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Ex. 1. Remember the most common ways of translating the Passive voice into Russian.

а) пассивным залогом d) косвенный пад. g) мод. глаг.

b) -ся, -сь e) действ залог h) смеш. тип

c) 3 лицо множ. число f) предлоги i) констр.

a) 1. The sea is polluted with industrial waste. 2. The laboratory is well equipped. 3. His leg was hurt in accident. 4. A reception was held in his honour. 5. This house was rebuilt after the war. 6. The old building was pulled down. 7. The old jeans were thrown away. 8. All their complaints were ignored. 9. The room was well-furnished, if a little badly decorated.

b) 1. He is being unjustly treated. 2. The problem of unemployment was touched upon in the paper. 3.  The tickets are sold badly. 4. I’m afraid the old television is being mended. 5. My car is being repaired at present. 6. All traveling expenses are being paid by the company. 7. The ship was lost sight of.

c) 1. After a long discussion a compromise was arrived at. 2. Tables are usually made of wood. 3. I hate to be bothered during my work. 4. This game has been played in Britain since the middle of the 19th century. 5. The football match was watched with interest.

d) 1. She was given a nice cat. It is called Push. 2. I wasn't told about your decision. 3. University graduates were offered a wide choice of jobs. 4. The child was often left home alone. 5. The guests were shown the places of interest in the city. 6. I have never been asked to help them. 7. In museums visitors are asked not to touch the exhibits. 8. He was persuaded to change his mind. 9. She was respected by her colleagues.

e) 1. He was educated at Oxford. 2. Heat and light are given to us by the sun. 3. The injured man was carried by two men. 4. Let me know when my help is needed. 5. The report was followed by a long debate. 6. His behaviour was disapproved by all his friends.

f) 1. The film is much spoken about. 2. The boy was laughed at. 3. The article is referred to in all recent publications. 4. My friend can be relied on. 5. In this hospital the patients are well looked after. 6. These terms were insisted upon. 7. The date of his visit was agreed upon. 8 . Shipping was affected by heavy storms.

g) 1. Evidence must be presented. 2. The wire mustn’t be touched. 3. His behaviour can’t be explained. 4. His skill and experience in such matters can be relied upon. 5. The plan had to be given up after the scientists were confronted with unexpected difficulties. 6. This topic should not be touched upon in front of the children. 7. Application forms should be returned by May, 15.

h) 1. The lecture was attended by great number of scholars. 2. The summit meeting was followed by a press-conference. 3. Demonstrators were joined by their supporters. 4. Progress is made every day in the world of science. 5. The visit was widely commented on in the press. 6. Economists who operate their own business are called entrepreneurs.

i) 1. The delegation is expected to arrive in two days. 2. Potato was first considered to be poisonous and it took a long time to become common. 3. I want to have my shoes repaired.

Ex. 2. Tell what is done now that wasn’t done in the past. What you hope will be done in the future?

Model: Streets are regularly cleaned in our city nowadays.

Some years ago they were not always cleaned as much.

I hope it will last and in the future the roads will be repaired regularly as well.

Prompts: to develop a new drug to combat asthma;

to build a new library;

to open a new supermarket;

to increase bus fares/salaries;

to discover a new source of energy;

to introduce European currency.

Ex. 3. Open the brackets using passive constructions with “get” where possible.

Model: The plants (to damage) by the cold weather.

The plants got/were damaged by cold weather.

  1. Without a map we soon (to lose)… .

  2. They were only married a year before they (to divorce) … .

  3. Many street lights (to break) …last year.

  4. Our roof (to damage) …in the night’s storm.

  5. A lot of houses (to burgle) …last spring.

  6. He (to kill) …in a plane crash.

  7. Daniel (to hurt) … when he tried to break up a fight.

  8. I never found the book we were looking for. It (to lose) … when were moving into a new house.

  9. She was quite friendly at first, then she (to promote) … and now she doesn’t care about us any more.

  10. Last week Laura (to move) …to another department.

Ex. 4. Say what is being now and what wasn’t being done at a definite time in past.

