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Ex. 1. Explain the use of the sequence of tenses in the following sentences.

a) Peter says (that)

he moves to a new flat

Peter has said

he moved to a new flat

he will move to a new flat

I don’t know what

my friend is doing

has been doing

will be doing

a) Peter said (that)

he moved to a new flat

he had moved to a new flat

he would move to a new flat

I didn’t know what

my friend was doing

had been doing

would be doing

Ex. 2. Choose the proper form of the verb.

1. Он говорит, что уже давно работает над этой проблемой

a) works

б) is working

в) has been working

2. Он сказал, что ему будет 20 лет в январе

a) will be

б) would be

в) is

3. Я догадалась, почему он отсутствовал

а) was absent

б) had been absent

в) would have been absent

4. Он спросил, где я училась

a) study

б) studied

в) had studied

5. Я знал, что она ждет меня у входа в метро

а) was waiting

б) had been waiting

в) would have been waiting

6. Мартин боялся, что я не смогу открыть дверь без ключа

а) won’t be able

б) wouldn’t be able

в) am not able.

Ex. 3. Complete the following sentences.

Jane said that

a) она больна

она плохо себя чувствовала вчера

болеет уже неделю

b) знает его

знает его уже давно

знала его и раньше

She knew why

a) он отсутствует

он отсутствовал

он не придет

b) он работает так долго в этой компании

он раньше здесь работал

он не будет здесь больше работать

I hoped that

a) ты успешно сдала экзамены

ты поступаешь в университет

закончишь его в срок

будешь хорошо учиться все это время

b) погода изменится вскоре

уже изменилась

изменится к тому времени

I was sure that

a) ты неправ

ты был неправ

ты будешь сожалеть об этом

b) моя мечта осуществится

она жила в Англии до этого

она преподает уже давно

Ex. 4. Insert “is” or “was”. Mind that sometimes both can be possible.

  1. I saw David yesterday. He said he … on his way to visit his sister.

  2. We had to hurry yesterday morning. Just as we arrived at the station, we heard an announcement that the train … about to leave.

  3. When we spoke to reporters yesterday, Mr. Campbell said that the company … in a much better financial position.

  4. This wallet is made of plastic. Why did you tell me it … leather?

  5. I’m surprised that Matin lost. I thought he … much better in tennis than John.

  6. I saw Susan just now. She said her tooth … still aching.

  7. I heard today that the house … for sale. I wonder who will buy it.

  8. I was sure that he … a clever man.

  9. We all knew that the Volga … the longest Russian river.

  10. Everybody knew that the Hague … the capital of the Netherlands.

  11. She said thoughtfully that health … better than wealth.

  12. I thought Egypt … a fascinating country.

  13. Jane said that the taxi … here.

  14. Little Andrew discovered that ice … cold.

Ex. 5. Explain the use of the verb forms in the following sentences.

  1. Notice reads: Dogs must be kept on a lead.

  2. George told me that I ought to send a letter of apology to him.

  3. He was told that he must be more careful in future.

  4. He knew that he had to get up early every morning.

  5. He said he likes/liked walking.

  6. He asked whether I should speak to him in person.

  7. He says that he lives in Minsk.

  8. He has explained that he knows nothing about it.

  9. If I were more careful I wouldn’t make such a mistake.

  10. He said the earth is a planet.

  11. My little sister asked me if I liked chocolate?

  12. Galileo proved that the Earth moves round the Sun.

  13. They’ve just announced that the exam on Economics will be put off till the end of the next term.

  14. Shakespeare wrote that all the world is a stage.

  15. Everybody knew that he comes from Ireland.

  16. She told she was born in Dublin.

  17. She said that last month she worked less that she does now.

  18. Mother was as beautiful as her daughter is.

  19. He said he loved children but actually he doesn’t.

  20. He said that if I studied more, I’d pass my test.

  21. He said he wished he were/was rich.

  22. He said he likes/liked ice-cream.

  23. He asked me how old Nick was.

Ex. 6. Translate into Russian and then back into English.

1. We did not know where our friends went every evening. 2. We did not know where our friends had gone. 3. She said that her best friend was a doctor. 4. She said that her best friend had been a doctor. 5. When he learnt that his son always received excellent marks in all subjects at school, he was very pleased. 6. When he learnt that his son had received an excellent mark at school, he was very pleased. 7. I didn’t know that you worked at the Hermitage. 8. I didn’t know that you had worked at the Hermitage. 9. I knew that you were ill. 10. I knew that you had been ill. 11. We found out that she left home at eight o’clock every morning. 12. We found out that she had left home at eight o’clock that morning. 13. He said they were friends. 14. He said they had been friends at school. 15. We knew they lived happily. 16. We knew they had lived a happy life. 17. I asked the man if he had a headache. 18. I asked the man if he had had a headache yesterday.

Ex. 7. Open the brackets applying the sequence of tenses rule.

  1. The Campbells were away. We learnt that they (to travel) about Wales.

  2. We decided that we (to travel) to Venice by sea rather than go by air.

  3. Mrs. White was sure that she (to be) still working up for that company the whole of next year.

  4. I knew they (to wait) for me at the metro station and I decided to hurry.

  5. They realized that they (to lose) their way in the dark. The (not to know) what to do.

  6. When the bus stopped I (to look) out of the window but (not to see) my brother there. I (to send) him a telegram and I (to think) that he (to meet) me.

