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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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Exercise 1

Point out the Subjective Participial Construction. Traпs\ate the seпteпces.

1. Не was found working at his desk. 2. I was kept waiting iп t\1e hall for halfaл hour. 3. People were seen ruпning up tl1e alley. 4. 1 was left waiting outside.

о5. Не was watched passing the gate and turпiпg rouпd the corпer. 6. Му mother




v z

was heard singing а popular song. 7. Tl1e door was found \ocked. 8. The musicians were heard tuпing up. 9. The guests were sееп goiпg to the back parlour. 10. She was fouлd sitting Ьу the fire.


Exercise 11

Turn the following sentences with the Objective Participial Coпstrнction into seл­ tences with tl1e Subjective Participial Coпstructioп. Follow the model.

Model 1 I saw him conducting the orcJ1estra. Не was sееп condнctiпg the orchestra.

1. I heard the Ьоу shouting to t\1e fisl1ermen. 2. We caug\1t tl1e cat stealiпg meat. 3. I saw the man climblпg tl1e ladder. 4. They watched tl1e cyclists raciлg. 5. We found tl1e driver repairing his car. 6. Не left us waiting for the bus. 7. We saw tl1e players scoring а goal on ТУ. 8. 1 heard Mary singing iп the garden.

Exercise 111

Aпswer these questions; нsе the Subjective Participial Constructioп after the verbs suggested.

Model 1 How do you kпow that Aпdrew had а telephoпe iпstalled? (l1ear)

Не was heard telliпg Kate about it.

1.Wl1y do you thiпk Mike is at home? (hear)

2.Why do you think the girls have made up their quarrel? (see)

3.Why do you think Boris kпows ltalian? (11ear)

4.Why do you thiпk Kate is upset? (see)

5.Why are уон sure the Petrovs will go to the Crimea? (hear)

6.Why are you sure they have already desceпded the mouпtaiп? (see)

7.How do you kпow Nina l1as met Yera today? (see)

Exercise IV

Traпslate into Eпglish usiпg the complex subject with the participJe 1.

1. Видели, как он шел по Красной плошади. 2. Видели, как такси ждало кого-то у подъезда. 3. Видели, как они поднимались по лестнице. 4. Ви­ дели, как мальчики из нашей школы играли в теннис. 5. Эти пожилые

люди живут внизу, и иногда слышно, как они о чем-то разговаривают.


6. Слышали, какДжейн открьшаладверь. 7. Видели, как Том стоял око­

ло письменного стола и просматривал какой-то журнал. 8. Слышали, как она пела в соседней комнате. 9. Видели, как вы покупали книги. 10. Было слышно, как они спорили. 11. Слышали, как он разговаривал со служанкой. 12. Видели, как рабочие грузили на платформы большие ящики с электрооборудованием. 13. Слышали, как студенты обсуждали новый фильм. 14. Слышали, какмама пела популярную песню. 15. Ви­

дели, как он несколько раз проходил по этой улице.

The Nominative Absolute Participial


The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction is а comЬination of а noun in theCommon Case (or а pronoun in the Nominative Case)with а participle.

The peculiarity of the construction is that the noun (or pronoun) which is the subject of the action expressed Ьу the participle is not at the same time the subject ofthe action expressed bythe participle ofthe sentence.

Therefore the construction is formally independent of the rest of the sentence.

The term absolute means свободный, независимый.

The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction is used in the function of an adverЬial modifier.

1) ofcause

lt being dark in the room, we could not read.

2) oftime

The clock striking 6, he began working.

3) of attendant circumstances

Не went off to meet his friends, а crowd of boys and girls, and women following him.

4) of condition

Weather permitting, we wi/1 go down to the country.

The Prepositional Absolute Participial


The Absolute Participial Construction may Ье introduced Ьуthe preposition with and is then called the Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction. lt is usually used in the function of an adverЬial modifier of attendant circumstances.

We started оп our way, with the dog following us.
















Exercise 1



Point out the Nominative Absolute Participial Constructions a11d Prepositional


Abso1ute Participial Constructions and state wlшt kind ot'adverblal modifier tl1ey



express. Trans1ate the sentences.



