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Finkenzeller K.RFID handbook.2003

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RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification, Second Edition

Klaus Finkenzeller Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

ISBN: 0-470-84402-7



14.1Contact Addresses, Associations and Technical Periodicals

The author himself can be contacted by post at the address of the publishing company:

Klaus Finkenzeller

c/o Carl Hanser GmbH & Co Fachbuchlektorat Kolbergerstr. 22

D-81679 Munich Germany

and on the internet:

Homepage: http://RFID-handbook.de http://RFID-handbook.com

Email: klaus.finkenzeller@web.de or: dl5mcc@qsl.net

14.1.1 Industrial associations

AIM is the global trade association of providers and users of components, networks, systems, and services that manage the collection and integration of data with information management systems. AIM strives to stimulate the understanding, adoption, and use of technology and member company products and services through setting standards, marketing and education, market research, advocacy, and information technology industry relations.

Many manufacturers of RFID systems are members of the Industrieverband fur¨ Automatische Identifikation und Betriebsdatenerfassung (AIM). A list of members can be obtained from the following address:

AIM Argentina

AIM Japan

Av. Alicia M. De Justo 740

ONO Roppongi Bldg.,

4th Floor, Office #17

3-1-28, Roppongi, Minato-ku,



Puerto Madero, C1107 AAR Bs. As. Argentina

Tel: +54 11 4334 0033

Fax: +54 11 4342 9741

Email: rmtaylor@multiscan-corp.com Web: http://www.aimarg.org.ar Contact: Mr. Roberto Martinez Taylor

AIM Belgium

Diamant Building

No. 80 Boulevard A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels


Phone: +32 2 706 8000 Fax: +32 2 706 8009

Email: herman.looghe@agoria.be Web: http://www.aimbel.be Contact: Mr. Herman Looghe

AIM Brasil

Associacao Brasileira das Empresas de Coleta de Dados

R. Bela Cintra, 746 - cj. 152 15 and. CEP: 0145-902

Sao Paulo, Brasil

Tel: +55 11 3151 4572

Fax: +55 11 3258 0495 Email: aimbrasil@aim.org.br Web: http://www.aim.org.br Contact: Ms. Claudia Reis

AIM China

Unit 406, Suntrans Plaza, No. 3 Beisanhuanzhong Road Xicheng District,

Beijing China 100029

Tel: +86 10 62371516

Fax: +86 10 62371516 E-mail: scanchina@263.net

Web: http://www.aimchina.org.cn/

AIM Denmark c/o Logisys A/S Skagensgade 35 2630 Hoje Taastrup Denmark

Tel: +45 43 52 67 11

Fax: +45 43 52 61 32 Email: info@aimdenmark.dk

Web: http://www.aimdenmark.dk Contact: Mr. Arne Rask

Tokyo 106-0032


Tel: +81-3-5575-6231

Fax: +81-3-3586-3132

Email: benkoike@aimjapan.or.jp

Web: http://www.aimjapan.or.jp

Contact: Mr Ben Koike

AIM Mexico

Asturias No 31 Col. Alamos 03400 Mexico, D F Mexico

Tel: +52 5 519 1553

Fax: +52 5 530 5482

Email: info@aim-mexico.com Web: http://www.aim-mexico.com Contact: Mr. Oscar Marquez

AIM Netherlands

Gevart van Doernestraat 34 5751 ML Deurne

The Netherlands

Tel: +31 493 351 867

Fax: +31 493 317 099 Email: aim@aim-ned.nl Web: http://www.aim-ned.nl

Contact: Ing. Carl G Vermelis

AIM Russia

P.O. Box 4 Moscow 119415 Russia

Tel: +7 095 431 3007

Fax: +7 095 785 2748 Email: info@aim.ru Web: http://www.aim.ru

Contact: Mr. Grigory Slusarenko

AIM Sweden

Neglinge Centre

S 133 33 Saltsjobaden Sweden

Tel: +46 8 717 6148

Fax: +46 8 717 6098

Email: kansliet@aimsweden.se Web: http://www.aimsweden.se Contact: Ms. Kristina Leth