  7. I found out that he (not to know) German at all though he (understand) everything what they (to talk) about.

  8. I learnt that my cousin (to receive) a very interesting offer from his firm, so he (to agree) gladly.

  9. I asked my neighbour if he ever (to travel) by air before. He said he (not).

  10. The delegates were told that the guide just (to go) out and (to be) back in ten minutes.

  11. I think the weather (to be) fine next week. I hope it (not to change) for the worse.

  12. He said he (to stay) at the “Europe” hotel. It (to be) one of the best hotels in the city.

  13. I was sure Ann (to translate) since she (to come) home.

  14. Mother asked her son that he (should) try to repair the chair. The boy (to say) that he (can) but nothing (to come) of it.

  15. Tom said that if he saw a car crash, he (to telephone) the police and (to help) the people in the cars.

Ex. 8. Report the following using reporting verbs in the Present Tense beginning with “she says …” or “she asks …” . Then reproduce the whole story in the reported speech.

One day when Nick comes to his aunt’s house the telephone rings. As Aunt Irene is cooking lunch and can’t leave the kitchen Nick takes the call and tells Aunt Irene what the caller says. It’s Mrs. Watkins from the grocery store.


Mrs Watkins:

I’m ringing about the shopping list.


She says she’s ringing about the shopping list.

Mrs Watkins:

Does your Aunt want ham or jam?


She asks whether you want ham or jam!

  1. Does she want potatoes or tomatoes?

  2. I don’t know whether the list says a tin of pears or a tin of peas!

  3. The chocolate biscuits have gone up 15p a packet. Does she still want them?

  4. We haven’t got any boxes of chocolates for less than £10.

  5. I’ve only got Danish bacon today, but it’s not smoked.

  6. There aren’t any special offers in cooking oil at the moment!

  7. I haven’t got any large bottles of gin. Does she want two small ones instead?

Ex. 9. Report the following using the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous in reported speech.

Aunt Irene was too busy to listen exactly to what Nick was reporting, so over lunch, she asked Nick again what Mrs. Watkins had said on the telephone.

Say what Nick reports to Aunt Irene, this time beginning with She said … or She asked


Aunt Irene:

What did she say she was ringing for?


She said she was ringing about your shopping list.

Aunt Irene:

What was about the ham?


She asked whether you wanted ham or jam!

  1. And did she say something about tomatoes?

  2. And what was so difficult about the peas?

  3. I heard that the chocolate biscuits have gone up again! What did she ask about them?

  4. What did she say about my bacon?

  5. And what about the oil?

  6. Did she say something about gin? She ought to know I don’t touch the stuff! Er … What did she say about it, anyway?

Ex. 10. Report the following using Future-in-the-Past in reported speech.

Bill is going to a firm’s party again. Helen is afraid that he will do things he may regret! Here is their conversation before he goes. Read it and then ask questions as in the model.

Model: What did Bill tell/promise/assure Helen that he would or would not do?

He promised Helen that he’d (he would) only drink a couple of beers.



And leave your cigarettes at home, or you will be smoking too much!


I promise that I’ll only smoke two or three.


And don’t drink to much, will you?


All right, Helen! I’ll only drink a couple of beers. I promise!


And do drinks about your stomach! Go easy on the food!


I assure you that I won’t eat too much, honestly!


And for goodness’ sake, don’t start telling your jokes again!


There is nothing wrong with a good joke now and again! But if you insist, I won’t tell them!


And be careful not to say anything tactless about the boss’s wife, as you usually do!


OK, I’ll try not to!


And don’t forget to behave yourself properly!


Of course I won’t, I promise!


And don’t come home too late!


No, I won’t. I’ll make sure that I’m on the last bus!


Well, good-bye then! Have a good time!

Ex. 11. Report the following using Past Perfect in reported speech.

For model refer to ex. 9.

Here’s the conversation between Bill and Helen at the breakfast table on the morning after the firm’s party.




Has Bill sobered up yet?

He told me that he hadn’t drunk as much as you!


Did you have a good time last night?


No, not particularly. It was rather boring.


Did you have a good meal?


I didn’t eat as much as last time.


I hope you didn’t smoke too heavily!


Oh, no! I only had two or three all evening!


I suppose you made up for it by drinking more!


Not at all! I didn’t drink as much as Stan!


Were any of the wives there?


The wives weren’t invited.


What time did you get home? I didn’t hear you come in.


Oh, about half past eleven, I think.


I hope you didn’t talk too much!


I didn’t tell my jokes, if that’s what you mean.


What time did Stan leave?


We both left at the same time.

Helen meets Stan by chance, and his version of the party is rather different! Helen tells Stan what Bill had told her. Give Helen’s corresponding remarks to Stan from the above conversation. Beginning with He told me that …

  1. We really had a good time at the party last night!

  2. Bill really has a healthy appetite!

  3. Some of the wives were asking where you were!

  4. Where does Bill get all his jokes from?

  5. I hope he didn’t wake you up in the middle of the night!

  6. And tell him not to forget that packet of cigarettes he borrowed from me!

Ex. 12. Supply the correct forms of the verbs.