1. Excuse me the mess the house (to paint) at the moment but it (to paint) when I came in half an hour ago. 2. The gallery (to re-organize) now but it (not to re-organize) at the time of our visit. 3. A new project (to discuss) now but it (not to discuss) when I came in. 4. A grammar test (to write) in this classroom now but at 11 a.m. an exam (to take) here. 5. The TV set (to mend) when my mother came in but now an interesting programme (to show). 6. At this time yesterday dinner (to serve) but today it still (to make). 7. The suspect (to question) at the moment but he (to arrest) when I saw him some hours ago.

Ex. 5. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous Passive in case you are complaining to somebody.

  1. Too much money … (to waste) nowadays.

  2. Education and health services … (not to improve).

  3. Old people … (not to help).

  4. The wrong things … (to spend) money on.

  5. Nothing … (to do) against crime.

  6. Money … (to waste) on dinners and parties.

  7. Too many offices … (to build).

Ex. 6. Mrs. Edison is a businesswoman. She was away on a business trip but now she is back. She wants to know what has been done while she was away. Use the prompts and, in pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the model.

Model: – Have they delivered my new desks?

No, your new desks haven’t been delivered yet.

  1. they/post/the invitations? (Yes)

  2. they/repair/the photocopier? (Yes)

  3. you/type/last month’s reports? (No)

  4. you/place the advertisement/ in the newspaper? (No)

  5. you/pay/the bills? (Yes)

  6. they/file/the documents? (No)

Ex. 7. Complete the following short dialogues. Use the Present Perfect Passive in the positive or negative forms. The suitable verbs are given in the box.

pay, catch, find, steal, arrest, speak.

  1. A: I’d like to pay my bill, please

B: You don’t need to. It …

  1. A: I left my bicycle outside the house and it’s gone!

B: Oh, dear. I hope it …

  1. A: Is that the lost Property Office? Any news of the passport I lost yesterday?

B: No, I’m afraid it … yet.

  1. A: What’s going on here?

B: A man … for the crime.

  1. A: He spoke so rude to you.

B: He did. I never … like that before.

  1. A: I’m worried about those escaped prisoners.

B: Don’t worry. They …

Ex. 8. Say what improvements have been made in our country over the last 20 years. Talk about roads, hospitals, housing, news, laws, schools, social system, industry, agriculture, working conditions, medical service, public transport, living conditions, etc.

Model: More roads have been built.

The social system has been improved.

Compulsory education has been introduced.

Useful verbs: build, develop, improve, introduce, make, modernize, reorganize, set up, raise.

Ex. 9. Emma Doyle has got three children. Yesterday she had to go out. What had been done by the children by the time she got home? Look at the prompts and make sentences using the Past Perfect Passive, as in the model.

Model: The beds had been made.

The dishes had not been washed.

  1. plants/water

  2. carpet/beat

  3. cat/feed

  1. dinner/cook

  2. rubbish/take out

  3. windows/clean

Ex. 10. Say what will have been done by the year 2015. Use the prompts below.

Model: I think / don’t think the drug problem will have been solved.

  • the drug problem;

  • talking robots;

  • international traffic laws;

  • a cure for AIDS/cancer;

  • passenger transport to the Moon;

  • a European currency;

  • the world hunger problems;

  • supersonic trains;

  • new energy source;

  • the problem of world peace;

  • satellite TV for everyone.

Ex. 11. Fill in “by” or “with”.

1. The letter looks as if it was written … a child. 2. The tiger was shot … a gun. 3. The window had been smashed … a hammer. 4. She was waken up … a loud noise. 5. The parcel was tied up … string. 6. This picture was painted … famous artist. 7. The chair was covered … a woolen blanket. 8. The walls were decorated … posters. 9. My car was repaired … my father. 10. The novel was written … D. H. Lawrence. 11. The city was attacked … the enemy. 12. The Stadium was packed … cheering fans. 13. All through January, the fields were covered … snow. 14. The room was crammed … furniture of all descriptions. 15. Two of the climbers were injured … falling rocks. 16. The island is inhabited … people of mainly Chinese origin. 17. Linguistic research is influenced … psychology. 18. The warehouse is guarded … dogs. 19. The meal was eaten … chopsticks. 20. The sandwiches were made … white bread. 21. The camera was loaded … a black and white film. 22. The bank was quickly surrounded … armed police. 23. The tree had been decorated … coloured balls. 24. The victim was struck … a heavy object. 25. Jack was dismissed … his boss. 26. Most children are strongly influenced … their parents. 27. This awful mess was made … Carol’s dog. 28. The football fans were observed … the police. 29. My hair was cut … a stylist. 30. Everyone was shocked … Susan’s strange appearance.

