK external data, phase + π/2









Right Down






The card is held such that the antenna is to the right.Subcarrier unmodulated.

Table 14.2 Parts list for test chip card








22 pF


6–60 pF

Adjusting of the transponder resonant





100 pF


10 nF


10 pF

Modulation capacitor


10 pF

Modulation capacitor




4.7 k

R3, R4, R5, R6

1 M



Shunt resistor during C-modulation



Shunt resistor during R-modulation


1–1.8 k

Modulation resistor

D1, D2, D3, D4




Zenor diode


3.5 µH

Conductor loop in the layout



Asynchronous 12-bit binary counter



Dual D flip-flop



4 × NAND



4 × NAND, Open Collector