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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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it appears, believe or iтagiпe
thiпk, hope, expect, suppo5e, !'т afraid, gue5s, it
in short answers.
5he's сотiпg to the party?
The word order of indirect questions is the same as in statements (subject +


lndirect Questions





lndirect questions are used when we ask for information politely. They are


introduced with Do you kпow ..... ? CaпjCould you te/1 те ..... ? Have you got апу


idea ..... ? + que5tioп wordjif or whether.






Do you kпowwhere Апп /ive5? Could you te/1 те how тuch thi5 dre55 cost5? Have you got апуidea what tiтe Не/еп will Ье back? Do you kпowifjwhet11er









Сап you te/1 те where you bought thi5 book? Сап you te/1 те what tiтe it is?

The auxiliary verb do is not used in indirect questions:

Do you kпowhowloпg thejourneytake5? Сап you tel/ те what tiтe he left?

Short Answers


So and поt сап Ье used after:

·5еет5, 5ау, te/1 5тЬ,

1thiпk50 -1 dоп't thiпk so/1 thiпk поt.

1hope 50 - 1hope поt.

1expect 50 - 1dоп 't expect so/1 expect поt. 15Uppose 50 - 1dоп't suppose 50/l 5uppo5e /'т afraid so -/'т afraid поt.

lt appears so -lt dое5п 't appear 5ojlt appears поt. lt seeтs 50 - lt dое5п't 5еет 50/lt seeтs поt.

Не 5aid so- Не didп't 5ау50.

Не told те 50 - Не didп't te/1 те 50. 1guess so - 1gues5 поt.

1believe so - 1dоп 't believe sojl believe поt.

1iтagiпe so -1 dоп't iтagiпe so/1 iтagiпe поt.

Will he riпg те up? -1 thiпk50.

Сап you traп51ate thi5 text? -/'т afraid поt.


So +auxiliaryverb +personal pronoun or noun (agreementwith а positive sentence).

Не lives iп Mo5cow. So do 1. She saw that filт. So did Kate.

NeitherjNor + auxiliary verb + personal pronoun or noun (agreement with а negative sentence).

Не doesп't like horror filт5. NeitherjNor do /.


1. It is а beautiful eveпiпg.

Asking for PermissionjMaking Requests/ Suggestions/lnvitations/Offers

Asking for Permission/ Making Requests

Can 1/Could 1stayhere?

Мау 1/Might 1use your pen?

Making Suggestionsj lnvitations

Will youjWotJid youjWould you like to have diпner with me? Shall we have dinner together?

Making Offers

Shallljwe, Can ljwe, Would you like me to do the washing-up?

Giving/Refusing Permission/Answering Requests

Yes, you can./Yes, ofcourse (you can)./No, you can't.

Yes, you may.jYes, ofcourse (you may)./No, you may not./l'dratheryou didn't.jl'mafraid not.

Answering Suggestions/ lnvitations

1'dlike to./1 'dlove to.jYes, all right./1 'mafraid 1can't.jl'dlove to but 1can't.jl'msorry 1 can't.

Answering Offers

Yes, please.jNo, thankyou.jNo, thanks.










Exercise 1

Make up scnteпces of different kiпds (declarative, imperative, exclamatory, а1\ kiпds ofinterrogative sentences) usiпg tl1e given words.

1.of, l1ave, the, шар, а, at, look, Englaпd.

2.Ье seen, Englaпd's, the, may, cliffs, maiпlaпd, wllite, froш.

3.sea, fаг, Londoп, from, is, the?

4.close, aren 't, the, Wales, are, they, шouпtains, sea, to, iп, the, quite.

5.weatl1er, ho,v, tl1e, beautiful, is, calm, iп, sea!

6.ancieнt, tl1is, lose, of, postcard, doп't, picture, castle, an.

7.is, а, landscape, tl1is, picturesque, wl1at!

8.ceпtшies, invaded, tl1e, what, in, tribes, Britaiп, 5th-6th?

9.the, did, the, or, Anglo-Saxons, win, the, of, battle, Hastings, Normaпs?

10.suгvives, tl1e, iп, Celt, laпgвages, of, some, Scotland, parts, апd, lrelaпd, of.

Exercise 11

Change tl1e following senteпces accordiпg to tl1e task giveп in brackets.

