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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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2)to form all tenses of the passive voice:

1was giveп some apples.

3)as an attribute, predicative, adverЬial modifier and part of а complex object:

Huпgaryis а highly deve/oped couпtry. (attribute)

The cooperatiпg space statioпs of Russia апd the USA were docked iп space. (predicative)

Haviпgread the book1marked some mispriпts. (adverЬial modifier of time)

After tеп years 1fouпdher uпchaпged. (complex object)

The Tense and Voice Distinctions

of the Present Participle and the Past Participle

As а verb, the participle has distinctions of voice and tense.

1.The present participle expresses that the action of the participle is simultaneous with the action of the main form of the verb in the sentence.

Wheп comiпg here, 1met ап o/d frieпd of miпe.

We Jooked at the playiпg childreп.

2.The perfect participle denotes that the action of the participle precedes the action of the main form of the verb in the sentence.

Haviпg writteп the letter, 1weпt to post it.

Haviпg /earned Eпglish, we started ироп Freпch.

3.The present participle of such verbs of motion as (to соте, to eпter, to arrive, to turn, to /eave), of sense perception (to see, to hear, to fiпd) and verbs of certain actions associated with motion (to put, to put оп, to take, to take off, to seize, to grasp, to ореп) is used instead ofthe perfect to denote thatthe action of the main form of the verb closelyfollows the action of the participles.

Arriviпg at the statioп, he fouпd the traiп gопе.

Leaviпg the house, Aпdrewcoпtiпued his way.

Turniпg the corner, you'/1 see the house you are lookiпg for.

Heariпg а пoise iп the gardeп, 1/ooked outofthe wiпdow.

Takiпg off our shoes, we tiptoed iпto the пursery.

4.The perfect participle of the same verbs is used when there is а period of time between the two actions. Compare the following examples:

Seeiпg Jапе, 1rushed to greet her. But: Haviпg sееп the girl оп/уопсе, 1

didп't recogпize her.

Not haviпg sееп her for а loпg time, 1didп't recogпize her.

5.The present participle beiпg is not used in adverЬial modifiers of time, instead we use "while-phrase" ог а clause.

While iп Lопdоп (= when 1was in London) 1visited the British Museum. Wheп а Ьоу (= when 1was а Ьоу) lliked to play sport.



Beiпg is used in adverЬial modifiers of cause:

Beiпg exhausted, he iттediately weпt to bed.

б. When translating Russian participles, ending in present participle is used onlywhen the action expressed Ьу the participle is simultaneous with the action of the main verb.

When а prior action is meant no participle 1can Ье used as an attribute, only an attributive clause is used.

The boys throwiпg stoпes iпto the ропd /aughed loudly. Мальчики,

бросавшие камни в пруд, громко смеялись.

The boys who had Ьееп throwiпg stoпes iпto the ропd weпt hоте.

Мальчики, бросившие камни в пруд, ушли домой.

1addressed the wотап staпdiпg оп the porch. Я обратился к женщине,

стоявшей на крыльце.

The wотап who had Ьееп staпdiпg оп the porch weпt iпto the house.

Женщина, стоявшая на крыльце, вошла в дом.

7. The present participle oftransitiveverbs has voice distinctions.

Beiпg traпslatediпto тапу/aпguages, the пovelis kпоwп а/1over the world.

Haviпg Ьееп traпslated loпg ago, the пovelis likely to Ье retraпslated.

8.The past participle expresses either that the action of the participle precedes the action of the main verb, or that it is simultaneous to the action of the main verb.

Pieces of the brokeп glass were /yiпg оп the floor. Не stopped before а closed door.

Verb Characteristics of the Participle

Like verbs the participle а) helps to form а tense:

lt's пiпе о'clock апd we are haviпg our Eпglish c/ass.

Ь) can have objects of all kinds after it:

Haviпg dопе туlessoпs, 1was a/lowed to go for а walk. (direct object)

She was busyteachiпg the pupils Eпg/ish. (indirect object)

Adjective Characteristics of the Participle

Like adjectives the participle can а) qualify а noun:

The saved тап was а sailor.

Ь) Ье qualified Ьу an adverb:

1was very tired Ьу the /опg wa/k.










шап makiпg


















с) can have degrees of comparison: tired - тоге tired - most tired.

d) can Ье used asa noun:

The new-born were twins- а Ьоуand а girl.


