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Part 1 Getting to know each other (ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТО...doc
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6 Study the Useful language for Presentation given below and decide whether each sentence in the box is formal (f) or informal (I).

Useful Language for Presentations

Addressing the audience and introducing yourself

  • On behalf of myself and Focus Advertising, I’d like to welcome you. My name is Sven Larsen.

  • Hi, I’m Dominigue Lagrange. Good to see you all.

  • Good morning, everyone. Thanks for coming to my presentation. My name’s Marta Rodrigues. I’m Personnel Director of Tara Fashions.

T 2.1. Listen to the openings of one formal presentation and one informal presentation. Tick () the phrases from the Useful Language for Presentations used by the speakers.

analYsing a presentation


Introducing the topic

  • I’m going to talk to you about our faculty (department, company). First, I’ll give you some basic information about... Then, ...

  • This morning, I’d like to outline the program (campaign concept) we’ve developed for you.

  • I’m going to tell you about the ideas we’ve come up with for the ad campaign.

Outlining the presentation

  • First, I’ll give you some basic information. Secondly, I’ll talk...

  • I’ll give you the background and talk you through the results of the market study.

  • I’ve divided my presentation into three parts.

Inviting questions

  • If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to interrupt me.

  • Well, thanks very much for listening to my talk. Are there any questions?

  • If you’re not clear about anything, go ahead and ask any questions you want...

ext 1

1 Skim the text which is the welcome speech of the head of the Department of the English Language. The text outlines the main goals of the course. After skimming the text refer to the analysis of stages of a presentation and answer the following questions:

1. What technique does the author use to get their audience’s attention?

2. How many main points is the author going to speak about?

3. What words are used for outlining the presentation?

4. How does the author connect some points to the needs/interests of the audience?

Welcome to University

Dear friends,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the Department of the English Language.

I guess you have already had a chance to get to know some of our teachers and have already acquainted with the main principles, requirements and aims of the course of English. We touched upon these questions at our previous lesson.

Today I would like to give some details about the course of English. First, we will discuss the goals of the course and teaching strategies to achieve them. Then I will draw your attention to some points of organizing English classes and finally to the necessity of students’ active role in learning English.

No doubt, that today the knowledge of English is a must. The teachers of the department will be doing their best to help you to develop your communication skills and to encourage lifelong language learning. As the saying goes ‘knowledge is no burden’. ‘Live and learn’ should be a motto of modern professionals.

The teachers of our department firmly believe that the course will help you to improve your ability to communicate in English in a wide range of everyday and professional situations. Everybody studying this course will enlarge their vocabulary, develop grammar skills, improve their reading abilities and become more fluent and confident in using the English language. Good knowledge of English will, without doubt, increase the career prospects in any professional field. Even in those areas where knowledge of a foreign language may not be a primary requirement, linguistic proficiency often gives graduates a vital edge over other applicants.

The Department lays special emphasis throughout the course on the acquisition of a high level of language skills, both written and spoken. Written skills are developed by means of writing essays, reports, doing projects, translations, and other assignments. The instruction method is communicative, geared for adults and tailored to the needs of students. Participation in different forms of interaction: conversations, discussions, debates, presentations – helps to develop oral speech skills. The material which features in the language classes is chosen for its topicality (актуальность) and authenticity (подлинность, оригинальность) and deals as far as possible with up-to-date themes from everyday life, professional subjects, politics, economics, and culture, including computer-assisted language learning and the use of videos.

Classes are held in small groups comprising learners of similar level of competence, which permits intensive and highly personal attention to the individual students.

However, you should realize that the success in achieving learner’s aims is not only a matter of teaching techniques. Today, the active role of the learner is an established principle. It is obvious that the teaching outcome greatly depends on your efforts and motivation. Certainly, a few gifted language learners do exist, but most people arrive at their fluency only as a result of hard work, expended over a considerable period of time.

Let’s try to start working hard from the very beginning. Your achievements mainly (entirely) depend on you. When you work to your full capacity, you can hope to attain the knowledge and skills that will enable you to create your future and control your destiny. Take hold of your life, apply your gifts and talents, work with dedication and self-discipline. Have high expectations for yourself and convert every challenge into an opportunity.

Thank you for your attention. Feel free to ask questions if you have any.