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7. Вставьте пропущенное слово по смыслу:

(a jug, a fork, a napkin, a candle, a dessert spoon, a coffee pot, a slip cloth,

a knife, a teaspoon, a cup, a butter knife)

Еxample: We serve milk in a ……….

We serve milk in a milk jug .

  1. We drink tea from..........

  2. There is a green.............. on the tablecloth.

  3. A waiter serves coffee in ........... .

  4. There is ................ on the side dish.

  5. We put sugar into the tea with...........

  6. Guests eat desserts with.......

  7. We cut meat with........

  8. There is ....... and a knife to the left and right of the plate.

  9. A clean ............ is usually correctly folded before the guest comes.

  10. Milk or juice is served in .....

  11. We light a …… if it is evening.

8. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык и запишите:

1. Стол \ скатерть \ наперон \ салфетка

2. Кувшин для молока \ воды \ сока

3. Тарелка для супа \ каши

4. Ложка для чая \ кофе

5. Суповая \ десертная ложка

6. Обеденная \ пирожковая тарелка

7. Бокал для белого \ красного вина

8. Чайник \ кофейник

9. Солонка \ перечница \ сахарница

10. Нож для масла \ мяса

11. Рыбная мясная \ вилка

12. Пепельница \ ваза для цветов \ свечи

9. Прочитайте и переведите диалог с английского языка на русский:

Т = Trainee H = Headwaiter

T. Could you show me how to arrange the table for dinner?

H. Of course, you should know how to lay the table!

T. What do you start with?

H. First, I place a clean table cloth on the table, and then cover it with a slip cloth. You see all our slip cloths are red. Make sure that the napkin is correctly folded and placed on the side plate.

T. I see, but where do you place the side plate?

H. The side plate is to the left of the dinner plate, and don’t forget to put the

butter knife on the top of the napkin.

T. How do you arrange the cutlery?

H. For each cover, work from the inside out. Place a main course knife and fork to the right and left of the plate position and then a first course knife and fork outside them.

T. And what about spoons?

H. A soup spoon is placed to the right of the first course knife and put a wine glass is put above the soup spoon.

T. Is there anything else?

H. Yes, salt, pepper and an ashtray if the table is in the smoking section, are in the middle of the table. You can also put a vase for flowers and a candle if it is evening.

T. And what if the guest orders fish?

H. If the guest orders fish, the main course knife and fork are replaced with a fish knife and fork before you bring the main order.

T. Well, go on. How do you arrange the table for dessert?

H. When the guest finishes the first course, take away the cutlery, dishes, salt and pepper pots. Just leave the wine glasses. Then bring the dessert menu, a clean napkin, and a dessert spoon and fork. These are placed on top of the clean napkin, to the right of the plate position.

T. Now I understand, thank you very much for your lecture.

10. Работайте в парах. Нарисуйте схему (или сервируйте стол для обеда \ завтрака, если вы в лаборатории, или ресторане) согласно инструкциям вашего партнёра.

First put a clean white.....

Проверьте себя (Unit 5)

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

Еxample: A vase for…a.. is in the middle of the table.

a. flowers b. cigarettes c. pencils

1. First we place. …

a. a napkin b. a tablecloth с. a soup plate

2. A side plate is…

a. to the left. b. to the right c. in the middle

3. We put…….. on the top of the napkin.

a. a glass b. a bowl c. a butter knife

4. …….. is to the right and left of the plate

a. knife and fork b. fork and spoon c. knife and spoon

5. A soup spoon is outside …

a. the side plate b. the knife c. the fork

6. ……. is above the soup spoon.

a. a glass b. a napkin c. salt and pepper

7. A waiter puts …… on the side plate

A. a dirty napkin b. correctly folded napkin c. a torn napkin.

8. There is …… in the middle of the table.

a. an ashtray b. a wine glass c. a side plate

9. We leave only……. before we bring the dessert menu.

a. a soup plate b. cutlery c. a wine glass.

10. We light the candle if it is…. .

a. morning b. evening c. weekend

Test 1. (units 1-5)

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