о1. The host having int'ormed us that it was two \юurs' drive, we started early iп







the morning. 2. The wind being t'avouraЬle, our yacht wil\ reach tl1e island iп no time. 3. Му task having been finished, I went to visit my t'riends. 4. It beiпg very co1d, they decided to make а fire. 5. The preparations bei11g completed, they bega11 to c1imb up the mou11tai11. 6. Tl1e moon bei11g bright, everythi11g was clearly visiЬ\e. 7. Tl1e key i1avi11g bee11\ost, t11ey could11't оре11 ti1e sailor's chest. 8. The actor bei11g very popular, it was very dit'ficult to get tickets t'or 11is co11cert. 9. Ourpetrol bei11g exi1austed, we could go 110 t'urther. 1О. The boys sat gazi11g into the fire, with their minds wa11dering elsewi1ere. 11. It beiпg very stormy, they stayed at home. 12. Не we11t alo11g t11e street, with 11is eyes caret'ully watching the windows. 13. All this havi11g Ьее11 settled, we decided to start 011 Wednesday. 14. Tl1e weati1er being very cold, ti1e childre11 put 011 warm coats and hats.

Exercise 11

Point out the Absolute Participial Constructio11 wit\1 there апd it. Translate tl1e seпteпces.

1. There being little time 1et't, we had to make haste. 2. Ti1ere beiпg severa1 comic passages iп the story, we laughed heartily. 3. It being dit'ficult to arrange the matter at о11се, we decided to meet again 011 ti1e t'ollowi11g day. 4. There being а stroпg wi11d that day, it was da11gerous to go yachtiпg. 5. It being dark, we switched 011 the light. 6. There being по vacant seats, I l1ad to staпd duriпg t11e \ecture. 7. There bei11g agreat deal ofpeople in t11e hall, we could поt e11ter. 8. There bei11g nothi11g to do, we went t'or а walk. 9. Ti1ere bei11g а severe storm at sea, the steamer could not leave the port. 10. It beiпg Su11day, the library was closed.

Exercise 111

Clшnge the t'ollowi11g senteпces нsi11g the Absolute Participial Coпstrнction.

1. As there was notl1i11g to do, we weпt home. 2. Нcircumstances permit, 1will aпswer all tl1e letters tomorrow. 3. As the t'amily was poor, 11е could 110t at't'ord to buy such expensive books. 4. When the sigпal was given, tl1e cars started to move. 5. As the lecture was over, ti1e students went to the laboratories. 6. As the professor had been asked to lectшe in a11other city, tl1e students did some practical work. 7. As it is late, we must make haste. 8. As tl1ere was no bread t'or dinner, I had to go to the baker's. 9. As there were no mistakes in the test paper,



the student got а good mark. 1О. As it was difficuJt to answer the qнestion, I lшd to think for а moment. 11. А<> it was dangerous to cross tl1e storшy river iп а boat, we had to wait for а steamer. 12. As it is necessary to send t11e telegram at once, 1'11 go to the post office immediately. 13. As there is nшcl1 work to do, 1'11 stay at lюme toпight. 14. As it was Sнnday, tl1e s\юps were closed.

Exercise IV

CI1ange tl1e following sentences tJsiпg the Absolute Participial Coпstrнction.

1. As the front door was open, she coнld see straight throнg\1 the hoнse. 2. The qнestion was rather difficult to answer at овсе, апd I asked tor permission to think it over. 3. Wl1e11 tl1e greetiпgs we1·e over, !1е seated himse1fiв а c1шir. 4. We set off; t11e raiп was still comiпg down I1eavily. 5. Не stood leaniпg against tl1e wall, his arms were fo1ded. 6. There was in fact вotlling to wait for, and we got down to work. 7. There was very 1ittle time 1eft; we l1ad to hurry. 8. The пеw engiпes were safely delivered, all ofthem were iп good order. 9. Now tl1at two of ту books are lost I am воt going to 1et аnуопе take books from my library.

10.Diпner was served on the tепасе, as it was very close in the room. 11. After

аprivate sittiпg-room had been engaged, bedrooms iпspected апd dinпer

ordered, tl1e party wa1ked out to view t11e city.

Exercise V

Joiп two seпtences: tшп the first seпtence iпto the Nomiпative Absolute Participial Constructioп.

1.Tl1e sнn lшd set; we could поt contiпue ош way. 2. Tl1e room was dark; we couldn't see aпythiпg. 3. Т11еrе was nobody at lюme; I lшd diппer аlопе.

4.The room at the hotel had Ьееп booked beforehaпd; we l1ad no reason to worry. 5. The typist had fallen ill; I couldп't get my paper typed iп time. 6. It was late; tl1e children were sent to bed. 7. TI1e telep\1oпe was out of order; l\1ad to go out. 8. The ТУ set is repaired; we сап watch ТУ programmes every day.

9.The пеw engiпes were safely delivered; all oftl1em were iп good order. 1О. The situatioп was шgепt; we had to go ahead. 11. Our eftorts to start the car llad failed; we spent the пigl1t at а пеаrЬу viiiage.

