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Part 1 Getting to know each other (ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТО...doc
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3 Complete the sentences using a phrase with get.

to get to know  getting late  to get stuck  to get the idea  to get in touch with  to get home  to get ... off  to get going  to get to the end  to get into difficulties

1. If you want ____________ a person better, learn more about him or her.

2. When you ___________ of the test, tell me.

3. I can receive e-mail now but it took time ___________ of how to use it.

4. What time does he normally ____________home from the University?

5. You’d better _____ those wet clothes _____ or you’ll catch a cold.

6. Let’s ___________ – we are already late as it is.

7. If you put a coin into vending machine, it might ___________.

8. If you don’t know how to load some new software into your computer, you’d better___________ Tom. He’s a computer wizard.

9. The more you know of the culture of the country, the less likely you may_______________.

10. It’s _______________ , I hate to say ‘good bye’ but I have to go.

4 Translate the following sentences into English. Use the expressions with get.

1. Давайте познакомимся!

2. Когда ты обычно встаешь, чтобы вовремя добраться до университета?

3. Извините, я опоздал. Я застрял в пробке.

4. У меня есть идея. Давайте пойдем в кино после занятий.

5. Боюсь, что к концу семестра, буду в затруднительной ситуации.

6. Анна сегодня отсутствует, потому что она простудилась.

7. Поздравляю! Твой английский становится лучше.

Vocabulary File

Words and word combinations

For your notes

1. acquaint (v)

to be ~ed with

to get ~ed with

syn. ≈ to meet sb, to get to know each other

acquaintance (n)

acquaintanceship (n)

2. address (v)

to ~ people/ audience/ each other properly

3. agree (v)

agreement (n)

to be in ~

to be in relative ~

to come to an ~

to reach an ~

4. attention (n)

to pay ~ to

to draw someone’s ~ to

to devote ~ to

to give sth/sb undivided ~

syn. to focus, to concentrate on

attentive (adj) (to)

syn. thoughtful

attentively (adv)

5. avoid (v)

to ~ sth/sb doing sth

6. call (v)

to ~ sb/sth sth.

to ~ sb by first name (to be called by first name)

7. concern (v)

to be concerned with

concern (n)

to cause ~

to be a cause for ~

not my ~

As far as I’m concerned

8. gap (n)

cultural ~

generation ~

9. goodbye

to say ~ to sb

10. greet (v)

to ~ each other

greeting (n)

to exchange ~s

11. importance (n)

to give ~ to

important (adj)

to be ~ to sb

12. inquire (v)

inquiry (n)

to conduct an ~

to make an ~

13. interest (n)

~ in sth.

with ~

common ~s

to show/express/ share ~s in

interested (adj)

to be ~ in

to make sb ~

to be ~ to know/ hear/ see/ learn

14. introduce (v)

to ~ oneself

to ~ sb to

introduction (n)

15. major (adj, n, v)

~ subject (English/ History)

~ field of study (psychology/ sociology, etc.)

to ~ in ( journalism/ philosophy)

syn. to specialize in (law, music )

16. notable (adj)

to be ~ for

syn. important, remarkable, outstanding

17. privacy (n)

to respect sb’s ~

in the ~ of your own room/home

private (adj)

~ life

18. raise (v)

to ~ a question

to ~ objections

to ~ sb’s spirits

19. shake (v)

to ~ hands with

handshaking (n)

20. start (v)

to ~ a conversation/ a new friendship

syn. to begin

For your personal vocabulary
















































































































