Exercise 1

State the form ofparticiple J.

1. Не was Ьу а window, looking out at the city's lights, wheп l1is frieпd returned. 2. Haviпg listened to the report, l1e left the meetiпg. 3. Не was поt very good at gardening, having been brougl1t up with а back yard and а few geraniums. 4. She stepped forward, smiling. 5. Having said tl1at he was ashamed, he left the room. 6. Tl1rowing himself into his motl1er's arms, the child burst out crying. 7. Having writteп the letter, she decided поt to post it. 8. The architect working at the desigп is а well-kпown specialist. 9. Haviпg looked tl1rough а lot ofmagaziпes, she clюse оп\у опе. 10. The

а report is а good speaker.

Exercise 11

State the fuпctioпs of participle I. Traпslate the senteпces iпto Russiaп.

1.Не haпded the message to her, who read it, leaпiпg towards а light beside her.

2.Не began to stammer, gaziпg at her frightened face. 3. Lockiпg the cloor, l1e

stood still. 4. Two little boys carrying toy airplanes stopped, examiпiпg а lot of differeпt toys. 5. Puttiпg dowпthe receiver, she left the room. 6. The door орепеd, but into а little space leadiпg to aпother door. 7. Opeпing the wiпdow, he weпt out to the terrace. 8. Не stopped, realizing he was talking to himself. 9. Their room had two windows looking over the street. 10. I саше here this afterпoon thinking I might find my sister. 11. Arriving at the gallery, he paid his shilling, picked up а catalogue, and entered. 12. I've got ту lunch which was waiting forme here.

Exercise 111

State the tense and voice distinctions ofthe participles.

1. While correcting the students' test papers, the teacher underlined tl1e mistakes with а red pencil. 2. Being corrected Ьу the teacher regularly, the exercises are very useful to the 3. Having corrected tl1e test papers, tl1e teacher returпed them to tl1e students. 4. Having been corrected Ьу the teacher yesterday, tl1e students' test papers will Ье returпed to them today. 5. The workiпg people all over tl1e world are against war. 6. The plan worked out Ьу the committee I1as



been approacl1ed of. 7. Wl1ile workiпg iп the reading-hall, 1 take по пotice ot' tl1e time. 8. Heariпg the teleplюпe call, I tookoffthe receiver. 9. She is а womaп respected Ьу everybody. 10. The students had to analyze the forms writteп iп italics.

Exercise IV

Give all possiЫe forms ofparticiple 1ofthe followiпg verbs:

to come, to cover, to read, to write, to look, to wait, to riпg, to tl1iпk, to sleep, to go, to laugl1, to give.

Exercise V

Use the suitaЫe form ofparticiple 1ofthe verb in brackets.

1. (to greet) her, he tшпеd the key iп the only doorwith а certain skill. 2. (to have) tea she weпt early to Victoria Statioп. 3. She l1ad а pale face апd dark hair (to turn) grey. 4. (to pick нр) his coat, 11е walked оп iпto the field. 5. Not for one momeпt did he show surprise at the weddiпg gift (to preseпt) to him personally. 6. (to dry) his Tom came across from tl1e washstand. 7. Не crossed the room to the long buffet. (to staпd) beside the girl he picked up а sandwich. Тhеп, (to turп) апd (to speak) пervously апd with an effort he said, "I say, do you mind ifi speak to you?" 8. (to think) about her child, with some comfort, she fe\1 asleep. 9. (to lift) the telephone, Peter asked for the director. 10. (to jump) down from tl1e stairs, l1e went over to tl1e driver. 11. (to reach) the hotel he went to the sitting-room, and raпg for tea. 12. She poured out another cup oftea for herself, апd (to taste) it,

coпtinued talking.

Exercise Vl

Replace the clauses Ьу the suitaЫe form ofparticiple 1 where possiЫe.

1. When he said so, he grasped the map firmly with bot\1 haпds. 2. Не walked to the edge of the verandah and when he leaпed over he looked inteпtly at the Ыuе magic ofthe nig\1t. 3. She moved away as she felt slig\1t\y embarrassed. 4. Не got а seat rather far back in the нрреr boxes, but as l1is sight was very good, he saw qнite well. 5. The man who bent over her is her director. 6. Не пodded wheпl1e took another chocolate cookie. 7. She stared back, as she did поt kпow what to do. 8. Stepheп, who l1ad been listening to the unspoken speech behind the words, said nothing. 9. W\1en he bowed to the Chairman and pushed back his chair, he walked to the door, opened it and passed throug\1. 1О. W\1en l1e took а taxi, he got in апd told the driver tP drive to Oxford Street. 11. She stopped as she noticed а ta\1 thin mап wlн' was standing before the fire. 12. Peter seated himself in а leather cl1;1 i г which faced the deck.






















