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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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ln view of 1 Becau5e of1 Owing to enough evidence linking hiт to the criтe, the тап was coпvicted yesterday.

There was eпough evideпce linking hiт to the criтe; for thi5 rea5on, the тап was convicted yesterday. Seeing that there was enough evidence linking hiт to the criтe, the тап was

~coпvicted yesterday. The judge wi/1 recoпsider now that а



new witпess has соте forward.









То express effect

Sa/es were terriЬ/e and our debl was growing; thu5 1 therefore 1


""1con5equently1а5а re5ult1а5 а con5equence, we closed



dowп the busiпess.










То express

Due to the econoтic dowпturn, the сотрапуdecided to close





опе of the factories, 50 that profits would Ье тaintained.




Due to the econoтic dowпturn, the сотрапуdecided to c/ose




one of tl1e factories, 50 а5 tolin order to тaintain profits.




Due to the econoтicdownturn, the coтpanydecidedto c/ose




опе of its factories, in са5е profits could поt Ье тaiпtained.




They purchased the /and with the purpo5elintention of




developing а wildlife reserve.








То emphasise а

lndeed 1 Natural/y 1 C/early 1 Obviou5/y 1 Of cour5e 1




Needle55 to 5ау, plants grow well in such а good climate.








То express reality

lt i5 а fact that 1 ln effect 1 ln fact 1А5 а matter of fact 1




The fact of the matter i5 (that) 1 Actual/y 1 ln practice 1




lndeed, 1know hiт very bad/y. 1оп/у kпow his hоте.








То express the

lnitial/y 1At fir5t, the candidate enjoyed strong support, but



difference between

this would prove to Ье short - lived.



appearance and















То give examples

For in5tance 1 For example, Ьу providiпg taxation beпefits,




the governтeпt сап encourage coтpanies to тоvе out ofthe




city ceпtre.




Ву providiпg iпcentives such as 1 like taxation beпefits, the




governтeпt сап encourage сотрапiеs to тоvе out of the




city centre.




/f сотрапiеs are to тоvе out of the city centre, theп the




provisioп ofinceпtives, particularly1in particular1e5pecially




taxatioп beпefits, is iтportant.







То make general

As а (general) rule 1Вуand Jarge 1 Generally1ln genera/1




Оп the whole, the warтer the eпviroптent, the wider the




variety of plaпt апd апiта/ species it wi/1 support.


То make partially

Up to а point /То а certain extentjdegree ;то some extent/

true statements

degree jln а sense jln а way ;то а limited extent, you сап



couпt оп his he/p.










То express limited

То the best of ту knowledge 1As far as 1know, he was the


best sportsmaп of the team.









То state other

lt is popularly believed that 1 People often c/aim that 1 lt is


often al/eged that1Some people argue that1Many argue



that 1 Most people feel that 1 Some people point out that



moderate exercise actual/y decreases one's appetite.



Contrary to popu/ar belief, moderate exercise does поt



iпcrease опе's appetite.









То make

lt is а we/1-known fact that smoking is harmfu/ to опе's health; yet

contrasting points

1however 1nevertheless 1but 1even so 1stil/1nonethe/ess,



large пumbers ofpeople take up smokiпg every year.



Although 1 Even though 1 Regardless of the fact that 1 ln



spite of the fact that1Despite the fact that1 While smokiпg



is kпоwп to Ье harmful to опе's health, large питЬегs ofpeople



take up smokiпg every year.






То express balance

Opponents ofthe use ofпuc/eareпergyargue 1c/aim 1believe

(the other side of

that a/ternative fuels offer al/ of tl1e beпefits without the risl<s.

the argument)

While it is true to say that genetically modified food may



hold the key to solviпg the world's food shortage proьtem, in



fact it should Ье viewed with cautioп.



The fact that there have Ьееп coпsideraЬ/e reductioп iп



fuпdiпg for schools contradicts the beliefjidea that the



governmeпt is for better educatioпal staпdards.





Negative addition

Neither the Miпister nor the Secretary were re-elected. The



Miпister was поt re-e/ected; nor 1 neither was the Secretary.



The Miпister wasп't re-elected, апd the Secretarywasп'teither.




То express

Не has atteпded every meetiпg apart from 1but1except (for)







ln other words 1 That is to say 1 То put it another way, if


you wear а helmet you are /ess likely to Ье seriously iпjured.




То express

Eatiпg а balaпced diet is importaпt to good health; similar/y1


likewise 1in the same way, moderate exercise a/so promotes







Togive an

We сап use (either) а whisk or ап electric mixer. Wecould


use а whisk. Оп the other hand 1Alternatively, we cou/d use



ап electric mixer.










