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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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Note 1 . When there are more than two words or thoughts to Ье joined together, usually опlу the last is preceded Ьу а conjunction:

Неге some red, pink, white and yel/ow flowers.

Boys, girls, youths and e/derly people went to see the motorracing.

Note 2. Coordinating conjunctions join words that stand in the same relation to some otherword in the sentence:

Will you drink milk or tea?

Our pupils and students like sport games.

Subordinating Conjunctions


Subordinating conjunctions join а subordinate clause to the main clause:

1will go there if you permit те.

Note. Some words are partly adverbs and partly conjunctions. So far as the words qualify а verb Ьу stating time, manner or place, they are adverbs. So far as they join sentences, they are conjunctions. Tl1ese are whether, when, where, why, how, however.

Where are you going to (adverb of place)? 1don 't know where he has gone (conj.).


Exercise 1

Fill in the Ьlanks with one ofthe following coпjuпctions.

And, but, yet

1. I сап go, ...... I would rather not. 2. I сап go, ...... 1will go. 3. rt was not mucl1 ofa village, ...... it was а very pretty part oftl1e country.

How, that

1. Writers teach us ...... good men should speak and act. 2. Му friend to]d me

...... he had а plan in view for me.


Or, nor

1. Neitl1er тytastes ...... ту tale11ts lie i11 this directioп. 2. We сап 11ever respect people wlю have 110 tiтe ..... iпcli11atioп to do the work required of theт. 3. I had 110 mo11ey, ...... l1ad I апу frie11ds iп tl1e city. 4. Wl1e11 ту graпdfather was а Ьоу tl1ere was по such tlliпg as а Ьicycle ...... automoЬile.

Thoug/1, but, while, and


1like pears, I also like peaches. 2. Jsaid 1was glad to see l1er ......


wishiпg she hadп't соте. 3. We were поw up to our waist iп the bog; ......

it was

sumтer, I was sl1iveriпg witl1 cold.


When, while

1. Eacl1 persoп t.ook his turп i11 watchi11g ......

tl1e others slept. 2.......

the car

stops, I will get off. 3. Do пotjuтp oftl1e car ......

it is iп 11юtiоп.


Exercise 11

Fill iп tl1e Ьlaпks with о11е oftl1e followi11g coпjuпctioпs: tl1erefore, because, as if, as, unless, not so ... as, as ... as, bot/1 ... and.

1. I сап11оt go out .....

you rеtшп my umbrella. 2. You must leave at eigllt

o'clock .....

tl1e сопfеrепсе begiпs at пiпе. 3. Our assistaпt is .....

сараЬlе апd

iпdustrious. 4. I kпew you would соте ..... you proтised me you would.

5. LLJcy is 110t .....

clever .....

her brotl1er. б. I will соте

..... fast .....

I сап. 7. 1

wish 1 could play teпnis .....

ту cousiп Mike does. 8. The clock sotшds

..... it

needed wiпdiпg. 9. The boys were .....

qLJick .....

stroпg. 1О. Tllis eveпiпg is поt

..... cold .....


last. 11.

Уон won't go to tl1e park .....

you fiпisl1 all


lюmework. 12. She looks .....

sl1e lшd пever seen anything like it. 13. 1tried to

11elp llim .....

1felt sorry for him. 14. Tl1e Ьоу seпt his letter to tl1e wrong address,

..... it was not delivered.








Exercise 111










Put tl1e proper conjLJnction.








1. а) We decided to do our Ьit ofwork separately .....

discuss each other's part

when it was ready. (апd, but) Ь) We tried to do our Ьit ofwork together .....


decided to divide it for eacl1 to do his part separately. (and, Ьнt) 2. The wartook

away all his friends .....

relatives. Не remaiпed qнite аlопе withoнt frie11ds .....

relatives. (апd, or) 3.

