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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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lf оп/у means Н1е same as 1wish but it is more dramatic.

lf оп/у1wеге гicl?er.

lf wish expresses а future change unlikely to ~1appen, dissatisfactioп, lack of

hope or disappointmeпt июufd + infiпitive is used.

lt is possiЬie only wt1e11 the subject of the main clause ( 1wish) is not the same as the subject ofthe object clause.

1wish he would studytoгhis exams. (But 1don 'tthink he willwish for а future change unlikely to tшppen.)

1wish Апп would go to t/Je uпiveгsity. (She has refused to do so and l'm unhappy about it -- dissatisfaction.)

1wis/1 you would Ье quiet. (Piease Ье quiet, but 1 don'texpect you will - reqLJest expressir1g lack of hope.)

1 wish it would stop raiпiпg. (But 1'mafraid it woп't stop raining - wish

expressiпg disappoiпtmeпt.)


Exercise 1

Use J 1vish

instead of lt's а pity. Make all t11C пecessary cl1anges.

Model 1

It's а pity l am so busy today.


I wish 1were not so busy today.

1.lt's а pity I have по one to advise me wlыt to do under the circumstances.

2.It's а pity we саппоt book seats а week al1ead. 3. It's а pity there is по iпqнiry office пеаrЬу. 4.lt's apitywe l1ave to postpone ourtour. 5. It's apityyoн don't

know the langнage well enough to uпderstaпd the autlюr's seпse of htiШOLir.

6.lt's а pity he is поt iп towп at preseпt. 7. lt's а pity you are поt acquainted with tllis сhаппiпg persoн. 8. It's а pity she is at work at tl1is momeпt. 9. lt's а

pity уон are so sad.

Exercise 11

Parapllпtse the followiпg seпtences so as to нsе tl1e sнbjuпctive шооd after tl1e verb

to wish.


Не was sorry l1e couldп't joiн us. 2. lt's а pity you were abseпt yesterday.


I'd like llim to Ье more po!ite. 4. Tl1eyare sorrytheydidп't iпvite l1er. 5. Не was

disappoiпted tlыt he wouldn't Ье able to see the filrn. 6. 1 regret now поt haviпg told her all the trutl1 tl1eп. 7. What а pity you can't swim. 8. l'm awfнlly sorry 1 kept уон waitiпg so loпg. 9. It's а pity I couldn 't go to tl1e tl1eatre witl1 you. 10. l'm vегу sorrytlшt I have distшbed you. 11. Jt's а pity yotl are leaviпg so sооп. 12. l'd like to see tl1e film agaiп. 13. It \Vas а pity we could поt see tl1e stage well. 14. Т11еу were sorry they !1adп't takeп а taxi авd had missed tl1eir traiп.


Exercise 111



Use tl1e correct form oftl1e subjunctive mood oft\1e ve1·bs in biackets.

1. Oh, l wish 1


(not to send) 11im that Ietter. l'd give anythiпg to take it back.

2. I wisl1l (to Ье) as sше as уон. 3. Внt he wished tlыt tllel"e (to Ье) some way

in wllich he could help the young lawyel". 4. "1 wish 1 (not to cry) so much," said Alice tryiпg to fiпd l1erway out. 5. Апd l1ere 1wisl1 1 (сап) tell you half oftl1e t11iпgs Alice нsed to say. 6. 1wisl1 I (to kпow) it was уош frieпd. 7. Не wisl1ed l1e (to come) Ьу air. 8. 1wisl1l (to learп) wlшt to do поw. 9. 1wis\1 l (to Ье sше) it was уош Ьirtl1day. 1О. I wisl1 tl1ey (to Ье) back. 11. 1wisl1 I пever (to l1ear) ofit. 12.1 wish I (to kпo\v) \Vl1ere we are going. 13. I wis!1l (to Ье) with my relatives. 14. Уон are looking wonderfнl, I wish I (to lыve) уонr health and vitality. 15. l wisl1 l (сап Ье) at t!1e meetiпg yesterday. 16. They wisl1 you (to read) more iп futшe. 17. Do уон wish he (to take) саге ofby ап experieпced doctor?