._, z










"" То express


С• condition











Не таdе а stateтeпt to the press оп coпditioп that 1 provided (that) 1providiпg (that) 1 as loпg as his пате was поt тепtiопеd. Не would таkе а stateтeпt to the press опlу if his пате was поt


lп the eveпt of fire 1 iп the eveпt that 1 if а fire should break out, таkе for the пearest fire exit as quickly as possiЬ/e.

Take а coтpass iп case you lose your way.

Do you hарреп to kпow whether Mr Jaтes is at hоте or поt? You should book tickets early otherwise 1 or (else) you wil/ Ье






То express the

The price ofpetrol is due to iпcrease agaiп; coпsequeпtly1 so 1iп



which case, 1wi/1 start usiпg public traпsport.


of а condition

/'т hopiпg to get топеу today; if so /'//рау for the tickets iп cash,




if поt1 otherwise, 1'11 use ту credit card.






·То express

Му sister is as hoпest as 1 тоге hoпest thaп 1 twice as hoпest as



1 less hoпest thaп те.







Fina/ly 1 Lastly 1 All in all 1 Taking everythiпg iпto accouпtl




coпsideratioп, Оп the whole 1 А/1 things considered 1 ln




coпc/usioп 1 Оп Ьа/апсе 1 For the above meпtioпed reasoпs 1




То sum up, it is uпlike/y that ап agreeтeпt wi/1 Ье reached iп the




пearest future.








Ореп the door wheп1 wheпever1before 1after the buzzer souпds.




Wait uпti/1 ti/1 the buzzer souпds before орепiпg the door.




There has Ьееп по sпow iп this area siпce 1927.




She saw hiт as she was wa/kiпg dowп the street.




She saw hiт while she was waitiпg iп the queue.




1пever see her поw that she works оп the fifth floor.








lt was that тап over there wholthat witпessed the accideпt.




That's the footballer whose goal wоп the тatch.




That's the lawyer wholthat wi/1 represeпt you iп court.




That's the restauraпt where 1теt ту frieпd.




That's the wотап wholthat 1 thiпk was respoпsible.IThat's the




wотап to whom 1spoke.


1 ат writiпg to request тоге iпforтatioп regardiпg, coпcerniпg


the iпflueпce of the proposed airport оп /оса/ wi/dlife habltats.


1 am writiпg with respectlregardlrefereпce to 1 iп regardl


reference to the vacaпt accouпtaпt's post iп your сатрапу.




/п short 1 Briefly 1 То put it briefly, it was the perforтaпce of а



to Ье down

to Ье for

to Ье in

to Ье in for

to Ье off

to Ье оп

to Ье out


Phrasal Verbs


1)спуститься; быть внизу

/s Mr Browп iп? He's поt dowп yet.

2)понизиться в цене

Eggs were dowп 15 per сепt.

3)(оп) быть настроенным против (кого-либо)

She thought that the teacher was dowп оп her.

быть за

Who is for goiпg hоте?

1) находиться, быть дома

She cal/ed at his office but he was поt iп.

2) быть, находиться у власти

The Liberals were iп.

3)прибыть, прийти

/s the traiп iп?


We are iп tor а period of bad weather.

1) уходить, отправляться

The traiп is off.

2)не состояться, быть отмененным

Не told те that the trip was off.

3)быть свободным

We were off for the afternooп.

4)ошибиться, просчитаться

Не was off at least а thousaпd dol/ars iп his estiтate.

1)гореть, быть зажженным, включенным

А/1 the /ights were оп.

2)идти (о спектакле, фильме)

The пеw feature filт is оп поw.

3)слушаться (о процессе)

The case will Ье оп agaiп.

4)входить в состав

Не is оп the coттittee.

1)не быть дома, на месте, отсутствовать

Wheп 1phoпed they told те he was out.

2)погаснуть, быть выключенным (о свете, газе и т. п.)

The fire is out.

3) раскрыться, обнаружиться

The secret is out.

4) собираться, иметь намерение

They are out to repeat the attack.



















~to Ье through


,_ with

~to Ье up












:.:; to Ье up to



to break away

to break down

to break in

to break into

to break off

to break out

{за)кончить, завершить

Не woп't Ье through with this job today uпtil six o'clock.

1) встать, проснуться

She isп't up yet.

2)быть на ногах, бодрствовать

1was up ti/1 three o'c/ock last пight.

3)повыситься о цене

The prices are up today.

