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Lesson 5 School Life. The System of Education in Ukraine.

  1. Read and memorize the following words, word-combinations and word-groups, write them down into your vocabularies:

System- departments-

To include- industry-

Technical school- to conferee-

The humanities- post-graduate-

The sciences- research work-

Primary- discoveries-

Junior- research papers-

Senior- refresher courses-

Pre-school institutions- fee-paying groups-

Nursery school-


To comprise-


Specialized institutes-

  1. Make a sentence with each of the words in writing.

  1. After school. Further education means going to a college. Higher education means doing a degree at a university. Use the following words to complete the text below:

(applied, left, do, stayed on, got in)

  1. When I got to 17, some of my friends ______________school to get jobs but most _______.

  2. I wanted to ___________sociology, but it wasn’t possible at my school.

  3. I______________ to the local building college.

  4. There were two applicants for one place, so I was pleased when I ______________.

  1. Use the words from the brackets to complete the sentences:

(diploma, high, entry, results, course, degree, prospectus, college)

  1. I wanted to be a doctor but the ____________requirements to study medicine were too_____.

  2. My exam __________were not good enough.

  3. I got the ___________-from my local _________to see what alternatives there were.

  4. In the end, I got onto a _____________in business administration.

  5. I got a _________, but was not quite happy.

  6. Still sometimes I wish I’d been able to go to university and get a _________________.

  1. Complete the text about paying for higher education with the words below:

(fees, loan, part-time, accommodations, grant, expenses, hall of residence)

  1. Going to university is expensive. First, there’s the tuition___________.

  2. Secondly, if you live away from home you are to pay for your __________.

  3. The university books and ________________ are not cheap.

  4. Then you have all your other living __________________.

  5. A few students get a _________, but most have to take out a student _________from the bank.

  6. Most students have to do a _________ job in order to survive and pay off.