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If you practice hard, you’ll become an expert in this part of grammar. You will speak to foreigners and understand them rather well.

Simple Tense

(простий час)







+ I often watch TV.

? Do you like it?

- I don’t like it much.

+ He is watching a film now.

? Is Ann watching it at present?

- She is not watching TV at the moment.

+ I have just watched a film.

? Have you ever seen it?

- I haven’t seen it yet.

+ I have been watching TV for an hour.

? Have you been watching for long?

- I haven’t been doing it.


+ I watched TV last night.

? Did you like it?

- I didn’t like it at all.

+ I was watching TV at 2 o’clock yesterday.

? Were you watching a comedy?

- I wasn’t doing it.

+ I had watched TV by 2 o’clock yesterday.

? Had Ann watched it before I came?

- She hadn’t done it.

+ I had been watching TV for an hour by that time.

? Had Ann been watching TV for long before I came?

- She hadn’t been doing it.


+ I will help you

? Will you help Nick?

- I won’t help him.

+I will be watching TV at 2 o’clock tomorrow.

? Will you be watching a film?

- I won’t be watching it.

+I’ll have watched TV by 2 o’clock


? Will you have watched a film before Ann comes?

- I won’t have watched it by then.

+ He will have been watching a film for an hour before you come.

? Will you have been watching a film for long by that time?

- I won’t have been watching it for long.

Future in the Past

+ I would do it.

? Would you do it?

- I wouldn’t do it.

+ I would be doing it this time tomorrow.

? Would you be doing it?

- I wouldn’t be doing it.

+ I’d have done it by 5 o’clock.

? Would you have done it?

- I wouldn’t have done it.

+ I would have been doing it for ages by that time.

? Would you have been doing it?

- I wouldn’t have been doing it.

Practice – Grammar in use

Task 1: Using the table of tenses and time expression make up sixteen sentences. Try one situation for a tense.

Task 2: Match actions to grammar tenses.


1. She was writing poems this time last week.

2. He has taken part in the Olympic games recently.

3. He would be watching the film if he had time.

4. He finished his project two days ago.

5. They will be inventing new computer games this time next week.

6. Mary would have bought that dress if she had had money yesterday.

7. She will have been preparing for a jazz festival for a week by next Tuesday.

8. He had won the game by the time you came.

9. We always enjoy fresh air in the forest.

10. I would have been travelling for a month by this time if I had booked tickets in advance.

11. I’m sure, she will invite me to the party.

12. They are waiting for us at this moment.

13. I would wait for you if I were not in a hurry.

14. She had been checking the test since Wednesday. She looked tired.

15. I will have written a letter to Sophie by tomorrow.

16. He has been telling stories for hours. He is so inventive.


  1. Present Simple

  2. Past Simple

  3. Future Simple

  4. Present Continuous

  5. Past Continuous

  6. Future Continuous

  7. Present Perfect

  8. Past Perfect

  9. Future Perfect

  10. Present Perfect-Continuous

  11. Past Perfect-Continuous

  12. Future Perfect-Continuous

  13. Future in the Past Simple

  14. Future in the Past Continuous

  15. Future in the Past Perfect

  16. Future in the Past Perfect-Continuous

Task 3: Make up sentences of your own using a list of tences given above.

    1. Forms of the infinitive:

To-infinitive; Bare Infinitive and Gerund (-ing form)

Study the examples:

I want to read (to-infinitive is used).

Let me read (bare infinitive).

I like reading (gerund or –ing form of the verb).

Revision: Read and translate three parts of examples below. Pay attention to the underlined forms. Give your explanation to the changes in each block.

a) I want you to come on Sunday.

He promised to help us with the decorations.

He seems to be working hard.

He explained how to operate the machine.

I am pleased to meet you.

To tell you the truth, I don’t know how to react.

She is too young to stay out so late.

It’s too cold for him to go swimming.

It isn’t warm enough for him to go swimming.

He is clever enough not to worry about this situation.

It wasn’t clever of you not to believe him.

b) He should apologize for his words.

They saw her talk to the manager (- bare infinitive is used to express a complete action).

I can do it myself.

Could you open the door?

Let him go.

He made me laugh.

I had better see a doctor.

He helped me do it (also correct: He helped me to do it.)

c) I like travelling.

Reading is the best practice.

I suggested eating out together.

I finished watching a film.

He became rich by working.

He has difficulty in writing.

What’s the use of crying?

I look forward to getting a letter from you.

They saw her talking to the manager (- gerund is used to express an incomplete action).

Now study grammar references and get ready to do the exercises.

Practice – Grammar in use

Task 1: Complete the sentences with the infinitive or gerund form of the words in brackets.

  1. I need (study) ________ tonight.

  2. I enjoy (cook) _______.

  3. Ellen started (talk) ________ about her problem.

  4. Bud and Sally have decided (get) _______ married.

  5. He suggested (eat) ________ around seven.

  6. Are you planning (take) ________ a holiday this year?

  7. I like (meet) ________ new people.

  8. My roommate offered (help) ________ me with my English.

  9. I’d just begun (watch) ________ a film on TV when the phone rang.

  10. I won’t be late. I promise (be) ________ on time.

  11. Some children hate (go) _______ to school.

  12. I want (stay) ________ home tonight.

  13. You could (do) ________ me a favour.

  14. Let it (stay) ________ as it is.

Task 2: Complete the sentences either with to go or going .

E.g.: I expect …

I expect to go out with Jane tonight.

  1. I like…

  2. I would like…

  3. I enjoy…

  4. I’d love…

  5. I promise…

  6. I can’t stand…

  7. I refuse…

  8. I’ve always wanted…

  9. I can’t afford…

  10. I don’t need…

  11. I hate…

  12. I can’t wait…

  13. Would you mind …

  14. Yesterday I forgot … .

Task 3: To-Infinitive? Bare Infinitive? Gerund?

Chain story: Make up a story using the words in the list in any order you like. Cross out the used words so that you won’t use them again.

E.g.: John likes travelling abroad. One day…

like, love, manage, mind, write, threaten, hope, must,

start, finish, hate, regret, avoid, arrange, afford,

look forward to, want, can’t stand, decide.

Task 4: Study the ways to agree / or disagree with somebody.

Part 1: agreement

A: I am taking my holidays next month.

B: Really? So am I.

A: I need a change.

B: So do I. I’m tired of the same people every day!

A: So am I.

B: And where are you going?

A: To France.

B: Really? I went there last year.

A: So did I. We always go there, but we haven’t been to Lyon.

B: No, neither have I.

Part 2: agreement and disagreement

Agreement: Disagreement:

A: I’m happy. A: I’m not a student.

B: So am I. B: I am.

A: I’m not crazy. A: I’m a manager.

B: Neither am I. B: I am not.

A: I was there last week. A: I don’t eat red meat.

B: So was I. B: I do.

A: I like music. A: I come to work on Sundays.

B: So do I. B: I don’t.

A: I didn’t watch TV last night. A: I wasn’t busy at work yesterday.

B: Neither did I. B: But I was.

Suggested Answer Key (lesson 5, grammar part 2, practice 3.)

…he was waiting at the airport. He was really looking forward to going to Rome. Just then there was an announcement, ‘ We regret to inform you that flight to Rome will be delayed.’ John didn’t mind waiting. He sat down and tried to finish reading his book. However, in three hours, John started to worry. He had arranged to go on a tour of the city as soon as he arrived and he hated to be late for the excursion in Rome. He wanted to call and warn that he was going to be late. He decided to find out what was going on. He asked the man at the counter, who said, “I’m sorry, Sir, but your flight left two hours ago.”

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