AIM Finland

AIM United Kingdom

c/o Oy Maxicon AB

The Old Vicarage

Riilahdentie 5 F 27

Haley Hill

02360 Espoo

Halifax HX3 6DR


West Yorkshire, England

Tel: +358 9 802 4518

United Kingdom

Fax: +358 9 802 4518

Tel: +44 1422 368368

Email: info@aimfinland.fi

Fax: +44 1422 355604

Web: http://www.aimfinland.fi

Email: ian@aimglobal.org

Contact: Mr. Toivo Solatie

Web: http://www.aim-uk.org.uk


Contact: Mr. Ian G. Smith

AIM Germany

Coming in 2003: AIM USA

Akazienweg 26


D-68623 Lampertheim-Neuschloß




Tel: +49 6206 13177


Fax: +49 6206 13173


Email: aim-d-@t-online.de


Web: http://www.aim-d.de


Contact: Mr. Erwin Kretz


AIM Italia


c/o Consorzio Tecnoimprese


Via Console Flaminio 19


1-20134 Milan




Tel: +39 02 210 111 247


Fax: +39 02 210 111 222


Email: f.musiari@tecnoimprese.it


Web: www.aim.tecnoimprese.it/


Contact: Mr. Franco Musiari


Regional Support Centres

AIM currently has three regional support centres worldwide:

North, South, Central America Region

634 Alpha Drive


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 USA


Phone: +1 412 963 8588


Fax: +1 412 963 8753


Email: info@aimglobal.org

Europe, Middle East, and Africa Regions

Avenue des Gaulois, 7


B-1040 Brussels, Belgium


Phone: +32 2 7434420


Fax: +32 2 7431550


Email: emea@aimglobal.org


Contact: Mr. Raimondo Bussi



Asia Pacific Region

Room 1002, Taurus Building



21A Granville Road, Tsimshatsui


Kowloon, Hong Kong

Phone: +852 27783368

Fax: +852 27783383

Email: mailto:wing@aimglobal.org

Contactless smart cards can be used as electronic tickets, helping to improve speed and convenience and aiding the realisation of new public transport products and flexible strategies. The KONTIKI working group aims to analyse technological and applicationrelated developments, to develop practical application options for public transport, and to use these as the basis for recommendations to transport companies and associations. The idea is that users, manufacturers, consultants, associations and organisations work together to create interdisciplinary solutions. The working group is now active across Europe.

Work is carried out in subgroups, and the results are presented centrally. The working group also acts as a point of contact and consulting body to potential users of future smart card projects. Contact address:

Arbeitskreis kontiki c/o Weber Marketing Wiesbadener Weg 6 65812 Bad Soden Germany

Telephone: +49 6196 766 66 50 Fax: +49 6196 766 66 51 Homepage: http://www.kontiki.net Email: weber@kontiki.net

A further group of companies, the Low Power Radio Association (LPRA), is concerned with low power radio systems. The LPRA was established in 1990 in the United Kingdom as the voice of the ‘low power radio’ industry. Now some 200 companies from around the world belong to LPRA. In addition to RFID, the association also deals with other radio services such as telemetry, cordless audio, Bluetooth, etc.

Low Power Radio Association

Brearley Hall

Luddenden Foot


West Yorkshine HX2 6HS


Homepage: http://www.LPRA.org



14.1.2 Technical journals

One German-language technical journal that deals with the subjects of barcodes, autoID and RFID is:

ident, Das Forum fur¨ Automatische Datenerfassung Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag — Breidenstein GmbH Stuttgarter Str. 18–24

D-60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany

Homepage: http://www.ident.de

The following are English-language technical journals on the same subject:

Supply Chain Systems

(ID-Systems) 174 Concord St.

Peterborough, NH 03458 USA

Homepage: http://www.idsystems.com

RFID corner: http://www.idsystems.com/reader/RFID Edge/index.htm

Frontline-Solutions c/o Frontline Today 7500 Old Oak Blvd.

