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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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~9) in Direct Speech when the reporting verb comes after the quote and the subject
















isa noun:

"l've never seen him, "said Helen.

10)afterthe predicative followed Ьуas is putatthe beginning ofthe sentence, but only ifthe subject is а noun:

TerriЫe as was the storm, we continued our way.

Hard as it was, we tried to do it.

11)when an object or an adverЬial modifier expressed Ьу а wordgroup with not а

... , тапуа ... opens the sentence:

Not а single mistake did he make. Мапу а sleepless night did she spend.

12)any word can Ье made emphatic Ьу prefacing it with the words it is or it was and using а clause after it:

1t was he who did it.

lt was here that 1saw them for the first time.


Exercise 1

Use inverted word-order in the following sentences.

1. Не was so trouЬled indeed now that he scarcely heard tl1e guide's reply. 2. Не gave us not only а piece of good advice, but l1e l1elped us to сапу out our task. 3. А splendid gardeп, full ofЬlossom апd sceпt, !ау before 11im. 4. She knew l1is character little. 5. Не could not speak for а moment: he was so greatly disappointed. 6. Miss Smith was alone in the house. 7. Не had Ьееп aпgry only опсе. 8. It is lucky that we know her address. 9. His mind is curious. 10. I did not meet а саЬ in allmy drive. 11. "lfyou telegraph at once, he сап Ье stopped," said the manager. And he was stopped. 12. Shalyapin was not опlу an outstaпdiпg siпger, but he was also а brilliant actor. 13. Не had nowhere felt so l1appy before. 14. We tried to open the door, but in vaiп: it was locked. 15. Lomoпosov поt опlу created literary works but he also laid tl1e basis for the scieпtific study of the Russian laпguage апd grammar.

Exercise 11

Coпstruct senteпces out ofthe followiпg words and phrases usiпg iпverted word-


1.ofmy story, comes, the end, then. 2. is, right, he. 3. comes, our, there, traiп.

4.with its wide streets, down below, the town, beautiful buildiпgs апd greeп

parks, spread. 5. the river, great, above the city, а moпumeпt, high, stood, overlooking, to the poet, there. 6. recollect, to the house, опlу, the missiпg


details, 11е, on his way back, did. 7. to either ofher sisters, she, пever, lшd, ot'it,

spokeп. 8. weпt dowп, had, thaп, we, the hall, по sooпer, the lights, eпtered.

9. the towп, was, that, reac11ed, so slow, we, 1ate at пight, our progress. 10. he, was, so trouЬled, iпdeed, поw, that, 11eard, he, scarce1y, the guide 's rep1y. 11. it, may, поw, seem, simp1e, as, the solutioп, to fiпd, поt, was, easy. 12. these, measures, will, 110t оп1у, поt, he1p, they, the situation, will make, all, it, tl1e more complicated.

Exercise 111

Rewrite the seпteпces startiпg with so or such.


Beiпg very tired, he slept for twe1ve hours. So ........

2. They had suclн fierce

dog that we were terrified. Such

........ 3. 1 got so angry tl1at 1 screamed. So ...... ..


We received such а Ьig telephoпe Ьill tl1at we couldп't рау it. Such ....... .


The sea looked so ca1m tlшt we bathed iп it. So ........

6. Не is so careful that

l1e doesп't make апу mistakes. So ........

7. Не was such ап excellent student

that he was giveп а scho1arship. Such ........

8. Не 1aughed so much that tears

rolled dowп his cheeks. So ........

9. Не spoke so 1oud1y that everybody cou1d

hear him. So ........

1О. She gained confideпce so rapid1y that everybody believed

her. So ....... .




Exercise IV

Respoпd to t11e seпteпces be1ow.


1 "1 сап speak Italian". "So сап 1".



1. "I've got а headache!" "So

......... " 2. "1 didn't pass my driving test!" "Nor


" 3. "1 was satisfied with his answer." "So

........ " 4. "1 will go to the

country tomorrow." "So ........

" 5. "She hasn't finished her work yet." "Nor

........ " 6. "She is working hardat Eng1ish." "So ........

" 7. "I have поtunderstood

the ru1e." "Nor ........

" 8. "I'm not goiпg out tonight." "Nor ........

" 9. "Не

doesn't speak French." "Nor ........

" 10. "Не hasn't spoken to the secretary."


........ "





Exercise V

Use inversioп in the following senteпces.

