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Employers and Employees episode four


Paul Lucas, а BA in commerce and international trade, has been fed up with being stuck in traffic, morning and night, just to get to his office in Pittsburgh. An advertisement on the radio

got his attention and exited his curiosity. One day, when he came

home from work he consulted the Web site mentioned in the radio advertisement. Не entered the key words "marketing", "trade" and

"commerce" and was referred to the sites of the companies recruting for that type of work. One particular advertisement - an opening at Dynateam Innovations, inc. - seemed particularly perspective to him.

Paul Lucas updated his resume and sent а new version to Dynateam Innovations, Inc. by E-mail.

То: resumes@dynateam.com

From: Paul Jucas

subject: sales and marketing manager position

Curriculum Vitae Paul Jucas

31 Gooseberry Lane Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222

Tel/Fax: (412) 622-2850

E-mail: plucas@home.com

Summary: Му experience includes: - effective marketing

- leading, managing and motivating others

- presenting ideas and convincing others of their value and usefulness

- planning

- contract negotiations Languages: English, Spanish Education:

1994-1997 University of Alberta, 44 Northern Street, Edmonton, Alta. 5К3 H4D BA in commerce and international trade

1991-1994 Rowson College, 112 Main Street, Topeka,

Kans. 66603 Diploma in Business studies

Professional development/special training:

1997-1998 In-company training including marketing, sales and product knowledge (ACTRA, Inc.)

Work Experience:

1997-1999 ACTRA, Inc., 320 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 10888 Outside Sales Coordinator Responsible for developing promotional and marketing programs for both new and existing products.

1999-present Bristleeome, Inc., 37Lincotn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 17190 Market Analyst

Responsible for design and analysis of market research annual marketing plan development direct inteгface with sales team improving brand loyalty and sales performance.

Other Information and Extra CV Activities:

Му interests include parachuting and mountain biking. References: Upon request

The company called him at his home number two days after to set up an interview.

Message on Paul's answering machine:

Good afternoon. This message is for Mr. Paul Lucas. Му name is Stella MacNeill. I am the Personnel Manager from Dynateam Innovations. We got your resume and would like to talk to you in person. If you are available on Monday, August 10 at 9:45, please give те а phone call as soon as possible.

Му phone number is (216) 522-42S0. Please ask for Stella MacNeil.

Thank you. Bye-bye.

The next day Paul Lucas dialed Mrs. MacNeils's number.

Secreгary: Dynateam Innovations. Personnel Department.

Lucas: Hello. Paul Lucas speaking. Could I talk to Mrs. MacNeil?

secretary: Putting you through.

steno: Stella MacNeil speaking.

Lucas: Hello, Mrs. MacNeiL I am Paul Lucas. I got your

message. I'11 be happy to come to an interview next

Monday. °

Stella: That's fine, Paul. Please come to the reception on

the first floor. Our secretary will meet you there

and you'll be shown to ту office.

Lucas: Thank you, Mrs. MacNeil. I'11 be there.

stella: And don't forget to bring with you any certificates,

diplomas and references.

Lucas: How many references до you need?

steno: We usually ask for two. See you on Monday.


Paul Lucas's interview lasted for nearly an hour and а half. Не was asked many questions concerning his education, previous experience, personal qualities, interests and reasons far changing jobs.

Here is an extract from а job interview.

steno: Paul, what kind of а work environment are you most comfortable in?

Paul: 1 like to work in а team. I am а real team player. Sense

of cooperation, of having common goals is very impor­

tant for те. And I also appreciate the existence of

opportunities for personal growth.

Stella: How до you work under pressure?

Paul: 1 can соре with such а situation I сап be positive and

professional in а demanding environment.

Stella: What two things are most important to you in your job?

Paul: 1 would say а fast-moving and professional environment

and а possibility of making ту own decisions. А

sense of responsibility is also very important for те.

Stella: This job involves а lot of travelling. Are you willing to


Paul: 1 like travelling. it's а wonderful opportunity to meet people, to make new contacts. I'd like to see the world.

Stella: Does your family support your decision to move to Cleveland?

Paul: Yes. Му wife is looking forward to moving to Cleveland. She wants to be closer to her sister who lives in Sheffield-Lake.

Stella: Really, that's а very nice place. Му family used to live

there. When will you be ready to start?

Paul: If! get this position, I'll be available from September l.

Stella: And you, Paul. Do you have any questions?

Paul: Yes, what's your policy regarding promotions?

Ste11a: Our current policy is to promote from within. We до not believe in parachuting. But, that does not mean that an outsider сап not get а job with us.

Paul: Do you offer any perks?

Stella: Quite а few. In addition to the usual company cars and luncheon vouchers we are now offering prospective employees free membership of а dating agency. Our research has shown that employees who have succes­sful love lives are more productive than those who don't. But you don't need this perk, до you?

Paul: No, I don't. Not this one.

Ste11a: Paul, Mr. Boden, the head of our export division would also like to have а world with you. Every candidate usually meets with те and the head of the department he would like to work in. Mr: Boden will be meeting you in 15 minutes. Good luck.

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