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22. Speak on how the changes in communication technology affect the working procedures, flexibility, company structure and how it can improve the efficiency at the workplace.

Changes in communication technology affect a lot: nowadays you don’t need to meet in the partner’s company due to the existence of telecommunications, this enhance the procedure. For example sales department can easily connect with a customer and answer any questions, providing with the necessary information. Low costs because of diminishing expenses allow flexibility and efficient workflow. What concerns company structure, it may have 2 shifts if company has Western and European ( f.e) partners, so company makes more money.

23. You work as a personal development coach. You are invited to give a speech for the employees how to make a good impression and get on a fast track in the career.

How to make a good impression? Be yourself, try to be relaxed and talk about the issue. In order to get faster on track, you should keep in with key people and get on well with them, also it will be a good idea if you decide to follow less conventional path. You don't need to stand out from the crowd to be noticed, it's enough to express your opinion when it's necessary. Remember, you can move vertically or horizontally, so you can try new position and if you’re not satisfied- change it or back to the old one. Broaden your horizons and grow into your role and become a professional.

24. You are a corporate culture specialist. Prepare to give a short talk for new employees from a different culture how some aspects of your culture influence expected behavior. ( in meetings, relationships between staff, teamwork, responsibilities, company policy and social events)

At work Belarusians are very responsible and motivated.

Speaking about the relations between staff, we apply more individualistic approach.

As we work in a team, we are team players who are responsible for executing their responsibilities.

Company policy comprises the organization of social events. Our staffs like them

25. You are a pr manager. Your responsibility is to support the positive atmosphere of the department. What will you do in a conflict situation when your bosses planning to get rid of the coffee area for the employees?

Firstly, I should explain why it is planning to be done and anticipate the conflict and misunderstanding. After that, there should be a proposal for other perk that will be given to the employees instead of coffee area, I should ask the employees for the ideas and together come to an agreement. It would be great if there is a way to accommodate all needs and requirements, but if not, just reach a stage where you will achieve a compromise.

1.You work as an interpreter. You are having a meeting with the Japanese. Dwell on the preparation for the meeting taking into account peculiarities of the Japanese culture.

  1. Японцы очень пунктуальны. Если Вы не успеваете вовремя прибыть на встречу, обязательно предупредите об этом своего японского партнёра, а продолжительность встречи сократите на время опоздания, так как у Вашего партнера по встрече могут быть другие дела. При деловых переговорах с японцами ни в коем случае не приемлемо давить на партнёра. Важнейшим элементом правил хорошего тона являются поклоны. При представлении вручаются визитные карточки. Получать их надо обеими руками, в знак уважения их необходимо прочитать. 

У японцев существует особая система принятия решений, суть которой состоит в том, что в обсуждение проблемы, ее рассмотрение и согласование вовлекается большой круг лиц от руководителя фирмы до рядового сотрудника, на что уходит немало времени.

Точность во всем одна из важнейших черт японского стиля переговоров.

На японском языке "да" необязательно означает согласие со сказанным. Иногда оно применяется для утверждения того, что сказанное услышано или понято, а не для того, чтобы выразить согласие.

Японцы придают важное значение тому, чтобы общение велось между людьми, занимающими приблизительно равное положение в деловом мире или обществе.

2.You are a personal assistant. Your boss is going on a business trip to China. What recommendations would you give knowing peculiarities of the Chinese culture?

  • Face is an important concept in Chinese society.  It roughly translates as 'honour', 'good reputation' or 'respect'. It is critical you avoid losing face or causing the loss of face at all times. Public criticism therefore, or putting someone on the spot are absolute no-nos in China.

  • Handshakes are the most common form of greeting with foreigners. Many Chinese will look towards the ground when greeting someone.

  • Chinese non-verbal communication speaks volumes. Since the Chinese strive for harmony and are group dependent, they rely on facial expression, tone of voice and posture to convey meaning or intention. Frowning while someone is speaking is interpreted as a sign of disagreement.

  • It is considered disrespectful to stare into another person's eyes. In crowded situations, the Chinese avoid eye contact to give themselves privacy.

  • Chinese people are precious of their personal space and do not like over-familiarity.

  • You should arrive at meetings on time or slightly early. The Chinese view punctuality as a virtue. Arriving late is an insult and could negatively affect your relationship

  • Send an agenda before the meeting so your Chinese colleagues have the chance to meet with any technical experts prior to the meeting.

  • Presentations should be detailed and factual and focus on long-term benefits.

  • Only senior members of the negotiating team will speak. Designate the most senior person in your group as your spokesman for the introductory functions.