Exercise IV

Aпswer tl1e followiпg questioпs нsiпg tl1e sнbjнпctive mood after tl1e verb wis/1

accordiпg to the model.

Model 1 Are уон а teacher'?

-I wish l were.

1.Аге уон а third-year stнdeпt? 2. Сап уон speak Eпglisl1? 3. Did he speak at

the meetiпg yesterday'? 4. Will she come to the party? 5. Have уон got а raiпcoat with уон? 6. Js diппer ready? 7. Do уон know wl1ere she is поw? 8. Will tl1ey take part in the comiпg competitioпs? 9. ls !1er !1air пatшally wavy? 1О. Has he retшпed from tl1e bнsiпess trip? 11. Shall we go tl1ere together? 12. Are уон ап iпterpreter'? 13. Have уон got а dictioпary with you? 14. Have уон seen tllis wonderfнl programme'? 15. Is уош report ready? 16. Will she соте to уош Ьirthday party? 17. Did you get а good mark iп English?

Exercise V

Use the correct form oftl1e subjнnctive mood oftl1e verbs iп brackets.

1. I wisl1 I (to kпow) all tl1e circнmstaпces. 2. 1 wish I (поt to eat) so mucl1 icecream; 111ave а stomaclшclle. 3. I wisr1 1 (to Ье) at yesterday's performaпce. lt must lшve Ьееп very interestiпg. 4. Doп't уон wis11 you (to come) earlier? 5. The unfortuпate sailorwislled he (not to set) foot оп board tl1e sl1ip. б. 1wish I (to coпsult) the doctor wheп 1first felt the раiп. 7. She wished sl1e (to Ье) back home instead ofwalkiпg about the city. 8. 1hate the cold, I wish it (to Ье) warm апd suппу all tl1e year rouпd. 9. Не \Vished I1e (to have) two dollars to Ьну а ticket. 10. 1wish 1(поt to have) to get up early every day. 11. We wished l1e (поt to kпow) it. 12. 1wisl1 you (to try) to fiпd some topic of coпversatioп in which these people might take some iпterest.



Exercise Vl


Traпslate into English пsing tl1e sнbjпnctive mood after tl1e verb }Vis/1.


~1 1. а) Жаль, что вы пришли так поздно. Ь) Жаль, что вы не пришли по­

<раньше. 2. а) Жаль, что мы ушли до его прихода. Ь) Жаль, что мы не


дождались его прихода. 3. а) К сожалению, они еще ничего не знают.



Ь) К сожалению, они уже знают об этом. 4. а) Жаль, что он такой легко­



омысленный. Ь) Жаль, что он не о•rень серьезный. 5. а) Я теперь жалею,

=что не послушался его совета. Ь) Я теперь жалею, что последовал его:/:,



11 1. Мне бы хотелось посмотреть этот фильм еще раз. 2. Я очень сожалею,


что не смогу пойти завтра на вашу лекцию. 3. Жаль, что я еще не могу



прочесть эту книгу в оригинале. 4. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы все-таки прочли


эту книгу. 5. Напрасно вы попросили его выполнить эту работу. 6. Мой


брат жалел, что не присутствовал на этом собрании. 7. Мне бы хотелось,


чтобы вы еш,е раз продумаJ-rи мое предложение. 8. Жаль, что мы так и не


встретились перед отъездом. 9. Жаль, что мы не обсудили пьесу срюу,


после того как ее посмотрели. 10. Жаль, что вы не воепользавались та­


кой возможностью.


Exercise Vll


Trans1ate iпto Eпglisl1 using the sнbjuпctive nюod after the verb wis/1.