1. We had hard1y орепеd the door when the chi1dreп ran in. 2. The matter сап Ье exp1ai11ed i11 110 other way. 3. They 1ittle k11ew what was goiпg 011 i11 their house. 4. His frie11ds tried to he1p him but in vain. 5. She da11ced so beautifully t1шt the audie11ce burst i11to app1ause. 6. I 11ever saw i11 my 1ife а thing dопе so magпifice11t1y. 7. This group ofjourпalists visited Loпdo11 on1y 1ast year. 8. The lecturer spoke 1oudly апd distiпctly. 9. They tried to carry out the project iп vaiп. 10. We walked dowпstairs quietly and softly. 11. They kпew Iitt1e about the poor boy's life. 12. Не spoke so serious1y that everybody be1ieved him.


























13. There had never been so full an assemЬly. 14. We had hardly reacl1ed tl1e football ground when the game started. 15. She saw tl1is опlу for а flasl1iпg moment.

Exercise Vl

Translate iпto Eпglish using iпversion.

1. Никогда Москва не выглядела такой красивой, как теперь. 2. Только когда Римский-Корсаков понял, что музыка его настоящее призвание,

он принял решение посвятить себя музыке. 3. Не раз Том пытался обма­ нуть свою тетушку, но каждый раз она догадывалась о его проделках.

4. Я не только читал эту книгу, но и видел сделанную по ней кинокарти­ ну. 5. Он не читал эту книгу и не видел сделанной по ней кинокартины.

6. Вдали виднелись огни большого города. 7. Хотя было очень трудно

уговорить его, нам это в конце концов удалось. 8. Редко они чувствовали себя так радостно и легко. 9. Они не только не сумели успокоить ее, но,

наоборот, еще больше расстроили. 10. Едва поезд отошел от станции, как между мною и моими спутниками завязалась оживленная беседа.

Exercise Vll

Traпslate iпto Eпglis/1 usiпg inversion.

1. Около дома стояла женщина, которую он не знал. 2. Он не только дал

нам хороший совет, но помог нам выполнить нашу работу. 3. В течение

нескольких минут она не могла говорить, так сильно она была разочаро­

вана. 4. Ни одной минуты он не сомневался, чтобы принять предложе­

ние. 5. Он выглядит немного старше вас. И я тоже. 6. Я думал, что он был на собрании.- И вы тоже. 7. Если бы я выиграл машину, я бы поехал

путешествовать. 8. Он не только не рассердился на нас, но сделал вид будто ничего не заметил. 9. Хотя было очень трудно сделать это, нам это удалось. 10. Нигде он не чувствовал себя таким счастливым раньше. 11. Вы, должно быть, очень устали. И я тоже. 12. Мне кажется, он серь­ езно болен.- Так и есть. 13. Он не нашел нужной ему книги.- Боюсь, и мы не найдем. 14. Если бы вы могли оставаться немного дольше, мы бы закончили работу сегодня. 15. Вы, кажется, недовольны его докладом.­ И я тоже.

Exercise Vlll

Translate the followiпg sentences into English usiпg inversion.

1. У подножья горы стоял небольшой дом. 2. Затем подошла моя оче­ редь читать текст. 3. Среди гостей были родственники и друзья. 4. Да­

леко от леса лежали поля, желтые от золотой пшеницы. 5. <<Эту книгу

интереснее прочесть в оригинале,»- сказал учитель. 6. Вот идут мои


друзья! Вот они! 7. Едва только поезд подошел к станции, как из него

выбежала толпа школьников. 8. Мало выучил он за один день. 9. Он не

только сделал доклад на эту тему, но и внес ряд ценных предложений.

10. Никогда он еще не был в таком трудном положении. 11. Вниматель­ но и быстро осмотрели они все части машины. 12. Хотя он и устал, он не отказался помочь товарищам. 13. Если бы она не пропустила так много уроков в прошлом году, ей было бы легче учиться теперь. 14. Их путь был долог и труден. 15. Хотя книга была скучной, я все же прочел

ее. 16. Таковы были результаты исследования. 17.Тяжелой была рабо­

та, которую надо было сделать. 18. Много прочел он интересных книг, прежде чем сделать доклад. 19. Я никогда раньше не видел этого чело­ века.- Я тоже. 20. Пусть это принесет вам пользу. 21. Будьте здоровы и счастливы!

Exercise IX

Translate into Eпglish.

1. Я уже получил ответы на все вопросы.- И я тоже. 2. Я одобряю ваш выбор, и наши друзья тоже. 3. Он не любил, когда спорили по пустякам.

- И я тоже не люблю. 4. Мы все были озадачены его вопросом. - И я

тоже. 5. Мне пришлось уговаривать его полчаса. - И ей тоже. 6. Они не

отказались от приглашенин. - И мы тоже. 7. Вы не одобряете ее поведе­ ние. -И я тоже. 8. Вы, кажется, очень недовольны его работой. -И мы тоже. 9. Он был на этом собрании.- И мы тоже. 1О. Я могу быть свобод­ ным в пятницу после 5 часов. -И я тоже. 11. Мы не могли удержаться от смеха, глядя на его растерянное лицо.- И все остальные тоже. 12. Я не могу себе представить, почему они не приняли наше предложение. -И

мы тоже.