- '


Exercise Vll

Substitute participle l for а main verb where possiЬle making а11 other necessary changes.

l. When he arrived at tl1e museнm, he paid 11is entrance fee авd entered. 2. As tl1ey were promised assistance, they felt more assured. 3. We shall drop уон а liпe as soon as we have settled at the new place. 4. After l1e was shown in l1e was asked t.o wait а little. 5. Tl1e parks апd gardens that are being Jaid out iп tl1e city very soon torm а green belt all around it. б. They started tl1e constrнctioп of the dam early in spriпg апd completed it before cold weather set iп. 7. Не lit а cigarette, leaned against the porch rail and looked at the trees and the rain that was pouring dowп steadily and monotonously. 8. It lшs been planned to dig онt

"""а new сапа! llere which will sнpply the whole area witl1 water tor irrigatioп. 9. Wl1en sl1e was goiпg dowп tl1e steps she suddeпly stopped as sl1e remembered

tllat she had left the gas Ьнrпiпg. 1О. Не stood at the coнnter апd l1esitated, lle did поt kпow wlшt to clloose. 11. After they lшd fiпalized the programme, they proceeded to the discussion of the items that dealt with financial matters. 12. Не knows the langнage better than а foreigner нsually does, tor he lшs been liviпg iп Fraпce for а long time. 13. As he had long Ьееп а resideпt ofthe city апd knew tl1e family very well, he at once recogпized the young man wlюm he remembered as а Ьоу.

Exercise Vlll

Joiп each oftl1e following pairs ofsentences using constructioпs with participles l.

1. Не dropped on llis knees, he tried to get nearer to that trouЬled face. 2. Не walked iпto the ceпtre ofthe great drawing-room, he stood still. 3. Не took the paper wit\1 l1im, he retired to his stнdy. 4. Аnп hesitated, sl1e searclled for the right words t11at were in her miпd. 5. Slle flнslled darkly and she took up tl1e pictшe quickly and turпed its back to Jolln. 6. Sl1e lifted t11e telep11one, she

"Yes?" 7. I paused, 1 did not quite know 11ow to express myself.

8.Wheп Stepl1en t11oug11t about tllese tlliпgs, he made l1imselfill. 9. Не carried

аsнitcase iп eitller haпd, 11е stepped out on the landiпg. 1О. Не looked up, 11е

caug11t the amused look in Edward's eyes, апd he fluslled darkly. 11. Не turned away, 11е walked throнgl1 tlle hospital. 12. Tlle light from tlle slыded pianocandle fell оп 11erneck, it left herface rat11eriн slшdow. 13. Peterwas iп London at tl1at time. Не often visited t11e British Museum. 14. The сопfеrепсе took place in Paris early iп tlle mont11. lt was widely commented on in tlle press.

Exercise IX

Replace the infiпitives in brackets Ьу the correct form ofparticiple J.

1. (to reject) Ьу the editorial board, the story was returned to the author for revisioп. 2. (to reject) Ьу puЬlisl1ers several times, the story was accepted Ьу а


weekly magazine. 3. (to wait) for some time in the reception room, l1e was asked into the office. 4. (to wait) in tl1e receptioп room, he tlюнgl1t overwlшt l1e woнld saywl1en he was asked into the office. 5. They reacl1ed the peak at dнsk, (to leave) tl1eir camp with the tirst light. 6. Tl1ey рнt нр for the night at а temporary camp, (to leave) it at dawn. 7. The frieпds went онt into the city (to leave) their sнitcases at the left lнggage departmeпt. 8. (to write) and (to leave) а note with the porter, he said he woнld Ье back in lшlfan hoнr. 9. (to write) iп the archaic language, the book was difficнlt to read. 1О. (to write) his first book, he could not go far beyond his оwп experieпce. 11. (to Ье) away so loпg he was happy to Ье comiпg back. 12. (to Ье) so far away he still felt himselfpart of11is community. 13. The children looked woпderingly at tl1e elephant, пever (to see) such а huge aпimal. 14. Not (to waпt) to go deeper iвto the matter, l1e

abruptly chaпged the conversatioп.