One morning a farmer met a boy and asked him if the latter wanted a job. The boy (to answer) that he (to do). The farmer (to want) to (to know) if the boy can (to give) him a good character. The boy said that he (can) and (to add) that it (to be) from Mr. Tolan, the shopkeeper, his previous master.

The farmer agreed. The farmer told the boy (to go) and (to ask) Mr. Tolan (to come) there and (to speak) to him. He said he (to wait) there for some time. Twenty minutes passed and then forty minutes passed, but Mr. Tolan didn’t come.

Later in the afternoon the farmer saw the boy again and he said that Mr. Tolan (not to come) with the boy's character. The boy (not to be) surprised to hear it. He said he (not to ask) Mr. Tolan to come there.

The farmer asked why the boy (not to do) it. The boy (to answer) that he (to tell) his old master who (to want) the character. The farmer didn't understand. Then the boy (to explain) that his old master (to tell) him the character of the farmer.


Ex. 1. Report the following sentences making proper use of pronouns.

  1. Mary said: “I want to go out with my friends.”

  2. Andrew said: ‘My sister is coming to visit me next week.’

  3. He said: “I don’t remember your telephone number.”

  4. Peter asked Mary: “Will you do me a favour, please?”

  5. “I have something to tell you,” – he said to her.

  6. “Mary,” – Alan said, “I have cut myself”.

  7. “My wife’s maiden name was Jones,” – Mr. Smith said.

  8. “If Mary arrives before seven bring her to our house for the evening,” – said Jane to Henry.

  9. “I won't help you because you didn't help me,” – Joan said.

  10. “I’ll go with you if you want me to,” – Robert told to his sister.

  11. “Do you want to go with us?” – the boys asked Elizabeth.

  12. “If you make a mistake, you’ll have to rewrite the whole composition,” – the teacher warned the students.

  13. “I was reading while my parents were watching TV.” – she said.

  14. “I had already written to him,” – he said.

  15. “I don’t want your cakes,” – Tom said to his wife.

  16. “How rude he is!” – she exclaimed.

  17. “I’m sorry I didn’t write to you,” – Ann said to Mary.

Ex. 2. Report the following sentences making proper use of the modifiers of time and place.

  1. “I have a tennis lesson this afternoon and I haven’t done my homework yet,” – said the boy.

  2. “Next week we are going on a three-day holiday,” – the boss announced.

  3. “I wrote to him yesterday. I wonder why he hasn’t rung me up,” – she said.

  4. “If it rains this afternoon it will be too wet to play the match tomorrow,” – the captain said.

  5. “I’m sure your son will do very well at the university this years, Mrs. Smith”, – said the headmaster. – “He’s done very well here”.

  6. “Two days ago I came from Odessa,” – said professor.

  7. “I am meeting a friend at the station today,” – said Mark.

  1. “My wife and I are taking four courses this semester,” – last year Serge told me.

  1. “I will fix the toaster some of these days if I can,” – the repairman promised.

  2. “How long have you been here?” – asked Ann.

  3. “Are you leaving today or tomorrow morning?” – asked the secretary.

  4. “This is the happiest day in my life so far,” – she said.

Ex. 3. Report the following general questions using the reported word “ask”.

  1. “Are you married?” – she asked me.

  2. “Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?” – asked my aunt.

  3. Are you sorry for what you did?” – the mother asked the little boy.

  4. “Are you in San Francisco for business or pleasure?” – he asked her.

  5. Another passenger came in and said: “Is this seat taken?”

  6. “Have you got a boyfriend?” – Helen’s five-year-old niece said.

  7. “Have you got a work permit,” – Bill wanted to know. “And have you got a driving license?”

  8. “Have you seen a new library?” – asked Diana.

  9. “Do you mind working on the night shifts?” – he asked.

  10. “Do you understand what I mean?” – he asked.

  11. “Do puppies travel free?” – asked a dog owner.

  12. “Did you sleep well?” – asked my hostess.

  13. “Shall I be in time?” – he asked himself, looking at his watch.

  14. “Will you come here again? Will I be seeing you next week?” – Paul asked.

  15. “Have you seen my father?” – asked the boy.

Ex. 4. Report the following special questions using the reported words “ask”, “inquire”, “request”, “quire”, etc.

  1. “What is burning?” – he asked when he saw a cloud of smoke.

  2. “What’s the matter with your hand?” – he inquired.

  3. “What makes her smile?” – he requested.

  4. “What are you doing these days?” – he asked me.

  5. “What else did you see?” – the policeman asked the witness.

  6. “What time will you come home tomorrow?” – Mary asked Tom.

  7. "Who put salt in my coffee?" – he asked.

  8. “Who has been using my computer?” – asked my mother.

  9. “Who paid the bill?” – she asked me.

  10. “Who is going to negotiate?” – asked the manager.

  11. “Who do you want to speak to?” – he asked.

  12. “Which of his sons inherited his estate?” – inquired one of the men.

  13. “Where were you last night?” – he asked.

  14. “Where does John’s sister work?” – she asked him.

  15. “When did you start working on this project?” – she asked.

  16. “How can I get to the railway station?” – Boris asked the stranger.

  17. “How far is it? And how long will it take me to get there?” – asked the man.

  18. “How long have you been learning English?” – the examiner asked.

  19. “How long will it take me to get to Vitebsk by coach?” – asked the tourist.

  20. “How will I be able to run in high-heeled shoes?” – she inquired.