Model 1 It is very dark. (exclamatory) How very dark it is!

(exclamatory) 2. Please, slюw ше what you are readiпg. (iпterrogatiYe) 3. J)id you go shopping tllis morning? (declaratiYe)







4. What а lovely пight! (declarative) 5. Will you take ту umbrella? (imperative) 6. J heard such а thing. (interrogative) 7. You саппоt uпderstaпd me.

(iпterrogative-negative) 8. What book are you readiпg? (exclamatory) 9. Wlыt

<а park it was! (iпterrogative) 10. What а terriЬle accident it was! (declarative)











11. It was а lovely day. (exclamatory) 12. Will you соте sооп? (imperative) 13. Не is fond of swimming. (iпterrogative) 14. The task is difficult. (exclamatory) 15. Wl1at а clear, cold wiпter day it was! (declarative) 16. Уон have received my letter. (iпterrogative) 17. Уон are abseпt-miпded. (exclamatory) 18. Will уов give me уош dictioпary? (imperative)

Exercise 111

Form qнestioпs.

1. (we iпvite/Mike to diппer toпigl1t?)

2. (уон waпt а cake?)

3. (How far/it Ье from уош house to the statioп?) 4. (you likejcome sailiпg at the weekeпd?)

5. (уон lыve/a good time last пigl1t?) 6. (yoвlike/come to the mвseнm?)

7. (уон help/me with ту bags please?)

8. (we lыveja party for уош blrthday?)

9. (Whojyoн see at the shop yesterday?)

1О. (What timejyoш plane leave?)

11.(1 haveja look at уош пewspaper?)

12.(yoвlike/some coffee?)

Exercise IV

Fill iп: who, whose, ~vhat, which, where, ~vhen, how long, how often, what time, why, hmv much or how тапу.


....... does this book cost? - 50 roнЬies.


does уош mother go to work?- At 9 o'clock.


....... is уош school? - Near my lювsе.

4. ....... do уов go to the beach?- Rarely.


is tbls coat?- It's Апп's.


....... is уош bag? - The blg Ьlне one.


....... did you get for Christmas? - А shirt.


is that?- lt's Peter.

9 ........

have уон been married?- One year.


are уов crying?- Весанsе I am sad.


....... did уов start school? - Iп September.


....... coнntry is Ьigger, England or Spaiп? - Spaiп.

13 ........

репсе are there iп а pouпd?- 100.


соlош is а kiwi fruit? -lt's greeп.


Exercise V

Fill in which or what.


....... did you do on lюliday, Kate?



I went to England.




Oh really? .......

places did you see?



Westminster АЬЬеу, St Paвl's Cathedral, Buckiпgham Palace апd some







...... . опе did you like the best?



l'm not sure. TI1ey were all fasciпating.


....... do you think of Londoп?



lt's great, and there are а lot oftourists.


....... hotel did you stay in?




1don't remember its паше. It was lovely, tlюugh.


....... did you buy tl1ere?




l boнgl1t some пiсе presents. Actually, J bought one for уон. Look!


....... one woнld you Jike?




They're all beautiful........

ofthem do you prefer?


1 don't mind. Апd Jook at these! .......

ot'these scarfs do уон tl1ink


your mother would Iike?




She'd Ье happy with either ofthem .......

are you goiпg to do with tl1e






Exercise Vl

Write questioпs to which the bold type words are the answers.

1. The show didп't amuse us very much. 2. The graпdmotl1er was mending as usнal. 3. Margaret canпot keep а secret. 4. We went out through а side door into the dark street. 5. Maria stood in the doorway with а large tray. 6. There was something important iп the paper. 7. The captaiп was pacing tl1e narrow саЬiп nervoнsly. 8. You slюuld try to relax as much as уон сап. 9. TI1e diппer was quite а substantial affair. 10. The air hostess орепеd the door to the passenger deck. 11. Аnуопе would t11ink 1 was cruel to them. 12. 1was pнzzled Ьу many things.

Exercise Vll

Makeup an alternative question out of eacl1 of the given pairs of statements.

