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Communicate in English Актуализация.doc
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Drawing attention to news and expressing reactions

Привлечь внимание к информации и отреагировать

Remember the Language for

Drawing attention Shocked reaction

Шок, потрясение

A. Do you know, I’ve just read that…

According to something I’ve read, …

From what this report says, …

I gather that…

Have you heard that…

It says (in the paper today) that…

They said (on the news last night) that…

B. I never knew that. quite bad

That’s terrible

dreadful isn’t it?

You know, that sort of thing makes me: mad




Concern and constructive suggestion

Беспокойство и конструктивное предложение

B.That’s (absolutely) terrible, isn’t it? I think...

Indifference and disclaiming responsibility

Равнодушие и снятие ответственности

B. Well, I can’t see that that’s so terrible.

Well, as far as I can see, there’s no point in

trying to do anything about it.


Discuss a news item, which you have read (heard) about.


Find English equivalents.

  1. Вы слышали последнюю новость?

  2. Это просто ужасно, не так ли?

  3. Вы знаете, я только что прочитал, что…

  4. Ну, не понимаю, что уж такого ужасного в этом.

  5. В сегодняшней газете написано…

  6. Вы знаете, подобные вещи злят меня.

  7. Ну, насколько я понимаю, нет смысла пытаться делать что-либо.

  8. Я не знал. Это очень плохо, не так ли?

  1. Well, as far as I can see, there’s no point in trying to do anything about it.

  2. It says in the paper today that…

  3. You know, that sort of thing makes me angry.

  4. I never knew that. That’s quite bad, isn’t it?

  5. Have you heard the latest news?

  6. Well, I can’t see that that’s so terrible.

  7. Do you know, I’ve just read that…

  8. That’s absolutely terrible, isn’t it?

Argument: for and against

Обсуждение: за и против

Remember the Language for

Suggesting an argument for… … and against

Выдвинуть аргумент за… …и против

A. One of the main arguments, I would have thought, in favour of… is that…

then, on the other hand …

B. But

remember/don’t forget, …

Countering an argument…

Опровергать аргумент

  1. That can’t be (true), can it? or But that just isn’t (true), is it?

Surely that’s not always (true/the case), is it?

I mean, what about …?

Putting a further argument…… and interrupting politely

Выдвинуть дополнительный аргумент… … и вежливо прервать

what’s more,

A. And of course,

then again,

Excuse me. Did you say,

B. that…?

Just a moment. Do you mean


Responding to an interruption… … and seeking clarification

Отреагировать на прерывание и уточнить

  1. Exactly (yes), that’s just what I meant.

No. That’s not what I meant at


B. In that case, are you seriously

suggesting …?

do you mean to say…?

Correcting a misunderstanding… … and apologizing, then agreeing /


Устранить недопонимание извиниться, согласиться или не


  1. I am afraid, you misunderstood me. (I didn’t make myself clear)

What I said ( meant ) was this:…

Let me rephrase what I said:…

  1. Oh, I’m sorry , I misunderstood you.

Then I agree with you (completely).

But I still can’t agree with you.

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