  21. “How old are you?” – the interviewer asked.

  22. “How many sleeping pills have you taken?” – asked the night sister.

  23. “How long are you planning to stay in Britain?” – he asked her.

  24. “How much does it cost?” – he asked.

Ex. 5. Mary and Tom with their son, John, aged 11, have recently come to a new area. Mary wants to find a school for John and asks her neighbour Mrs. Smith about the local school. Later Mrs. Smith reports these questions to her husband.

  1. “Were your own boys happy at the school?”

  2. “Is it a mixed school?”

  3. “How many children are there in the school?”

  4. “How long has it been a mixed school?”

  5. “Do you like the headmaster?”

  6. “How big are the classes?”

  7. “Are the classes streamed?”

  8. “What is the academic standard like?”

  9. “Can parents visit the school at any time?”

  10. “Is there a good art department?”

  11. “Do they teach music?”

  12. “Is there a school orchestra?”

  13. “Are there playing fields near the school?”

  14. “Are the children taught to swim?”

  15. “Can the children get dinner at school?”

  16. “Is the food good?”

  17. “Is there a Parent-Teacher Association?”

Ex. 6. You were looking for a job and went for an interview to some company last Friday. In conversation with a friend you talk about the interview and report the questions that you were asked.

  1. What is your full name?

  2. How old are you?

  3. Where were you born?

  4. What kind of education do you have?

  5. Did you have any professional experience?

  6. What is the reason for your applying for this post?

  7. Why have you quitted your previous job?

  8. Are you married or single?

  9. Do you have any children?

  10. Do you have any hobbies or leisure interests?

  11. What kind of person are you?

  12. Where do you live?

  13. Do you have any references?

  14. What languages do you speak, read or write?

  15. Have you ever been abroad?

  16. Have you ever been in charge of people?

  17. What are your good points?

  18. What do you not like doing and why?

  19. Why do you like this job?

  20. Have you attended any training courses?

Ex. 7. Report the following direct commands into reported commands. Supply the person addressed if necessary.


  1. “Switch off the radio,” – he asked his sister.

  2. “Do as you wish, but don’t come and ask me for help if you have some troubles,” – he said.

  3. “Do as you are told, and stop arguing!” – he ordered.

  4. “Don't forget your sandwiches,” – said his mother.

  5. “Be careful crossing roads,” – he said, “and remember that they drive on the left in England”.

  6. “Make the coffee a bit stronger," – I begged.

  7. “Don’t make a mess, children,” – mother said.

  8. “Don't take your coat off. We are going out again,” – she told him.

  9. “Don’t forget to thank Mrs. Jones when you are saying good-bye to her,” – said my mother.

  10. “Be careful: the steps are slippery,” – I warned him.

  11. “Sit down and tell me what is worrying you,” – the doctor said to her.

  12. “Stand to attention!” – he commanded the soldiers.

  13. “Don't wait for him. He won't come,” – I said to her.

  14. “Please, please don't tell him about it,” – she begged.

  15. “Remember to water the flowers once a week,” – she reminded.

  16. “Don't enter my study while I'm working,” – he said to them.

  17. “Follow that bus,” – the policeman said to the taxi-driver.

  18. “You must come with us. You won't regret it,” – he insisted.

  19. “Do make the coffee a bit stronger,” – he begged.

  20. “Put down that gun. It's loaded,” – he warned.

  21. “Everybody, stand up now!” – he ordered.


Nick is going to do some shopping for aunt Irene. She wants him to go to Mrs. Watkins’ grocery store and tells Nick exactly how she wants things to be, Nick tactlessly repeats these instructions to Mrs. Watkins!

Give Nick’s conversation with Mrs. Watkins!


Aunt Irene to Nick:

Feel the bread to see if it’s fresh!

Nick to Mrs. Watkins:

Aunt Irene told me to feel the bread to see if it’s fresh!

Aunt Irene to Nick:

Don’t let Mrs. Watkins give you fatty bacon!

Nick to Mrs. Watkins:

Aunt Irene told me not to let you give me fatty bacon!

  1. Make sure you are not cheated!

  2. Don’t buy any cheese if it’s hard!

  3. Be careful that Mrs. Watkins doesn’t give you last week’s eggs!

  4. Don’t let her give you soft biscuits!

  5. Look at the apples carefully before you buy any!

  6. Check the change, as Mrs. Watkins might not have her glasses on!

Ex. 8. Report the following sentences expressing suggestions, invitations, advice, offers.

  1. “You should wear something warm. It’s cold today,” – my Mum advised me.

  2. “Would you like a cigarette?” – said John.

  3. “Shall I go for a walk?” – Jane asked.

  4. “Would you like to come to our house for dinner?” – the Smiths invited us.

  5. “Don't eat too much,” – I advised her.

  6. “Make good use of time. You won’t get such an opportunity again,” – he said.

  7. “Let’s stay here till the storm has passed,” – he said.

  8. “Don’t sit up late,” – said the doctor to Mary.

  9. “If I were you I wouldn't drink so much,” – he advised his friend.

  10. “Why don't we go for a walk?” – she suggested.

  11. “Please, please don’t leave me alone in the dark,” – she said to her parents.

  12. “How about going to the cinema tonight?” – he said.

  13. “If I were you I’d try this dress on,” – she said.

