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  1. Complete the sentences below with the words and expressions from the brackets:

(Native speaker, strong accent, second language, mother-tongue, bilingual)

  1. My _____________________ is Ukrainian, but I am ________________________.

  2. I will keep learning English until I can hold a conversation like a _______________.

  3. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand Mark. Yes, he comes from Liverpool and has a ____.

  1. Use the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences below:

(Pick up, hold, study, make, do, practice, say, improve)

  1. When I started learning English five years ago I hardly ______________a word.

  2. I went to classes two evening a week and I was surprised at how quickly I ______progress.

  3. During the course we learned lots of vocabulary and __________grammar rules.

  4. The thing I enjoyed most was being able to ___________speaking with the other students.

  5. After two years I went to a language school in Oxford and ___________a three-week course.

  6. I stayed with a local family and __________a lot of new language from speaking with my host family.

  7. I really___________ my pronunciation as well.

  8. When I got back to Ukraine, I could ____________conversation with my teacher in English.

  1. Use the words from the brackets to complete the sentences:

(Correct, repeat, do the exercise, practice, listen carefully, hand in)

  1. I’m playing the tape once so________________________.

  2. Well, everybody__________________ after me: ‘It’s better late than never’.

  3. Remember to ________ some o the rules you have learned today outside the classroom.

  4. I want you to ________________ on page 47.

  5. Don’t forget you need to _________________your essays on Monday.

  6. I’ not going to __________________every mistake you make because it won’t be helpful.

(Revising, rub it out, look it up, make mistakes, write it down)

  1. If you’re not sure what his verb means, ____________ in your dictionary.

  2. Whenever you hear a new word for you, ______________ in your notebook.

  3. Don’t worry about _____________, to err is human.

  4. Write the answers in pencil. Then I you get some wrong, you can __________and do them again.

  5. Remember there’s a test on Wednesday. So, spend some time ___________this evening.

Lesson 2 Zhytomyr Technological College

  1. Read and memorize the following words, word-combinations and word-groups, write them down into your vocabularies:

College-коледж; tutor- класний керівник;

Faculty-факультет; assembly hall-актовий зал;

Technical school-технічне училище; canteen-столова;

Higher education-вища освіта; cloak-room-гардероб;

fee-плата; gymnasium-спортивний зал;

industrial training-виробнича практика; hostel-гуртожиток;

stipend-стипендія; laboratory-лабораторія;

scholarship-стипендія; library-бібліотека;

time-table-розклад; headmaster’s office-кабінет директора;

graduate-випускник; staff room-учительська, кафедра

headmaster-директор; woodwork room-майстерня;

monitor-староста; break-перерва;

undergraduate-студент останнього курсу; lecture- лекція;

first year student-першокурсник; mark-оцінка;

correspondence student-заочник; period-пара.