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),если d1 d1





















f * max f (V ) max 0; f (V )




V 0





0, если d1














Оптимальная мощность реактора увеличивается в

(2 0 ) раз до



(1 0 )V0



значения V

по сравнению с прежней схемой,

т.е. при средней

по России глубине переработки 0 0,65 (в 1,35 раза).

Сравнение эффективности изученной ранее схемы 1 (с переключенной колонной РК-2) и рассматриваемой схемы 2 (с дополнитель-

ной колонной РК-2). Одинаковое повышение глубины переработки нефти с исходного уровня 0 до (V ) 1 (1 1 ) 0 для обеих схем

достигается при оптимальном выборе мощности реактора.

Различный прирост итоговой прибыли завода возникает из-за отличающегося поведения текущей прибыли (в схеме 1 – снижение традиционной прибыли по причине переключения части колонн РК-1 в состав колонн РК-2; в схеме 2 традиционная прибыль остается постоянной) и различающихся единовременных затрат (в схеме 1 – только на реактор, в схеме 2 – еще и на колонну РК-2, составляя при этом только 0,1 % от ис-

ходного объема прибыли).



















Область А(1)

выгодности схемы 1:


2 0 a



k1 k0 ψ1 ,



ψ1 1 l 1


































1 0 V0












Область А(2)

выгодности схемы 2:




























1 a 2








, где
















1 0








0 V0






































Области выгодности схем 1 и 2 представлены на рис. 3.

Проводится сравнение нижних границ 1 k

выгодности на плоско-

сти ( 0 , 1 ) для схем 1 и 2 при конечном времени T: они повышаются

для обеих схем по мере возрастания


, но обычно


2 , кроме не-





















реальной ситуации, когда (2) (1).


Рис. 3. Области выгодности при Т→+∞: 1 – схемы 1; 2 – схемы 2

Анализируется прирост прибыли в сравниваемых схемах: схема 2 при T выигрывает больше, чем вдвое у схемы 1 в любой точке

А(1) , отношение ( f (2) / f (1) ) становится неограниченно большим в

А( 2) \ А(1) .

Прирост прибыли завода в характерной точке составляет для схемы 2 на границе 38 % от номинальной прибыли завода вместо 2 % для схемы 1, что свидетельствует о высокой эффективности проекта.

Условия финансовой реализуемости проекта. В финансово-

инженерной задаче из итоговой прибыли вычитаются еще выплаты процентов за кредит K по ставке :

d0 q0 d1q V K max по q0 , q, V , K

и добавляются условия финансовой реализуемости из общей теории эффективности инновационных проектов:

о достаточной прибыльности проекта;

достаточности кредита;

неотрицательности итогового счета завода;

неотрицательности изменения прибыли завода.

Взависимости от запаса собственных средств S и ставки оказы-

вается выгодной одна из 3 стратегий поведения завода (рис. 4).


Стратегия 1 – собственных средств достаточно, чтобы реализовать инженерно-оптимальную мощность установки V , не прибегая к кредиту:

V (1) V , K (1) 0, f (1) 1S (1 1 )a при S S (V ).

Стратегия 2 – реализуется инженерно-оптимальная мощность установки V , а недостаток собственных средств компенсируется кредитом по допороговой ставке 1 :

V ( 2 ) V , K ( 2) S S, f (2) 1S (S S) (1 1 )a при S S.

Стратегия 3 – кредит невыгоден из-за сверхпороговой величины ставки 1 , мощность установки уменьшается по сравнению с V :

V (3)

S a

, K (3)

0, f ( 3)


S (1














при S S , 1.

Рис. 4. Сравнение стратегий по приросту прибыли


Значительное снижение прироста прибыли происходит из-за нехватки собственных средств и увеличения процента за кредит. Сверхпороговое увеличение процентной ставки заставляет отказаться от кредита и идти на снижение оптимальной мощности реактора.

Оптимальное гарантирующее планирование мощности реактора в условиях неточного прогнозирования цен и других исходных дан-

ных. Выделяется 2 этапа принятия управленческих решений:

1.Этап проектирования и производства ПХР (необходимо выбрать мощность реактора).

2.Этап эксплуатации (необходимо управлять нефтяными потоками на


Мощность реактора V выбирается по принципу максимально гарантированного результата, измеряемого объемом итоговой прибыли:



max[min (V , )],



V 0


где F ,

F максимальный объем текущей прибыли завода в

предположении точного знания на этапе эксплуатации; V – затраты на проектирование и производство реактора и приобретение колонны


0 при

V 0,


множество исходных парамет-





V 0;



















( j , ci ,V0 , ,T ).










Послеаналитическогоотысканиянаихудшихзначений * находятся


0 – максимальнаягарантированнаяприбыль,







* 0













d1 V



), если d1 ,







* * ;







0, если d














V 0 – оптимальная гарантирующаямощностьреактора,

(1 * )V * , если d* * ,

V 0 0 0 1

0, если d1* *.