' -




7. :..J



ln speaking we make pauses and changes ofvoice.ln writing we use punctuation marks.

The marks used to indicate pauses are: the comma ( , )

the semicolon ( ; ) the colon ( : )

the fu\1 stop ( • )




















The marks used to indicate changes of voice are: the question mark ( ? )

the exclamation mark ( ! ) Other marks are:

the dash (-) the hyphen ( - )

the inverted commas ( "" ) the apostrophe ( ' )

the brackets ()

The Full Stop

1.The full stop is used:

а) to end all sentences except those which are exclamatory or interrogative:

The goods were shipped yesterday.

Ь) after an abbreviation or а person'sinitials, although this is becoming less common, especiallyin GB usage:

Capital, Vol. 1, р. 393, Mr. Н. Sweet or Mr Н Smith.

2.When the abbreviation consists of capitals, it is common in GB usage to omit the full stops:


3.Full stops are used in а lowercaseabbreviation, omission offull stops is less common:

i.e., p.m., or ie, pm.

4.lfthe abbreviation includesthe lastletter oftheword, it is usual in GB usage to omit the full stop:

Mr, Dr, St.

5. The full stop is used before decimals: О. 7 (nought point seven)

7.33 (seven pointthirty-three)

The Comma

The comma has more uses than any other mark. lt is placed usually where we make any slight pause in speaking.

1.Acomma is used to separatewordsofthe same partofspeech, similarkinds of clauses, and phrases:

She is ta/1, s/im, fair, and good-natured.

Не told те where to go, what to take with те, and what to do оп arriving there.


2.When words of the same class go together in pairs, each pair is separated Ьу acomma.

That is а good роет, we/1 writteп, very beautiful, апd fu/1 of thought.

3.An unessential attributive clause has а comma before and after it:

Му father, who is old, is а very experieпced тап.

Note. An essential clause is not preceded Ьу а comma, therefore that is never preceded Ьу а сотта.

The first тап tha t wепt iпto the space was а Russiaп citizeп,


4. AdverЬial clauses and phrases, ifthey are notvery short and if they begin the sentence, are followed Ьу а comma:

Sittiпg at the desk, he wrote а /etter.

Note. А short adverЬial clause or phrase following the main verb is not preceded Ьу а comma:

Те// те wheп he сотеs.

lпforт us where you have stayed this holiday.

5. А subject which is а clause is usually followed Ьу а сотта:

That he is а hero, is kпоwп Ьу а/1.

6. AdverЬial phrases and participial phrases (forming absolute constructions) which are placed between the subject and the predicate are preceded and followed Ьу а comma:

The Ьоу, iп spite of the warniпg, weпt iпto the gardeп.

Johп, haviпg fiпished the supper, weпt to bed.

7. А comma is placed between nouns and pronouns in apposition:

Peter, Mary's brother, is а c/ever Ьоу.

Mark Twaiп, the great Атеriсап writer, was а very siтple тап.

8. Any parenthetical or inserted words in а sentence are set off Ьу commas. Parenthetical expressions include: for ехатр/е, tl1erefore, however,

пeverthe/ess, iп туорiпiоп, ofcourse, aftera/1, оп the coпtrary, iпcideпtally,

1believe, 1thiпk, 1kпow, оп the other haпd:

The eagle, for ехатр/е, represeпts streпgth.

This р/ау, 1thiпk, wi/1 Ье popular.

9. А comma is used to set off а direct quotation:

"/ kпowthatwe wоп, "said Liпda.






:..) z.




~1О. Commas are used to separate introductorywords (yes, oh, по, why), phrases,









and clauses from the rest of the sentence:

No, 1do not like bananas.

Although the fans cheered loud/y, the tеат /ost the gате.

11 • А comma is used to separate the name of the month from the year, the name of

<the cityfrom the state, and the streetfrom the city and state:








Не wilfarriveJu/yЗ1, 1989.

Laurie's address is 2222 Cedar Road, Chicago, 11/inois 60607.

12.Acomma is placed beforethewordsand, but, for, yet, or, and norwhen they introduce clauses, unless the clause is very short:

1went to the тeeting early, for 1was the тain speaker. Не decided to attend, but he didn 't feel well.

You talk and lwil/listen(shortтain c/ause).

13.Words used in direct address are set off Ьу commas:

1think, John, that 1wi/1 buy the coat. Pete, wi/1 you answer the phone?

14.Acomma is used to indicate that аword orwords have been omitted in the sentence:

1wi/1 study partА; Ben, part В; and Penny, part С.