Exercise Vl

Make up seпtences нsiпg tlle followiпg pl1rases as the Nomiпative Absolute Participial

tl1ere beiпg по time to lose; the coпcert over; it beiпg 1ate; haпds iп pockets; his collar uпbuttoned; wit11 llis eyes wide open; our car beiпg damaged; people singiпg апd daпcing; а cup oftea before him uпtouclled; the raiпy season over; the coпcert haviпg Ьееп caпcelled; the teacller beiпg away; eyes wide; their bodies swayiпg iп time to the soпg; their clothes beiпg dirty апd torп.


- '










Exercise Vll

~Join two sentences; turп the second seпtence iпto tl1e Prepositioпal Absolute








Model 1

The girl sat still; her eyes were fixed on the fire. - The girl sat still,


with her eyes fixed оп the fire.










1.Нег daughter sat motionless Ьу the fire; her l1aпds were crossed on her kпees.

2.Не could sit so for hours; llis book was closed and lyiпg beside him. 3. They weпt dowп tl1e stairs; Alice was lingeriпg bel1ind а little. 4. Tl1e Ьоу stood sileпt;

l1is head was Ьепt. 5. Не was ruпniпg along the street; his raiпcoat was tl1rowп over 11is left arm. 6. Не Ьеgап to aпswer his lessoп; his teaci1er was watclliпg 11im closely. 7. Tl1e cllild !ау оп tlle bed; his eyes were shut and his face was flushed and sweating.

Exercise Vlll

Translate iпto Englisl1 нsing tl1e Nominative Absolute Participial Coлstrнctioп.

1. Так как море было бурное, они решили не выходить из гавани. 2. Так как

их дом был совсем близко, я часто ходила навещать их. 3. Когда все было

закончено, мы отправились в путь. 4. Так как статья была очень трудная, я не могла перевести ее без вашей помощи. 5. Когда обед был готов, мы сели

за стол. 6. Мы сидели на балконе, а луна в это время медленно поднима­

лась над горами. 7. Так как окно было открыто, ветер разбросал все мои

бумаги по полу. 8. Так как погода была прекрасная, мы решили провести

воскресенье в деревне. 9. Оставалось еще полчаса до отхода поезда, и мы

решили поужинать на вокзале. 1О. Если погода будетблагоприятной, спорт­

смены смогут показать высокие результаты. 11. Если условия позволят, я приеду к вам на лето. 12. Солнце взошло. Начало быстро светлеть.

Exercise IX

Trans1ate iпto English usiпg the Nomiпative Absolute Participial Coпstructioп.

1. Так как мой брат потерял ключ, я не мог открыть дверь. 2. Так как в комнате было душно, гости пошли в сад. 3. Если позволит время, я про­ чту этотроман летом. 4. Он ехал медленно к своей деревне, а толпаребя­ тишек бежала за ним. 5. После того как поезд ушел, мы все вернулись

домой. 6. Вскоре он уже лежал в постели, причем рука его была тщатель­

но забинтована. 7. Так как младшая сестра очень устала, мы решили отложить поход на завтра. 8. Было очень сыро, и мы с трудом нашли сухое место, где можно было поставить палатку. 9. Так как студент хоро­

шо знал английский язык, экзамен продолжался недолго. 10. Так как

профессор был болен, лекция была отложена. 11. После того как солнце

взошло, они продолжали свой путь. 12. Так как на море был сильный

шторм, параход не мог выйти из порта..


Exercise Х

Translate what is given in brackets with the help of tl1e Nominative Absolute


1. (День был солнечный) а pair of glass doors leadiпg to tl1e gardeп wеге thrown ореп. 2. Не fell asleep (окно ослuюсь открытым). 3. (Было уже холодно) tl1e sнmmer resideпts Ьеgап to leave tl1eir collлtгy lюuses. 4. (Когда

гости разъехались) tl1e 11ouse became solitaгy agaiп. 5. Не rLisl1ed iпto tl1e

room (шапка в руках). 6. (Не было никакого смысла все объяснять ему)

1 made нр шу miпd to act оп my оwп. 7. Не sat Jost iп tlюught (перед ним

стоял нетронутый обед). 8. (Так как не было луны) it was pitch dark in the forest. 9. (Так как не было никаких возражений) the plan was adopted.

10. Long s\1e sat l1alf-dressed (сжав руки и опустив голову). 11. В!ank sileпce

followed (никто не произнес ни слова). 12. ( Многиерабочие в городе стра­

дали от туберкулеза легких) he decided to do researc\1 work to fiпd caнses of tl1e disease.