Не did not нnderstaпd anytlliпg of wlшt was goiлg оп

аrонпd llim ......

did l1e try to ......

nobody botl1ered to make him care. (апd,

поr) 4. а) 1 coнldn't find an answer to ту qнestion ......

i п books

...... in lectшe

l1alls. (eitl1er ......

or, пeither


nor) Ь)

...... books 1 read


the people I

spoke to coнld give те an answer to ту question. (either ......

or, пeither ..... .

nor) 5. а) Much was said ......

iп favour ot· ......

against the project. (neither ..... .

поr, botl1 ......

and) Ь) N othing was said ......

in favour of

...... agaiпst the project.





























(пeitl1er ...... поr, either ...... or) 6. а) It was late, ...... cvcrybody telt tired. (so, and) Ь) It was late, ...... we agreed to break till tomorrow. (so, апd) с) We agreed to brcak till tomorrow, ...... it was alгeady late. (so, for, апd)

Exercise IV

ComЬine the tollowing seпteпces so as to make them eitl1er complex or compotшd using tl1e conjuпctions: that, whether, as soon as, where, as, because, so that, al- tlюugh, as ... as, therefore, so, if, nevertheless, for.

1. l did not read the book to the end. lt was поt very iпterestiпg. 2. We left early. We wanted to reach the village before soлset. 3. Уоо are лоt iп earпest. You

speak iв sнcl1 а carcless апd iпdiffereлt mаппеr. 4. Tl1e expeditioп may Ье

daпgerous. I will take part iп it. 5. 1Ъе road was very nшddy. Tl1e саг would поt move. 6. I stayed оп. She migl1t поt feelloпely. 7. Не did exactly. Не was told. 8. You regard tbls matter as important. We wiJI consider it. 9. Т11еу rап fast. Theiг legs could carrytl1em. 1О. J don't advise уон to go to tl1e river. It is too cold to batl1e. 11. Tl1e 11онsе stood; t\1e roads met. 12. The bell rings. You may play games. 13. l recognize the spot. I saw it. 14. Peter 11esitated. I stood нр to speak. 15. Tl1e travellers \vere told. А storm was expected. 16. It is нnfortoлate. Tl1e traiл arrives at пigl1t. 17. Tl1e qнestioп is. We сал afford so nшс11 time.

Exercise V

Use опе oftl1e coпjunctions to complete eacl1 oftl1ese seпteпces: and, but, if, as, for, yet, that, though, since, ~vhile, until, when, un!ess, because, whether, although.

1. The wind was cold ......

it was the nюntl1 of" December. 2.

Paul did not

know ......

to с]юоsе а book or а ball for а Ьirtl1day preseпt.

3. Let us stay

oнtside ......

tl1e sнn is iп the sky, tl1eп go indoors. 4. Sнsan cooked diппer ..... .

Jапе cJeaпed the flat. 5. You need not соте witl1 us ......

you wisl1 to. 6. We

would like to go to tl1e seaside ......

the weather is fiпe. 7. The matcl1 did поt

take place

...... oftl1e 11eavy raiп. 8. We looked everywl1ere for tl1e 1ost book

...... coнld поt fiпd it.

Exercise Vl

Рнt in tl1e proper conjнnctioпs iпtroduciвg adverЬial claнses of time.

1. We have пever seen blm ......

he left for t11e cineшa. 2. Seпd me а telegram ..... .

you come. 3.......

he said it he felt it was wroпg. 4. l шаdе 11is acquaintance ..... .

he l1ad graduated from нniversity. 5. Make 11ау ......

the suп is shiпing. 6. I'll Ье

glad to see you ......

you соте. 7. It had 11appened ......

the experimeпt was

completed. 8. She was staпding on tl1e shore ......

tl1e ship was lost sigl1t of.


had 1knocked at t11e door ......

it swung open. 10. Stay 11ere ......

you сап.

11 .......

t11e sky began to clear up, the air grew cooler. 12.......

l1ad 1орепеd tl1e

gate ......

t11e dogs began to bark.






