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Методичка 2011-1 курс.docx
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  1. Match the English sentences with their Ukrainian equivalents:

  1. It impairs your vision. А) ви втрачаєте сексуальну привабливість;

  2. It takes your breath away and gives you б) воно забруднює повітря та відштовхує

Emphysema від вас друзів, котрі не палять.

  1. It causes lung cancer and cancer of the в) воно ослаблює ваш зір;


  1. It turns your teeth and fingers yellow and г) ваші зуби та пальці жовтіють та шкіра

gives you ugly skin. Виглядає жахливо.

  1. It makes your breath stink and your hair and д) це пусте марнування грошей та часу.

clothes smell awful.

  1. It wastes your time and empties your pockets. Е) воно викликає рак легенів та рак горла.

  2. It pollutes the air around you and makes your є) від вас тхне як від старої попільниці.

Non-smoking friends avoid you. Ж) ви набуваєте смердючого запаху з роту

Й ваші речі смердять жахливо.

  1. It ruins your sex appeal. З) Воно викликає задуху та призводить до


  1. Read the text, translate it and explain the reasons of Government doings: Do You Want To Kiss An Old Ashtray?

A beautiful girl looks across the dinner table at an attractive young man. He is walking over to her. She is pleased. She pauses while he comes near her. Then suddenly, when he is near, she turns around and walks quickly away. ‘Ugh’, she says, ’he smells like an old ashtray’. It is an anti-smoking advertisement in British cinemas.

In 1971 the British Government made a law about smoking. Every packet of cigarettes must have a health warning on it. Television and radio station cannot advertise cigarettes. Almost half the trains in Britain is ‘No smoking’. You may not smoke in British theaters.

But people still smoke where and when they can though they know that nicotine in tobacco is bad for them. Habits of younger people are not too fixed, that is why the Government films are for young people. The new advertisements in cinemas show attractive young men and women who smoke. Other young people look at them and say: ‘Yes, they are attractive, but ugh! Their hair and clothes smell of tobacco; their teeth and fingers are all yellow’. ‘Do you want to kiss an old ashtray?’ Teenagers often have their first cigarette because they think they look older and more attractive if they smoke. Perhaps they won’t continue if they think it unattractive.

  1. Make true or false statements:

  1. Anti-smoking advertisements are very popular in British cinemas.

  2. The young girl is walking over to the young man at the end of the dinner.

  3. She kisses him and says that he smells of tobacco.

  4. Every packet of cigarettes must have a colored picture on it.

  5. In Britain television and radio often advertise cigarettes.

  6. Now in Britain almost half the trains is ‘No smoking’.

  7. You may not smoke in British theaters.

  8. Habits of young people are well-fixed.

  9. The Government films about smoking are for elder people.

  10. The new advertisements in cinemas show attractive young men and women who smoke.