  • Business negotiations occur at a slow pace. Decisions may take a long time, as they require careful review and consideration.

3.You are a specialist in intercultural communications. Your boss is going to work with the Spanish. Elaborate on the peculiarities of the Spanish culture.

  1. В том, как испанцы ведут бизнес, всегда прослеживается их национальный менталитет: они дружелюбны и открыты к сотрудничеству, в большей степени проявляют интерес не к деловому вопросу как таковому, а к самому партнеру как к личности. Им не свойственна холодная расчетливость. Испанцы предпочитают, чтобы переговоры проходили между лицами, примерно равными по статусу в обществе и бизнесе.  При заключении сделок испанцы любят строго придерживаться прописанных условий. Испанцы никогда не ограничиваются сухим рукопожатием и обменом визитными карточками, они всегда проявляют намного больше внимания к собеседнику, в том числе используя тактильное общение (например, похлопывание по плечу, объятия). Во время переговоров необходимо быть готовым к тому, что испанцы очень красноречивы: они говорят много, эмоционально, красноречиво, любят обсуждать самые мелкие детали, часто отклоняются от главной темы в сторону бесед о погоде, спорте, отдыхе и т.д. Переговоры часто сопровождаются шутками и неожиданными историями. При общении с испанцем лучше избегать спорных и «больных» тем – политика (терроризм, иммиграция, проблемы отдельных регионов).

  • Они любят вести многословные дискуссии, поэтому регламент переговоров очень часто не соблюдается.

  • Spanish people tend to be extrovert and friendly as is typical in Mediterranean culture and they place modesty and personality foremost to professional or business success.

  • Most young people in Spain are fluent in or at least have a good understanding of English but some older people may require the use of an interpreter.

  • Do not plan anything for a Tuesday 13th as this is seen as an unlucky date.

4.You are a translator in a Dubai company. Dwell on cultural dimensions that you should always remember while working in an Arab culture.

5. You are working on a project with employees from China, Germany and America. Specify possible cultural conflicts that can arise. Take into account the dimensions used to describe cultures.

He developed a framework for understanding the systematic differences between nations in these two databases. This framework focused on value dimensions. Values, in this case, are broad preferences for one state of affairs over others, and they are mostly unconscious.

Power distance



Uncertainty avoidance (UA)

Long-term orientation

  1. You are an intercultural consultant. To what extent do you think company culture is influenced by the country the company is based in? Issue guidelines for new job applicants.

While internationalizing, firms face a high level of uncertainty, connected to the a lack of knowledge of the foreign market, and to the “soft factors,” which can reduce profitability and create a situation of disadvantage with regard to local or already embedded competitors. The chapter offers a key to understand the importance of market and cultural knowledge, and it explains why firms should the necessity to have culturally competent managers in order to lead international teams, and to adapt products and processes

  1. You are a corporate culture specialist. Comment on the impact internalization and exposure to a new culture can have upon corporate structure, working practices and learning opportunities. Speak on the issue of cultural awareness while working in multinational business environment.

Internalization (or internalisation) is the process of making something internal, with more specific meanings in various fields.

“Culture is the set of important understandings (often unstated) that members of a community share in common”

  1. Comment on how internationalization affects company culture. You are anH.R. specialist with an international company Give some advice with regard to working across cultures.

In the increasingly diverse global workforces of today, knowing the best way to respect cultural differences is a must. Leaders and employees need to understand international customs so they can foster positive and healthy relationships. It’s not only the right thing to do; it also helps drive business success. 

Become aware of cross-cultural etiquette standards (including body language). Research to understand which gestures and phrases are deemed taboo to avoid offending others. 

In the modern world, even if you’re confined to one country, you’re still participating on the global stage and competing against similar countries from around the globe. As such, there are many challenges you will face as you operate your business in this economy. The challenges in operating a global company include languages and cultures, different legal landscapes, communication and technology and differing environmental concerns. Understanding Other Languages and Cultures

The global marketplace, coupled with the ubiquity of the internet, makes it possible for all businesses to play on fair ground. However, that doesn’t mean your business will be prepared to deal with customers from all cultures and languages. While the culture is quite similar across most western countries, there can be stark differences when the cultures from other parts of the world are considered, such as the east, Africa, and the Middle-East.

You will have to take time to learn important cultural differences if your business is going to succeed across borders. While red may mean danger in most places on the globe, it is associated with good luck in China, so you might want to give your marketing color-scheme a different approach while you market to the Chinese. Meanwhile, you’ll also have to invest in learning the languages of others, or at least have people on your teams, particularly the customer support team, that understand these languages to help you connect with all of your customers