Exercise Xl

Translate iпto Eпglish usiпg tl1e Nomiпative Absolllte Coпstructioп.

1. Когда письмо было написано, она согласилась отнести его на почту.

2. Оставалось еще полчаса до отхода поезда, и мы решили провести это время на вокзале. 3. Солнце село. Начало быстро темнеть. 4. Сигнал был дан, и конькобежцы бросились вперед. 5. Если погода будет благоприят­

ной, спортсмены смогут выиграть это соревнование. 6. Этот вопрос трак­

туется в двух томах, так что мне придется просмотреть оба. 7. Когда работа была выполнена, мы пошли домой. 8. Если условия позволят, я приеду к

вам сегодня вечером после работы. 9. Так как было темно на улице, дети

пошли домой. 10. Так как актер был очень популярным, было трудно дос­ тать билеты на его концерт. 11. Если обстоятельства позволят, мы выедем




"'"';; ;..,

The Nominative Absolute Construction

(without а participle)

The Nominative Absolute Construction is а comЬination of а noun in the Common Gase (or а pronoun in the Nominative Case) with an adjective, an adverb or а prepositional phrase, its subject not being the subject of the sentence. The construction is used in the function of an adverЬial modifier

1) oftime:

The concert over, we phoned for а taxi.





::Note. Observe the difference between the following constructions:


The lecture being over -Так как... ...


The lecture over - Когда... ...






:::::2) attendant circumstances:


She stood stiff, her eyes dry, her /ips tight.









The Prepositional Absolute Construction


(without а participle)


The Absolute Par·ticipialConstruction may Ье introduced Ьу the preposition with and is then called the Prepositional Absolute Construction.

Не rushed into the room, 1мith his face red with anger.


Exercise 1

Point out tl1e absolute coпstrLJctions and state what kind ofadverЬial шoditler tl1ey express. Translate tl1e sentences.

1. At tlve o'clock the follo\viпg day old Jolyon sat alone, а cigar between 11is lips. 2. Не walked witl1 ilis eyes оп tl1e groнпd, bls lips орепiпg апd closiпg. 3. Не listeпed atteпtively to tl1e captaiп's story, bls eyes l1a!t' closed. 4. Не

ргоЬаЬ!у саше froш tl1e maiпlaпd, witl1 по опе seeiпg him. 5. Sl1e \vas sittiпg

iп t11e parlour, her haпds beatiпg geпtly оп the arm oftl1e cl1air. 6. Не stood in froпt ot'tl1em with а stick iп his l1aпd. 7. The embraciпg over, tl1e guests parted.

8.Tl1ese arrangemeпts completed, l1e looked around him wit\1 great satisfactioп.

9.Tl1e day beiпg very warm апd tl1e street а quiet опе, tl1e wiпdows were wide ореп. 1О. Oliver саше нр to the cook, bowl and sрооп iпl1aпd. 11. Sl1e stared oLJt over tl1e Jaпdscape, l1er chiп cupped iп l1er lшnd. 12. Old Jolyoп stood at tl1e bottoш oftl1e bed, 11is l1ands folded iп froпt of 11im.

Exercise 11

Poiпt out tl1e Absolute Coпstructioп coпtaiпiпg по particip!e. Traпslate tl1e seп­

tences into Russian.

1.Sl1e stood watcblпg те, rockiпg оп l1er heels, l1er 11aпds iп the pockets and

аsmile on her face. 2. Теа ready, 1was going to approacl1 tl1e taЬle. 3. Не was lying, witl1 his l1ead апd slюнlders онt of bed. 4. Tlle workiпg time over,

iпnLJmeraЬle employees leave tl1e City of Londoп to returп tl1e пехt day. 5. Апd, cigar iп moнth, old Jolyoп said, "Play те some Сlюрiп." 6. Не


stood, his hands be11iпd hiш. 7. Т11еу were on tl1e porc\1 and Jolш vvas bowiпg rigl1t апd left, his hat iп l1is lшпd, his voice cool апd soft. 8. Не sat оп а stool Ьу tl1e l1eartl1, his back agaiпst tl1e fireplace. 9. Не caressed the cl1ild cluшsily, witl1 l1er big haпd over its head. 10. The experimeпt over, tl1e нewspaper

correspoпdeпts attacked tl1e young scieпtists with questioпs.

Exercise 111

Traпslate iпto Eпglis\1 нsiпg absolute coпstructioпs.