  14. “I think you should eat more vegetables,” – my mother said to me.

  15. “Go on holiday when the weather gets a little bit warmer,” – she advised.

  16. “Let's have a walk in the park,” – he invited her.

  17. “You'd better slow down. There's a speed limit here,” – she suggested.

  18. “You should go to bed and have some rest,” – she advised.

  19. “Shall I open the door?” – he offered.

Ex. 9. Report the following requests.

  1. “Could you speak more slowly, please?” he asked her.

  2. “Could you change the light bulb for me?” she asked me.

  3. “Would you like to go out at the weekend?” she asked.

  4. “Could you, please, ring back in half an hour?” said the secretary.

  5. “Will you pass me some salt, Lucy?” – my mother said to me.

  6. “Could you repeat your telephone number, please?” said the girl.

  7. “Could you tell me the way to the nearest underground station?” I asked the policeman.

  8. “Would you turn on the radio, please?” she asked.

  9. “Will you have another cup of coffee?” said Ann. – “No, thanks,” I said.

  10. “Will you help me or shall I ask someone else?” he said.

  11. “Will you come to the railway station to see me off?” – Mike asked Jane.

  12. “Will you play football with us?” – the boy said to Peter.

  13. “Would you like to wait or would you rather come back tomorrow?” – said the official.

  14. “Could I speak to the manager, please?” – he said.

Ex. 10. Report the following sentences with modal verbs. The possible changes may be as follows:

can → could (present)/would be able to (future)

must → must/had to (obligation) (must remains the same when it expresses possibility or deduction)

shall → should (asking for advice) or would (asking for information)

would, could, used to, mustn’t, should, ought to and had better remain the same.

will/shall → would

may → might

  1. He said: “If what you say is true I must go to the police”.

  2. “You must be back at ten sharp,” – she told him.

  3. “You mustn’t come in without knocking,” – he told us.

  4. “I must go to the dentist tomorrow,” – he said. “I have an appointment.”

  5. “You needn’t come in tomorrow,” – said my employer. “Take the day off”.

  6. “I needn’t tell you how grateful I am,” – he said.

  7. “You ought to be on time here,” – the teachers said.

  8. “You should do as you are told,” – she said.

  9. “I may call you,” – she said to them.

  10. “May I look at the menu, please?”– the man asked the waiter.

  11. “Did you have to walk all the way home?” he asked her.

  12. “You can come in, but you mustn't make any noise,” she said to him.

  13. “You have to do all the work yourself,” – he told me.

  14. “You would never believe that she could leave the country for good,” – she said.

  15. “I may not be able to meet you at the airport,” – he said to her.

  16. “I shall tell him everything,” – she said.

  17. “Shall I speak to her in person?” – she asked.

  18. He said, “You had better phone him.”

  19. “How shall I tell Tom the bad news?” she said.

Ex. 11. Report the following sentences using the reported verbs given.

Model: I wasn't anywhere near the scene of the crime.

The accused claimed that he hadn’t been near the scene of the crime.

  1. “The swallows return every spring and fly past my window.” She explained…

  2. “Can you answer the phone? I'm having a shower!” Father asked his son…

  3. “Could you come and pick me up from school today, Dad?” Billy asked…

  4. “I'll bring it back tomorrow,” He promised…

  5. “Please, please don’t tell anyone I’m here.” She begged him…

  6. “Let’s play a game/We can/could play a game/Shall we play a game?/How about playing a game?” Father suggested…

  7. “Where did I put the book?” I forgot…

  8. “Who has given you this nice kitten?” She wanted to know…

  9. “How long will it take your brother to get to Brest.” He wondered…

  10. “Where is he going?” He didn’t tell anybody…

  11. “When is he leaving school?” I wanted to know…

  12. “Where does he work?” Nobody knew…

  13. “How much did she pay for it?” I had no idea…

  14. “Have you been to New York?” The boy inquired…

  15. “How did the fire start?” The reporter was interested to know…

  16. “You will have dictation on those words next week.” The instructor told his students…

  17. “When are we leaving?” The passengers asked the bus driver…

  18. “Buy me an ice-cream cone.” The child asked his mother…

  19. “I haven’t written my exercises, but I’m going to.” The girl confessed that…

  20. “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Hamlet exclaimed that…

  21. “I must be cruel only to be kind.” Why did Hamlet tell his mother that…

  22. “There is so much violence on TV.” Tessa remarked…

  23. “Try to avoid working overtime,” He recommended…

  24. “The United Nations was established to settle conflicts peacefully.” He said…

  25. “What a silly thing to say!” She stated…

Ex. 12. Choose the reported verb in the following sentences.

  1. I warned/told you that you had to be on time. Why are you late?

  2. I promised/reported I would help you, so here I am.

  3. Did you hear what Sheila told/spoke about her new job?

  4. What did Carol say/tell you about her holiday?

  5. There, you see! I told/talked you the bus would be on time.

  6. All the experts confirm/state the Earth is getting warmer.

  7. The company should explain/show its employees what is going on.

  8. Laura accepted/expected that she had made a mistake and apologized.

  9. Frank and Susan reported/announced that they were going to get married.

  10. The manager mentioned/reminded us that we were short of time.

  11. The professor advised/suggested me to spend more time in the library.

  12. Peter insisted/persuaded me to sell my car.

  13. Tim refused/denied to take part in the conference.

  14. She complained/explained to me that she hadn’t seen the new Disney film.

  15. The boss promised/told that he would tell about the accident.

  16. He exclaimed/remarked what a sunny day it was!

  17. He denied/refused that he had taken that book.

  18. He accused/threatened me of having taken the money.

  19. He suggested/advised having a party.

  20. He threatened/promised to punish me if I didn’t stop crying.

Ex. 13. Find a statement consistent with the adverbs given.