Ex. 12. Put all types of questions to the following sentences.

1. Many industrial goods are exported from China to different countries of the world. 2. This novel was written by Mr. Bond ten years ago. 3. His articles will be published in the next issue of the journal. 4. The documents have been signed by the president of the company. 5. The conference had already been opened before I came. 6. A new railway line is being constructed across the desert. 7. The old house on the corner was knocked down last year.

Ex. 13. Put questions to the parts of the sentences in italics.

1. No woman has ever been elected President of the USA. 2. I was frightened about losing my job, but I don't worry about it now. 3. Ruth is disappointed: the job she applied for has been given to someone with more experience. 4. Before the Princess arrived at the shipyard, the police dogs had been used to make sure there were no bombs hidden there. 5. I was told that the 8.15 train would get me to London in time to reach Cambridge by 10.30. 6. A few minutes later, it was announced that the train would be late. 7. A new law on smoking in public places has been introduced. 8. All main courses are served with vegetables or salad. 9. A new spaceship has been recently launched.

Ex. 14. Translate the following sentences into English.








  • предложили новую работу

  • сказали правду

  • рекомендовали отдохнуть

  • прислали приглашение

  • повысили зарплату

  • указали на ошибку

  • подарили сувениры

  • рассказали много интересного

  • одолжили немного денег

  • задали ряд вопросов

  • прислали посылку

  • показали достопримечательности








  • пригласили на вечер

  • попросили зайти

  • послали в командировку

  • похвалили за это

  • предупредили об опасности

  • наградили медалью

  • спросили мнение

  • обманули

  • взяли с собой

  • научили, как это делать

  • представили руководителю

  • рекомендовали на должность

Ex. 15. Translate into English.

a) 1. Лучший виски производится в Шотландии. 2. Виноградное вино делают во многих южных странах. 3. Лондонский Тауэр построен в начале XI века. 4. Слово «Минск» было впервые упомянуто в хрониках в 1067 году. 5. Моя статья была опубликована в научном журнале. 6. Америка была открыта в 1642. 7. Бумага была изобретена в Китае. 8. Первый космический корабль был запущен в Советском Союзе. 9. Атмосфера на Венере была открыта в 1861 году Михаилом Ломоносовым. 10. Новая национальная библиотека была построена в Минске в 2005 году. 11. Эсперанто был изобретен в 1887 году польским доктором Заменгофом.

b) 1. Телефон был изобретен Александром Беллом. 2. Электрическая лампочка была изобретена Томасом Эдисоном. 3. «Мона Лиза» была написана Леонардо да Винчи. 4. «Пасторальная Симфония» была написана Бетховеном. 5. Закон земного притяжения был открыт Ньютоном. 6. Фильм «Унесенные ветром» был снят Митчелом. 7. Эйфелева башня была построена Густавом Эйфелем. 8. Пенициллин (penicillin) был изобретен Александром Флемингом. 9. Пирамиды (the Pyramids) были построены древними египтянами. 10. Динамит был изобретен Альфредом Нобелем. 11. Церковь Святого Павла спроектирована Христофором Реном. 12. Опера «Иван Сусанин» была написана П. Глинкой. 13. Пенициллин был открыт Флемингом.

c) 1. Книги должны быть возвращены в библиотеку 2. Упражнение может быть сделано без труда. 3. О его родителях необходимо позаботиться. 4. Работа должна быть выполнена в срок. 5. Перевод не следовало делать письменно. 6. Тест придется переписать еще раз. 7. Это стихотворение нужно выучить наизусть. 8. Экзамены планируется сдать осенью. 9. Больному человеку нужно помочь 10. Эти книги не следует рекомендовать для обсуждения. 11. Благодарность можно выразить публично.