Cleveland, OH 44130 USA

Homepage: http://www.frontlinetoday.com

Automatic I. D. News

Tower House

Sovereign Park

Lathkill Street

Market Harborough

Leicestershire, LE 16 9EF


Homepage: http://www.idnewseurope.com

Global ID-Magazine

Giroday & Partners Piazza Duca D’Aosta, 10 20124 Milano


Homepage: http://www.global-id-magazine.com

Business Solutions

Corry Publishing

2840 West 21st Street



Erie, PA 16506


Homepage: http://www.businesssolutionsmag.com


The Old Vicarage

Haley Hill


West Yorkshine HX3 6DR


Smart Labels Analyst

The IDTechEx Web Journal

IDTechEx Limited

Downing Park Innovation Centre

Swaffham Bulbeck

Cambridge CB5 0NB


Homepage: http://www.idtechex.com

14.1.3 RFID on the internet

A collection of links to RFID companies and further interesting pages on this subject is available at the following internet addresses:



http://home.att.net/ randall.j.jackson/rfidlinks.htm

A good overview of the current state of standardisation, the work of AIM, and a comprehensive overview of companies is provided by the RFID homepage of AIM:


The monthly RFID Newsletter of AIM, which is sent out by email free of charge, is also recommended. Old editions are available on the following page:

http://www.aimglobal.org/technologies/rfid/newsletter/RFID Newsletter Issues.htm

Technical specifications and information on the current state of standardisation of auto-ID systems of all types (barcode, RFID, etc.) are available on the official AutoID homepage:


Current information about new developments and products in the field of RFID and EAS, a summary of the most important RFID patents, and an introduction to the



technical principles of the most important RFID procedures can be found in Transponder News:



A collection of press releases and articles on all RFID subjects can be found on the following homepage:


The RFID Bulletin Board is available as a discussion forum on the internet. The purpose of the RFID Bulletin Board is to serve as a neutral forum for the free exchange of information between RFID users, developers and all those interested in the subject of RFID. Questions, contributions and discussions on technical and commercial topics relating to RFID, event notices, questions on applications, standardisation of RFID, etc. are permitted and welcomed:


RFID is also being discussed in numerous usenet news groups. A quick overview can be obtained by using the usenet search function at google.com (enter ‘rfid OR contactless’ as the search expression):


14.2Relevant Standards and Regulations

26. BImSchV:

‘Sechsundzwanzigste Verordnung zur Durchfuhrung¨ des


Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes — Verordnung uber¨


elektromagnetische Felder’, with explanatory section, in


Wolfgang Kemmer, ‘Die neue Elektrosmog-Verordnung’,


H. Hoffmann GmbH Verlag, Berlin, 1997, ISBN



CEPT T/R 60-01:

Low-power radiolocation equipment for detecting movement


and for alert (EAS). Technical Recommendation.



CEPT T/R 22-04:

Harmonisation of frequency bands for Road Transport


Information Systems (RTI) (toll systems, freight


identification). Technical Recommendation.



EN 50061:

Safety of implantable cardiac pacemakers. Regulations for


protecting against malfunctions due to electromagnetic


interference (corresponds with VDE 0750).





EN 300 220:

EN 300 330:

EN 300 440:

ETS 300 683:

EN 300 761:

EN 300 674:

EN 301 489:

Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Short Range Devices (SRD); Radio equipment to be used in the 25 MHz to 1000 MHz frequency range with power levels ranging up to 500 mW. http://www.etsi.org

Part 1: Technical characteristics and test methods Part 2: Supplementary parameters not intended for

conformity purposes.

Part 3: Harmonized EN covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive.

Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Short Range Devices (SRD); Radio equipment in the frequency range 9 kHz to 25 MHz and inductive loop systems in the frequency range 9 kHz to 30 MHz. http://www.etsi.org

Part 1: Technical characteristics and test methods.

Part 2: Harmonized EN under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive.

Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Short range devices, Technical characteristics and test methods for radio equipment to be used in the 1 GHz to 25 GHz frequency range with power levels ranging up to 500 mW. http://www.etsi.org

Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for Short Range Devices (SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 kHz and 25 GHz. http://www.etsi.org

Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Short Range Devices (SRD); Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) for railways operating in the 2.45 GHz frequency range. http:// www.etsi.org

Part 1: Technical characteristics and methods of measurement.

