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7. Соотнесите слова из колонки a со словами из колонок в и с так, чтобы получилась логическая цепочка словосочетаний и слов:

Example: Meet cook - prepares meet dishes - kitchen.


Pastry cook mixes cocktails

Chef prepares desserts

Cashier makes reservations and meets guests kitchen

Meat cook is at the head of the restaurant

Manager prepares meat dishes bar

Waitress is responsible for wines

Wine waiter takes orders dining room

Bartender supervises the work of cooks

Headwaiter is in charge of money and bills

Waiter brings and discusses the menu

8. Прочитайте и переведите диалог с английского языка на русский:

RM = Restaurant Manager M = Mary S = Sam

RM. Good afternoon everybody!

M. Good afternoon.

RM. Let me introduce you to our new colleague, Sam is a new bartender.

M. Nice to meet you, Sam!

RM. Mary, could you show Sam our restaurant?

M. With pleasure, will you follow me? We’ll start with the cloakroom; people

leave their coats and umbrellas here.

S. And what is over there?

M. Oh, those are toilets, ladies to the right and gent’s to the left.

S. Well and where is the bar, where I work ?

M. It’s next to the private dining room.

S. Is it big?

М. No, it’s not very big, just 20 seats, but it’s very cozy. People can arrange special parties there; Nora usually looks after this room, and she also takes reservations and meets guests. She is our Head waiter.

S. And how many waiters have you got?

М. We have 10 waiters, they usually work in shifts, besides we have a wine waiter, Pete, he is in charge of wines, and he looks after them in our wine cellar. He really is a perfect specialist; Pete knows everything about wines and always helps to make the right choice.

S. Do you have music?

M. We have a nice jazz band, but unfortunately, only at weekends. The dance floor is in the non - smoking section of the dining - room.

S. That’s great, I love jazz! Oh now I see the place where I will mix my cocktails, the bar is near the musiс!

M. Yes, and you will serve all drinks at the bar.

S. Of course, I like my job. And who is that?

M. That is Bob he is our Chef, he supervises the work of the kitchen and he is very strict.

S. He must be strict; Chef is responsible for the quality of food!

M. Yes, and our pastry cook is fantastic, he bakes delicious cakes.

S. I’ll try them. Thank you for the excursion. It was my pleasure.

M. See you later.

9. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский:

  1. Бармен обслуживает гостей у барной стойки и смешивает коктейли

  2. Управляющий стоит во главе ресторана

  3. Шеф следит за работой кухни и отвечает за качество еды.

  4. Официанты обсуждают меню, берут заказы и приносят блюда.

  5. Кассир готовит счета.

  6. Администратор бронирует столики и встречает гостей. Он контролирует работу зала.

  7. Сомелье отвечает за вина и помогает гостям выбрать вино.

  8. Кондитер готовит фруктовые десерты и выпечку.

Проверьте себя. (Unit 2)

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

Example: An orchestra is usually next to the …с... .

a. toilets b. cloakroom c. dance floor

1.Gent’s is a toilet ....... men.

a. from b. for c. to

2. Guests ............. in the cloak room.

a. leave coats b. book tables c. make orders

3. Chef is in charge of the ...........

a. restaurant b. kitchen c. dining room

4. A restaurant staff works ....... shifts.

a. on b. with c. in

5. A cashier prepares........

a. bills b. pastry c. fish dishes

6. A ....... mixes cocktails

a. wine waiter b. bartender c. cook

7. Desserts are prepared in a .........

a. dishwashing section b. vegetable section c. pastry section

8. A ............looks after wines.

a. wine waiter b. waitress c. cashier

9. A headwaiter is responsible for the quality of .......

a. food b. service c. bills

10. If the weather is fine, guests have meals ........

a. in a smoking section b. on the dance floor c. on the terrace

Unit 3. Making reservations and apologizing.

Прочитайте и постарайтесь запомнить:

Making reservations- бронирование столика

To book \ to reserve a table забронировать столик

To make a reservation зарезервировать…

Could I...? Мог бы я ….?

I’d like... Я бы хотел…

What date/ day / time for? На какую дату \ день \ время?

How many people for? На сколько человек?

Could I have your name, please? Ваше имя, пожалуйста?

What name shall I make a reservation for? На какое имя делать бронь?

To spell назвать слово по буквам.

1. 1) Напишите и затем прочитайте английский алфавит. Обратите внимание на произношение букв:

A, B, C, .....

2) Произнесите слово по буквам:

Example: Anna – A - double n - a

Washington, advertisement, summer, anniversary, Australia,

3) Напишите и произнесите по буквам своё имя.

4) Попросите друга произнести его \ её имя по буквам.

2. Напишите время, а затем прочитайте:

Example: 3. 30. - It’s half past three in the morning

11.15. – It’s quarter past eleven in the morning

18. 00. – It’s six o’clock in the evening

12. 45. – It’s quarter to one in the afternoon

  1. 5.15..................................................................

  1. 16.15.................................................................

  2. 11.00.................................................................

  3. 23.00..................................................................

  4. 9.30.....................................................................

  5. 22.30.................................................................

  6. 12.30.................................................................

  7. 7.45...................................................................

  8. 4.45....................................................................

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