1. Как жаль, что вы были так неосторожны. 2. Как жаль, что это про­


изошло в ваше отсутствие. 3. Жаль, что вы не интересуетесь искусст­


вом. 4. Я теперь жалею, что не захватила с собой таблетки от головной


боли. 5. Жаль, что ты не пошел со мной на концерт. 6. Жаль, что вы не


сохранили письмо. 7. Жаль, что ей никто не сказал, что это неnежливо.


8. Хорошо, если бы вы всегда приходили вовремя. 9. Жаль, что вы не


смогли посмотреть этот матч. 1О. Жаль, что преподаватель обращает


мало внимаю·IН на ваше произношение. 11. Хотелось бы мне, чтобы вы


были осторожнее в следующий раз. 12. Хорошо бы сейчас была весна!


13. Хорошо бы на земле не было никаких болезней! 14. Жаль, что я не


спросила у доктора, когда принимать лекарство. 15. Жаль, что я не


знаю французского языка.


Exercise Vlll


Translate into Eпglisl1 пsiпg the subjппctive mood after the verb wish.


1. Жаль, что мы не знаем его адреса. Мы бы могли сходить к нему


сегодня. 2. Жаль, что в детстве меня не учили никакому иностранно­


му языку. 3. Жаль, что он не посвятил свою жизнь математике. Это


его любимый предмет с детства. 4. Хорошо бы у нас была лодка для


прогулок по морю. 5. Я очень жалею, что дала обещание быть на вече-



ре, я себя плохо чувствую. б. Она жалела, что приехала на юг. 7. Жаль,

что вы не успели прочесть эту интересную статью. 8. Жаль, что я не

знакома с семьей Петровых. 9. Хорошо, если бы я мог достать эту

редкую марку для своей коллекции. 10. Он жалел, что ему не было слышно, о чем говорили внизу. 11. Ей очень хотелось, чтобы кто-ни­

будь заметил ее и спросил, что она тут делает. 12. Я бы хотел знать,

куда мы сейчас идем. 13. Жаль, что я не знаю, как ты достиг таких

хороших результатов.

Exercise IX

Traпslate into English нsing the sнbjнnctive mood after the verb wis/1.

1. Как бы я хотел, спобы твоя дочь была немножко похожа на тебя. 2. Я

бы хотел, чтобы ты пришел к тому или иному решению. 3. Он очень хо­

тел, 'Побы этот вечер кончился. 4. Я иногда жалею, что решил написать

эту книгу. 5. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы у нас был настоящий сад. б. Как я

жалею, что я сделал это. 7. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты снова начал писать стихи. 8. Я бы хотел, чтобы он перестал мне писать. 9. Как жаль, что я не застал его дома. 1О. Я пожалела, что рассказала им о себе. 11. Жаль, что я не сказала правды. 12. Как жаль, что я не знала, что тебе нужен этот журнал. 13. Я пожалел, что не принЯJТ участия в экскурсии. 14. Жаль, что

вы не послушались совета врача.

Exercise Х

Translate iнto Eпglish нsiпg the sнbjнnctive nюod after the verb ~vi~h.

1. Желательно, чтобы студенты говорили друг с другом по-английски.

2. Как жаль, что идет дождь. 3. Как бы я хотела быть сейчас дома.

4. Как жаль, что его нет с нами. 5. Жаль, что вы не пошли с нами на лекцию вчера. б. Жаль, что ты мне мешаешь работать. 7. Жаль, что вы не поверили моему рассказу. 8. Жаль, что вы отвергли это предложе­ ние. На вашем месте я бы принял его. 9. Жаль, что они вмешиваются

в чужие дела. 10. Жаль, что вы мне не помогли. 11. Жаль, что вы не

известили меня заранее. Я, конечно, встретил бы вас. 12. Жаль, что

мы не заказали билеты по телефону. 13. Жаль, что я не сказала прав­

ды. 14. Как бы я хотела, чтобы он был с нами! 15. Жаль, что мы не

застали никого дома. 1б. Я бы хотел знать, что этот словарь уже вы­

шел. 17. Жаль, что я не посоветовался с врачом. Я бы чувствовал себя

лучше сейчас.




