Exercise Х

Translate what is given in brackets using:

а) participle 1 in attributive phrases wl1ere possiЬle.

1. We came up to the mап (стоявшему на углу) авd asked llim tl1e way. 2. Go to the corner апd ask the militiamaп (стоящего там) to show you the way. 3. The man (стоящий у расписания) was ourteacher last year. 4. Did you see in what directioв the man (стоявший здесь) went? 5. А new power plaпt is to

Ье built here iп two years (которая будет снабжать электричеством) а number

ofindustrial regions. 6. The people (ожидающие доктора) have Ьееп sitting here for а long time. 7. The people (ожидавшие вас) have just gопе.

Ь) participle I in adverblal phrases.

1. (Рассказав все, что он знал) the witness lett the room. 2. (Постучав

дважды и не получив ответа) he decided that there was nobody in. 3. (Тол­ кнув дверь) he felt tl1at it was поt locked, and (открыв ее) he looked inside. 4. (Тихо закрыв дверь) he tiptoed into the room. 5. Each time (рассказы­

вая об этом случае) he could not l1elp а smile. 6. (Приехав в гостиницу)

sl1e found а telegram awaiting her. 7. (Приехав сюда) only а few years before he knew those parts as if11e had always lived there. 8. 1 felt very tired (прора­

ботав целый день) iп tl1e stш. 9. (Подняв трубку) he Ьеgап to dial the


с) participle 1 in adverblal or attributive phrases where possiЬle.

1. The confereпce (проходящая сейчас) at university is devoted to proЬlems of nuclear physics. 2. UnaЬle to attend the conference (проходившую тогда) at uпiversity, we asked to Ье sent tl1e most interesting reports. 3. They are now at t\1e conference (которая проходит) at university. 4. The sight of (накрываемого стола) made my mouth water. 5. Suddeпly 1heard а sound ofa key (поворачи-















ваемого) iп t11e lock. 6. (Когда их поставили в воду) t\1e tlowers opened their

petals. 7. The tlowers faded (так как их долгое время держали без воды).


Exercise Xl



Traпslate into English using participle 1.




1. Он смотрел на мальчика, сидевшего на стуле в саду. 2. Мальчик,


сидевший на стуле в саду, ушел домой. 3. <<Что случилось?>>- спросил


отец, услышавший шум из соседней комнаты. 4. Они вышли на доро­


гу, которая вела в лес. 5. Они жили в доме, который когда-то принадле­



жал ее бабушке. 6. Джейн смотрела на увядшие растения, которые рос­

ли у стены. 7. Закрыв дверь, он подошел к письменному столу. 8. Они


"""вошли в комнату, громко разговаривая. 9. Сняв старое платье, она на­ дела новое. 1О. Я снова встретил его на корабле по возращении домой.

11.Подойдя к зеркалу, он посмотрел на свое лицо. 12. Он спокойно

лежал, думая о предстоящей командировке на Кавказ. 13. Они дошли

до двери и стояли там разговаривая. 14. Посмотрев на Тома, который

сломал свою игрушку, отец покачал головой. 15. Подойдя к центру го­

рода, он остановился у автомата и позвонил другу. 16. Поцеловав де­

тей, он ушел на работу. 17. Он указал на женщину, которая стояла у

метро. 18. Студент, списывавший текст задания, не обратил внимания на вошедших. 19. Студенты, списавшие текст задания, вышли из ауди­


Exercise Xll

Translate into Englisl1 using participle I.

1.Окончив уроки, они пошли домой. 2. Вот письмо, извещающее о его приезде. 3. Они шли по тропинке, весело распевая песни. 4. Выйдя из дома рано, мы не спешили. 5. Выглянув в окно, я увидела группу игра­

ющих детей. 6. Прибыв на станцию, мы узнали, что поезд уже ушел.