1. These decisioпs were based оп igпoraпce. These decisioпs were based оп competence. 2. This satellite сап Ье seen with а naked еуе. Tl1is satellite can't Ье seen with а пaked еуе. 3. The Iiner will take off in lшlfan lюur. The liner will take offin а few miпutes. 4. She felt qнite secure. She felt somewhat insecure. 5. АпуЬоdу сап say so. Nobody can say so. 6. The trнtl1 is always beautiful. The truth may sometimes Ье very ugly. 7. They drove back with tl1e саг radio





' -







~playiпg. They drove back witl1 the car radio tшned off. 8. Пюsе people desire


possessioпs. Those people desire tl1e weJl-being of otl1ers. 9. Tlle пшsе fetched


~her а hot-water bottle. Т11е пurse passed Ьу witlюut payiпg atteпtioп to l1er.


1О. TJ1e information саше froш tl1e Miпistry of HeaJt11. TJ1e iпf'orшatioп саше



from the Miпistry of Defence.











Exercise Vlll

Add the question tags.

А 1. They are busy. 2. She is а ta1eпted siпger. 3. Yoн'll tell us abollt it. 4. Не сап swim. 5. They've соте. 6. Уон saw him last пigl1t. 7. Tllere is some time 1eft. 8. It snowed llard yesterday. 9. Yoo'lllшve to write to 11im at once. 1О. Не пшst l1ave а good rest. 11. She was greatly astoпislled. 12. Let те go out. 13. 1'т а Ьit clнmsy.

В 1. Не doesп't speak Frencl1. 2. Tlley haveп't соте yet. 3. Не didп 't riпg yoнLJP yesterday. 4. They wereп't at lюme. 5. Sl1e wasп't rigllt. 6. Т11еу are поt l1еге. 7. Sl1e isп't clever. 8. Tl1ere isп't mнcl1 time Jeft. 9. I'm поt good at algebra. 1О. We sl1aп't go to tl1e coпcert. 11. Не is not ill. 12. Уон dоп'tепjоу opera.

13. Не woп't tell аnуопе.

Exercise IX

Add questioп tags апd sllort aпswers to tl1e statemeпts below.

1."You like Cl1iпese food, ...... ?" "Yes, ...... "

2."Уон'vе sееп Peter recently, ...... '?" "No, ...... "

3."Не isп't leaving, ......?'' "No, ...... "

4."She woп't marry llim, ......'?" "Yes, ...... "

5."Не waпts to go out tomorrow, ......'?" ")es, ...... "

6."Уон'vе travelled arouпd Aнstralia, ......?" "No, ...... "

7."SI1e thiпks I was right, ......?" "Yes, ...... "

8."I am а Ьit tallertl1aп you, ......?" "Yes, ...... "

9.They set нр tlleir busiпess last year, ......? "No, ...... "

10."TI1ey'llprobaЬ!ybelate, ......?" "Yes, ...... "

Exercise Х

Fill iп the Ьlanks witl1 pl1rases нsing tl1e veгbs given and so or not.

1.А: Did you pass tl1e exam? (llope) В: Well, ...... 1studied very l1ard.

2.А: Is the library ореп? (tlliпk) В: ...... It's 6 o'clock.

3.А: Сап you leпd те 500 rouЬies? (afraid) В: ...... I doп't have any money.

4.А: Shall we watch ТУ? (guess) В: ...... Tllere's пotl1ing else to do.


5. А:
б. А:
7. А:

Are they twiпs? (iтagiпe)

...... They look alike.

Is Nick at school? (suppose)

...... He's поt at hоте.

ls Неlеп upset about soтething? (believe)

...... , but she does look uпhappy.

8. А: Will he come to the lecture? (sеет) В: ...... He's too busy.

9.А: ls it goiпg to raiп? (appear) В: ...... It's vегу cloudy.

10.А: ls everyoпe сотiпg? (expect)

В: ...... We were all told to соте.

Exercise Xl

Look at the taЬle апd write senteпces with so or neither as iп the ехатрlе:






.•.. Nick






















live in Londoп


























play the piano













speak French


























dгive а car













travel abroad

























1.Тот lives iп London. So does Апn, but Nick апd Kate doп't.

2.Nick doesп't play the рiапо.

3.Тот сап't speak French.

4.Ann сап't dгive а саг.

5.Nick speaks Freпch.

б. Kate doesп't live in London.

7.Nick dгives а саг.

