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Communicate in English Актуализация.doc
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Making an apology and expressing regret

Извинение и выражение сожаления

  1. I’m sorry, but I

don’t think I can (make it

(I doubt whether) to the party


  1. Oh, no!

Oh, what a pity (a shame)!

Oh, that’s a pity (a shame)!

  1. I’m very sorry to say (Unfortunately)

(I hope you’ll forgive me, but)

  1. Oh, dear.

That’s a pity (a shame)

I’m sorry to hear that

I won’t be able to (meet you this afternoon)

Giving a reason and responding

Сообщение причины и ответ

  1. The thing is (I’m not feeling too good and I’m going home to bed).

  2. Oh, well, I understand. We can (get together again) some other time.

  1. The reason is (I’m afraid) that (I’m feeling far from well and will have to go home).

  2. I see. I’m very sorry. But don’t

I understand, worry about (the meeting).

of course. We can arrange that again.

Expressing thanks and saying goodbye

Выражение благодарности и прощание

  1. Yes, I’d like that. Bye.

  2. Thanks for ringing. Bye.

  1. Thank you. That’s very good of you. Goodbye.

  2. It was very good of you to ring. Goodbye.


Adapt the dialogues as necessary to roleplay these conversations.

  1. You are phoning a college lecturer. Apologize for not being able to attend a lecture.

  2. You are phoning a friend. Apologize for not being able to play tennis this afternoon.

  3. You are phoning a bank manager. Explain why you can’t keep an appointment tomorrow.

  4. You are phoning a friend. Explain why you won’t be at a dance (at the club this evening).


Find English equivalents.

  1. К сожалению, я не смогу присутствовать на лекции сегодня днем.

  2. Понимаю. Но, не беспокойтесь.

  3. Это говорит …

  4. Очень жаль!

  5. Дело в том, что у меня назначена встреча с моим деловым партнером.

  6. Надеюсь, я вас не побеспокоил.

  7. Спасибо, что позвонили.

  8. Извини, но думаю, что я не смогу быть в клубе вечером.

  9. Вы меня совсем не побеспокоили. Чем могу помочь?

  10. Спасибо. Вы очень любезны. До свидания.

  1. Thanks for ringing.

  2. I am sorry, but I don’t think I can be at the club this evening.

  3. I do hope I am not disturbing you.

  4. Not at all. What can I do for you?

  5. I see. But don’t worry!

  6. Thank you. That’s very good of you. Goodbye.

  7. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend the lecture this afternoon.

  8. This is …

  9. The reason is that I have an appointment with my business partner.

  10. I am sorry to hear that.

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