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Казакова практикум по худпер.doc
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Т. А. Казакова


in Translation

Практикум по художественному переводу

English <=* Russian

Одобрено Союзом переводчиков России в качестве

учебного пособия для студентов по специальности

«Перевод и переводоведение»


Издательство «Союз»


ББК81.2Англ-7 К 14

Редактор английского текста Пол Уильяме.


Казакова Т. А.

К 14 Imagery in Translation. Практикум по художествен-

ному переводу. / Учебное пособие. На английском язы­ке. - СПб.: Издательство «Союз», 2003, - 320 с. (Изуча­ем иностранные языки)

ISBN 5-64033-150-5

Пособие предназначено для совершенствования навыков литературного перевода и сопоставительного анализа на материале английской, американской и русской художественной литературы. Материал распределен по разделам в соответствии с основными жанрами художественной литературы: поэзия, проза, драма и фоль­клор. В качестве образцов используются произведения классичес­кой и современной литературы, опубликованные и архивные пере­воды, а также литературные редакции фольклорных текстов на ан­глийском и русском языках. Особое внимание уделяется переводу русской литературы на английский язык в условиях различия оте­чественной и зарубежной школ художественного перевода.

Пособие адресуется в первую очередь студентам филоло­гических специальностей, изучающим иностранные языки, лите­ратуру, перевод и переводоведение, и может быть интересно лите­ратуроведам, лингвистам, переводчикам, а также всем, кто зани­мается или интересуется художественным переводом.

ББК 81.2Англ-7

© Казакова Т. А., 2003 © Издательство «Союз», 2003 © Панкевич А. В., ISBN 5-94033-150-5 оформление обложки, 2003

I have designed this book as a manual for practising in literary translation from English into Russian and from Russian into English. It includes texts of English, American and Russian poetry, prose and drama provided with tasks for comparison and translation. Besides, it presents pieces of Celtic and Native Amer­ican folklore in English and Siberian folklore in Russian, which appears to be interesting material for comparative reading and translation. It is a practical manual, yet it includes introduction into the theory of translation, as well as some general ideas about basic principles of translating poetry, prose, drama and folklore.

To make the manual more useful and comprehensible for students in literary translation 1 have structured it according to the traditional classification into the sections of poetry, prose, drama and folklore. Although not without a common ground, each of them suggests translation problems of its own and involves special translation techniques. The order of the succession is more or less subjective; one can choose any section to start with. I have started with poetry because it seems more evident as the transla­tion task with its steady textual principles and obvious correla­tion between form and content.

The selection of literary works reflects the consideration of the difference between not only literary but also translation traditions in English and Russian cultures. The Russian school of literary translation is probably more creative whereas the English tradition tends towards semantic rather than functional transfer, which is, in its way, more literal. Anyhow, this is a matter of tendencies rather than sets, though at times the controversy may

appear quite hot.


Практикум по художественному переподу

Each section oi'lhc manual includes introductory notes with some comments on the author, his major literary principles and works and with some helpful hints for a translator of the se­lected pieces. Most often tasks for comparison present more than one translation of the original and are supplied with exercises, recommendations and questions about problems to be solved. Usually translation tasks include a text shorter and easier than in a comparison task. Exercises for translation may differ from ex­ercises for comparison.

To work with the manual, one will need elementary knowledge and skills in the theory and practice of translation as well as some experience in stylistics and comparative reading of English and Russian literature. It is recommended that the stu­dents should read more about the authors under consideration.

The list of literary sources of selected texts is not com­plete, for the author of the manual has accumulated some of the material owing to translator archives or some other unpublished sources, personal archive included. In some sections I have used my own translations, on various reasons: to demonstrate a differ­ence or to show a direction or to fill in the gap when the text is interesting but there is no translation at hand.

It is my hope that this manual will provide a useful view of the dimensions of literary translation, a helpful guide for trans­lation practices and will add something of value to the knowl­edge and skills of the students of translation.

This textbook has come to life due to many people who contributed either to its content, or structure, or last but not least gave moral support to the author.

1 highly appreciate the professionalism of Paul Williams, the editor of the English text in this manual. I also wish to thank all my colleagues, and in particular, professors L. O. Gurcvich, President of the Union of Translators of Russia (Moscow), and V. V. Kabakchi (St. Petersburg), whose helpful hints and crit­ical reading of the book appeared very productive. I am very