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5.3. Text c: My Family


  1. Read and translate the text.

  2. Tell about your family.

I believe a family plays an important role in our life.

Let me introduce myself. I am Olena. I am Ukrainian. I was born in Odessa. We are five in the family: my parents, my sister and brother, and me. My father is an engineer at a state company. He doesn’t earn much but he has no wish to change his work. He has been working there for 25 years. He is a broadminded man that is why it is always interesting to talk to him.

My mother is a doctor. She is a nice-looking woman though she looks tired at times. She works much and when she comes home, she often talks about her patients.

My brother is a student; he is five years older than me. This year he is graduating from the University that’s why he is working hard to become a good specialist. ‘Education is the key to development,’ he often repeats. He tends to be very ambitious. ‘Success and financial reward go hand in hand,’ he also adds.

My sister Ann is a middle child. She is an understanding person, a good listener though she can be talkative. Ann is married and lives with her husband and a baby with us. It’s too noisy when we are together. Luckily they are moving a new flat next month. However, I think all the family will be missing them much.

At last a few words about me. I’m the youngest in the family. I am very special. I have great plans for my future and to realize my dreams I have made a long-termed programme for myself. I believe I am on the right way. The life is short enough to waste time. Still my treasure is my family. In my free time I help my mother about the house and sometimes I do shopping.

Life is wonderful!


Supplementary – додатковий

Complete – завершити

Experience – досвід

Self-assessment - само оцінювання

On one’s own – самостійно

Either…or – або....або

Education - освіта

Development - розвиток

Reward - нагорода

Treasure - скарб

5.4. Tell about your family history or its lifestyle.

6. Writing: What are the values of your family?

Use the vocabulary of the texts A, B, C and your own experience to write about your family.

Follow the structure of any writing in the English language:

Introduction: we should introduce the topic, the purpose of our writing and explain the reason for it; we can also state our opinion clearly.

Main body: it usually consists of several paragraphs. We present a separate viewpoint starting with a basic (or topic) sentence. Reasons and examples should be added to it. Use short sentences so that the information can be understood clearly. Ideas should be united with the help of appropriate linking words (transitional expressions) such as to start with, firstly, consequently, so, because, and, first of all, also, however, besides, what is more, although, such as, for example, in addition, in conclusion, so that, on condition that, on the one hand, on the other hand, finally, as a result, etc. We can use a variety of adjectives and adverbs as well as our senses to make the writing more appealing to the reader. Include the things we can see, feel, hear, smell and taste.

Conclusion: we write our closing remarks and summarise our opinion using different words. We can also state our feelings and personal comments and / or our recommendations.

Reread the written work and check for grammar and / or spelling mistakes.


Grammar & Vocabulary

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