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Учебное пособие на основе книги A.J. Cronin The...doc
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Chapter 14.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What did Chris begin to make and why?

  2. Who paid a visit to the Mansons? What did they get to know?

  3. What forced Andrew to start a new system in Aberalaw? What did he intend to change?

  4. Was the tactics chosen correct? Why?

  5. Why did three doctors refuse to fight? What were their arguments?

  6. How did the rest treat their behavior? Do you agree with their point of view?

Match English words and their definitions:

extra working well, quickly and without waste

neat a tool with a heavy metal head used for hitting nails

content not neat or well arranged

to miss to become better; to make smth better

to share to make an effort to do smth that may be difficult

deaf happening from time to time

to improve to tell smb about an idea or some news

to attempt to feel unhappy because you are not with a certain person

hammer lack of courage

untidy beyond what is usual or necessary

occasionally satisfied and happy

efficient arranged carefully or tidy

cowardice unable to hear

Compose and write down your own sentences using these words.

Give Russian equivalents of the following English expressions:

1) to pay a visit; 2) at last; 3) for a time; 4) at the thought of; 5) to work with the same aim; 6) there was no excuse; 7) in a friendly spirit; 8) unfair arrangement; 9) to mend a car; 10) to deal with smb or smth; 11) to fill a tooth; 12) to burst into laughter; 13) to break off the agreement; 14) to join in with smb; 15) to object to smb or smth; 16) to work out a plan; 17) to cover work of this nature; 18) to be certain to win; 19) to be dismissed; 20) to have no common sense; 21) to have great influence on smb/ to influence smb.

Find sentences in the text where the English equivalents are used, be ready to translate them into Russian and back.

Retell the chapter as if you were Andrew.

Chapter 15.

Answer the following questions:

  1. How did Chris explain Andrew’s feelings towards Llewellyn? What did she suggest?

  2. Why did Andrew have to study foreign languages? Who helped him to achieve his goal?

  3. How did it happen that Andrew started working at the university? How did he manage to get there from Aberalaw?

  4. Was Andrew a success at his examination? What was the procedure of it?

  5. Was Andrew satisfied with his answers given to the first examiner? What was the second examiner surprised with?

  6. Did Andrew get his degree? Who did he share his joy with?

Match English words and their definitions:

to matter to try to persuade smb to do smth

to encourage to make smb feel less worried or unhappy

experience happening slowly and by degrees; step by step

to comfort smb to be afraid of smth or smb

struggle knowledge which comes from doing smth for a long time

degree a pause before you do smth because you are worried

original to keep in one’s memory an event from the past

hesitation new, different and interesting

gradually a great effort to do smth difficult

to remember the title you get if you complete a course at the university

to fear to be important

Compose and write down your own sentences using these words.

Give Russian equivalents of the following English expressions:

1) to be jealous of smb; 2) to be good at one’s work; 3) to take a degree; 4) to be too tired to sleep; 5) to lose weight; 6) to present a difficulty; 7) to cover a subject; 8) in turn; 9) to feel sympathy for smb;10) to be over; 11) to take an examination; 12) to pass an examination; 13) to think for a moment; 14) to congratulate smb on smth; 15) without a word; 16) at first; 17) to cross the room; 18) to be pleased with answers; 19) appearing to lose patience; 20) to feel certain.

Find sentences in the text where the English equivalents are used, be ready to translate them into Russian and back.

Retell the chapter as if you were Andrew.