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Англійська мова_Кунатенко.doc
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XI. Change the sentences according to the Pattern:

Pattern A: There was nothing to do there. (I)

There was nothing for me to do there.

1. Here is an example to follow. (everybody) 2. The idea was not clear enough to understand. (the young people) 3. He reached the age when it is necessary to think of the future. (he) 4. There was no reason to get worried. (I) 5. It was an expensive present to buy. (she) 6. The best thing is to send them a telegram. (I) 7. There was nothing to argue about. (they) 8. I think it will be dangerous to go to the Crimea in this old car. (we).

Pattern B: The sales are numerous. I can’t mention them all.

They are too numerous for me to mention.

1. He speaks too fast. I can’t follow him. 2. The results are numerous. They can’t remember them all. 3. The situation is difficult. We can’t overcome it at once. 4. The goods are very expensive. We can’t buy them. 5. The problem is too complicated. He can’t solve it now. 6. I am busy. I can’t go on a business trip right now.

XII. State the function of the Prepositional Infinitive Complex:

1. I have brought some books for my son to read. 2. For him to help his friend is quite natural. It’s natural for him to help his friends. 3. She waited for Helen to say something. 4. It is difficult for me to retell this text. 5. It was a good experience for him to watch his father repair their TV set. 6. It will be better for your child to spend more time outdoors. 7. The problem was too easy for her not to solve it immediately. 8. The teacher gave several examples for the students to understand the rule better. 9. There is nobody here for him to play with.

XIII. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the Prepositional

Infinitive Complex:

1. Have you got anything for me to read? 2. It will be convenient for all of us to have the examination on Tuesday. 3. Here is the information for you to process. 4. She waited for the teacher to speak. 5. The main idea was for the students to understand the importance of English for their future work. 6. He opened the door of his room for her to go out. 7. The lady was speaking too fast for me to catch what she said. 8. It was a natural thing for him to take part in the discussion. 9. For these problems to be carried out successfully we are to work hard.

XIV. Complete the sentences in your own way:

1. It is necessary for her ___ . 2. It is advisable for them ___ . 3. It was important for them ___ . 4. They waited for us ___ . 5. There was no reason for him ___ . 6. The weather was too cold for the children ___ . 7. It is difficult for me ___ . 8. The best thing is for you ___ .

XV. Translate into English:

1. Завдання надто складне, щоб справитися з ним самому. 2. Бажано, щоб ви це знали. 3. Це єдине, що ви можете зробити. 4. У нього дуже добра пам’ять. Йому досить один раз назвати слово, і він запам’ятає його на все життя. 5. Я шкодую, що вони пропустили першу лекцію. 6. Для того, щоб цей експеримент виявився успішним, йому довелося ба­гато попрацювати. 7. Вам не треба працювати так багато і ризикувати здоров’ям. 8. Подорож надто цікава, щоб від неї відмовитись. 9. Необ­хідно, щоб вони зробили цю роботу сьогодні. 10. Він попросив, щоб йому вислали книжки поштою.