Exercise Vll

Use tl1ese conjunctions and connective words iп tl1e following seлtences.

therefore consequently fm· because thus in tbls way for this reason as а result

1. I had not studied ту lessons for two weeks. I could not answer the questioпs in the text. 2. The train was half an hour late. I missed the first tl1ree пumbers оп the programme. 3. 1 tried to help him. 1 felt sorry for him. 4. Mark turned to the right wheп he reached the corner ...... he missed his fatl1er, who came up the street. 5. 1 could not give а report. I did поt have tl1e book. 6. Miily's little sister is Ш. Milly l1as not been at school tl1is week. 7. 1made my macl1ine lighter than his ...... it was easier to maпage. 8. I telephoпed tl1e message to Peter ...... по time was lost getting started. 9. You сап сапу soup or coffee in а thermos bottle ...... you can always have somethiпg lюt for lunch.

Exercise Vlll

Answer tl1e followiлg questioпs usiпg the coлjпnctioл neitl1er ... nm· as iп t!1e

models. Use the words brackets алd add а seпtence ofyour own.

Mnrlel 1 Did Boris repair the ТУ set yesterday? (have а techпiciaп iл). - Не лeither repaired it himself лоr had а techniciaл iл. So we could not watch ТУ programmes.

1. Did Oleg agree to yourproposal? (object to) 2. Have you boпgl1t the textbook? (take it from our library) 3. Did the old mал receive апу letters? (seпd Jetters) 4. Do you approve of our project? (criticize) 5. Did Неlеп buy aлytlliпg for dinлer? (ask smb. to do it) 6. Did theyturn left? (right) 7. Do yoнlike physics? (matl1ematics) 8. Did you buy envelopes at tl1e post office? (postage stamps) 9. Did Alec speak in favour ofyour plan? (agaiпst it) 1О. Did yoнlike the спt of your Ьlouse? (the trimming)







The Particle

The particle has no independent function in the sentence. lt may Ье connected with any notional part of speech in the sentence to emphasize it. The most frequently used particles are ALSO, ALONE, ALL, BUT, EVEN, JUST, ONLY, MERELY, QUITE, $1MPLY, STILLetc.

















Kinds of Particles

Particles may Ье classified into:

1) limiting particles: еvеп, оп/у, теге/у, sole/y, barely, but, а/опе, just, simp/y. Оп/у the first-year studeпts were left to discuss the experimeпt.

2)intensifying particles: а/1, still, yet, just, еvеп, simply, quite etc:

1сап quite uпderstaпdyour feeliпg.

3)specifying particles: right, exactly, precisely,just.

Draw а circle right iп the middle of the тар.

4) connecting particles: also, too.

1too shou/d /ike to practice teппis.

5) negative particles: пever, поt.

They пever spoke а word апd left the room without еvеп а bow.

Note. ln modern English the infinitive is usually preceded bythe particle to.

Не weпt to the library to read the test works iп his speciality.



Point out the particles; explain what kind of group they belong to.

1.Not having understood the teacher's explanation, the pupil could not solve the proЬ!em. 2. Even my friend John, who doesn't like to speak, took part in tl1is interesting discussion. 3. It was jвst tЬе сору of the picture I saw in tl1e Hermitage. 4. I too slювld like to take part in tЬе excшsion. 5. ТЬеу got iпjвst before tЬе rain began to fall again. 6. "Take me for а walk iп t\1e park." - "Better not." 7. I wasjust wondering ifwe had enoug\1 stamps. 8. llшd merely

аsense of sadness against 11im. 9. ТЬеу only саше to Eпglaпd to practice tЬе language. 10. "WЬere sЬall I put these books?"- "Put tЬem rigЬt Ьеrе."

11.ТЬе cousins Ьаd met but twice. 12. We Ьаd yet another discussion. 13. Нis frown alone sЬowed tЬat Ье Ьаd Ьeard my words. 14. I didn't go to ту friend's ЬirtЬday party, I simply wrote а letter witЬ many Ьарру returns of tЬе day.

15.Mary and her ЬаЬу were so exactly a\ike tЬat we Iшve never Ьееп аЬ!е to separate tЬem.


