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Episode seven а Meeting at Pulkovo International Airport

Dmitry Volkov meets John Boden at Pulkovo International Airport. The ВА Flight 2844 from London landed 20 minutes ago. Mr. Boden gets through the passport control, collects his luggage and goes to а customs desk. His luggage inspected, he greets Dmitry happily.

John: Hi, Dmitry. Can't believe I'm in Russia!

Dmitry: Nice to see you, John. The company's car is waiting

outside the airport building. Have you got only

one suitcase?

John: Yes, I prefer to travel light.

They come out of the airport building and -goes to the саг. In the car.

Dmitry: How was your flight, John?

John: Not bad at all I flew in World Traveller Plus Class

this time. ,

Dmitry: What's this?

John: It's а sort of an enhanced economy class. There were only two seats by each window in every row and the distance between the rows was greater than the 79 ст. in traditional economy class seats.

Dmitry: Oh, that's interesting!

John: The seat was а little bit wider and 1 had more room to stretch out and lie back.

Drпitrу: I can understand that. When I was flying in economy class to America I felt extremely uncomfortable in that tiny seat. А 9-hour flight to New York was а real tortute.

John: The thoughts of а torture chamber will not go through your bead if you fly in World Traveller Plus Class next time. The seats are truly comfort­able. Arm rests are 8 сm. wider than in economy class, giving passengers 15 сm. more shoulder space. А11 seats are equipped with а telephone and а power source for laptop computers.

Dimitry While :п America I learned another good proverb: "А11 work and no play makes Jack а dull boy".

John: 1 know what you are hinting at. I did not work at а11 during ту flight. I slept and I watched а very interesting movie. Му seat-back video player offer­ed 12 video and 12 audio channels. То be honest, I wanted to read а guide-book on saint-Peters­burg, but I have left it in ту suitcase. World Tra­veller Plus allows passengers to take on board two pieces of hand luggage weighig up to 12 kg., but ту luggage weighed more.

Dmitry 1s World Traveller Plus more expensive than economy?

John: - It's about 15% more than the current full, one-way economy ticket. But, still, if you go for cheap tickets, it's better to purchase advance booking.

Dmitry John, I want to ask you what you would prefer - Со go to your hotel or to go straight to our office?

John: I'm feeling а little bit tired after the flight, but

1 am really happy to be in the most beautiful city in Europe.

Business vocabulary

Airport Аэропорт

International ~ Международный ~

Arm-rest Подлокотник

On board На борту

Customs desk Таможня

Fare Плата за проезд

Flight Рейс

BA ~ ~ компании БЭ

Domestic ~ внутренний ~

International ~ международный ~

Long-distance ~ длительный ~

9-hour ~ девятичасовой ~

Non-stop ~ беспосадочный ~

Trans-Atlantic ~ трансатлантический ~

Get through the passport control Пройти паспортный контроль

Luggage Багаж

Collect ~ Получить ~

Hand ~ Ручная кладь

Inspect ~ Проверять ~

Land v. Приземляться

Passenger Пассажир

Row Ряд

Seat Место

seat-back video player Buдeoплeep, вмонтированный

в спинку сиденья

Suitcase Чемодан

Take off v. Взлетать

Ticket Билет

Full - ~ за полную стоимость

One-way ~ ~ в один конец

Travel light v. Путешествовать налегке

Verify figures v. Проверять цифры

А Meeting а1 Pulkovo International Airport, Review

1. Dmitry Volkov meets John Boden at

а) Heathrow Airport

b) JFK Airport

с) Pulkovo International Airport.

2. VVhen Dmitry Volkov arrived at the airport, the ВА Flight 2844 from London

а) was landing

b) had landed 20 minutes ago

с) was taking off.

3. After getting through the passport control, John Boden

а) collected his luggage

b) visited а Duty-Free shop

с) had а сир of coffee.

4. Та get to the hotel, John Boden and Dmitry Volkov

а) took а taxi

b) took the 13 bus

с) took а company's car.

5. John Boden flew in

а) World Traveller Plus Class

b) Business Class

с) First Class.

6. Dmitry's first flight to New York was

а) а complete disaster

b) а real torture

с) а great pleasure.

7. John Boden's seat was equipped with

а) а telephone and а power source for а laptop computer

b) а barometer

с) а shoe-polisher.

8. While in America, Dmitry Volkov learned а proverb:

а) "All 1s well that ends well"

Ь) "All work and no play makes Jack а dull boy"

с) "Marriages are made in heaven".

9. During his flight, John Boden

а) watched а very interesting movie

b) prepared а press release for the local press

с) verified the figures for his presentation.

10. John Boden did not read а guide-book, because

а) he slept during the flight

b) left it in his suitcase

с) had а long talk with Mr. Gomez, the sales Manager

from Vega Publications.

Your own business

Do you travel а lot?

Do you prefer to travel by train or by plane?

What class до you usually fly in?

What до you usually до on а plane?

Do you like to travel light or до you take many pieces of luggage with you?

  • Have you ever taken а long-distance flight? Was it а domestic, international (Trans-Atlantic), non-stop flight? Did you enjoy 1t?

  • Recollect an interesting meeting you might have had on а business trip. Do you still maintain friendly/business contacts with him or her?

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