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Англійська мова_Кунатенко.doc
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  1. Answer the following questions:

1. Does Ukraine have favourable conditions for the development of agri-cultural production? 2. What are the main branches of agricultural production in Ukraine? 3. What is crop production? 4. What does crop production include? 5. What cereals occupy half of the cropping area? 6. What vegetable crops are grown in Ukraine? 7. What is animal husbandry? 8. What are the most wide-spread branches of animal husbandry? 9. Where is the poultry industry spread? 10. What birds are farmed in Ukraine? 11. What forms of farm enterprises do you know? 12. What is the difference between state and collective farms?

  1. Translate into English:

1. Україна має дуже сприятливi умови для розвитку сiльсько­господарського виробництва. 2. Є двi головнi галузi сiльськогоспо­дарського виробництва в Українi: рослинництво та тваринництво. 3. Рос­линництво — це вирощування та збирання сiльськогосподарських культур. 4. Рослинництво включає вирощування зернових та технiчних культур, лукiвництво, плодiвництво та овочiвництво. 5. Майже поло­вину посiвної площi країни займають хлiбнi злаки. 6. Найважливiшою технiчною культурою в Українi є цукровий буряк. 7. Тваринництво — це розведення сiльськогосподарських тварин та їх використання. 8. Розведення молочної та м’ясної худоби, свинарство, вiвчарство, бджiль­ництво та птахiвництво — найпоширенiшi галузi тваринництва в Українi. 9. Бiльшiсть сiльськогосподарських пiдприємств в Українi кон­тролюється урядом.

Communicative situations

1. Speak about the tasks facing Ukraine’s people in the building-up the economy.

2. You discuss the problems to be solved in the course of new economic reforms.

3. Make a report in your class: «Industry — the most important area in Ukraine’s economy».

4. You have an exam. Your question is: «Ukraine as an industrial country».

5. You are at the conference. The theme of your report is: «The development of agricultural production in Ukraine».

Grammar exercises The Present Indefinite Tense

I. Put the following sentences into the singular:

Pattern: They wish to speak to you. — He wishes to speak to you.

The students work hard. — The student works hard.

1. They help their father. 2. Buses pass my house every hour. 3. His sons go to the local school. 4. They usually catch the 8.10 bus. 5. The rivers freeze in winter. 6. They fish in the lake. 7. The children like sweets. 8. My friends study English. 9. Do they like boiled eggs? Yes, they do. 10. These figures astonish me. 11. They wash the floor every week. 12. They dress well. 13. They sometimes miss English lessons. 14. The taxes rise every year. 15. What do they do on their days off? — They do nothing. They lie in bed all day.

  1. Give short and full answers:

1. Do you remember your first teacher? 2. Do you speak English with your friends? 3. Do you always look very well? 4. Does your friend live in the hostel? 5. Does your father smoke? 6. Does it often rain here in July? 7. Don’t you go shopping every day? 8. Do the students like all the subjects they study? 9. Do you often miss English lessons?