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Communicate in English Актуализация.doc
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Agreeing; Disagreeing

Cогласие, несогласие

Remember the Language for

Agreeing Disagreeing

Yes, certainly.

Yes, of course.


Quite so.

Right you are.

That’s right.

I quite agree with you.

I agree entirely.

There’s no denying it.

That goes without saying.

I think so.

Looks like that.

Most likely.

As you say.

In a way.

My opinion is the same.

Certainly not.

Of course not.

On the contrary!

Far from it.

I am afraid you are wrong.

It’s just the other way around.

I don’t agree with you.

Nothing of the kind.

I shouldn’t say so.


I doubt it.

(It’s) hard to say.

I’m not sure about it.

Asking for … and giving reasons for…

Спрашивать о чем-то… и высказать аргументы за…

What made you (him) do it?

Why did you (he) decide to do it?

Why do you think (the holiday) was such a (success)?

I think

I am sure

Oh, I am sure

the reason is (that)…

it’s on account of the fact…

it’s because…

the reason was that …

it was because…


I. Express disagreement and give your reasons for the following.

1. The more we study, the less we know. 2. We are on the right track. 3. The prospects look hopeful. 4. I think John will be given a rise. 5. The resolution may be voted down. 6. It was all framed up. 7. She may be given the main part in the new play. 8. They will be happy. 9. Her decision is final.

II. Express agreement and give your reasons for the following.

1. She behaved very oddly. 2. It’s all for the best. 3. He’ll be none the worse for it. 4. One gets over things in time, you know. 5. No one will be able to replace him. 6. One can’t be good at everything. 7. She can’t do anything about it. 8. There is no reason why I cannot tell her the truth. 9. He may be right, after all.


Find English equivalents.

  1. Вы правы.

  2. Это само собой разумеется.

  3. Напротив!

  4. Трудно сказать.

  5. Весьма вероятно.

  6. Я уверен, причина в том, что…

  7. Все как раз наоборот.

  8. Этого нельзя отрицать.

  9. Похоже на то.

  10. Далеко не так.

  11. Вряд ли.

  12. В какой-то мере .

  1. It’s hard to say.

  2. Looks like that.

  3. In a way.

  4. It’s just the other way around.

  5. Hardly.

  6. Right you are.

  7. On the contrary!

  8. That goes without saying.

  9. Most likely.

  10. There’s no denying it.

  11. I am sure the reason is that …

  12. Far from it.

Apologies, excuses and reqret (on the telephone)

Извинения, оправдания и сожаление

Remember the Language for

A call to a friend A call to a business associate



  1. Hello, (John). It’s (Mary).

  2. Hello, (Mary).

  1. Look, you’re not busy, are you?

  2. No. It’s nice to hear from you.

A..(Mr. Richards)? This is (Mary Stack).

B. Ah, good morning, (Miss Stack)

  1. I do hope I’m not disturbing you.

  2. Not at all. What can I do for you?

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