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  1. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Держите вилку в левой руке, остриями вниз, и нож в правой.

  2. Кладите использованные нож и вилку на тарелку.

  3. Не оставляйте использованные столовые приборы на столе.

  4. Наклоняйте суповую или десертную тарелку от себя.

  5. Не пейте напитки, когда ваш рот полный.

  6. Проверяйте горячие напитки осторожно, сделав маленький глоток с ложки.

  7. Держите фужеры с охлажденным белым или розовым вином и рюмки за ножку.

  8. Держите бокал для бренди обеими руками, чтобы согревать напиток.

  9. Держите стакан за основание.

10. Не издавайте хлюпающих звуков, когда пьете.

  1. На банкете положите салфетку на колени, как только вы сели за стол.

  2. Не возвращайте салфетку на стол, пока вы не закончили полностью еду.

  3. Густые соусы кладутся ложкой на тарелку и обмакиваются мясом или птицей на вилке.

  4. Жидкие соусы следует наливать прямо на еду.

  5. Если вы пользуетесь миской с водой, слегка окуните пальцы одной руки, затем другой и вытрите пальцы салфеткой на коленях.

  6. Вы можете также прикоснуться к губам влажными пальцами и вытереть губы салфеткой.

  7. Никогда не создавайте впечатление, что вы пользуетесь миской с водой для серьезного умывания.

  8. Никогда не кладите локти на стол во время еды.

  9. Не стучите по столу кончиками пальцев, не играйте со столовыми приборами, посудой или столовыми принадлежностями за столом.

  10. Чтобы ваша поза за столом была хорошей, держите ноги прямо на полу, спиной облокотитесь на спинку стула.

  11. Никогда не выходите из-за стола, пока не вышла хозяйка (или хозяин).

  12. Если вам нужно выйти по срочной необходимости на минутку, просто извинитесь, не объясняя причины.

7. Find the English equivalents to the sentences from Ex. 6 and put them into the columns under headings Do’s/ Don’ts



Read and translate

1. Wine card.

The content of a wine card is directly connected with a restaurant cuisine. In those with classical cuisine the leading position belongs to French wines with wide choice of red wines. In the restaurants where the dishes are mostly the fish ones white wines are preferable. The restaurants with national cuisine have local wines on offer.

In bars the analogue of the wine card is a cocktail card. The main difference is that the last has more variable cocktails’ section.


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2. What is Aperitif?

The aperitif was introduced in 1846, when a French chemist, Joseph Deponent, created a wine-based drink as a mean of delivering malaria-fighting quinine.

The medicine was a bitter brew, so he developed a formula of herbs and spices to mask quinine's sharp flavor, and it worked so well that the recipe has remained well-guarded ever since.

French Foreign Legion soldiers made use of it in mosquito-infested Northern Africa. Joseph's wife was so fond of the drink that she had all her friends try it, and its popularity spread.

Some say that the concept of drinking a small amount of alcohol before a meal dates back to the ancient Egyptians.

Main records, however, show that the aperitif first appeared in 1786 in Turin, Italy, when Antonio Benedetto Carpano invented vermouth in this city.

In later years, vermouth was produced and sold by such well-known companies as Martini, Cinzano, and Gancia.

Aperitifs were already widespread in the 19th century in Italy, where they were being served in fashionable cafes in Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan, Turin, and Naples.

Aperitifs became very popular in Europe in the late 19th century.

By 1900, they were also commonly served in the United States. In Spain and in some countries of Latin America, aperitifs have been a staple of tapas cuisine for centuries.

There is no single alcoholic drink that is always used for an aperitif; fortified wines, liqueurs, and dry champagne are possibly the most common choices.

Sherry, a fortified wine, is a very popular aperitif.

In Greece, ouzo is a popular choice; in France, pastis. In Italy, vermouth or bitters may be served; popular brands of bitters are Campari, Cinzano, Byrrh, and Suze.

In the Eastern Mediterranean, arak (Araq (pronounced [araq]),is a highly alcoholic spirit(50%-63 % Alc. Vol.).

It is a clear, colorless, unsweetened anise-flavoured and is served with mezze (a typical middle eastern meal starts with Mezze). This can be an elaborate spread of forty or fifty hors d'oeuvres, little bits of tasty treats to please the palate.

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