Ex. 16. a) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct passive form. Retell the passage.

A College Tour

“I'm glad you've all come to visit our college. I hope that many of you will enter it next year. First, let's visit some of our classrooms. In this room, students (to teach) are being taught English. Here at Greenville College, we believe that all students should (to teach) to speak a foreign language.

The students in the next room are studying history. History classes are usually very lively, but today the students (to give) an examination.

This room is a science classroom. You can stay for a while and listen. I'm sure many interesting ideas (to discuss) right now.

In a little while, we are going to see the cafeteria where all the college food (to prepare). We believe that young people should (to feed) good food. That's why we've planted the vegetable garden you see next to the cafeteria. The vegetables that our students are eating today (to grow) in our garden.

The next stop on the tour will be the college hospital. It (to build) last year and is the college’s most modern building. Patients at the college hospital (to take) care of by excellent nurses and doctors who (to train) at the best universities.

Students from Greenville College are well prepared for life. Many of our former students (to hire) by fine companies where they (to give) important jobs.

We hope you’ve enjoyed your tour of Greenville College.”

b) Speak about your University or Department using passive structures.

Ex. 17. Rewrite the following sentences so as to use the passive voice.

a) 1. The Prime-Minister headed the delegation. 2. The Muslims celebrate Ramadan. 3. We don’t allow smoking in this restaurant. 4. Не published the book last year. 5. We use these clothes only on special occasions. 6. Somebody switched on the light and opened the door. 7. They will give you an answer in some days. 8. Who wrote this novel? 9. They showed her the easiest way to do it. 10. They will have finished the work by twelve. 11. We’ll not admit children under sixteen. 12. They don’t look after the children properly. 13. They kill elephants for ivory. 14. They have cancelled the flight. 15. They check passports at Passport Control. 16. Do they teach Latin at this school? 17. Two million people use the London Underground system every day. 18. People all over the world speak English. 19. The company will export computers to seventy different countries. 20. We expect students not to talk during the examination. 21. They paid him a lot of money for the job. 22. We don’t know the name of the person who committed the crime. 23. A famous designer will redecorate the hotel. 24. They are remaking the film. 25. William the Conqueror build the castle in the 11th century. 26. They will be translating the text tomorrow.

b) 1. The scientists have not yet defined the origin of the name Belarus. 2. All sorts of aggressors attacked and occupied Belarus many times. 3. Francisk Skaryna started book-printing business in Belarus in the 16th century. 4. The fascists cut down and burnt many Belarusian woods during the years of World War II. 5. The Belarusian people celebrate Independence Day on the 3d of July. 6. Belarusian industry produces tractors and automobiles, refrigerators and TV sets, computers and other goods. 7. The Belarusian farmers cultivate grain, vegetables, herbs and flax. 8. In 1870 I. Nosovič published the first dictionary of the Belarusian language. 9. The Russian and Polish languages have greatly influenced the Belarusian language.

c) 1. You mustn’t touch this button while the experiment is in progress. 2. You should keep the flowers in a warm sunny place. 3. You must clean the car every time you use it. 4. They had to pay the bill before they left the hotel. 5. People must keep dogs on leads in the parks. 6. You can obtain further information about the post by telephoning 6050. 7. We can’t use this telephone. 8. They had to postpone the meeting because of illness. 9. Our neighbour ought to paint his garage. 10. You needn’t do this exercise. 11. We couldn’t use the telephone. 12. You should send the sick man to hospital. 13. You may leave your bags in the hall. 14.  You must finish the project by Wednesday afternoon. 15. They should inform the citizens as soon as possible. 16. The doctor must be sent for at once. 17. The door must be kept shut. 18. This talk must have been started by our opponents. 19. You should have watered this plant daily.

Ex. 18. Use two passive constructions where possible.

Model: My friend gave me an interesting book.

An interesting book was given to me.

I was given an interesting book.