Здесь максимальная гарантированная оценка эффективности достигает наивысшего уровня гарантированной оценки эффективности идеального управления с полной информацией.


Список литературы

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2.Гермейер Ю.Б. Введение в теорию исследования операций. – М.:

Наука, 1971.

3.Доклад Минэкономразвития об итогах социально-эконо- мического развития Российской Федерации в 2010 году [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: energo-news.ru/archieves/49922.

4.Дружинин Ф.А., Токарев В.В. Инженерное проектирование и финансирование инноваций – финансово-инженерный оптимум. – М.: Издво МФТИ, 2011. – [Препринт № 1].

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Т. 3, № 2. – С. 84–96.

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7.Орлова Е.Р. Оценка инвестиций / Междунар. акад. оценки и консалтинга. – М., 2005.

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I. Dimitrov

University «Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov»

Burgas, Republic of Bulgaria



Buying of organizations is a complex process that involves many persons, multiple goals and conflicting decision criteria. It keeps a long period of time, requires complex information and contains many inter-organizational and interfunctional relationships. The main objective of the paper is to review eight empirical derived models of inter-functional interactions in buyer-supplier relationships. The first model is the model of interdepartmental interaction and collaboration. It examines the inter-functional aspect in company operations from the perspective of interdepartmental integration. The second model views crossfunctional sourcing teams and their performance. Cross-functional sourcing teams consists personnel from at least three company functions working together to achieve some purchasing-related assignment. The third model considers crossfunctional co-operation in new product development between R&D, manufacturing and marketing. The fourth model evaluates the interdepartmental dynamics between the marketing and quality departments. With little adaptation this model could be used to asses other inter-functional activities and relationships. The firth model investigates the role of interdepartmental integration between logistics and marketing departments in both the company's overall and distribution service performance. The relationship elements used focused mainly on communication, cooperation, collective goals and the sharing of ideas, information and resources. The sixth model of the buying center describes the composition of buying center by the terms vertical involvement, lateral involvement, extensiveness, connectedness and centrality. The seventh model depicts a conceptual framework of marketing bilateral interaction with other functional units. The eighth model concerns with inter-functional strategic consistency between purchasing, production planning and production.

Keywords: buyer-supplier relationships, inter-functional interactions.


Introduction. Organizational buying behavior is a complex process and involves many persons, multiple goals, and potentially conflicting decision criteria. It often takes place over an extended period of time, requires information from many sources and encompasses [1,15]. The buying center includes all members of the organization who are involved in that process and their relationships with one another involve all the complexities of interpersonal interactions [15]. In the last marketers have focused mainly on information needs and choice criteria and have not examined information flows between and among other organizational units and the buying center. There had been little attempt to conduct research on the interaction between the buying center and other organizational units [11]. There are some typical areas of collaboration between purchasing and design personnel. These product design oriented areas of collaboration include developing specifications and interchangeable parts, part standardization and simplification, value analysis, and part substitutions and exclusions [2]. From the R&D perspective, concurrent engineering is an activity involving not only suppliers, but also other company functions such as purchasing [8].

The main objective of the paper is to review some empirical derived models of inter-functional interactions in buyer-supplier relationships. The respected studies are evaluated in terms of its focal area of investigation, the unit of analysis, the research method, and both the research constructs used and the measures applied.

Model of interdepartmental interaction and collaboration. In this model the inter-functional aspect in company operations from the perspective of interdepartmental integration, defined as consisting of both interaction and collaboration activities between the participating departments is assessed. Interaction is defined to include activities and forums such as committees, meetings, telephone calls, memorandums and reports. Collaboration, on the other hand, involves collective goals, mutual understanding and shared resources in an informal manner. In the collaboration philosophy, continuous relationships between the departments are stressed, not just transactions between departments [6]. In the context of product-development activities this study aims at investigating the impact of interaction and collaboration on product development performance. Interdepartmental interaction and collaboration has been defined in Process approach, as a way for successful meeting of the customer requirements and expectations, as well. Because the logistics activities predetermines the quality parameters of the product/services packet in all aspects it's important role has to be consider precisely [13]. The unit of analysis is the re-


lationship between functional managers in marketing, R&D and manufacturing. The constructs used to measure interaction are from some previous studies on interdepartmental relationships. The results suggest that collaboration plays a major role in both successful product development and product management, in contrast to previous studies stressing the importance of interaction alone. High levels of collaboration not only interaction predicted successful interdepartmental integration and performance [6].