Part 2: Harmonized standard covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive

Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM); Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT); Technical characteristics and test methods for Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) transmission equipment (500 kbit/s / 250 kbit/s) operating in the 5.8 GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band. http:// www.etsi.org

Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services. http://www.etsi.org

Part 1: Common technical requirements

Part 2: Specific requirements for radio paging equipment


Part 3: Specific requirements for Short-Range Devices (SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 kHz and 25 GHz

Part 4: Specific requirements for fixed radio links and ancillary equipment and services

Part 5: Specific requirements for Private land Mobile Radio (PMR) and ancillary equipment (speech and non-speech)

Part 6: Specific conditions for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) equipment

Part 7: Specific conditions for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment of digital cellular radio telecommunications systems (GSM and DCS)

Part 8: Specific requirements for GSM base stations Part 9: Specific conditions for wireless microphones and

similar Radio Frequency (RF) audio link equipment

Part 10: Specific conditions for First (CT1 and CT1+) and Second Generation Cordless Telephone (CT2) equipment

Part 11: Specific conditions for FM broadcasting transmitters Part 12: Specific conditions for Earth Stations operated in

the frequency ranges between 4 GHz and 30 GHz in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS)

Part 13: Specific conditions for Citizens’ Band (CB) radio and ancillary equipment (speech and non-speech)

Part 15: Specific conditions for commercially available amateur radio equipment

Part 16: Specific conditions for analogue cellular radio communications equipment, mobile and portable

Part 17: Specific requirements for Wideband data and HIPERLAN

Part 18: Specific requirements for Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA)

Part 19: Specific conditions for Receive Only Mobile Earth Stations (ROMES) operating in the 1.5 GHz band providing data communications

Part 20: Specific conditions for Mobile Earth Stations (MES) used in the Mobile Satellite Services (MSS)

Part 22: Specific requirements for VHF aeronautical mobile and fixed radios

ERC/DEC 92-02: CEPT/ERC Decision on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of Road Transport Telematic Systems. http://www.ero.dk

ERC/DEC 97-10: CEPT/ERC Decision on the mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures including marking of radio equipment and radio terminal equipment. http://www.ero.dk

ERC/DEC 01-01: CEPT/ERC Decision: Non-specific short range devices in 6765–6795 kHz and 13.552–13.567 MHz. http://www.ero.dk

ERC/DEC 01–02: CEPT/ERC Decision: Non-specific short range devices in 26.957–27.283 MHz. http://www.ero.dk



ERC/DEC 01–03: CEPT/ERC Decision: Non-specific short range devices in 40.660–40.700 MHz. http://www.ero.dk

ERC/DEC 01–04: CEPT/ERC Decision: Non-specific short range devices in 868.0–868.6 MHz, 868.7–869.2 MHz, 869.4–869.65 MHz, 869.7–870.0 MHz. http://www.ero.dk

ERC/DEC 01–05: CEPT/ERC Decision: Non-specific short range devices in 2400–2483.5 MHz. http://www.ero.dk

ERC/DEC 01–13: CEPT/ERC Decision: Short range devices for inductive applications in 9–59,750 kHz, 59.750–60.250 kHz, 60.250–70 kHz, 70–119 kHz and 119–135 kHz. http://www.ero.dk

ERC/DEC 01–14: CEPT/ERC Decision: Short range devices for inductive applications in 6765–6795 kHz, 13.553–13.567 MHz. http://www.ero.dk

ERC/DEC 01–15: CEPT/ERC Decision: Short range devices for inductive applications in 7400–8800 kHz. http://www.ero.dk

ERC/DEC 01–16: CEPT/ERC Decision: Short range devices for inductive applications in 26.957–27.283 MHz. http://www.ero.dk

ERC/REC 01–06: CEPT/ERC Recommendation: Procedure for mutual recognition of type testing and type-approval for radio equipment. http://www.ero.dk

ERC/REC 70-03: CEPT/ERC Recommendation 70-03 relating to the use of Short Range Devices (SRD). http://www.ero.dk

ISO 7810: Identification cards — Physical characteristics.

ISO 7816: Identification cards — Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts:

Part 1: Physical characteristics

Part 2: Dimensions and location of the contacts Part 3: Electronic signals and transmission protocols Part 4: Interindustry commands for interchange

Part 5: Registration system for applications in IC Cards Part 6: Interindustry Data elements

Part 7: Interindustry commands for Structured Card Query Language (SCQL)

Part 8: Security architecture and related interindustry commands

Part 9: Enhanced interindustry commands

Part 10: Electronic signals and answer to reset for synchronous cards

Part 11: Card structure and enhanced functions for multi-application use

ISO 9798: Information technology — Security techniques — Entity authentication. Principles and description of authentication procedures.

ISO 10373: Identification Cards — Test methods. Test methods for ‘plastic cards’ for testing the card body and the fitted card element