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To be, to have

Ex. 1. State the functions of the verbs “to be” and “to have” in the following sentences.

a) 1. I’m a student. 2. Jane was very friendly. 3. I’ll be glad to help you. 4.  She is in the library now, she is reading up for the seminar. 5. I was shown all places of interest in the town. 6. When I saw her she was talking on the phone. 7. An interesting film is on at the Moskva cinema. 8. I’m to meet my Mum at six. 9. The task of the crew was to ship the goods in time.

b) 1. I have many friends at school. 2. He has no experience. 3. I don’t have any difficulties with Physics. 4. Have you got any mushrooms on sale? –We usually have, but I am afraid we haven’t got any at the moment. 5. Will you have some coffee? – No, thanks. 6. We haven’t seen him for ages. 7. I want to have my shoes repaired. 8. I had to work hard in my final year at school.

Ex. 2. Use the full forms of the verbs “to be” and “to have (got)”.

1. I’m 18. 2. You’re a good friend. 3. She's interested in mathematics. 4. It's far from London. 5. There's enough salt in the soup. 6. It's Monday today. 7. My name's Pitt. 8. Jane's married. 9. I’ve been here before. 10. We’ve read this book. 11. I’ve got a new coat. 12. He's got a motor cycle. 13. She's got black long hair. 14. They’ve got a beautiful bedroom.

Ex. 3. Change the following sentences into the Past or the Future Indefinite. Use the proper modifies of time.

a) 1. It’s warm today. 2. It’s important to speak to her in person. 3. The days are rainy in October. 4. I’m 17 years old. 5. We are busy now. 6. My father is at work. 7. We are pleased to meet you. 8. The swimming pool is not very warm. 9. Ruth is not at home, she is on holiday.

b) 1. We have many apple trees in our garden. 2. My sister has a nice cat. 3. You have little success in your search for job. 4. We have breakfast at eight in the morning. 5. She has a good rest every summer. 6. They have no vacant rooms in the hotel.

Ex. 4. Use the verbs “to bе” or “to have” in the correct tense forms.

a) 1. It ... difficult to find a job now, ... it? 2. I want... a doctor, that is why I ... a student of the Medical University. 3. There … no school in this village and the children ... to go to school which ... two miles away. 4. How old... you? – I ... 17 years old. 5. There ... only two faculties at the Belarusian University in 1921, now there ... sixteen faculties there. 6. My sister ... a second-year student of the Law Faculty. She ... a lawyer soon. 7. You ... in the final year at school, ... you? Yes, I ... . 8. Health ... a priceless possession. 9. Fortunately the news ... not as bad as they have expected. 10. Your clothes... out of fashion, you should buy something new. 11. I think that three days ... not enough for a good holiday. 12. Money spent on brain ... never spent in vain. 13. Your glasses ... on the table. 14. My knowledge ... not enough to make this experiment. 15. I hope they … very happy together. 16. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis … a wife of president John F. Kennedy, and then, of Aristotle Onassis, a Greek millionaire. 17. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt … – presidents of the United States.

b) 1. The U.S.A ...various natural resources and ... one of the richest countries in the world. 2. He ... a lot of trouble with his car yesterday. 3. My grandfather... short grey hair but my grandmother's hair ... long and thick. 4. ... you got English lessons twice a week? – Yes, we ... . 5. I ... no time to help you yesterday. I ... very sorry about it. 6. We ... a conference tomorrow. So I am busy with my report today. 7. I … my shoes repaired and now they look brand new. 8. Sometimes I … to work long hours. 9. You … to pay right now. 10. Minsk … a subway which was opened in 1984 and now it … the network which consists of two lines. 11. An elephant … big ears and a long nose (called a trunk). 12. Mary worked very hard so she … no time for many hobbies. 13. Who … an extra sheet of paper?

Ex. 5. a) Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions using the list below. Try to find out more information.

Model: – Have you got a computer? – Do you have a computer?

Yes, I have. – Yes, I do.

What kind is it? – What kind is it?

It’s an Apple Mac. – It’s an Apple Mac.

Prompts: a computer, a pet, a bike, a car, a mobile phone, an interesting job, a fax machine, a house/flat, long hour, a lot of problems, a terrible headache, a good job.

b) With a new partner, ask and answer questions about your previous partner.

