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ПИЯ Пособие рестораны.doc
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bony bony meat or fish contains a lot of small bones

breadcrumb very small pieces of bread that are used in cooking

cast-iron made of cast iron ( a type of iron that is hard)

carbohydrates a substance that provides your body with heat and

energy and which consists of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon

chop (v) to cut vegetables, meat, or wood into pieces

crust the baked outer part of foods

evaporate(v) if a liquid evaporates it changes into a gas

grate (v) to rub cheese, vegetables etc against a rough or

sharp surface in order to break them into small pieces

lean meat does not have much fat on it

peel (v) to remove the skin from fruit or vegetable

pinch a small amount of salt, pepper etc that you can

hold between your finger and thumb

poach(v) to cook an egg in or over gently boiling water,

without its shell

prawn a small pink shellfish that can be eaten

savoury (syn. piquant) smell or taste is strong and pleasant

but is not sweet

sour having a sharp acid taste, like the taste of a lemon

sprinkle(v) to scatter small drops of liquid or small pieces of


stale is stale is no longer fresh or good to eat

stock (syn. broth, bouillon) a liquid made by boiling meat or

bones and vegetables, which is used to make soups or to add flavour to other dishes

stir (v) to move a liquid or substance around with a spoon or

stick in order to mix it together

tough difficult to cut or eat

underpin(v) to give strength or support to something and to help it


Unit 9. Special Order

- special diets

- health nutrition

- national / ethnic cuisine