  1. ... he said patiently.

  2. … he commented derisively.

  3. ... he observed sarcastically.

  4. ... he said agreeably.

  5. ... he said pompously.

  6. ... he whispered shyly.

  7. ... he answered sharply.

  8. ... he said sympathetically.

  9. ... he said fiercely.

  10. ... he said brutally.

  11. ... he said angrily.

  12. ... he said accusingly.

  13. …he said callously

  14. ... he said passionately,

  15. ... he said defiantly

  16. … he said complacently.

    1. Don't ask me such silly questions

    2. You should treat your elders with more respect.

    3. I will love you forever.

    4. Mind your own business

    5. No one cares how you feel.

    6. I thought you said you were ill yesterday.

    7. That's your problem. I don't care

    8. You can go to the devil!

    9. You could try doing it the write way.

    10. What should I tell her.

    11. You think you are brilliant, don't you.

    12. I understand how you feel.

    13. Let's try again. It's rather difficult.

    14. I think it's been a very good day.

    15. I've made very good progress.

    16. No one is going to stop me!

Ex. 14. Match the first part (1-10) with an appropriate reporting verb (a-j).

  1. If you do it again, I’ll leave,

      1. she whispered

  1. I'm now going to read out the results,

      1. he answered

  1. Could you bring me the wine list?

      1. she shouted

  1. Of course, I’ll bring it right away,

      1. she threatened

  1. Our team will easily beat yours,

      1. she announced

  1. Please give me another chance,

      1. she claimed

  1. Shhh! The baby is sleeping,

      1. he asked

  1. I'm innocent of all the charges,

      1. she begged

  1. First of all, you press the button,

      1. he boasted

  1. Careful! The water's deep!

      1. he explained

Ex. 15. Change the following reported speech into the direct speech.


Model: I asked the man how long he had been in Minsk.

“How long have you been in Minsk?” – I asked the man.

  1. The man asked the boy if he knew where he lived.

  2. The woman told him not to worry and go home quietly.

  3. Mike asked me if I have read “Robinson Crusoe”.

  4. John asked Mary if she was afraid of thunderstorms.

  5. He asked me if I had taken part in the football match.

  6. I told the taxi-driver that he was driving too fast.

  7. Jim was sure that he had seen her somewhere before.

  8. She noticed with regret that she had never been to Italy.

  9. The judge added that everyone had to answer for his actions.

  10. Jane said that her mother was worried because she hadn’t heard from her sister for a month.

  11. She asked if he’d like to go to the concert and I said that I was sure he would.

  12. They offered me some more wine and I accepted.

  13. He asked what the weather had been like during my holidays and I said that it had been awful.

  14. I asked her if she’d like to borrow the book but she thanked me and said that she had already read it and hadn’t liked it very much.

  15. He wanted to know if I was going to dance and suggested that we should make up a party and go together.

  16. I asked him if the doctor had given him some medicine and if he was feeling better now.

  17. She remarked that that was a very nice dress and she asked how much it cost.

  18. She said she couldn’t buy the house, explaining that she shouldn’t afford it.

  19. He offered to help her, suggesting that we could work on it together.


Model: He politely declined my invitation to dinner.

Thank you very much, but I can’t have dinner with you,” – he said.

  1. He offered me to look after my kids.

  2. We were given a warm welcome by our relatives.

  3. The teacher reprimanded the student for failing to do the task.

  4. My cousin suggested we all go and have a drink.

  5. We were warned not to go near the edge of the river.

  6. The hotel porter offered to carry my cases.

  7. The doctor inquired after his daughter's health.

  8. He expressed great satisfaction with the way things had turned out.

  9. He complimented his girlfriend on the way she looked that night.

  10. He expressed his gratitude for what we had done.

Ex. 16. Report the following sentences using the reported words: thank – благодарить, greet – приветствовать, congratulate – поздравлять, wish – желать, explain – объяснять, call – называть, offer – предлагать, introduce – представлять, suggestпредлагать,order – приказывать, exclaim – восклицать, advise – советовать, invite – приглашать.

Model: Не said: “Thank you” – Не thanked her.

He said: “Happy Christmas” – He wished me a Happy Christmas.

1. He said: “Good morning.” 2. He said: “Congratulations!” 3. He said: “Liar.” 4. “Have a cigarette”, – he said. 5. “Many happy returns of your birthday,” – we said. 6. “Thank you,” – answered the boy. 7. “Welcome home, my dear,” – said his wife. 8. “Miss Brown, this is Miss White; Miss White, this is Miss Brown,” – he said. 9. “You pressed the wrong button,” – said the mechanic. 10. He said: “Let them go.” 11. Reading the letter he said: “Good heavens! I must go at once.” 12. “Be quiet,” – the teacher said. 13. “Let’s go for a walk,” – she said. 14. “Don’t do that,” – she said. 15. The notice said: “Welcome to Minsk.” “Wow!” – they said as the fireworks exploded in the sky. 16. “How delicious!” – she said as she tasted the pie. “What a surprise!” – he said when he unwrapped the present. 17. “Splendid!” – she said when she saw the play. 18. “Well, good luck, then,” – she said to him.