The lnterjection

The interjection is а part of speech which expresses emotions without naming them. lnterjections may Ье classified into two main groups:

1)emotional: ah! oh! bravo! alas! etc.: "Aias! Gentleтen!" cried John.

2)imperative: here! hush! we/1! соте! now! etc.: "Hush! Did you hear the noise?"

lnterjections express different kinds offeelings, such as:

-joy (hurray [hu' re1], hurrah [lш'ra:] ура!),

-grief, sorrow (a/as [g'Ja:s] увы!, dearтe! боже мой!, ohdear! воттактак!),

-consolation (соте, соте! полно!, ну, ну!),

-approval (bravo ['Ьra:'vgu] браво!, hear! hear! правильно! правильно!),

-contempt (pooh [p(h)u:] фу!, gosh [gof] боже!, pah [ра:] тьфу!, фу!, fie [fa1]

фу!, тьфу!),

-triumph (aha [a:'ha:] ага!),

-impatience (bother ['Ьооg] черт возьми!),

-anger (damn [drem] черт!, черт побери!),

-surprise or annoyance (Goodness gracious ['gudшs 'greifgs]), MyGod! боже

мой!, good heavens! господи, боже мой!, why! как!, ба!).

Some interjections are used merely to attract attention ( hallo, hi, hey, here). Hallo! What's happening now?

Неу! ls anybody here? Oh dear! l've lost туреп.

Bother! l've тissed the train!

Соте, соте, Магу, let's hope for the best.

The interjection Oh may express surprise, joy, disappointment.

Oh! Really?

Oh! Don 't Ье а stupid ass. Oh! How g/ad 1ат to see you! Oh! /'т sorry!


с- f-









lJ ~-\ 1\1


















The Sentence

The sentence is а group ofwords сараЫе of expressing а complete thought. А sentence may consist of а single word or of а combination of words: Noise.

Реор/е. Light. The city was awake. А summer пight, just dark апd very warm.

Kinds of Sentences

When forming а sentence the speaker may have differentaims in view. Accordingly, sentences are divided into:

1) declarative sentences (affirmative and negative):

1/епt him а book.

She doesп 't like this film.

2)interrogative sentences:

What are you traпslatiпg?

3)imperative sentences which express а command or а request:

Соте agaiп пехt week!

Ореп your books, please.

4) exclamatory sentences:

What а fiпe day it is! How cold it is gettiпg!

lnterrogative Sentences

There are four types of interrogative sentences:

1)yesjno questions,


3)question tags,

4)alternative questions.

YesjNo Questions

Yesjпo questioп asks whether the relation between the subject and the predicate is positive or negative. lt requires the answer yes or по.

То form questions we put the auxiliary (сап, Ье, wi/1, have etc.) before the subject. We use dojdoes to form questions iп Present Simple and did to form questions in Past Simple.

Yesjпo questioпs are pronounced with the rising tone.

Are you studyiпg Eпglish? Yes, 1am. No, 1am поt.


Do you go iп for sports? Yes, 1do. No, 1doп't.

Did he leave ап hour ago? Yes, he did. No, he didп 't.

Yesjпo questioпs сап have а пegative form. Negative questioпs are formed with поt. But there is а differeпce iп word order betweeп the short апd full form.

Didп't they iпform you? ( short form ). Did they поtiпform you? (fu/1 form).

We пormally use the short form iп everyday speech апd the full form опlу for emphasis.

Наvеп 't they returned yet? Have they поtreturned yet?


Wh-questioпs begiп with а questioп word (who, what, where, why, wheп, whose,

which, how etc.).

What did you buy?

How do you get to work?

Wheп there is а prepositioп, it usually goes at the епd of the questioп, though iп formal Eпglish it сап Ье put before the questioп word.

Who is this /etter from? (more usua!) From whom is this letter? (formal)

We пormally use the followiпg questioп words to ask about:








































How much












How long

How many








What time















How often




Who is used without а noun to ask about people.

Who wrote "Gопе with the Wiпd"?

Whose is used to express possession.

Whose реп is this? lt's his.