The Subjunctive Mood

in Conditional Sentences

Unreal Conditions in the Present

/fyou work hard, you wi/1 succeed.

:::The sentence simply means that you may work hard, then you will succeed. lt is




quite рrоЬаЫе that you will work hard and succeed. This is what we call а real condition.

ln the conditional clause we use the Present Simple. ln the main clause we have the Future Simple.

But there is another kind of conditional sentence. Forexample,

/fyou worked hard, you would succeed.

lt means thatyou don'tworkhard, so you won'tsucceedThis. iswhatwe call an unreal condition. Here are some more examples of unreal conditions:

lf the weather were fine, we wou/d go boating.

lf 1had а тotorcyc/e, 1would go for а ride in the country every week.

ln sentenceswith unreal conditionstl1e subjunctive mood is used.ln tl1e conditioпal clause we use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.ln the main clause we have another type ofthe subjunctive mood wou/djcou/djтight+ infinitive.

lf 1knew his address, 1would write to hiт. lf 1were а Ьird, 1could fly.

We do not normally use wi/1, would in an if-clause.

However, we can use wi/1, would, should in conditional sentences to make а request or express insistence, annoyance, douЬt or uncertainty.

/fyou wil/jwould са/т down for а тinute, 1wi/1 Ье аЬ!е to help you. (request) lfyou wi/1 таkе а noise, 1'11 send you out. (insistence)

/fyou should need any help, ask те. (uncertainty)

Unreal Conditions in the Past

lfyou had worked hard before the examination, you would have succeeded.

(This sentence shows that you did not work hard in the past, that is why you did not succeed).

This is what we call an unreal condition in the past. ln sentences with unreal conditions in the past in the conditional clause we use the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous. ln the main clause we use wouldjcould/тight+ Perfect lnfinitive (have + Participle 11).

/f we hadn 't /eft so ear/y, we would have тissed the р/апе.

lfwe had been working for а long tiтe, we could have finished our work quicker.


Wheп the if-clause precedes the maiп clause, we separate the two clauses with а comma.

lf he had locked his car, it wouldn 't have been stolen.

Mixed Conditionals

There are two mixed types of sentences of unreal condition:

1} /f-clause refers to the present and the main clause refers to the past. lf he were а fast runner, he wou/d have won the race.

2} /f-clause refers to the past and the main clause refers to the present.

/f he hadfound ajob, he wouldn't Ье searching forone now.

lnversion in Conditionals

AdverЬial clauses of condition having the verbs had, were, could, shou/d are often introduced without if. ln these cases there is inversion. When we omit ifshou/d, were, had, could соте before the subject.

Had 1time, 1wou/d go to the museum. Were he here, he would he/p us.

Could he соте tonight, we would Ье very g/ad.

Had 1seen him yesterday, 1wou/d have asked him about it.

The Subjunctive Mood after but for in Conditionals

Unreal conditions mayalso Ье expressed after butfor(ecли бы не).

But for the rain, we would go for а wa/k now.

But for the rain, theywould have gone to the country yesterday.

lmplied Conditionals

An if-clause is not always given; it is often implied and the rules for the verb usage are followed in the main clause.

1wouldn 't have been /ate. The implied conditioп here is:

lf 1hadn 't missed the early train, 1wou/dn 't have been late. The director wouldn 't have won an Oscar.

The implied condition here is:

lf the fi/m hadn 't been very popular, the director wouldn 't have won an Oscar.








traiп all the same, for 1 got the
оwп eyes. 3. Еvеп








Exercise 1



Supply the correct form ofthe subjunctive mood ofthe verbs iп brackets.