1. They offered me a new job at the hospital. 2. They showed us the postcards of New York. 3. The teacher told the pupils the story of Washington. 4.  They gave him the chance. 5. They gave the prize to the winner. 6. They showed us the shortest way to the cinema. 7. I passed my driving license to the policeman. 8. My boss promised me promotion. 9. Helen’s friend told her the whole truth. 10. We’ll send the invitation to Dick. 11. The teacher will explain the pupils a new grammar rule.

Ex. 19. Rewrite the sentences so as to use active voice. Introduce the doer of the action if necessary.

1. Lewis Carroll is remembered not as a mathematician but as the author of Alice in Wonderland. 2. His paintings will be exhibited at the Picture Gallery 3. The child was taken to the circus. 4. The first spaceship was constructed by the Soviet scientists. 5. The anniversary of the liberation of Minsk is celebrated on July, 3. 6. A new system of work is being started by our librarians. 7. He doesn't like to be laughed at. 8. The problem is being discussed now. 9. The milk is brought. 10. Hot meals are served till 10:30. 11. A lot of things are stolen from supermarkets every day. 12. He is never seen in the dining-room. 13. I was punished for something I didn’t do. 14. The Tower of London was formally used as a prison. 15. You will be invited for lunch tomorrow. 16. Milk is used for making butter and cheese. 17. Hopefully, a solution will be found soon. 18. The football match has been postponed. 19. Turtles are found in warm oceans all over the world. 20. The pupils were shown how to use the computer. 21. The streets in our city are swept every day. 22. He was chosen as the best singer of the year. 23. The living-room has been beautifully decorated and furnished. 24. A new government has been elected. 25. Nothing will be decided before next Saturday. 26. All the tickets will have been sold by the time we get there. 27. You have been interviewed many times.

Ex. 20. Answer the questions, using passive forms of the verbs in brackets. Choose a suitable adverbial particle (off, on, in, out, up, down, etc).

Model: What generally happens to houses that are unfit to live in? (to pull)

They are generally pulled down.

  1. What must be done with a bad tooth? (to pull)

  2. What has to be done with dirty crockery and cutlery at the end of a meal? (to wash)

  3. What should happen if mistakes appear in a student’s work? (to point)

  4. What might happen if you crossed a busy road without looking? (to knock)

  5. What would happen to a lighted candle if there were a sudden gust of wind? (to blow)

  6. What may happen to a man who has committed his first offence? (to let)

  7. What often happens if negotiations look like being unsuccessful? (to break)

  8. What happens to traffic in a traffic jam? (to hold)

Ex. 21. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Ваше решение одобрено. 2. Он был уверен, что все бумаги были просмотрены и сделаны нужные изменения. 3. Включите телевизор. Его только что отремонтировали. 4. Сегодняшнюю почту уже принесли? – Нет еще. Ее принесут к 6 часам. 5. Почему на эти письма до сих пор не ответили? 6. Туристы были довольны, так как им показали все достопримечательности столицы. 7. Мне сказали, что за последнее время в этой лаборатории проведено много экспериментов и получены хорошие результаты. 8. Ребенку показали, как пользоваться телефоном. 9. Им сообщили о нашем приезде заранее, с тем чтобы они могли встретить нас на вокзале. 10. Где выращивают кофе? – В Бразилии. – А что выращивают в Индии? – Чай. 11. Документы были найдены на улице и возращены владельцу. 12. Контракт будет подписан, когда директор вернется из командировки. 13. Дома сейчас строят из новых материалов. 14. Туристов встретили на  вокзале. 15. Интересная проблема обсуждается сейчас в клубе. 16. К концу года книга будет опубликована. 17. Документ был подписан к концу года. 18. Когда был воздвигнут этот памятник? 19. Как только вещи были уложены, послали за такси. 20. Ему еще ничего об этом не говорили. 21. За зимой следует весна. 22. Не входите. Здесь экзаменуют последнего студента. 23. Когда я включил телевизор, концерт уже шел. 24. Большая часть работы будет сделана к концу недели. 25. Вчера ограбили семью Брайтов. Были похищены ювелирные украшения и старинные монеты. Полиция надеется, что вор будет найден к концу дня. 26. Аня вошла в столовую и увидела, что стол уже накрывают. 27. Шекспир всегда считался величайшим писателем мира. 28. Я не уверен, что работа будет закончена до рождества. 29.  Его попросили перевести документ на английский язык, но он отказался. 30. Призы будут вручены победителям, их пригласят на торжественную церемонию и гала-концерт. 31. В доме не осталось никакой еды. Все съедено.


a) Use the proper form of the verb in brackets.