Model: – Has Maria got a computer? – Yes, she has. It’s a … .

– Does she have a computer? –Yes, she does. It’s a … .

Ex. 6. Ask general questions to the following statements and give short answers.

Models: a) Are you afraid of snakes? – Yes, I am/No, I am not.

b) Has he (got) a car? – Yes, he has/No, he hasn't.

c) Did she have a good rest last summer? –Yes, she did/No, she didn't.

а) 1. You are good at physics. 2. The ice wasn't thick enough to skate. 3. Marry will be angry with me. 4. That was Bill on the phone. 5. She is proud of her children. 6. Kate wasn't at school yesterday. She was ill. 7. He will be seventeen next month.

b) 1. I have got a new friend. 2. They haven't got enough money to buy these books. 3. She has got no time to do it now. 4. I’ve got no money on me. 5. We’ve got all services at our disposal. 6. I’ve got a nice perfume.

c) 1. I had enough courage to tell her the truth. 2. The pupils have classes six days a week. 3. We had a good time out of town. 4. We'll have our holidays in August. 5. This man had a heart attack last month.

Ex. 7. Ask alternative questions using the following prompts.

Model 1: I'm a pupil (a student). – Are you a pupil or a student?

1. Kate is at home (at school). 2. They are in England (Scotland). 3. Oxford is far from (near) London. 4. She is a writer (a painter). 5. She is interested in music (drawing). 5. I am seventeen (eighteen) years old. 6. The ice was thick (thin) on the river. 7. That was Jane (Ann) on the phone. 8. He was rude (polite) with you. 9. The weather will be fine (rainy) next week.

Model 2: You have many (few) friends at school? – Do you have many or few friends at school?

1. I have a new car (moto-cycle) 2. They have a house (a flat) in Minsk. 3. My friend has a lot of English (French) books. 4. Our family had a rest in the countryside (abroad) last summer. 5. I usually have coffee (tea) in the morning. 6. We have meals three (four) times a day. 7. You will have five (six) lessons tomorrow. 8. They had a bad quarrel (row).

Ex. 8. Complete the following tag questions.

Model 1: You are fond of sports, aren't you?

You are not fond of sports, are you?

1. The water is deep here, ...? 2. This is the front of the queue, ...? 3. Tom was over there, ...? 4. They were in a hurry, ...? 5. The weather isn't bad ... today? 6. There wasn't a lot of noise, ...? 7. Bob will be surprised, ...? 8. He won’t be late, …

Model 2: You have got a watch, haven't you?

You have coffee in the morning, don't you?

1. You have got this information,...? 2. The English alphabet has 26 letters,...? 3. Short people always have bad temper,...? 4. You had breakfast at home,...? 5. She will have a party next week,...? 6. The child has milk before going to bed,...? 7. You haven't got English classes today, …?

Ex. 9. Ask your partner about his/her everyday life. Use set expressions with “have” and “be”.

Model: a) When/Where/With whom do you normally have breakfast?

b) What are you fond of? When are you at home? Why is he absent?

a) to have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner/a meal; to have tea/coffee/a coke/a beer, a drink; to have a wash/a bath/a shower/a shave; to have a swim/a walk, a party/a ride; to have a holiday/a good time/a pleasant evening; to have a talk/a chat/a conversation/a word with someone; to have a disagreement/a quarrel/an argument/a row; to have a look at something; to have a nervous breakdown; to have difficulty/trouble.

b) to be of age; to be married; to be good (at); to be present/absent; to be tired (of); to be up; to be late (for); to be acquainted (with); to be sorry (for smb/about smth); to be back; to be ready (for); to be busy (with); to be interested (in); to be ill; to be afraid (of); to be over; to be hungry; to be sure (of).

Ex. 10. Answer the following question, then speak about your partner or yourself.