4) закончиться, прекратиться

The game is up.

замышлять, затевать

Не is up to по good.

То Break

1)разрывать; убежать; отдалиться

Не broke away from а/1 his frieпds.

2)избавиться, покончить {с чем-либо)

She tried to break away from bad hablts.

1) сломать, разрушить

They broke the door dowп.

2) ухудшаться, сдавать {о здоровье)

His hea/th broke dowп.

3)потерпеть неудачу, провалиться А/1 our р/апs broke dowп.

4)не выдержать; расплакаться

She suddeпly broke dowп апd cried.

1)врываться, вламываться, выламывать То break iп а door was а difficult task.

2)(обыкн. on, upon) вмешиваться {в разговор); прерывать

Не broke iп ироп his frieпd's privacy.

3)обуздывать (кого-либо), выезжать {лошадь)

Не could break iп а horse very well.


They broke iпto the house whi/e everyoпe was sleepiпg.

2)вмешиваться {в разговор)

Suddeпly they broke iпto а coпversatioп.


Не broke off а braпch of а Ьirch.

2)внезапно прервать {разговор, знакомство)

Не broke off with his relatives.

3)отказаться от привычки

She broke off а bad hablt.


То ruп away he broke out а рапе.

2)бежать {из тюрьмы, лагеря)

Не broke out of barracks.


to break through

to break up

to bring about

to bring back

to bring down

to bring forward

t'obring in

to bring off

to bring on

3)вспыхивать (о пожаре, войне, эпидемии)

Аstrike broke out iп the docks.


Не broke out /aughiпg.

5)высыпать (о сыпи на коже)

Аrash has brokeп out оп his chest.

прорваться, пробиться

The suп broke through the c/ouds.

1) разбиваться

The ship broke up оп the rocks.

2) распускать

Let's break up our party.

3)расходиться (о собрании)

The meetiпg sооп broke up.

4)распускать на каникулы

Schoo/ wi/1 break up пехt week.

5) вскрываться (о реке)

The ice broke up оп the river.

6) меняться (о погоде)

The weather breaks up this week.


вызывать, быть причиной

What brought about this quarrel?

воскрешать в памяти, напоминать

His story brought back our happy childhood.

1) свалить; сломать

The wiпd brought dowп the пumber of trees.

2) снижать цену (температуру)

Their aim was to bring dowп the prices.

3) подетрелить (птицу)

1brought down а sпipe.

4) сбивать (самолет)

The епету brought dowп five of our aircraft.

1) выдвигать (предложение)

The matter was brought forward at the meetiпg.

2) перенести на более ранний срок

The meetiпg has Ьееп brought forward to the 7th of Мау.

1)вносить (на рассмотрение)

Апеw Ьi/1 was brought iп.

2)приносить доход

Апеw job brought iп ап iпcome.

спасать (во время кораблекрушения)

They brought off the passeпgers of the wrecked ship.

1) вызывать, быть причиной

The co/d weather brought оп тапу attacks of the flu.











































Не brought а/1 that trouЬ/e оп hiтself.

to bring out


высказывать (мнение, просьбу)



Не brought out his request.


2) выявлять, обнаруживать



She brought out а/1 her ski/1.



привлекать, вызывать



The perforтance brought out а lot of spectators.



опубликовать, издавать



Т11е пеw puЬ/is!Jiпg house briпgs out а пеw series of books.

to bring over





You caпnot briпg те over Ьу such arguтeпts.



привести с собой (в гости)



She brought те over to her relatives.

to bring round


привести в себя, в сознание



Т11е doctor sооп brought her rouпd.



убедить, переубедить



With sоте cfifficulty 1brought /1iт round to ту way of thiпking.



доставлять; привозить с собой



The goods were brought round early in the тoming.

to bring up

1) воспитывать, растить



She has brought up four childreп.



поднимать (вопрос)



Soтeone brought up the subject of parkiпg at the тeetiпg.



То Call

to call back


позвонить по телефону (в ответ на звонок)



She wi/1 са// you back as soon as she is free.



звать обратно



The тother cailed the child back.

to call for





А тап called for а glass of beer.



требовать, предусматривать



Your plan wi/1 са// for а lot of топеу.



заходить (за чем-либо, кем-либо)



1'11 cafl for you at six.

to call in


приглашать, вызывать



You wi/1 Ье the next ca/led in.



потребовать назад



The librarian called in а/1 the books.

to call off




The тatch was called off.

to call оп


призывать; обращаться к



The governтeпt cal/ed оп the citizens to save electricity.


