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Методичка 2011-1 курс.docx
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  1. Match the first part of the sentences with the verbal expressions:

Whatever you ask him to do he does wrong. He doesn’t seem to have his initiative.

You can always depend on him for an honest opinion. He’s not afraid to speak his mind.

I wish he were more independent. He tends to rely on to any situation.

He’s just so flexible. He’ll adapt much common sense.

I have to tell him what to do. He doesn’t ever think other people too much.

You have to tell him what to do and when. He never seems to use for himself.

  1. Play out the situations:

  1. You advise your friend to change his job and say why.

  2. Your chief has a talk with you about your good (bad) work.

  3. You want to be received by the head of an office and you arrange with his secretary the time for the appointment.

  4. You discuss with your friends what determines one’s choice of a profession.

Term 2 lesson 1 Me and My family

  1. Read and learn the words? Make sentences with them and write them down into your vocabularies:

To grow depressed; repressed; frustrated; self-centered; unsociable; lonely; neglected; fearful; irritable; naughty; willful; unruly; resentful; arrogant; rough; to become a nuisance; to develop anti-social habits; overdisciplined; emotionally disturbed children; to show resistant and aggressive behavior; youth violence; crime.

  1. Make 10 sentences with the words given above.

  1. Tick the sentences you do or think the same way:

  1. I find it easy to talk with my parents and have talked with them recently about TV when work is done.

  2. I would like to talk about boys and low marks at school, but I haven’t done so.

  3. I am embarrassed to talk about boys, and I don’t like to think about poor marks.

  4. Both my father and mother are easily available to talk with me.

  5. The things that gripe me about my parents are that they argue with me about things which we’ve discussed.

  6. Also, I don’t like the way other people’s parents argue with their kids when you are around.

  7. My parents influence me with their actions when they say to keep my voice down and then they yell.

  8. I think I know better how I should behave with boys than my parents do.

  1. Use the words from the brackets to complete the sentences:

(Income, arrangement, allowance, expenses, pleasure, family, baby-sitting)

  1. My ______________________ $ 4.00 a week, was decided on by a discussion and addition of things I’d need to spend.

  2. I spend it on Christmas, Sunday school, carfare, and $ 1.00 for _________.

  3. The _________________-is fair, because I have enough and can save 50 cent to $ 1.00 per week.

  4. I earn money by _____________________for myself.

  5. I don’t know my family’s _______________. It’s none of my business.

  6. I am consulted about clothes ______________ house expenses, camp and trips.

  7. As a ______________together we have especially enjoyed a trip to Montana and seeing museum dinosaurs.