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2. Grammar

The more you practice the better you will be prepared for oral and written communication. Make the process of studying GRAMMAR interesting.

You are going to revise all the learnt tenses for your knowledge and practice.

To begin with, study the table of the learnt tenses. Then look through grammar references, and all the grammar parts and exercises in lessons 1 and 2.

Important! As there are different tenses for present, past and future, time expressions help to differentiate them.

Practice – Grammar in use

Task 1: Use all the situations and time expressions to make up sentences of your own in the learnt tenses. This task will help you to feel and understand the situations better, recognize the tenses both in the text and in the speech.

  • Present Simple; - Past Simple;

  • Present Continuous; - Past Continuous;

  • Present Perfect; - Past Perfect;

- Present Perfect - Continuous; - Past Perfect - Continuous.

Task 2: Write 8 sentences in present (4) and past (4) tenses using a list of the verbs. Use one of the situations and time expressions for every tense.

Work - write - build - paint - drive

Example: drink

  1. I always drink a glass of water before having a meal (Present Simple.)

  2. I am drinking green tea now (Present Continuous.)

  3. I have just drunk a glass of juice (Present Perfect.)

  4. I am thirsty. I haven’t been drinking since daytime (Present Perfect - Continuous.)

  5. We drank a bottle of beer together last night (Past Simple.)

  6. My friend was drinking some wine when his boss came in (Past Continuous.)

  7. By 2:00 pm I had drunk all my coffee (Past Perfect.)

  8. She had been drinking juice for some time before the concert started (Past Perfect-Continuous.)

Task 3: Identify Present tenses and match them to the correct description: columns A to B.

A 1. The plane to Sydney leaves at ten o’clock.

2. I have written two letters this morning.

3. They are leaving for Paris on Friday.

4. He has known David for ages.

5. You are always leaving the door open!

6. We are preparing for a concert at the moment.

7. George has bought a new car.

8. Lisa has been cleaning the house all morning.

9. Look! Mrs Jones has dyed her hair.

10. More and more people are using computers nowadays.

B actions which

a - started in the past and continue up to the present (a situation which is used with state verbs and answers a question ‘how long?’);

b - recently finished and whose result is visible in the present;

c - put emphasis on the duration of an action which started in the past and continues up to the present;

d - express irritation;

e - tell about programmes and timetables;

f - have been arranged for the near future;

g - happened within a specific time which is not over at the moment of speaking (answers a question ‘how many / how much?’);

h - happened at an unstated time in the past (an action is more important than the time);

i - describe changing or developing situations;

j - are temporary, they are going on around now.

Task 4: Underline the correct word in bold.

1. I always/already do my shopping on Saturday.

2. We haven’t booked the hotel already/yet.

3. Have you so far/ever tasted Japanese food?

4. Joe has been to Paris since/for two weeks.

5. My friends have moved house recently/so far.

Task 5: Identify Past tenses; match them to the correct description: columns A to B.

A 1 She was talking on the phone when her child came in.

2 Sam was in hospital because he had crashed his car.

3 They were tired. They had been studying hard all morning.

4 I was cooking lunch while my dad was pouring the drinks.

5 We had been living in the house for a year before we decorated the kitchen.

6 Princess Diana did a lot of work for charity.

7 At two o’clock this afternoon they were having lunch in the café.

8 First, she knocked on the door. Then, she went inside.

9 We had booked the tickets before we went to the theatre.

B actions which

a- tell about people no longer alive;

b- happened before another past action or by a stated time in the past;

c- happened immediately one after the other;

d- put emphasis on the duration of a past action which started and finished before another past action;

e- were in progress at a stated time in the past;

f- were simultaneous (two or more actions at the same time);

g- were in progress when they were interrupted by another one;

h- lasted for some time in the past, whose result was visible in the past;

  1. finished in the past and whose result was visible in the past.

Task 6: Translate and write three forms of irregular verbs:

Lose, break, make, do, lie, lay, can, set, cut, sleep, fall, spill, split, forbid, tear, lead and write.

Task 7: Ask five questions to each of the sentences (to review: lesson 1, part 2).

Sam was hungry when he reached the restaurant.

She wanted to go to the supermarket.

I have been waiting for this film for long.

You must give me the receipt for this dessert.

Task 8: Fill in correct question tags and give short answers.

You’ve already seen that film, ________?

They didn’t want to go skiing this year, ________?

She likes going to the cinema, _______?

I’m a bit younger than you, ________?

You won’t forget to call me, ________?

It was rather warm yesterday, ________?

We saw this film a month ago, _______?

People in black clothes look moody, _______?

Check your answers: Lesson 3, grammar.

Task 3: 1- e; 2- g; 3- f; 4- a; 5- d; 6- j; 7- h; 8- c; 9- b; 10- i.

Task 5: 1- g; 2- I; 3- h; 4- f; 5- d; 6- a; 7- e; 8- c; 9- b.

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