7.Услыхав, что она больна, мы пошли навестить ее. 8. Не застав его дома, я оставила ему записку. 9. Прочитав две страницы, он закрыл книгу. 1О. Видя, что приближается гроза, дети побежали домой. 11. Ус­ лыхав стук, она пошла отворить дверь. 12. Не получив ответа на свое письмо, она снова написала. 13. Опоздав на первый поезд, мы были вынуждены ждать на станции около часа. 14. Студенты, списавшие

текст вчера, будут работать над ним сегодня. 15. Токарь, работавший

на станке, внимательно следил за процессом шлифовки. 16. Проспав

несколько часов после прогулки, туристы почувствовали себя посве­ жевшими и сильными. 17. Слушая музыку, он забыл о неприятностях.

18.Закончив работу, он обычно шел в столовую. 19. Получив письмо, я

сразу же ответила на него.


Exercise Xlll

Translate into English using participle r.

1. Выйдя из дома рано, я решила идти пешком. 2. Мы сидели на палубе, наслаждаясь морским воздухом. 3. Читая английские книги в оригина­

ле, он обычно пользуется словарем. 4. Читая повесть Фурманова <<Чапа­ ев>>, я вспомнил годы гражданской войны. 5. Читая эту книгу, я буду

выписывать новые слова и выражения. 6. Прочитав вашу книгу, я сразу

же передам ее вашей подруге. 7. Увидев автобус, я решила не ждать трам­ вая. 8. Услышав свист, собака насторожилась. 9. Исполняя замечатель­ ную сонату, молодой музыкант был очень взволнован. 1О. Услышав те­ лефонный звонок, я снял трубку. 11. Прочитав книгу <<Охотник», я решила просrестьдругие произведения Олдриджа. 12. Мы остановились

у поворота дороги, ведущей в ближайшую деревню.

Exercise XIV

Translate into English using particip1e [.

1. Восходящее солнце было закрыто тучами. 2. Я поднял письмо, лежав­ шее на полу. 3. Приехав на вокзал, я позвал носильщика. 4. Изучив воп­ росдетально, он смогответить на все вопросы. 5. Потеряв клюсr, он не мог

войти в комнату. 6. Повернув налево, мы увидели большое новое здание.

7.Узнав, что он все еще в Москве, я позвонил ему по телефону. 8. Будучи

очень рассеянным, он сделал несколько ошибок, переписывая текст.

9.Не зная дороги на вокзал, я решил обратиться к человеку, стоявшему на

углу. 10. Зная его осrень хорошо, я мог рекомендовать его как очень хоро­ шего работника. 11. Во время доклада я заметил молодого человека, си­ девшего в углу зала и слушавшего докладчика с большим вниманием.

12.Выяснив, что следующий поезд уйдет только в 11 часов вечера, я решил поехать утренним поездом. 13. Выучив произношение этих слов, мы выучи­ ли их значение. 14. Не зная нисrего об опасности, мы продолжали путь.

Exercise XV

State the function ofparticiple П. Trans1ate the sentences into Russian.

1.The answer to this question was unexpected. 2. You didn't look so iпterested.

3.There was а stillness in the small dining-room, brokeп on1y Ьу the tickiпg of

аc1ock upon the wall. 4. Не replaced used ashtrays on the taЬle with fresh, and refilled coffee-cups. 5. Не eпtered, puzz1ed but interested. 6. Presently he came

to а standstill, witl1 his hands deep p1uпged iпto his pockets. 7. She had no photographs ofherselftaken siпce her marriage. 8. Newspapers are brought iп the morning. 9. Не described the method used Ьу tl1is engineer. 10. Нis personality was reflected in this art. 11. The paintings discussed attracted the atteпtion ofmaпy visitors. 12. The lecture was followed Ьу а loпg discussioп.



























Exercise XVI

Replace the attributive clauses in the following sentences Ьу phrases with participle П

where possiЬle.

1.The animals that were caught in the snare struggled furiously. 2. There was

аpeculiar silence in the room, which was broken only Ьу the crackle of paper.

3.The melancholy tune which is being played Ьу tl1e band brings back all the sweet memories of my youth. 4. The compact disks that are produced Ьу the local factory are of exceptionally fine quality. 5. Не specialized in treating serious lung diseases, whicl1 are mainly caused Ьу dust. 6. And the answer that had so long been expected came at last. 7. The machinery which has been ordered from abroad will Ье delivered Ьуship. 8. The opinions that were expressed Ьу the critics greatly differ. 9. Не looked back at the large car that was parked at

the road side. 1О. One day she found а letter which was slipped under tl1e door. 11. She had enormous Ьlack eyes which were framed in velvety lasl1es and eyebrows. 12. Jane who was greatly surprised to see her son l1ere looked Llp. 13. Eliza who was excited Ьу his words moved along the street.