  1. Marriages … (to make) in heaven.

  2. Man … (to know) by the company he keeps.

  3. Rome … (not to build) in a day.

  4. His behaviour can’t … (to explain).

  5. Differences in skill must …(to take) into account, when payment …(to discuss).

  6. This topic shouldn’t … (to touch) upon in front of the children.

  7. No woman … (to elect) President of the USA.

  8. The roof … (to repair) now.

  9. When I arrived, dinner … (to serve).

  10. Shevchenko is a famous football player. This year he … (to invite) by the League to play for Arsenal.

  11. The National Library ... (to build) in the city of Minsk in 2005.

  12. Let's visit some of our classrooms. In this room, students ... (to teach) French now.

  13. The room … (to cram) with furniture of all descriptions.

  14. The island … (to inhabit) by people of Chinese origin.

  15. Though the question … (to discuss) for a long time no decision … (to arrive) at.

  16. I felt I … (to look) at and turned.

  17. Gunpowder ... ( to invent) by the Chinese several centuries ago.

  18. I ... ( to give) a kitten. It ... ( to call) Pushy, but my little sister calls it Push.

  19. The last ticket ... (to sell) before we could get to the theatre.

  20. All University lectures and seminars … (to follow) by examinations.

  21. I … (to frighten) about losing my job, but I don't worry about it now.

  22. Ruth … (to disappoint): the job she applied for …(to give) to someone with more experience.

  23. A new law on smoking in public places … (to introduce) of late.

  24. Many goods … (to export) from China to different countries of the world.

  25. The documents … (to sign) by the president of the company by next Monday.

  26. The conference already … (to open) before I came.

  27. Nowadays a new railway line … (to construct) across the desert.

  28. A major new deposit of oil ... (to discover) in the North Sea of late. It ... ( to think) to be nearly twice the size of the largest existing field.

  29. When I returned home I ... ( to tell) by my wife that all the things already ... ( to pack).

  30. Einstein ... ( to award) the Nobel Prize for his work in quantum physics.

  31. Before building of a new shopping centre several houses in the area ... ( to pull down).

  32. No dogs ... ( to allow) in the restaurant. Please leave them outside.

  33. This piece of music ... (to know) to me. But it never ... (to play) so wonderfully before.

  34. When I came into the cinema, a new film ... ( to show). I was sorry that I ... ( not to tell) about the show before and was late for the beginning.

  35. I ... (to introduce) to him last week but I am afraid I won’t recognize him if I meet him again.

  36. I … (to be worried) about my garden while I was in hospital, but I have very good neighbours. When I got home I could see that the vegetables ... (to water) every day and the grass ... (to cut) regularly.

  37. This office is very inefficient. The telephone never ... (to answer) promptly, no proper records ... (to keep), and, worst of all, no reports ... (to write) for weeks.

  38. Football is a game which ... (to play) with passion in many countries of the world.

  39. The question remained unsettled until all the candidates ... (to interview).

  40. Jim felt hurt as he … (to punish) for nothing.

  41. Van Gogh’s famous painting “Sunflowers” ... (to exhibit) at the picture-gallery next week.

  42. Can you come to the police station? The man who … (to suspect) of stealing your wallet … (to arrest), and … (to question) at the moment. The police hope he … (to identify), either by you or another witness.

  43. When I reached the building I ... (to stop) by a policeman who wanted to see my passport.

  44. The yesterday’s summit meeting … (to follow) by a press-conference.

  45. We had hoped to see several famous paintings, but the gallery … (to reorganize) at the time of our visit and most of the really valuable works … (to move) for safe keeping.