Model of the performance of cross-functional sourcing teams. Crossfunctional sourcing teams and their performance are the focal point of interest in this model [14]. Cross-functional sourcing teams are defined as consisting of personnel from at least three company functions, working together to achieve some purchasingor materials related assignment. The study aims at identifying the factors that affect the success of such a team. The unit of analysis is the cross functional sourcing team and not the relationships between the company functions of the team members. Sourcing team effectiveness, and was not as such applied in evaluating the relationship between different functions participating in the cross-functional sourcing team, is assessed. There are elements that are linked to relational elements between the participating functions, and also between the buyer and supplier organizations. Elements such as trust and commitment are missing from the effectiveness dimensions. Methodologically, this study evaluates the cross-functional sourcing team and its effectiveness only on the team level, and does not mention the functional areas involved. Further investigation into the interplay between individual crossfunctional sourcing-team members might have provided additional insights into the subject.

Model of cross functional co-operation. This model is result of investigation of the antecedents and consequences of cross functional co-operation in new product development between R&D, manufacturing and marketing [10]. A structural model for successful cross-functional new product development consisting of internal facilitators, external forces, cross-functional co-operation and new product development performance is developed. A survey instrument was used to measure the cross function by new product development. The results of this study suggest that external forces do not significantly affect cross functional co-operation or internal facilitators. In the study was found that by the new-product development inter-functional co-operation positively related to performance and the internal facilitators positively affect the crossfunctional co-operation as well as the performance outcomes [10]. In this study the concepts such as trust and commitment are not used.


Model of interdepartmental dynamics. This model is developed on the study that was aimed at extending the knowledge of inter-functional relationships involving marketing and other functions, especially interaction with the quality department [7]. The unit of analysis was the dyadic relationship between marketing and quality departments as quality in the organization is the main topic in the study. The research constructs used to evaluate the interdepartmental dynamics between the marketing and quality departments were assessed using multiple questions for each construct. They were primarily adapted to quality-related relationship issues and to the role of quality in the organization’s planning and decision-making. With little adaptation these same constructs could be used to study other inter-functional activities and relationships.

Model of interdepartmental integration. The main objective of this study was to investigate the role of interdepartmental integration between logistics and marketing departments in both the company's overall and distribution service performance [3]. The relationship elements used focused mainly on communication and co-operation, but elements such as collective goals and the sharing of ideas, information and/or resources were also included. The constructs do not include relational elements such as trust and commitment. The research results suggest a strong positive relationship between collaboration, perceived effectiveness and distribution service performance. A slightly negative association between information exchange and perceived relationship effectiveness is appeared. The 30 dyadic relationships between logistics and marketing are revealed and some disparity between the two functional areas. Only one of the seven collaboration constructs was significantly correlated. Similarly, the responses concerning two out of the four relationship effectiveness constructs correlated between marketing and logistics managers.

Model of buying center. On the ground of two studies of buying center some central descriptive buying center concepts that also have an interfunctional dimension were developed [4, 5]. These studies are not directly concerned with relationships between the different functions involved in the buying center. The empirical investigation was carried out using both quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze data on 62 purchases [4, 5]. The composition of the buying center was described by the terms vertical involvement, lateral involvement, extensiveness, connectedness and centrality. Vertical involvement indicates the number of levels in the organizations’ hierarchy that have influence within the buying center. Lateral involvement is the measure of the number of different departments and divisions in the buying center. Exten-


siveness refers to the total number of individuals involved in the buying center. Connectedness refers to the number of links between individual members of the buying center as a proportion of the theoretical maximum number of links. Centrality is the measure of the entire purchasing manager's communications sent and received weighted according to the total number of buying center members [5]. The more relationally oriented results suggest that both vertical and lateral involvement in general increased as the purchase increased in complexity and importance, but there was no effect on connectedness. The purchase characteristics had no significant effect on the connections between the different parties involved in the buying center [4].

Model of interaction between marketing and other functional units.

This model was the result of the study in field of the interaction between marketing and other functional units [9]. The principle aims of the study were to develop a conceptual framework of marketing interaction with other functional units, and then to test this framework empirically in a single-case company setting involving three autonomous business divisions. The unit of analysis is the bilateral relationship between marketing and the other functions involved. The conceptual model consists of several constructs with a limited focus on the relationship elements, with the exception of communication and co- operation/co-ordination. The research results suggest numerous interrelations between the constructs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the interrelationships between the individual research constructs, and not as such to evaluate individual inter-functional relationships.

Model of inter-functional strategic consistency. This model was developed on the ground of investigation of inter-functional strategic consistency between purchasing, production planning and production. The empirical investigation was more concentrated on the decision making priorities of each company function involved rather than on investigation of the relationships among these functions [12]. The term relationship has very little to do with elements such as trust, communication, co-operation, risk/reward sharing and commitment in this study. The unit of analysis is not the relationship between different functional managers, but the disposition of each functional manager in certain pre-specified theoretical decision scenarios. The results of the study suggest that agreement often exists between functional managers on long-term strategic goals and company visions, but when faced with routine problems, the managers tend to take action irrespective of the common corporate goals or visions [12].


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