Exercise XVII

Fill in the Ьlanks with participle 11 or participle I (passive) ofthe verb in brackets.

1. а) The monument ......


on this sqllare has been recently unveiled. Ь) The

monument ......

on this square will Ье soon unveiled. (to erect). 2. а) We could

l1ear the noise offurniture

...... upstairs. Ь) For а moment they sat silent ......


the story. (to move). 3. а) I

cannot forget the story

...... Ьу him. Ь) TI1ey listeвed

breathlessly to the story ......

Ьу the old man. (to tell). 4. а) One сап't fail to

пotice the progress ......

Ьу our group during tl1e Iast term. Ь) These are only а

few ofthe attempts now ......


to improve the methods ofteachiпg adult students.

(to make ). 5. а) We live at а time of outer space ......

Ьу man. Ь) "1 wish 1 could

live to see outer space ......


Ьу man," said the old professor. (to conquer).


Exercise XVIII

Translate the Russian participles in brackets Ьу the English participle 11 where


1. The number of apartment houses (строящихся) for the population of Moscow is rapidly growing. 2. What is the пumber ofapartment houses (пост­ роенных) in the past few years? 3. The houses (строившиеся) тапу years ago are поt as convenieпt as the moderп опеs. 4. The workers (строившие) tl1is house used new coпstructioп methods. 5. At the сопfеrепсе they discussed

пеw methods (применяемые) iп coпstructioп. 6. The пеw metlюds (приме­

ненные) in the coпstructioп ofhouses proved more effective. 7. They decided to abaпdon some ofthe methods (применявшихся) formerly in coпstructioп. 8. The bricklayer (применивший) а new method in construction made а report


at the conference. 9. Here are some samples of tl1e products ot' tl1is plaпt (посылаемые) to different parts ofthe country. 10. These are the samples of products (посланные) last month. 11. Here are tl1e samples ofproducts ofthe plants (посылавших) us machinery. 12. These are the samples of products (посылавшихся) before the restoration ofthe plant.

Exercise XIX

Traпslate iпto English using participle 11.

1. Полученное в•rера письмо взволновало всех. 2. Построенный на вершине

холмадом бьm виден издалека. 3. Преследуемый собаками оленьскрылся в чаще. 4. Недавно выпушен каталог картин этого художника, хранящихся в национальных музеях. 5. Хотя книга бьmа посвящена узкой теме, она пред­

ставляла интерес не только для специалистов. 6. Поскольку статья бьmа

написана трудным языком, ее нелегко было перевести. 7. Когда правило объяснили еще раз, оно показалось совсем легким. 8. Письмо, адресован­ ное редактору, осталось без ответа. 9. Они вспоминали однях, проведеиных в Англии во время Шекспиравекого фестиваля. 10. Оставленный один в

темноте, ребенок заплакал. 11. Доктор испробовал все рекомендованные методы. 12. Пьеса, поставленная молодым режиссером, пользуется боль­

шим успехом. 13. Когда ее попросили, онадала свой адрес.

Exercise ХХ

Translate into English usiпg participle 11.

1. Собиравшаяся в течение многих десятков лет коллекция рукописей в

этом университете является одной из самых богатых в мире. 2. На следу­ ющий день мы отправились по адресу, который дал нам доктор. 3. Неко­

торые вопросы, которые затрагиваются в докладе, заслуживают серьез­

ного внимания. 4. Когда я подошел к письменному столу, я обнаружил на нем запечатанный конверт. 5. Обсуждаемая проблема интересует всех

нас. 6. Разбуженный шумом на улице, он долго не мог заснуть. 7. Опы­

ты, сделанные учеными, были очень важны для исследования космоса.

8.Ученый, сделавший это открытие, награжден Нобелевской премией.

9.Опубликованная во вчерашнем номере газеты <<Известия» статья уде­ ляет особое внимание экономической жизни страны. 10. Конференция, посвященная проблемам развития экономики, приняла резолюцию.

11.Это письмо только что подписано директором.

Exercise XXI

Translate into Eпglish using participle П.

1. Мне предложили билет на концерт, но я отказался. 2. Письмо не может

быть отправлено сегодня, так как оно еще не подписано директором.