1. Ifl (not to work) so hard, Iпever (to make) progress. 2. 1(to fiлish) tl1e wlюle job iп time ifyou (поt to disturb) me. 3. Ifwe (to have) enougl1 petrol, we (сап) соvег aпother lшпdred miles today. 4. lf I (to leave) earlier, I (to catcl1) tl1e traiп. 5. IП (поt to follow) уоuг advice, I (to get) iпto trouЬle. 6. We (to preveпt) the accident ifwe (to Ье) tl1eгe at that time. 7. lfmeп (to have) по radio, space flight (to Ье possiЬle)? 8. You never (to succeed) ifyou (to have) по coпfideпce iп yourself. 9. The plюtogгapr1s (to Ье) much better ifit (to Ье) ligllter iп the room. 10. People (to become) l1ardeпed to cold if they (to take) cold batl1s regularly. 11. Ifice (to Ье) heavier tl1aп water, it (поt to float).

Exercise 11

Supply tl1e correct forms ofthe subjuпctive mood ofthe verbs iп brackets.

1. lfyou (to Ье allowed) to stay iп Lопdоп, what you (to do )? 2. If 1(to Ье) you I (to do) my hair rather differeпtly. 3. I (поt to miпd) if he (to say) my st.ories were bad, but he said пothiпg. 4. After all, ifhe (to have) апу taleпt I (to Ье) the first to eпcourage him. 5. l (поt to go) ifyou (поt to say) уон'd соте with me.

6.lfoпly J(to feel) that somebody waпted me, 1(to become) а differe11t persoп.

7.Your таппеrs are all rigllt. I (поt to briпg) you here ifthey (поt to Ье). Dоп't Ье нneasy. 8. Не believed that his motl1er never (to say) tl1e tlliпgs she did ifshe

(to kпow) that her sоп could l1ear l1er. 9. Tl1ey (to епjоу) tl1emselves mucl1

тоrе iftl1ey (to have) apartyoftl1eirowп. 10. I (поt to sleep) а wiпkallпigl1t it·

I (поt to kпow) уон were safe. 11. lfi (to Ье) Johп l (поt to tell) that to bls pareпts. 12. Jthougllt that ifl (to tell) you the circнmstaпces you (to tшderstaпd) afterwards that] waпted уош help. 13. If l (поt to lыve) а dictioпary, l (саппоt) traпslate the article. 14. Nick (поt to fall) ofhis Ьicycle yesterday if11e (поt to drive) too fast.

Exercise 111

Replace tlle iпfiпitives iп brackets Ьу the correct form ofthe subjнпctive тооd.

1. We (to соте) back Ьу all means еvеп ifit (to Ье) as late as тidnight. 2. You hardly (to believe) it even though you (to see) it with your

tllough you (to соте) earlier уон (not to fiпd) те iп. 4. Еvеп ifyoн (to kпow) Ыт well, уон (not to recogпize) him, l1e has so great1y chaпged. 5. Не is а sонпd sleeper and you (not to wake) llim нр еvеп ifyoнr voice (to Ье) as loнd as а traiп whist1e. 6. Еvеп ifthe work (to Ье) twice as difficнlt I (поt to refuse) to do it. 7. You (to do) as you please еvеп if I (to give) you advice. 8. Еvеп tlюнgh the way (to Ье) twice as short we (to тiss) the



schedule mixed up. 9. She (cannotjoin) our excursion even ifyou (to invite) her; she was ill. 10. Ifyou (to stir) the tea, it (to Ье) sweeter. 11. lfyou (to postpone) doing the job поw, уон (to regret) it later. 12. Ifyou (not to waste) your time like that, you (to Ье аЬiе) to do agreat dea1 more. 13. Ifl (to Ье) уов, l (not to worry) 14. Ifyoн (to strain) your ears, уон (to hear) а slight пoise iп tl1e bнshes. 15. If it (to Ье) wiпter vacatioп, 1 (to go) to Moscow. 16. Ifi (to go) to Moscow, I (to stay) with my

Exercise IV

Rewrite the followiпg senteпces begiппiпg еас\1 ofthe seпteпces wit\1 if.

Model 1 I refused his offer but later regretted it.