1. Он вошел в комнату с чемоданом в руке. 2. Отец с трубкой во рту встал из-за письменного стола и подошел к книжному шкафу. 3. Он спокойно лежал на диване с книгой в руках. 4. Она продолжала слушать своих друзей с широко открытыми от удивления глазами. 5. Если погода улуч­

шится, мы сможем поехать за город завтра. 6. Пассажиры сидели на

палубе с книгами в руках. 7. Он разговаривал с гостями, повернувшись спиной к камину. 8. Когда урок окончился, все вышли из аудитории. 9. Девушка неподвижно сидела в кресле, закрыв глаза. 1О. Он вошел n комнату, не здороваясь, в пальто и шапке. ].1. Он повернулся к нам: гла­ за горят, губы сжаты. 12. Маленькая Аня перестала играть на рояле и

встала у окна, повернувшись спиной ко всем.

The Preposition

The preposition is а part of speech which shows Н1е relations between а noun or а pronoun and other words of the sentence. The most common prepositions are: at,

Ьу, for, from, below, upon, iп, into, оп, of, to, up, before, above, uпder, with, without etc. The noun which follows the preposition is called the object to the preposition:

Не studies at the uпiversity. She is workiпg iп the laboratory.

Note. Adverbs, infinitives, phrases and clauses too may Ье objects to а preposition:

You mustfiпish yourwork bytheп. (adverb)

The same word may act as an adverb and as а preposition in different situations:

Не was sittiпg iп the readiпg-room. (prep.)

Suddeпlyа Ьоуrап iп. (adv.)

His coat is оп tf1e coat-haпger. (prep.)

Heputhiscoatoп. (adv.)








iпside, without, throughout,
















Kinds of Prepositions

We must distinguish the following groups of prepositions:

1)simple prepositions: iп, оп, at, for, with etc.;

2)derived prepositions which are formed from other words, mainly participles:

coпcerniпg, fo/lowiпg, iпcludiпg, duriпg, depeпdiпg, except etc.;

3) compound prepositions: withiп, outside,

a/oпgside etc.;

4)phrasal prepositions which include а word of another class and one or two

prepositions: Ьуmeaпs of, iп froпtof, iп spite of, iпsteadof, iп additioп to, for

the sake of etc.

The Place of Prepositions

1 . Usually the preposition stands before the word it refers to and is not stressed:

/п the morniпg lots ofstudeпts hurry to the uпiversity.

2. А preposition may stand at the end of an interrogative sentence, an attributive clause or an object clause. ln such cases it is stressed:

What is this barometer made of?

The worker you are lookiпg for is а very good specia/ist.

The Use of More Frequently Met Prepositions

Prepositions of Place

ABOVE- The аеrор/апе flew above the clouds.

ACROSS саг stood across the road.

AMONG -/ saw а /ight amoпg the trees.

BELOW- Не sigпed his пате below miпe.

IN - in а roomjin а building

in the water

in а rowjin а line

in а gardenjin а park

in the ocean


in а townjin а country

in а river


There is поЬоdу iп the room.



The book is iп the bag.



The childreп are iп the gardeп.

1prefer to sit iп the froпt row at the theatre.


Note that we say:


in an arrnchair

in (the) front of

in а photograph

in (the) back of

in а picture


in а mirror


inthe sky


Тhеге аге по clouds in the sky.

Who is the woтan in the photogгaph?

Don 't sit in that агтсhаiг. lt's bгoken. The саг is in fгont of the truck.

The tгuck is in back of the car.

The wотап is iп the front ofthe саг. The girl is in the back of the саг.

АТ- at the bus stop

at the top (of the page)

at the back

at the door

at the bottom (of the page)

at the front

at the window

at the end of the street


Who is that wотап staпdiпg at the bus stop?


Wгite уоиг пате at the top of the page.


IN/АТ/ON - We say that someone is at an event.


For example: at а party


at а football game


at а concert


at the cinema


at а conference

at а meeting


Тhеге wеге тапуpeople at the тeetiпg.


1теt ту frieпdat the footba/1 game.


We say: at home

at university



at an airport

in prison


at the seashore

in hospital

at а station

at sea


1'11 Ье at work at 9 o'clock.

We '//тееtat the aiгport.

1worked оп а farт iп the suттer. You сап Ье iп or at collegejschool.

Use at college or at school when you are thinking of the collegejschool as а place or when you give the name of а collegejschool.

Не wi/1 Ье iп school for three тоrе years. She is away at school right поw.

We can use in or atwith buildings. You can stay iп а hotel or at а hote/; you can eat in а restauraпtor at а гestauraпt. We usually say atwhen we saywhere an event takes place: at the theatre, at the office.

The тeeting took place at the office.



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