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Business English самоучитель.doc
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Business documents Advertisement. Offer of employment

Advertisement - объявление (здесь - о приеме на работу)

Looking for work is а full-time job. It's important to read newspapers, the Career Opportunities Sections, which are revised and updated daily.

Here you have а typical example of an advertisement placed in а national newspaper. This advertisement like all ads of this type contains the following information:

  • The title of the job;

  • Detailed job description showing skills and qualities needed for the position advertised;

  • Details characterizing the company which has placed this ад in а newspaper, and an employment policy it pursues;

  • The company's address, telephone/fax number, E-mail address, the name of the person to whom а resume should be sent;

  • Deadline.

It's customary to thank everybody for showing interest in the advertised position, but to contact only those selected for an interview.

Sales and Marketing Manager Ontario Division

You will manage and lead а dedicated sales organization dealing with major department stores and independent dea­lers. Customer development, product and marketing inno­vation are key components of the position. Candidates must have strong sales management experience coupled with marketing savvy.

It's а very stimulating career development opportunity within а highly successful team based organization. Personal and career advancement potential is very definite in а very promote-from-within culture.

The successful candidates should have 3+years of proven leadership experience with а dynamic, fast-growing organi­zation. А university degree in economics is required. Effective communications, negotiation, and management skills are а11 essential requirements.

Interested candidates should forward their resume by March 10, 2002 to:

Hometrade United Bert MacNelly Human Resources Director 395 Milton Avenue P.O. Box 2016 Toronto, Ont. L8N ЗК4

Fax: (416) 555-5566


We appreciate all applications, only those selected

for an internatiw will be acknowledged..

An equal opportunity employer

Offer of Employment - предложение занять определенную должность

А successful candidate, who has been chosen for the position, will be notified by а letter, which is known as an Offer of Employment. This Offer о1' Employment is usually accompanied by an Employment Contract.

Paul Lucas, who has successfully passed an interview at Dy­nateam Innovations, got the following Offer of Employment.

Dynateam Innovations Inc. 55 Eriview Plaza Cleveland

Ohio 44114

17 August 20 -

Mr. Paul Lucas

31 Gooseberry Lane Pittsburgh, Ра. 15222

Dear Mr. Lucas,

Offer of Employment

I am writing on behalf of Mr. G. Coldwell to tell that you were successful in your interview for the position of marketing and sales manager of the export division of Dynateam Innovations 117С.

Your duties will commence at 9.00 AM on 1 september 20-.

I would be grateful if you would sign, date and return to те in the envelope provided, the Contract of Employment. It is essential that the Contract of Employment should be returned to us before August 23, otherwise there may be а delay in processing your wages.

Please до not hesitate to contact me. should you require any further information.

Yours sincerely,

Stella MacNeil

Enc: Contract of Employment

Enlarge your business vocabulary

Application Заявление о приеме на работу

Candidate Кандидат

Career advancement potential Возможность сделать карьеру

Career Opportunity Section Раздел в газете, где публику­ются объявления о


Dealer Дилер

Department store Универмаг

Equal opportunity employer Работодатель, предоставляю­щий всем кандидатам равные


Forward (а resume) v. Отослать (резюме)

Human Resources Director Начальник отдела кадров

Innovation Новшество, инновация

Notify v. Уведомить

Offer of Employment Предложение занять далж­


Pass an interview v. Успешно пройти собеседова­ние

Promote-from-within culture Компания, где на повышение

( company) в первую очередь могут пре­

тендовать свои сотрудники

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