Ex. 17. Say the following in reported speech using the appropriate reporting verbs.

Applying for a job

a) Before the interview your family advised you:

  1. “Find out what you can about the firm”. (Father…)

  2. “Make sure you know what the job involves”. (Mother…)

  3. “Dress to look clean and tidy”. (My sister…)

  4. “Show interest in the job and ask questions”. (My brother…)

  5. “Be polite and don’t panic, even if faced by more than one person. (Granny…)

  6. “Don’t give one word answers”. (Father…)

  7. “Don’t smoke or chew but try to smile”. (Mother…)

  8. “Remember that first impressions are important”. (Father…)

At the interview

b) Make a new sentence from the questions suggested:

  1. “How old are you?” The interviewer asked me…

  2. “What do you do in your spare time?” He asked…

  3. “Why do you apply for this job?” He wanted to know…

  4. “Have you got a driving license?” He asked…

  5. “Can you speak any foreign language?” He wanted to know…

  6. “Do you have any right skills for the job you would like to have?” I was asked…

  7. “Are you responsible and hard working or impatient and aggressive?” He asked…

  8. “What are your good points: friendly, honest, practical, sensible?” I was asked…

  9. “Have you worked before for large companies?” He wanted to know…

  10. “Have you ever had an interview for a job before?” He inquired…

  11. “Why would you like this job?” He asked…

c) I also asked the interviewer a few questions:

    1. “What does the job involve?” It was important for me to find out …

    2. “What are the working hours?” I wanted to know…

    3. “Is there any training?” It was interesting to know…

    4. “What is the salary?” I didn’t dare to ask…

    5. “What are the prospects for promotion here?” It was important to find out…

    6. “Is there any training and what is it?” I asked…

Ex. 18. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Они спросили меня, когда начинается мой рабочий день. 2. Она хотела узнать, когда я был на выставке в последний раз. 3. Я спросила сестру, почему она не хочет идти со мной в театр. 4. Она хотела узнать, где я работаю. 5. Она спросила, когда приходила Кэт. 6. Он хотел узнать, как часто я навещаю родителей. 7. Я знала, что она работает на заводе, что у нее есть муж и двое детей, что семья у нее очень дружная и она счастлива. 8. Гид предупредил нас, что в этой части города движение оживленное. 9. Он сказал мне вчера, что его отец – архитектор и живет в Москве. 10. В прошлом году они думали, что никогда не будут читать по-английски, но вчера убедились, что читают тексты довольно хорошо. 11. Ученый был уверен, что найдет решение проблемы. 12. Моя двоюродная сестра сказала, что любит искусство и будет рада пойти с нами на выставку, хотя уже дважды смотрела Малевича. 13. Он спросил меня, что я буду делать вечером. 14. Я ответил, что не уверен, буду ли я свободен вечером, но сказал, что если буду свободен, то позвоню ему часов в семь. 15. Он сказал, что на моем месте он рассказал бы всю правду.

1. Я был уверен, что он будет рад видеть вас. 2. Я знал, что они получили наше письмо. 3. Мы думали, что они уехали на юг. 4. Она поняла, что была неправа. 5. Она сказала, что очень хочет посетить Эрмитаж. 6. Они обещали, что примут участие в этом эксперименте. 7. Мы надеялись, что придем на вокзал как раз вовремя. 8. Мы не знали, куда он пойдет и что будет делать. 9. Мы знали, что она учится в лингвистическом колледже. 10. Я думал, что тебе уже есть 18 лет. 11. Я понял, что выполнить обещание будет трудно. 12. Он сказал, что собирается покупать новый дом. 13. Мне сказали, что ее здоровье улучшилось. 14. Простите, мы не думали, что вы нас ждете. 15. Художник был уверен, что картина будет шедевром.


a) Use the proper form of the word in brackets.

  1. They realized that they ... (to lose) their way in the dark.

  2. He knew that he ... (not to be) on time unless he ... (to take) a taxi.

  3. John said he ... (to call) as soon as he ...(to get) the results of his exams.

  4. Greta boasted that her boss ... (to give) her an extra half hour for lunch because she ... (to work) very hard all that morning.

  5. Mary said that she ... (to learn) how to eat with chopsticks when she ... (to be) in Hong Kong.

  6. He said he … (can’t) give me his address because he … (to move) to a different house at that time.

  7. The policeman threatened to arrest the driver if he ... (not to answer) his questions.

  8. Robert said that he ... (not to have to) water the plants then because it ... (to rain) the whole week.

  9. Mrs Jacobs told me her daughter ... (to revise) for her exams all day. By the end of this week she ...(to pass) all her exams.

