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a meal eaten in the late morning, as a combination of breakfast and lunch


all the people who regularly use a restaurant or bar


the act of buying and using products or service

deli (delicatessen)

a shop that sells high quality cheeses, salads, cooked meats etc


a restaurant or other place to eat

law enforcement agent

a police officer


an organization or institution, especially a business, shop etc

etch (v)

to cut lines on a metal plate, piece of glass, stone etc to form a picture or words


to go to a particular place often


a large metal frame which is used to support smth


someone who uses a particular shop, restaurant, or hotel


to use or visit a shop, restaurant etc


taking a long time to do


the parts of a house or room that are made of wood

Unit 3. Staffing and Internal Organization

Read the following information and translate it:

1.1 Typical Stations and responsibilities in the classical kitchen brigade system



Executive chef (or chef de cuisine)

Responsible for all kitchen operations, including ordering, supervision of all stations, and development of menu items

Sous (under) chef

Second in command, answers to the chef, may be responsible for scheduling, fills in for the chef, and assists the station chefs (or line cooks) as necessary

Station chefs (or chefs de partie)

Line cooks, often with specialized functions such as banquet chef

Saute' station (or saucier)

Responsible for all sauteed items and their sauces

Fish station (or poissonier)

Responsible for fish items, often including fish butchering, and their sauces

Roast station (or rotisseur)

Responsible for all roasted foods and related jus and other sauces

Grill station (or grillardin)

Responsible for all grilled foods and often boiled foods as well

Fry station (or friturier)

Responsible for all fried foods. This position is often combined with rotisseur

Vegetable station (or entremetier)

Responsible for hot appetizers, and often egg dishes. Frequently this station has responsibility for soups and vegetables, starches and pastas. In the traditional bragde system, soups are prepared by the soup station or potager and vegatables by the legumier

Roundsman (or tournant)

Swing cook; works as needed throughout the kitchen

Pantry chef (or garde manger)

Responsible for cold food preparation, including salads, cold appetizers and pate's

Butcher (or boucher)

Responsible for butchering meats, poultry, and occasionally fish

Pastry chef (or patisser)

Responsible for baked items, pastries and desserts

Expeditor (or aboyeur)

Accepts orders from the dining room and relays them to the various station chefs