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Учебное пособие на основе книги A.J. Cronin The...doc
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Chapter 9.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What offer did Andrew receive from the manager of the coal mines?

  2. Why did he decline the offer? Was he right?

  3. Why did Andrew have to do all Denny’s work for a week? Was Denny grateful to him? Why didn’t he show Andrew his gratitude?

  4. Why did Mrs. Page shout at Andrew?

  5. Was it really the bank manager's duty to report Dr.Manson?

  6. What did Andrew decide to do?

Match English words and their definitions:

dull the cause which explains why smth happens

a message the feeling of being annoyed

to appoint to treat someone in a way that shows your admiration

astonishment a favourable moment or occasion to do smth

fair a piece of information passed from one person to another

suggestion reasonable and practical

opportunity the quality of being honest

sensible not to have confidence in

to curse to make smb suffer for a fault or crime

to respect an idea given for consideration

honesty just or reasonable

annoyance great surprise

reason uninteresting

to doubt to wish that smth unpleasant will happen to smb

to punish to choose smb formally for a position or job

Compose and write down your own sentences using these words.

Give Russian equivalents of the following English expressions:

1) to feel lonely; 2) to greet smb in a friendly manner; 3) to add one’s name to the list; 4) to be disgusted by smth; 5) to agree to smth; 6) to be disappointed; 7) to improve one’s position; 8) to take one’s mind off the matter; 9) to call on smb; 10) to be fond of; 11) to reach home; 12) to come up to smb; 13) to raise one’s head; 14) instead of (doing smth); 15) to feel hot with anger; 16) to take over the practice; 17) to consider one’s own interests; 18) to advance towards smb; 19) within two minutes; 20) to bring an action against smb in a court of law; 21) to do one’s duty; 22) to refuse the offer.

Find sentences in the text where the English equivalents are used, be ready to translate them into Russian and back.

Retell the chapter as if you were Andrew.

Translate into English paying attention to the use of pronouns:

  1. Я ждал ее вчера весь вечер, но она не пришла. Ее обещание ничего не значило.

  2. Она делала много усилий, чтобы спасти его, но все было напрасно. Его жизнь была разрушена.

  3. Она улыбалась ему и он был счастлив. Ее улыбка так много значила для него.

  4. Улыбнись мне, пожалуйста. Твоя улыбка тебе очень идет.

  5. Мы не ожидали увидеть их, так как их дело было закрыто.

  6. Директор назначил его своим главным помощником. Его желание узнать все детали нравилось ему.

  7. Я часто соглашаюсь с ним. Его советы всегда мудры и полезны.

  8. Они навестили нас в субботу. Их визит был очень приятен для нас.

  9. Я горжусь им. Его успехи меня сильно радуют.

  10. Мы посмотрели на них с удивлением. Их незнание данного вопроса было явно неуместно.

Chapter 10.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Was Andrew a success looking for another job?

  2. Who helped him to find it? What kind of job was it?

  3. Why did Andrew win the competition?

  4. What was the last difficulty that Andrew had to overcome?

  5. Did Chris agree to marry him? What did she say?

Match English words and their definitions:

single willing to give money, help, and kindness

sadly to have the intention of doing smth

doubtful quiet and not worried or excited

society the chance to do smth that other people have done

to surround to move or to do smth quickly

turn with feelings of unhappiness

to fail to say smth else when speaking

determination an organization of people with similar aims and interests

calm only one

to seem uncertain

to intend to go around smth on every side of it

to add to be unsuccessful

generous a firm intention to succeed in doing smth

to rush to appear to be

Compose and write down your own sentences using these words.

Give Russian equivalents of the following English expressions:

1) to search for; 2) to knock out the ashes; 3) to advertise for; 4) to try for the post; 5) to agree to smth; 6) to be examined; 7) to be confident of oneself; 8) to win one’s respect; 9) to greet smb with the good news; 10) to explain; 11) in a quiet voice; 12) to provide the medical services; 13) including; 14) a smile of satisfaction on one’s face; 15) to receive a payment; 16) to turn to the committee; 17) to shout questions to smb; 18) to follow smb; 19) on smb’s advice; 20) to be a better choice; 21) to praise one’s work; 22) to be influenced by; 23) enclosed; 24) to lower; 25) difficulty; 26) calmly; 27) to be appointed; 28) to catch a train; 29) to turn cold; 30) to one’s joy; 31) to come round; 32) to spread; 33) to lay one’s head against one’s chest; 34) to go pale; 35) to have trouble with smb.

Find sentences in the text where the English equivalents are used, be ready to translate them into Russian and back.

Retell the chapter as if you were Andrew.

Translate into Russian:

  1. Он был удивлен, что Эндрю не принял его предложение. Его удивление было велико. Он посмотрел на нее с удивлением.

  2. Он был разочарован деятельностью своего помощника. Это разочарование испортило ему настроение.

  3. Она была поражена его поведением. Она посмотрела на него с огромным удивлением.

  4. Он намеревается выполнить все свои обещания. Она гордится его хорошими намерениями.

  5. Решительность – его главная черта. Он всегда решителен в достижении цели.