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Part 1 Getting to know each other (ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТО...doc
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1 Which three aims of learning English mentioned in the text «Welcome to University» are most important for you?

a) Write them down.

I think the most important aims are

first(ly), to_________________________________________

second(ly), to_______________________________________

third(ly), to_________________________________________

b) Read out your list of aims to each other.

c) Question each other’s choice. Here are some ways you can do this:

– I think it’s more important to … than to …


- I think it’s just as important to … as to …


- I still think the most important aim is to …


  • Why is it important to …?

  • Well, I strongly believe that …. is important because…

d) Write some other aims important personally for you and explain why.

Personally for me, it is important _______________________________________


I believe that no less important is ______________________________________


2 In pairs or small groups decide on your speaking skills objectives for the course that you are beginning and the ways to achieve them. Choose one of the following statements, or write one of your own.

a) I can express my ideas quite well but I make a lot of mistakes. By the end of the course I want to make fewer mistakes. I hope to learn more words, to enlarge my professional vocabulary and to improve my grammar. I think the best way to do it is to actively participate in classroom talks and discussions, to read a lot, and, certainly, not to skip classes.

b) I find it difficult to express my ideas naturally enough because I can’t always find the right word, although I do know quite a lot. Of course, I want to learn more vocabulary, but I also want to get better at communicating my ideas with the language that I already know. I will try to do my best to develop my communicative skills. I think that if I make notes during the lessons and do my home assignments carefully, I will manage to improve speaking abilities.

c) To be honest, I do not feel very optimistic about the prospects of improving my language skills. However, I’d like to speak well enough to pass my exam in English successfully. That’s why I’m going to attend classes regularly and to be active in class.

d) I _______________________________________________________





3 In pairs or small groups decide on the best learning strategies for you. There are a lot of activities which help you learn efficiently and enjoy the process of learning. Have you ever tried these methods:

1. watching films and videos in English;

2. listening to songs, audiobooks and podcasts;

3. reading magazines, news and blogs in English;

4. exchanging postcards and having penpals?

 Write down the most effective and enjoyable learning activities for you