IП hadп't refused l1is offer, 1wouldп't l1ave regretted it afterwards. 1. Уон didп't inform me oft\1e state oftllings, so I didп't kпow уов пeeded help. 2. You left the knife in water, so it got rusty. 3. They spent а year in Eпgland, so they leaшed to speak Eпglish qнite well. 4. lt rained, so we were oЬliged to stay indoors. 5. W\1y didп't you watch tl1e milk? It boiled over. 6. А huge rock Ьlocked the pat\1, so we l1ad to go all the way rouпd. 7. The explorers l1ad по radio with tl1em, so tl1ey could поt signal for l1elp wl1eп tl1e storш broke овt. 8. TI1ere wasп't еvеп tl1e slightest wiпd, so tl1e sail boat lay motioпless оп tl1e smoot\1 sea. 9. I forgot to wiпd up my watch. It stopped. 1О. Sedov's expeditioп was very scarcely sнpplied апd tl1at is why it eпded so tragically. 11. Meresyev was extreшely stroпg-willed. Beiпg seriously woнпded he crawled for eighteeп days to reach the froпt line. 12. 1 did tюt invite them, so they didп't соте.

Exercise V

Complete tl1e followiпg seпteпces usiпg tl1e required subjuпctive mood.

1.We couldп't have started yesterday еvеп tlюugh ...................

2.Еvеп ifwe l1ad posted tl1e letter two days before ................... .

3.You woнld l1ave to accept ilis proposal even if ................... .

4.They woнld l1ave hardly wоп tllis matcl1 еvеп thoнgh ...... .

5.Even though he 11ad never heard it ................... .

6.Tl1e dog is well traiпed; l1e would пever leave his place еvеп if ....

7.lfit l1ad поt Ьееп for you ................... .

8.If it were поt for tl1e bad weatl1er ................... .

9.If it had поt Ьееп for your sympatl1y апd help ................... .

10.lfit were поt for his courage ................... .

11.If it hadп't Ьееп for his remarkaЬie taleпt.

12.Ifit hadп't Ьееп for llis experieпce апd skill ................... .

13.lfyoн l1ad Ьееп at lюme ................... .

14.lfl were поt so busy ................... . .








'j .-~ 1 J \)



Не wouldп't l1ave refнsed

















Exercise Vl

Complete the following sentences using tl1e requiгed subjuпctive nюod.


She wotJidп't have dопе it if ..................



What would yoll answeг if ....................



Yoll wouldп't have falleп ill if ..................



н· he had sent а telegram .................. ..



The watcl1 woнldn't have stopped if ..................



If it were поt raiпing .................. ..



You woнld get excelleпt marks if ..................



Ifl lшd known everythiпg .................. ..



lf it were not so cold .................. ..



l'd lшve got there long ago if ..................


11. Не woнld stнdy much better if.



She woнldп't say so if .................. ..



Ifwe kпew 11im better .................. ..



The cl1ild woнldn't Ье crying if ..................



Ifyoпlшd maпaged to escape ..................


Exercise Vll

Parapl1rase the following iпto complex sentences with subordiпate claнses of coп­

ditioп usiпg tl1e subjuпctive mood.

1. lt's а pity the weather was so bad. Otherwise we should l1ave speпt tl1e whole day out in tl1e country. 2. Не does поt have much time to spare, or he would show уон arouпd the exhiЬitioп 11imself. 3. Why didп't уон ask l1im about it? to advise уон on tl1e matter. 4. Соте апd stay witl1 LlS for а week. We shoнld Ье опlу too glad! 5. They woнld have seпt us iпformatioп,

but tl1ere was попе to seпd. б. ТЬе Ьird was tl1rowiпg itselfagaiпst the cage апd

woнld l1ave орепеd the small door, but it was safely locked from oнtside. 7. Chapayev coнld поt reacl1 tl1e other Ьапk of the Urals as he was badly woнпded. 8. 1 was very btJsy that day апd I could поt go shopping witl1 yoll. 9. I recognized you at once, for уош brother described you to me. 10. Wl1y didп't уон follow the doctor's advice? You are dowп with qнiпsy agaiп. 11. Tl1e riverwas поt frozeп. We could пotgo skatiпg. 12. Eliza maпaged to escape апd thtis saved l1er cllild from slavery. 13. The shoes piпcl1. I woп't Ьну tl1e pair thoнgl1 I like it.