2) заходить, навещать



1cal/ed оп Mr Sтith at his office.


to са\1 over

to call up

to carry away

to carry on (with)

to carry out

to carry over

to carry through

to соте


to соте at

to соте Ьу

to соте

down with to соте into

to соте out

to соте over

to соте round

вызывать по списку

The teacher called over the boys of the c/ass.

1) позвать наверх

The boss called те up.

2)звонить по телефону

/'//са// you up this evening.


/'//са// you up at 7.

То Carry


Не was carried away Ьу the тusic.


When 1/eave just carry оп with your work.


First carry out your work and then rest.


They were oЬ/iged to carry over the тeeting.

1)осуществлять, провести

Не wi/1 try to carry through with his business.

2)помогать, поддерживать

His courage wi/1 carry hiт through.


случайно встретить кого-либо, что-либо

1 сате across hiт at the station.

1)нападать, набрасываться на кого-либо, что-либо

The dog сате at the Ьоу.

2)налетать, натолкнуться

Не сате at the fence at fu/1 speed.

получить, достать

The book is difficult to соте Ьу.


1fee/ bad. 1тust Ье coтing down with the f/u.

1) получить что-либо в наследство

When his grandтother died he сате into а fortune.

обнаруживаться, становиться известным

The truth wi/1 a/ways соте out.

1)овладевать, захватывать

Аfit of dizziness сате over her.

2)взять верх, перехитрить

You are not going to соте over те in this тanner.

1) заходить, заезжать

She сате round last night.
























прийти в себя



Не took а Jong tiтe to соте round.






менять убеждение или мнение

::.::Не сате round to another way of thinking.


to come





to come up to




to come





up with



""tocut backon

to cut down

перенести, пережить

She has соте through the anesthetic we/1.

равняться, соответствовать

His talents do not соте up to young.

находить (ответ, решение)

Не сате up with the right answer.


уменьшать, сокращать

They decided to cut back оп the production of sugar.

сокращать, уменьшать

Не cut down the nuтber of chocolate she ate.

to cut down on to cut in

to cut into

уменьшить потребление

Уои тust cut down оп the consuтption of butter.

1) вмешиваться в разговор

Suddenly they cut in our conversation.

2) вклиниваться между машинами

1wanted to overtake the bus but а саг cut in between us.

вмешиваться в разговор, прерывать

Не cut into the conversation quite а/1 of а sudden.

to cut off

1) разъединять, прерывать; отрезать

to Ье cut out for

to do away with

to do down

to do out

to do up

The telephone operator cut us off before we had finished our conversation.

2)прекращать, кончать

А debate was suddenly cut off.

быть созданным для чего-либо

Не is cut out for the job.


избавиться, отделаться от кого-либо, чего-либо;

покончИть с кем-либо, чем-либо

The old тиsеит was done away with.

плохо отзываться

Уои shouldn 't do your brother down.

убрать, вычистить

Before the holidays the rooтs were done out.

1) чинить, ремонтировать

The house was done up very we/1.

2) завязать, упаковать

Before the trip the suitcase was done up.


to do with

to draw back

to draw in

to draw out

to draw up

to fall back

to fall back on

to fall behind

to fall for

tofall in

to fall in with

to fall through

to get about

to get across

to get along

3) застегнуть

Wou/d you do ту zip up for те?

хотеть, нуждаться в чем-либо

1could do with а g/ass of tea. 1ат thirsty.


1) отодвигать, отступать

Please draw back froт the edge of the rock.

2) брать назад (слово, обещание)

They drew back froт а proposal.

медленно прибывать (о поезде, автобусе)

The bus has just drawn in.

брать деньги из банка

She drew топеу out of the bank.

останавливаться, останавливать

The bus drew up at the theatre.

То Fall


The guns began to fire, and the troops fe/1 back.

обращаться к кому-либо за помощью

Не was in а fix and had to fa/1 back оп his father.


Не was Ш and fe/1 behind tl1e class.

1) влюбиться

Не fe/1 for her at once.

2) попадаться на удочку

1told hiт it was а bargain and he fe/1 for it.

провалиться, обрушиваться

The roof of the house fe/1 in.

соответствовать чему-либо

lt falls in exactly with ту views.

провалиться, потерпеть неудачу

The scheтe fe/1 through.


1) распространиться, становиться известным

lt got about that he won the prize.

2) передвигаться

Trains and buses таkе it easy to get about.

четко, убедительно объяснить

Не found it difficult to get his Aтericanjokes across to an Eng/ish audience.

уживаться, ладить с кем-то

How are you getting along?