8.Kate doesn't travel abroad.

9.Тот doesn't keep а pet.

Exercise Xll

Translate into English.

1. а) Вы знаете этого человека? Ь) Разве вы не знаете этого человека? с) Ведь вы не знаете этого человека, не так ли? 2. Вы не узнаете меня, да?

-Нет, узнаю. 3. Он не сдал экзамены?- Нет, не сдал. 4. а) Какой чудес­

ный день! Ь) Какан чудесная погода! 5. Как быстро вы ходите. 6. Ну,

L..i r.











расскажите же мне всю правду. 7. Я прав, разве нет? 8. Я не виноват, не















так ли? 9. Я гораздо старше вас, не так ли? 10. Каждый знает это, не так ли? 11. Все об этом знают, разве нет? 12. На собрании присутствовало мало студентов, да? 13. Мало кто из студентов решил задачу правильно, да? J4. Несколько студентов решили задачу правильно, не так ли?

15. Онаедвалипомнитоб этом, не так ли? 16. Вы пришли за билетом, не

так ли? 17. Все поступили бы точно также, не правда ли?

Exercise Xlll

Traпslate into Englisl1.



А1. Интереснаяли игра бадминтон? 2. Сколько человек может участвовать

вэтой игре одновременно? 3. Где обычно играют в бадминтон? 4. Это

ракетка для игры в бадминтон или для игры в теннис? 5. Вы хорошо

играете в бадминтон, не правдали? 6. Неужели ваша сестра не любит эту игру? 7. Почему вы не начинаете игру? 8. Разпе ваш партнер еще не пришел? 9. Он из дома или из университета приходит на тренировку?

В 1. Вы видели этот фильм?- Нет, не видел. 2. Будете ли вы дома сегодня вечером? - Да, буду. 3. Эта книга вам нравится? -Да, нравится. 4. Вы ходите пешком в университет?- Да, я всегда хожу пешком. 5. Неужели

он не говорил вам об этом? - Нет, не говорил. 6. Когда вы купили этот

радиоприемник? 7. С кем вы ездили на юг? 8. Сколько человек

участвовало в этой экспедиции? 9. Кто этот молодой человек?- Это мой брат. 1О. Каково ваше мнение по этому вопросу?

Emphatic Structures

When we wish to emphasize а particular part of а sentence in spoken orwritten English we use emphatic structures.

1.We сап useitisjwas (not) + subjectjobject+ thator who(т), in statements/ negations or isjwas it + subjectjobject + that or who( т) in questions. lf the object is а person, we use that, who or whoт, otherwise that is tt1e correct form.

lt was the headтaster thatjwho organized these coтpetitions. lt is те thatjwho you 're ta/king to, so don 't lie.

lt wasn 't Kate thatjwho prepared this теа/. lt was the ТVthat woke те up.


2.We сап use that isjwas + questioп word iп statemeпts or isjwas that+ questioп word iп questioпs.

That is ( That's) what he said about this. That was how he became а doctor.

ls that where he 's living now? Was that why he retired?

З. We сап also use questioп word + isjwas it + that iп questioпs.

Where is it that you're planning to go? Who was it that sent you those f/owers?

4.We сап also use questioп word + subject + verb + isjwas. Wf1at 1need is some good advice.

5.We сап ask emphatic questioпs with ever expressiпg admiratioп, aпger,

сопсеrп etc.

Wherever did you find it? Whoever did you talk to? Whatever are you doing there?

6. lп the Preseпt Simple, Past Simple or imperative we сап use the coпstructioп dojdoesjdid + bare iпfiпitive to give emphasis.

1do care for you.

Не did te/1 те he was leaving. Do sit down, please.


Exercise 1

Rewrite tl1e seпteпces usiпg emplшtic constructions startiпg witl1 t\1e words given.

1.Не proшised 110t to do it again. Не ..........

2.Wl1en did you accept ms proposal? Wl1en was ..........

3.Have some more cake! Do ......... .

4.1 need а good nigl1t's sleep. Wl1at ..........

5.Sl1e was pronюted а year after sl1e l1ad beeвmred. It was ..........

Exercise 11

Rewrite tl1e senteпces emphasiziпg the words iп bold type.

1.Television was iпveпted in the twentieth century.

2.We want to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes only.

