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1. Match a line in a with line in b to complete the sentences.



1. Soup served in a handled or very small oriental style bowl

a. the mouth is empty and has been wiped with a napkin

2. Don’t leave used flatware (cutlery)

b. away from you

3. Hold the fork in you left hand

c. by the base

4. Hot liquids should be tested by

d. while drinking something

5. Hold a Tumbler

e. may be drunk instead of spooned

6. Place the napkin on your lap as soon as

f. and the knife in the right

7. Tip the soup or dessert dish

g. on the table or in a cup or bowl

8. Beverages should be sipped only after

h. should be kept by the stem so as not to warm the wine

9. Don’t make slurping sounds

i. you are seated (at a large banquet) or as soon as the hostess takes her napkin (at a small party)

10. Glasses with chilled white or rose wine

j. taking a careful sip from a spoon

2. Find the English equivalents to these word combinations in the

text and write them out. Memorise them.

Держать вилку, положить нож, использованные столовые приборы, бокал на ножке, наклонить тарелку от себя, вытереть рот салфеткой, держать стакан за основание, положить салфетку на колени, обмакнуть вилку с мясом в соус, прикоснуться к губам смоченными пальцами, положить локти на стол, охлажденное вино, стучать по столу кончиками пальцев, срочная необходимость, оправдываться.

3. Odd one out. Which word is the odd one out? Why?

  1. empty wipe chilled urgent

  2. take put hold sip

  3. knife cup bowl plate

  4. cutlery dish flatware silverware

  5. snifter tumbler elbows stemmed glass

  6. tip lap sip pat

  1. Answer the questions.

  1. What is the difference between the American and the Continental styles of eating?

  2. Where should we place used flatware?

  3. How should we tip a dish if we want to enjoy the last spoonful of soup or dessert?

  4. Should we sip beverages when our mouth is full?

  5. What is the right way to hold different types of glasses?

  6. Were should we put the napkin while eating?

  7. Were should we put the napkin after finishing eating?

  8. What is the right way to serve ourselves with jellies and sauces?

  9. How to use finger bowls correctly?

  10. When can we put elbows on the table?

  11. What is the best posture at a table?

  12. What shouldn’t we do at dinner table?

  13. When can we leave the table?

  14. Should we make any excuses when we have to leave the table for a moment?

5.This is a story about Mr. Brown who does not know the table etiquette very well. Find six mistakes in his behavior and correct them.

Mr. Brown sat at the table, crossed his legs under the table, took the napkin from the plate and placed it on his lap. Then he took the fork into his left hand and knife into his right hand and started to eat. While eating the salad he sipped an aperitif with his mouth full. When he was eating the soup he tipped the bowl away from him because he wanted to enjoy the last spoonful of it. Then he had the main dish. That was an escalope. He cut small pieces of it with the knife and took them into his mouth with the fork. At the same time he sipped white wine from the stemmed glass holding it by the bowl. He made slurping sounds and his elbows were on the table. After finishing he put his knife and fork on the plate. He placed the knife with the blade facing in and the fork to the left of the knife. Then he wiped his mouth with the napkin and placed it on the table.

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