  10. Ann said she ...(to come) and see us on Friday if that ...(to be) right.

  11. My friend told me I ...(can) come to him if I ...(to have) any problem.

  12. The judge told the accused to look at him when he ...(to speak).

  13. Martin’s mother said it ...(to be) very late and asked him where he ...(to be).

  14. Anne said that she ...(to paint) her room since nine o’clock and she ...(to be) very tired.

  15. The inspector warned Jack, if he ...(not to drive) carefully, he ...(to have) an accident.

  16. She thought it ...(to be) a good idea for me to see a doctor as I ...(not to feel) well.

  17. My parents told me that I ...(to have to) decide what I ...(to want) to do.

  18. The bus conductor said if we ...(to want) to smoke, we ...(to have to) go upstairs.

  19. They agreed that next summit ...(to be to) held in January.

  20. Paula has just told us she never ...(to speak) to him again as he ...(to be) so rude.

  21. She said, although Mr Smith ...(to be) a lawyer by profession, he ...(to know) little about criminal law.

  22. George came round to see me yesterday because he said he ...(to want) to discuss the problems he ...(to have) at work.

  23. My mother said to me that by the end of the month the Post office ...(to send) us a bill which we ...(not to be able) to pay because I ...(to talk) on the phone for hours every day.

  24. The teacher said that we ...(must) be careful because even if we ...(to make) any mistakes, she ...(not to give) us any additional time to correct them.

  25. I asked my sister if she ...(to go) to the concert the next day and if she ...(to return) home by the time I ...(to arrive). She said that she ...(to work) at home the whole evening and ...(not to go) anywhere.

  26. I took a quick look at the picture and ...(to be) certain that I ...(to see) the man before. I was sure I ... (to recognize) him when I ...(to meet) him again.

  27. He agreed that it ...(to be) a very difficult time for all of them if they ...(to lose) the job.

  28. He said he ...(to be) really sorry about the trouble he ...(to cause).

  29. Galileo proved that the Earth ...(to move) round the Sun.

  30. Shakespeare wrote that all the world ...(to be) a stage.

  31. Recent research shows that Columbus ...(not to discover) America.

  32. When the bus stopped I ...(to look) out of the window but ...(not to see) my brother there. I ...(to send) him a telegram and I ...(to think) that he ...(to meet) me.

  33. The delegates were told that the guide just ...(to go) out and ...(to be) back in ten minutes.

  34. She said to me that if I … (to see) her father I’d recognize him at once. He was the most extraordinary looking man.

  35. The doctor said that if I … (to take) a warm bath just before I … (to go) to bed, I … (feel) much better soon. I … (to be) ill for two days already.

  36. My parents asked me when my quests … (to come) the next day and if I … (to be going) to cook the Sunday dinner. I answered that we … (to decide) to go to the restaurant.

  37. My father declared that he … (to want) to go on holiday to the Lake District and he … (to buy) already a new rod for fishing. He said he … (to leave) in two days and … (to spend) there not less than two weeks.

  38. He said he … (to run) out of money by that time.

  39. He said that the United Nation … (to establish) to settle conflicts peacefully.

  40. Mr. Smith said that his wife’s maiden name … (to be) Jones.

  41. Tom said he … (to wish) he …(to live) in Britain.

  42. She said she … (to wish) John … (to come) home before 12 o’clock.

  43. He said he …(not to need) get up till 9 tomorrow.

  44. The mother asked the little boy if he … (to be sorry) for what he … (to do).

  45. The man asked how far it … (to be) and how long it … (to take) him to get there.

  46. He asked who … (to put) salt in his coffee.

  47. The boy inquired if I ever … (to be) to New York?” … .

  48. The secretary asked if I … (to leave) that day or the next morning.

  49. He reminded me … (to be) careful crossing roads and to remember that they … (to drive) on the left in England.

  50. The teacher asked … (not to forget) to put our names at the top of the page.

b) Copy, using indirect speech throughout. Make only necessary changes.

An Italian traveler recently said to a waitress in a New York restaurant, “There is something I want to order, but I don’t know the word for it.”

The waitress said, “I’ll try to help you as much as I can.”

Pointing to a picture, the man inquired, “What’s the name of that bird?”

The girl answered, “It’s called a rooster.”

The traveler next asked, “What’s the name of the rooster’s children?”

The waitress replied, “They’re called chickens although they may be referred to as chicks.”

Then, the man said, “What’re they called before they’re born?”

She explained, “Eggs is the word.”

The foreigner exclaimed, “That’s the word I’ve been wanting to remember. Give me two fried eggs.”

Returning with the order, the waitress remarked, “I hope you’ll enjoy them. I also hope that if I ever travel in Italy, I can be as clever as you have proved yourself to be.”


There is a story told about George Bernard Show and Winston Churchill which shows the special sense of humor of both men.

Upon meeting Churchill one day, Shaw thought, “I’ll show the famous statesman the keenness of my wit.” Accordingly, he asked Churchill, “Have you heard that a new play of mine is opening tonight?”

Churchill, puffing on his cigar, replied, “I’ve heard some vague rumors about it.”

Shaw inquired, “Are you interested in seeing it?” Receiving an affirmative answer, he gave Churchill two tickets for the performance and remarked. “One is for you, and one is for a friend of yours if you still have any friends.”

Undisturbed, Churchill thanked Shaw for his thoughtfulness. Then, he added, “Unfortunately, I have some government affaires to attend to.”

Shaw murmured, ”I’m sorry to hear that.”

Quietly but triumphantly, Churchill then said, “I can’t come to the opening performance, however, my friend and I will come tomorrow night if the play hasn’t closed by then.”

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