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2. Fill in the missing word.

  1. Don't call me on Sunday because I _______be studying for my exam.

  2. I wonder ________ John will be at the party tonight.

  3. We are ________ to the cinema tonight. Why don't you join us?

  4. By the end of this month, I'll ________ been working here for two years.

  5. How long ago _______he buy a flat?

  6. This________ next week, we will be flying to Madrid.

  7. Pick me up at 7 pm, I will________ finished my homework by then.

  8. We________ having lunch with Colin tonight.


The language is a theatre in which the words are the actors.”

Ferdinand Brunetiere


1. Phonetics

1.1. Techniques of reading

Task 1: “Stairs”: Add one word to every sentence to make it as long as possible.

Practice reading the sentences one by one until you feel that different words are stressed in them. Read the example and then make up yours. Mind that intonation is different in general (rising tone) and special (falling tone) questions.

Does your fellow sing?

What does your fellow sing?

Which songs does your fellow sing?

What kind of songs does your fellow sing?

What kind of songs does your fellow usually sing?

What kind of American songs does your fellow usually sing?

What kind of American songs does your best fellow usually sing?

Now it’s your turn. Your sentences are:

Do you play tennis?

Does Nick get letters?

Task 2: Spell the words

Weather, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, tomorrow, yesterday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Task 3: Read the phrases with the rising tone. Memorize them and use in speech.

Frankly speaking; just a moment; as a matter of fact; after all; on the whole; for instance; it seems to me; I’m sorry to say; let me see; on the contrary; by the way; no doubt; well; as a rule; excuse me; I beg your pardon; if you please.

1.2. Vocabulary Bank

Task 1: Read and study the derivatives.

To admire – admirer – admiration –admirable;

To believe – (dis)belief - believer– (un)believable;

To entertain – entertainer – entertainment – entertaining;

To favour – favourite – favour –favourable;

To act/activate – actor/actress – act/action/activation/activity – active;

To collect – collection/collector – collective/collected;

To construct – constructor – construction – constructive.

Task 2: Make possible derivatives of the words:

nation, free, happy, import, combine, fame, attract and organize.

Task 3: Make compound adjectives to describe things.

E.g.: A walk that takes ten minutesA ten –minute walk

  1. A story which is written well.

  2. A building which has nine storeys.

  3. A train which moves fast.

  4. A student who works hard.

  5. An office which has good lighting.

  6. A holiday which lasts two days.

  7. Areport which has twelve pages.

2. Grammar

2.1. Grammar Tenses

Study and revise the whole table of grammar tenses, including four tenses of Future in the Past which are used for probable or imaginary actions usually in conditional sentences.

Compare the translation: I would do it / Я би зробив це.

You have learned all the tenses in the Active Voice.

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