Exercise Vlll

Aпswer the followiпg qtJestioпs.

1. Wl1ere do you t11iпk your brother would go ifhe were oпleave? 2. Woнld уон l1ave made tl1e mistake ifyoн kлew the rule? 3. Wl1at woнld уон reply ifsomebody apologized to уон? 4. Wl1at would l1e aпswer if somebody had thaпked him?


5. What would you say if уон wanted to interrupt somebody? 6. What would


опе do ifl1e wanted somebody to hold 11is parcel tor а moment? 7. What laпgнage


woнld you like уош sоп to kпow? And your daugl1ter, ifyou l1ad опе? 8. How


rnнcl1 tirne woнld he speпd doiпg tl1is work ifhe were asked to do it? 9. What


mнseнm woнld you clюose to go on ап ехсшsiоп to if уон were to organize

one? 1О. Woнld уон have answered tl1e qнestioпs iн tl1e same way ifyou weJ"e iп


ту place'? 11. Wl1at woнld you do ifit began to rain l1ard wl1en you were а long


way from home'? 12. What would уон do ifthe postman dropped someone else 's


letter into your lettei-box?






Exercise IX







Replace the iпfiпitives Ьу tl1e сопесt torm oftl1e sнbjunctive nюod.




1. Внt for tl1e toothacl1e l (to епjоу) tl1e concert. 2. But 11im we still (to sit)


l1e!"e waiting for t11e car. 3. But for ту smile he (to believe) me. 4. The cl1ildren


(to sleep) in tl1e open air Ьнt for the rain. 5. Nobody (to recognize) l1im but for


the scaJ" оп his left cheek. 6. Внt for 11is severe look tl1e child (поt to begiп)


cryiпg. 7. But for the ассепt with wl1ich he speaks поЬоdу (to say) l1e is поt


Russiaп. 8. But for the late hош l

(to stay) t1e!"e loпger. 9. Внt for tl1e darkпess


tl1ey (лоt to lose) tl1ei!" way. 1О. Внt for the fog we (to coлtiлue) онr way. 11. Внt


for tl1e l1eavy bag s\1e (to go) tl1ere also оп foot. 12. 1(to read) the book sooner


but for tl1e small priпt. 13. Внt for his assistance it (to Ье) impossiЬle to do tl1e


work iп time. 14. Внt for tl1e lюt climate he (to go) tl1ere together with нs.


15. One (may take) him for а Rнssiaп Ьнt for the ассепt with whicl1 I1e speaks.


Exercise Х







Complete tl1e followiпg seлteпces.






1. But for the raiп tl1e toшists .......

2. Внt for the late \юш we .......

3. 1.......



for you. 4. Tl1e рlапе

....... but for the suddeп chaпge ofweat11er. 5. Внt for tl1e


fact that we did not kпow tl1e laпguage .......

6. Внt for уош beiпg so careless


....... 7. The Gadfly .......

from prisoп but for tl1e fit of sickпess. 8. But for his


motl1er's uпl1appy marriage to Mr Murdstoпe David's life ...... .




Exercise Xl

What coпditioпs are iшplied iп tl1e following?

1. Her life migl1t I1ave been saved. 2. 1 could tell you what tl1at means. 3. The swimmer would undoubtedly have been drowned. 4. All tilis trouЬle migl1t have been avoided. 5. The story would Ье much more amusing. 6. Nobody would recognize you. 7. We migl1t have had а glorious time. 8. I wouldn't like to Ье iпterrupted. 9. You would lыve easily found the way. 10. 1 dare not thiпk wl1at might have happened. 11. How wonderful it would lыve Ьееп! 12. 1 am sure you would have liked the play.