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Учебное пособие на основе книги A.J. Cronin The...doc
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Кафедра «Иностранные языки»

А. М. Митина

Учебное пособие по развитию навыков чтения и устной речи

на основе книги А. Кронина «Цитадель»





ББК Ш143. 21-92

Рецензенты: кафедра «Английская филология» ВГПУ,

зав. каф. д-р филол. наук проф. В.И. Карасик

декан факультета иностранных языков Волгоградского

государственного педагогического университета канд. пед.

наук, доцент Л.А. Милованова

Учебное пособие по развитию навыков чтения и устной речи на основе книги А. Кронина «Цитадель» / А. М. Митина; Волгоград. гос. техн. ун-т.– Волгоград, 2007. – 64 с.

ISBN 5-230-05009-8

Данное пособие представляет собой систему упражнений, позволяющих успешно развивать навыки чтения и устной речи на основе книги «Цитадель» (в адаптации для среднего уровня владения языком).

Предназначено для студентов вечернего и дневного отделений.

Библиогр.: 6 назв.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета

Волгоградского государственного технического университета

ISBN 5-230-05009-8


Волгоградский государственный технический университет, 2007.

Chapter 1.

Answer the following questions:

  1. How did Andrew Manson feel on a train travelling to his new job?

  2. Why was Andrew shocked when he was introduced to Dr. Page?

  3. Who attended to the surgery that night?

  4. What was the medical system like in Drineffy?

  5. Why did Dr.Page’s sister keep the fact that her brother was seriously ill in secret? How can you characterize her?

  6. How would you feel if you were in the same situation as Andrew? Would you leave the place at once or would you stay and try to work? Why?

Match English words and their definitions:

to be about to do smth to deal with smth

to come into view to arrive

to reach smth to keep smth from the view or knowledge of smb

to be of no use to be going to do smth

to keep smth secret to appear

to attend to smth to be useless

Use them in sentences of your own.

Give Russian equivalents of the following English expressions:

To feel an extra call to effort; to hide one’s anxiety; to apply for the post.

Give English equivalents of the following Russian expressions:

1) смотреть из окна; 2) внезапная надежда; 3) обещание на будущее; 4) сильно нуждаться в ремонте; 5) в загадочной манере; 6) с внезапным удивлением; 7) с большим усилием; 8) чувствовать беспокойство; 9) иметь практику; 10) хранить молчание; 11) не чувствуя вкуса; 12) немедленно.

Find sentences in the text where the English equivalents are used, be ready to translate them into Russian and back.

Retell the chapter as if you were Andrew Manson.


Answer the following questions:

  1. How did Drineffy look like? What made Andrew tremble?

  2. What was the first case of Dr.Manson? Could he find out the cause of the disease? Why?

  3. How did Denny Philip look like and behave? Did Denny understand that Andrew did not know the cause of the disease? What was Andrew’s first impression about Denny? How would you feel in his place?

  4. What information about medical system in Drineffy did Andrew get from Denny?

  5. What advice did Denny give to Andrew? Was it useful?

  6. What did Jenkins put into bottles instead of medicine?

  7. What did Andrew realize having searched in Glyder Place? What did he try to do? Was he a success? Why?

  8. Why did Andrew decide to go to see Denny?

  9. Where did bacteria come from?

  10. Why did Dr.Manson stop hating Dr.Philip?

  11. What information about Denny did Andrew find in one of Dr.Page’s old medical books?

  12. What made Denny bitter critical and accounted for his behavior?

  13. What do you think about Denny and Andrew and their future relations?

Match English words and their definitions:

to be eager to begin to be in a condition of uncertainty

to find out to make someone feel rather angry

to advise smb to learn or discover a fact

to annoy to tell someone what you think they should do

to look smb up and down to be anxious for smth

to be in doubt to examine smb from top to toe

Use them in sentences of your own.

Give Russian equivalents of the following English expressions:

To be wrong with smb; to waste one’s time on smb; to feel anxious; to account for; to bear smth or smb; to treat smb; to appear confident.

Give English equivalents of the following Russian expressions:

1) глубоко вздохнуть; 2) постучать в дверь; 3) пройти к постели; 4) испытывать глубокое чувство ответственности; 5) глупость; 6) проходить мимо; 7) в случае сомнения; 8) необходимо; 9) колеблясь; 10) громко выругаться; 11) напоминать; 12) прибыв домой; 13) временами.

Find sentences in the text where the English equivalents are used, be ready to translate them into Russian and back.

Retell the chapter as if you were Denny Philip.