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11. Зі слів які знаходяться у дужках, виберіть потрібну форму.

1. She spoke (angry, angrily).

2. He was (angry, angrily) at what they said.

3. He wrote his essay (bad, badly).

4. I didn’t sleep very (good, well) last night.

5. It is not (good, well) for you to smoke.

6. This is (clear, clearly) guide.

7. The weather is (cold, coldly).

8. She is (dangerous, dangerously) ill.

9. The mercury is (dangerous, dangerously).

10. Your description is not quite (exact, exactly).

11. I don’t know (exact, exactly) when the film starts.

12. The children seem to be very (happy, happily).

13. We saw a (heavy, heavily) loaded wagon.

14. The work was done (perfect, perfectly).

15. The weather during the last few days has been (perfect, perfectly).

12. Закінчить речення. Кожного разу використовуйте порівняльний ступінь наступних прикметників та прислівників:

crowded, early, easily, reliable/expensive, expensive, interested, near, often, quiet, thin, dangerous, quickly

Зразок: This jacket is too small. I need a larger size.

  1. You look __________ . Have you lost weight?

  2. She’s not so keen on his studies. She’s _______ in having a good time.

  3. You’ll find your way around the town _________ if you have a map.

  4. You are making too much noise. Can you be a bit ____________?

  5. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was__________ than usual.

  6. You’re late. I expected you to be here ____________.

  7. It’s a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived_________.

  8. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much___________.

  9. You hardly ever write to me. Why don’t you write a bit __________?

  10. Snakes are dangerous. Tigers are ______________ than snakes.

  11. We’re going to be late. Walk a bit ________________.

  12. The _____________, the __________________ a car is.

13. Перекладіть на англійську мову.

  1. Київ більш стародавнє місто ніж Москва.

  2. Ватикан – найменша держава у Європі.

  3. У 16 ст. Іспанія була наймогутнішою країною світу.

  4. Волга довша за Дніпро. Це найдовша річка у Європі.

  5. Нам потрібна менше шафа, тому що кімната невелика.

  6. Чекайте подальших вказівок (інструкцій).

  7. Це літак останньої конструкції.

  8. Підводне плавання набуває все більшої популярності.

  9. Всі її подруги старше від неї на два роки.

  10. Чим більше людина має, тим більше вона бажає.

  11. Пік у точці А більше ніж у точці В.

  12. Ми вивчаємо цей хімічний зв’язок більш старанно, ніж попередні автори.

  13. Чим вище температура, тим більший тиск.

  14. Такі перетворення відбуваються значно частіше.

  15. Присутність перешкод спричиняла нам більш за все неприємностей

14. Перекладіть речення на українську мову.

  1. A good example is the best sermon.

  2. Further we consider the image changes.

  3. These tests have no further impact on the behavior of a program.

  4. The only available figures were the latest inventory totals.

  5. The logic in some programs is best described by flowchart.

  6. At room temperature these compounds react to a lesser extent.

  7. Oddly, the fastest, the most powerful of the classes – the mainframe – is the worst at reacting. The smallest and the slowest of the machines – the microprocessor – is the best.

  8. It could well be maintained that this is a result of knowing the concept well.

  9. This value may well express different propositions.

  10. There are advantages as well as disadvantages in having a king who is a foreigner.

  11. Either technique could be used.

  12. The system can be considered either true or false.

  13. Neither of the possible ways is simple.

  14. It was neither a study of the equilibrium nor of the kinetics of the reaction.

  15. My preliminary ideas, however, have not yet reached either a general solution or a practical application.

  16. They had much more duties and much fewer rights.

  17. This is a question of much less theoretical importance.

  18. We will see more about the algorithm later.

  19. They attempted to make this process more systematic.

  20. Add more acid!

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