  1. What is your full name?

  2. How old are you? Are you under age? Are you in your mid or late teens?

  3. When were you born?

  4. Where are you from?

  5. Are you married?

  6. What are your parents’ names? What is your mother’s maiden name?

  7. How old were your parents when they got married? How long have they been together?

  8. What sort of people are your parents? Are they employed at present? What do they do for a living?

  9. Are you good friends in the family?

  10. Are you a University student? What year are you in? What is your major?

  11. What is your hobby? Are you keen on computer games/reading/pop music? What are you good at?

  12. Are you a theatre/movie person?

  13. What are your goals right now? What are your ambitions for later?

  14. Are you working up to your potential at university and in your other activities?


  1. Have you got a house or a flat?

  2. Do you have all modern conveniences in your flat?

  3. How many rooms have you got?

  4. Have you got some pets?

  5. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

  6. How often do you have your English classes?

  7. Does your mother have a lot of work to do about the house?

  8. Did you have any idea how to decorate your new flat?

  9. Will you have time to help me tomorrow?

  10. Have you got any information about Marry’s birthday party?

  11. Where will you have your birthday party next week?

Ex. 11. Work in pairs. Ask special questions starting with the question words given.

Model: They were late. – Why were they late? – Who was late?

  1. He has been to Turkey for ten days.

  2. We'll have only one lecture on history.

  3. It's 10 o'clock.

  4. We have exams twice a year.

  5. He is 22 years old and I'm 17.

  6. He has half a bottle of beer.

  7. He had a letter for you on the table.

  8. They were in this town last year.

  9. You have to pay me $ 50.

how long

how many

what time

how often

how old

how much




Ex. 12. Rewrite the sentences using “there is/are”.

Model 1: This room has two windows.

There are two windows in this room.

1. This city has many monuments. 2. Our town has no theatres. 3. This family has two children. 4. Our group has many good pupils. 5. Every week has seven days and every year has twelve months. 6. She has a lot of English books in her library. 7. The English alphabet has 26 letters. 8. I have three bedrooms in my flat.

Model 2: The dog is in the room.

There is a dog in the room.

1. The children are in the yard. 2. The students are in the laboratory. 3. The car is near the house. 4. The bench was under the tree. 5. A lot of people will be at the stadium tomorrow. 6. A large forest is near our city. 7. The sofa is in the leaving room. 8. The children are on the play ground.

Ex. 13. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Какой фильм шел по первому каналу вчера? – К сожалению, сейчас у нас нет телевизора. 2. Вы были на концерте в воскресенье? – Нет, я была занята. 3. Где вы были вчера? – У нас в школе был вечер и мы ходили туда. 4. Если вы свободны сейчас, давайте пойдем поужинаем куда-нибудь. Где вы обычно ужинаете? – Дома. 5. Когда у вас будут каникулы? – Через неделю. 6. Где вы отдыхали прошлым летом? – На берегу моря. 7. Откуда вы родом? – Мы из Беларуси. 8. Вчера у нас была вечеринка, и мы хорошо провели время. 9. Где вам сшили платье? Оно вам очень идет. 10. К сожалению, я никогда не был в Лондоне. 11. Завтра у нас семинар, и мне придется к нему подготовиться. 12. Что ты сейчас делаешь? – Ничего особенного, смотрю телевизор. 13. Где твой брат? – Он обедает в ресторане. 14. Он женат? – Нет, он холост. 15. Цветы имеют прекрасный запах. 16. В Нью-Йорке есть много интересных музеев. 17. Тигры имеют странные желтые глаза. 18. Битлз – известная Британская рок-группа шестидесятых. 19. Мария и Пьер Кюри – выдающиеся французские ученые. 20. Мао Цзэдун – известный революционер и политический лидер народной республики Китай. 21. Мартин Лютер Кинг был американским правозащитником. Он боролся за равные права негров.

Ex. 14. Read the texts and answer the questions that follow.

Hi there, fans! My name’s Diana Rich. I’m a famous actress – a superstar! I’m from New York. I have an apartment in New York and a house in Hollywood with a swimming-pool and a tennis court. I have a new Mercedes and a lot of money in the bank. I have a husband and three wonderful children in Hollywood. I have everything. Life’s great!

Questions: Does Diana Rich have her own house in Hollywood? Does she have an apartment in Hollywood too? What kind of car does she have? Does she have two or three children? She has everything, doesn’t she?

Ex. 15. Use the following proverbs in the situations of your own.

  1. Business is business.

  2. False friends are worse than open enemies.

  3. Two heads are better than one.

  4. No man is wise at all times.

  5. Every medal has its reverse.

  6. Fields have eyes, and woods have ears.

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