15.А comma follows the salutation or greeting in friendly letters:

DearAuntAnn, Greetings to all,

16.Аcomma is placed before and after а qualifying infinitive which is used to give further explanation (i.e., parenthesis):

Не was, to tell the truth, quite exhausted.

17.А comma is never placed between pronouns:

Those who work hard wi/1 succeed. Не who сате first was туbrother.

The Semicolon

Аsemicolon indicates а pause longer than that indicated Ьу the comma. lt is used to separate coordinated clauses:

John plays the piano verywell; Тот doesn 't р/ауat al/.

The Colon

Аcolon is used:

1)to introduce а quotation:

The teacher said: "That is enough for today."


2)to introduce а list:

Thefollowingwordsare nouns: Ьоу, girl, тап, taЬie, house.

Father brougl7t for the childreп differeпt fruit: apples, pears, p/uтs апd sоте grapes.

3) to introduce an additional explanation or statement:

Always try to Ье happy: t1appiпess теапs health.

The Question Mark

The question mark follows all direct questions.

Сап you соте sооп?

Do we start for the excursioп toтorrow?

The Exclamation Mark

The exclamation mark follows all exclamations or exclamatory phrases and sentences:

Hurrah! What а пiсе gift!

The Brackets

Brackets enclose а parenthesis:


Yesterday(this is а secret) 1weпt to the тuseuт.


Note. The dash ( - ) is often used in this way:



Не told те ~ he thought 1did поtkпow- of his епgа~ет~

Square brackets [] are used in phonetic transcription:

The defiпite article is proпouпced [oi, о~].











The Hyphen

Аhyphen (shorter than the dash):

1)joins parts of а compound word: dressiпg-room, sister-iп-law;

2)separates the syllaЫes of а word: iп-ter-est-iпg;

3)is used in numerals: fifty-пiпe, sixty-four, eighty-seveп.


't ( has


















The Dash

Аdash indicates:

1)explanatory phrases or words:

Не lost а/1he hadclothes, топеу, апd furniture;

2)an abrupt change:

1wi/1- по, better поt;


Shall- won'tyou-let usoh! it doesn'tтatter.

1kпow-l'т coпviпced- the p/aywi/1 begiп at 12.

The lnverted Commas

lnverted соттаs showthe beginning and the end of а quotation:

"What did they say?" asked he.

Note. lf in а quotation а second quotation is таdе, the second one is denoted thus:

Marycried: ''Тhе teacher shouted at те 'you are а пaughtygirl'."

The Apostrophe

An apostrophe shows that sоте letters have been oтitted.

/'т(=/ ат) readiпg.

Не hasп поt) соте.

An apostrophe is used to тark the possessive case of sоте nouns:

1thiпk the dictioпaryis оп father's taьte.

Have you today's papers?


1. А full stop тayend а person'sinitials or an abbreviation. Now it is becoтing less соттоn, especially in GB usage:

Mrs. J. Siтpsoп or Mrs J Siтpsoп.

2. lf the abbreviation consists of capitals, the full stops are oтitted in GB usage:



3.ln а lower case abbreviation the omission offull stops is less common: p.m., e.g., i.e., orpm, eg, ie.

4.lt is common in GB usage to omit the full stop ifthe abbreviation includes the last letter of the word:

Dr, St, Mr

5. Add а lower case'sor s to form the plural of capitalletter abbreviations:

MP's or MPs, TV's or ТVs.









When you are writing а letter to England, you must observe some peculiarities of English letter-writing.

An English letter usually consists of the following four parts.

1.The heading ofthe letter consisting ofthe date ofwriting and the address of the letter-sender. lt should Ье written about 2 1/ 2 cm from the top ofthe paper, on the right-hand side. The address should befull and complete: the sender's name, the number of the house, the name of the street, the number of the apartment, the name of the city, the postal index, and the name of the country.

2.The salutation which should Ье written а little belowthe address of the sender. ltvaries according to the relations existing between the sender and the receiver of the letter:

а) Sir, ..... - official and formal salutation;

Ь) Dear Sir, ..... - business and formal correspondence;

с) Dear Mr Wilson, ..... warmer communication between people who know eachother;

d) Dear John, ..... -letters between friends;

е) Dear Johnny, ..... - between relatives and old and close friends. After salutation English people put а comma, sometimesparticularly Americans colon.

3.The body of the letter begins under the last word of the salutation.

4.The subscription which comes at the end of the letter and should Ье written towards the right of the page. The closing words should correspond to the salutation and should Ье immediatelyfollowed Ьу the writer'ssignature:

Yours sincerely, or Yours faithful/y, or Lovinglyyours, or

Yours cordially,

А. Brown