  46. How are you? We've been having a lovely time. We … (to look after) very well by our hosts. We ... (to take) sightseeing and we ... (to introduce) to some of their friends, who made us feel very welcome.

  47. The door must … (to keep) shut.

  48. She knew George couldn’t bear … (to rush) but she reminded him that it was time they were going.

  49. The jewelry … (to give) to Mrs. Woodward by her husband who had died some years before.

  50. It … (to observe) that the trees stopped developing leaves.

b) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct passive form, were it is necessary.

A College Tour

"I'm glad you've all come to visit our college. I hope that many of you will enter it next year. First, let's visit some of our classrooms. In this room, students … (teach) are being taught French. Here at Greenville College, we believe that all students should (teach) ... … to speak a foreign language.

The students in the next room are studying history. History classes are usually very lively, but today the students (give) ... … an examination.

This room is a science classroom. You can stay for a while and listen. I'm sure many interesting ideas (discuss)... ...right now.

In a little while, we are going to see the cafeteria where all the school food (prepare) ... ... . We believe that young people should (feed)... ... good food. That's why we've planted the vegetable garden you see next to the cafeteria. The vegetables that our students are eating today (grow) ... ...in our garden.

The next stop on the tour will be the college hospital. It (build) :.. ... last year and is the school's most modern building. Patients at the college hospital (take care) … of by excellent nurses and doctors who (train) ... ... at the best universities.

Students from Greenville College are well prepared for life. Many of our former, students (hire)... ...by fine companies where they (give) ... … important jobs.

We hope you've enjoyed your tour of Greenville College."


Dear Sally,

How are you? We've been having a lovely time. We're being very well looked after by our hosts. We ... … (take) sightseeing and we ... ... (introduce) to some of their friends, who...... (make) us feel very welcome. Last night we ... ... (show) round a castle by the owner! Most of the land in this area... ...(belong) to his family for about five hundred years. Apparently, the land ... ... (give) to them after one of his ancestors ... ... (kill) while trying to save the king's life. Quite romantic, isn't it?

The castle itself was a little bit disappointing, to be absolutely honest. The owner told us that it ... ... (suffer) serious damage a fire about thirty years ago. When it ... … (restore) they ... ... (add) central heating and things like that. So once you're inside it ... ... (not feel) much different to any other large old house. But the owner is a real character. He told us lots of stories about things that … … (happen) to him when he was young. He … … (send) abroad to work in a bank, but he hated it, so he … … (behave) very badly in order to … … (sack). He kept us laughing for hours. I hope he … … (invite) here before we leave.

I’ll have lots more to tell you when we get back. Take care.

Yours affectionately,


Quick Work

Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. In the letter he ... (to ask) to call at the station. Ted wondered why he ... (to want) by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried any more. At the station, he ... (to tell) by a smiling policeman that his bicycle ... (to find). Five days ago, the police­man told him, the bicycle ... (to pick up) in a small village four hundred miles away. It is now ... (to send) to him by train. Ted ... (to surprise) when he heard the news. He ... (to amuse) too because he had never expected the bicycle to be found. It ... (to steal) twenty years ago when Ted was a boy of fifteen.

Mad or Not

There is an old castle in Norwich which (1)... (to believe) to be hunted. It (2) ... (to call) North Castle and it (3) ... (to say) that ghosts can (4) ... (to see) there at night. The castle (5) ... (to build) 400 years ago and (6) ... (to own)by two old ladies who (7) ... (to believe) to be witches. One day, long ago, they both disappeared and they (8) ... (never/to see) again. In 1985 the castle (9) ... (to buy) by a businessman and (10) ... (to convert) into a luxurious hotel. The castle (11) ... (to visit) by quite a few guests every year and special groups (12) ... (to organize) to watch for ghosts. It has been a long time any ghosts (13) ... (to see), but one night a trick (14) ... (to play) on some visitors by a local couple, who dressed up as the two "witches". They (15) ... (to see)by a guest who said she (16) ... (to frighten) almost to death. The couple apologized the next day, and (17) ... (to tell) never to visit the castle again, certainly not in the middle of the night dressed up as witches.

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