3.This country launcl1ed tl1e tirst sputпik iп the blstory of mankiпd.

4.А manпed spacesmp was lauпched only after dozens of successful experiments with animals.








·, ;









~5. Mathematicians have solved complicated proЬlems with the help of


calculating machines.


~6. Jet-planes make it possiЬie to cover great distaпces iп а very slюrt time.














Exercise 111

Rewrite tl1e sentences using what to emphasize the important parts.

1.This country needs strong government.

2.We worry about the present ecoпomic situation.

3.People want puЬiic nюпеу to Ье speпt оп pliЬlic services.

4.Our policy reflects the importaпce we attacl1 to edl\catioп.

5.Our ci1ildreппeed good educatioп.

Exercise IV

Look at your friend'saпswers, tl1eп rewrite them using emphatic stшctures.

1."Wlю did you go slюpping with?" "Аnп." .............. ..

2."Wl1ere did yoнleave your purse?" "At the grocer's."................

3."WI1e11 did yoll realize yoll'dlef'tit tl1ere?" "Jllst поw."

4."Is it certaiп that you left it there?" "Yes." ...

5."Should we teleplюпe t11e police or t11e shop?" "Tl1e slюp." .............. ..

6."Wlю should tеlер\юпе tl1em?" "You, of сошsе."


Sometimes tt1e usual order of the subject and the predicate is changed: the predicate is placed before the subject. Such word order is called inversion.

When inversion takes place, either the whole predicate is put before the subject (full inversion) or only the auxiliary or modal verb (partial inversion).

Full inversion: Throug/1 the open windowcame the sounds of а p/ane. Partial inversion: Have you ever visited that р/асе?

There are two cases of inversion:

а} lnversion may Ье required Ьу the grammatical structure of а given type of sentence. Thus, in interrogative sentences the notional verb must, as а rule, precede the subject:

ls he at home? Has she соте?

The same word order is in adverЬial clauses of condition when the conjunction ifis omitted:

Had 1time, 1would g/adly go. Were he not so busy, he would help us.


Ь) lnversion may Ье the result of emphasis. When some word in the sentence is put in а prominent position to make it emphatic, the structure of the sentence may require an inverted order of subject and predicate.

Neveг has she sung so beautifully. Out гushed the childгen.

We сап see inversion:

1)in questions exceptwhen an interrogativeword is the subject ofthe sentence or modifies the subject:

How did you тапаgе to do it?


What аге you doiпg tотоггоw?



Wheгe is Johп?



Wheп wil/ you begiп to wгite уоиг coтpositioп?





But: Who speaks English here? Whose book is this?


in sentences introduced Ьу the phrase theгe is, theгe аге:



Тhеге аге sоте books оп the tаЬ/е.



in sentences expressing а wish:



Loпg live Russia! Мауyou Ье happy апd healthy!


4)in conditional clauses ifthe coпjunction is omitted with should, wеге, had at the beginning ofthe sentence:

Had 1sееп the саг appгoachiпg, 1would have warned hег.

Shou/d ту fгiend са//, kiпdly te/1 hiт to wait fогте.

Wеге she hеге, she would help us.

5)after so, пеithегjпог, aswhen expressing agreement:

"/ hate hоггог filтs." "So do /." (So is used to agree with an affirmative statement.)

"Jапе hasп't гeturned оигcal/s. ""NeitheгjNoгhas hегhusbaпd. "(Neitheг1

Nогare used to agree with а negative statement.)

His colleagues гespected hiт as did his boss.

6)after adverbs of place: hеге, theгe, поw, theп, but only if the subject is а noun:

Негеаге а few episodes which il/ustгate the couгage of оиг soldieгs.

7)after certain expressions wheп they are at the beginning of а sentence: haгdly

... wheп, little, neveг, пeitheг, пог, поsоопег ... thaп, оп/у, поtоп/у, sсагсе/у

... when, seldoт, гаге/уеtс.:

Raгely do we see hiт these days.

Hardly had 1reached the statioп wheп the tгаiп staгted. Оп/у then did he understaпd it.

8) after so, such, to such а degree when they are at the beginning of а sentence:

So careful is he that he пever тakes апу mistakes.

Such а brilliaпt studeпt was he that he was offeгed а scholarship.





