- •Contact Us!
- •Before You Begin
- •1 Introducing Oracle8i Personal Edition for Windows 98
- •Oracle8i Personal Edition Overview
- •What Documentation Do I Read First?
- •Viewing Documentation on the CD-ROM
- •2 Installation Overview
- •What Is Oracle Universal Installer?
- •What Top-Level Components are Available for Installation?
- •Installing Components with Oracle Universal Installer
- •How Do I Get Started?
- •3 Installation Requirements
- •Top-Level Component System Requirements
- •Migrating and Upgrading Requirements
- •Oracle7 and Oracle8 Migration and Upgrade Requirements
- •Single Oracle Home Components
- •Networking Protocol Vendor Requirements
- •4 Selecting Database Creation and Net8 Configuration Methods
- •Understanding Your Methods Before Installation
- •Selecting a Database Creation Method
- •Selecting a Net8 Configuration Method
- •Server Network Configuration
- •5 Installing Oracle Components and Documentation
- •Keyboard Navigation
- •Preinstallation Tasks
- •Installing Oracle Components
- •Oracle8i Typical or Minimal Installation
- •Oracle8i Custom Installation
- •Reviewing a Log of an Installation Session
- •Installing Oracle Components in Non-Interactive Mode
- •Copying and Modifying a Response File
- •Running Oracle Universal Installer and Specifying a Response File
- •Customizing Installations with Oracle Software Packager
- •Installing and Viewing the Oracle8i Online Documentation
- •6 Reviewing Your Installed Starter Database Contents
- •User Names and Passwords
- •Database Identification
- •Tablespaces and Data Files
- •Initialization Parameter File
- •Redo Log Files
- •Control Files
- •Rollback Segments
- •Data Dictionary
- •7 Post-installation Configuration Tasks
- •Validating Invalid PL/SQL Modules with the UTLRP.SQL Script
- •Configuring Additional Components
- •8 Deinstalling Oracle Components
- •Deinstalling Oracle Components with Oracle Universal Installer
- •Task 1: Deinstall Database, Net8 Components and Registry Entries
- •Task 2: Deinstall Components with Oracle Universal Installer
- •Manually Removing all Oracle Components and Services from Your Computer
- •Removing Components on Windows 98
- •Oracle8i Personal Edition Components
- •Component Descriptions
- •NLS_LANG Parameters
- •Commonly Used Values for NLS_LANG
- •NLS_LANG Settings in MS-DOS Mode and Batch Mode
- •Documentation Formats
- •What Documentation did I receive?
- •Online Documentation Set
- •Glossary
- •Index

Migrating and Upgrading Requirements
Migrating and Upgrading Requirements
The following sections describe specific migration requirements:
■Oracle7 and Oracle8 Migration and Upgrade Requirements
Oracle7 and Oracle8 Migration and Upgrade Requirements
Oracle7 and Oracle8 database migration and upgrade procedures on Windows 98 are covered in Oracle8i Migration. This section describes several Windows 98-specific issues to understand before following the instructions in Oracle8i Migration.
Migrating from Releases Prior to 7.3.4
If the database release is prior to Release 7.3.4, migrate it to at least Release 7.3.4 before using the Migration Utility or Oracle Data Migration Assistant to migrate it to Release 3 (8.1.7). See the documentation that accompanied your previous database release for information on how to migrate it to Release 7.3.4.
Using Oracle Command Line Tools with the Migration Utility
If you use the Migration Utility to migrate or upgrade your Oracle database, the instructions in Oracle8i Migration prompt you to enter information at the command prompt of an Oracle tool. The command tool to use (SQL*DBA, Server Manager, or SQL*Plus) depends upon the database release from which you are migrating or upgrading. This table describes the tools to use and the method for starting these tools:
If... |
From Oracle Release... |
Use... |
By Entering... |
Migrating |
7.1.x |
7.2.x |
7.3.x |
Server Manager |
C:\> SVRMGR23 |
Upgrading |
8.0.x |
Server Manager |
C:\> SVRMGR30 |
8.1.x |
Server Manager |
or SQL*Plus |
or |
Installation Requirements 3-3