Which is used for people, animals or thiпgs before nouпs, oпejones, of or alone.

Which сагis yours? Т11еrе are two пewspщ)ers here. Which опе would you like to read? Which ofthe studeпts wi/1 соте оп the schoo/ trip? Which is yourbag?

Which is normally used when there is а limited choice.

Which is your favourite writerCharles Dickeпs orMark Twaiп? (limited choice)

Which сап also Ье used with the comparative and superlative.

Which is cheaper, а magaziпe or а book? Which is the best compositioп ofall?






























What is used before а поuп or аlопе to ask about thiпgs.

What day is it today? What did he say?

What is also used for people, aпimals апd thiпgs wheп there is ап uпlimited choice.

What books do you prefer reading? (there are mапу books to chose from-

uпlimited choice)

What сап also Ье Llsed iп these patterпs: What ... like? What ... for? What colour? What size? What time? What is he like? What is it used for? etc.

What's the weather like today?

What and which are sometimes both possiЫe. WhatjWhich daydid he leave?

, Subject/Object Questions

lf who, which or what are the subject of the questioп, the word order is the same

as iп statemeпts.

lftheyare the object ofthe questioп, theverb is iп questioп form.

subject object subject object

Kate iпvited Tom

Тот invited Апп






Who invited Тот?


Who did Тот iпvite?

Question Tags

Questioп tags are short questioпs which we add at the end of а statemeпt. We

use them to ask for coпfirmatioп of, or agreemeпtwith, our statemeпt.

They are leaving soon, aren 't they?

Questioп tags are formed with ап auxiliary verb апd а proper personal рrопоuп. Theytake the same auxiliaryverb as iп the statemeпt if there is опе, otherwise they take dojdoes (Preseпt Simple) or did (Past Simple).

Не has been at home, hasn 't he? She arrived early, didn 't she?

А positive statemeпt is followed Ьу а пegative questioп tag, апd а пegative

statemeпt is followed Ьу а positive questioп tag.

She p/ays tennis wel/, doesn 't she? Не hasn 't соте yet, has he? Everyonejsomeonejanyonejno one form their questioп tags with ап auxiliary


Somebody should he/p her, shouldn 't they?

Questioп tags сап Ье said with а risiпg iпtoпatioп wheп we are поt sure апd we

expect ап aпswer or а falliпg iпtoпatioп when we doп't expect an answer.

Не works in а bank, doesn't he? (поt sure)

Не looks horriЫe, doesn 't he? (sure)


Question tags can also Ье affirmative. lf said with а rising intonation, we mean "Tell me more."

She's getting married, is she?

lf said with а falling intonation, we express negative feelings such as disappointment or disapproval. We don'texpect an answer.

1'11 get тутопеуback, wilf /?

Echo tags are а response to an affirmative or negative sentence. They are used in everyday speech to ask for more information, to show interest, concern, anger, surprise etc.

Не's leaving. -Не is, isn 'tf1e? (confirmation) He's /eaving. --Не is? (surprise)

Не isn'tleaving.- Heisn't, is he? (confirmation) Не isn't leaving.- Не isn't? (surprise)

Study the following question tags.





"1 used to"












"Let mejhim" etc









"1 have got"







"doп't 1?"


(used idioma tica/ly)



"There isjare"

"isn 'tjaren't




10. "This/Thatis"


1am older than you, aren 't1?

They used to work here, didn'tthey? Please help me, will youjwon't youjcan youjcould you?

Let's play tennis, shall we?

Let him buy it, will youjwon 'tyou?

Don'tdo that again, will you? Не has got а yacht, hasn 'the?

She had а party yesterday, didn'tshe?

There is some coffee for те, isn'tthere?

This hat is Mary's,isn'tit?









Alternative Questions

The alternative questions indicate choice and therefore contain the conjunction or. The construction of an alternative question is the same as that of а yesjno question except that it is pronounced with the falling tone.

These questions require а full answer.

Wi/1 you go to the theatre or(wi/1 you go) to the concert?- 1should like to go to the concert.