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Lesson 3,4 Relationships with Friends. Vital Values.

  1. Read and learn the words? Make sentences with them and write them down into your vocabularies:


To show independence; patterns of behavior; to learn by imitation; to build love towards; t progress in development; mental development; physical growth.

Family atmosphere:

An environment of love and security; to grow in an atmosphere of care; affection; respect; patience; sense of certainty; fear; tension; neglect; happy home backgrounds; friendly atmosphere.

  1. Make oral or written commentaries on the following quotations:

  1. ‘The childhood shows the man as morning shows the day’ (John Milton)

  2. ‘It is a wise father that knows his own child’ (William Shakespeare)

  3. ‘Children need love the most when they desire it the least’ (Gene Bedley)

  4. ‘To educate a child in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society’ (Theodore Roosevelt)

  5. ‘Truth must be passed from friend to friend, from teacher to student, from parent to child’ (William Bennett)

  6. ‘When children are doing nothing they are doing mischief’ (Henry Fielding)

  7. No one ever became thoroughly bad all at once’ (D. J. Juvenal)

  8. ‘Nature is often hidden; sometimes overcome; seldom extinguished’ (Francis Bacon)

  1. Teenager’s social life.

Read and discuss the teenager’s social life. Comment upon the aspects of your social life:

- How is your social life? Does anybody give you advice?

- I receive helpful advice from my parents.

- Do they supervise you?

- Well, to an extent so that I don’t go out much.

- You dislike it, eh?

- No, I think they do right in this. And what about you?

- My parents encourage me to go on dates and are willing to drive.

  1. Telephone and tv.

Why didn’t you call me on weekend?

Sorry, I couldn’t.

Are there any regulations about the telephone to you?

No. there are no regulations about it because I don’t use it to excess.

Are you allowed to see TV on weekdays?

Well, I am not allowed to see it unless my homework is done.

Do you approve of it?

Why not? It’s fair, I think.

Do your parents let you to make social calls on the telephone?

I don’t think this is fair because it is a good way to stay in the group.

Right! That’s why I’ve got a mobile one.

Yah, but no mobile TV.

Well, we have TV rules-none before homework.

Do you approve this?

Sure. Otherwise I’d watch too much.

  1. Going steady.

I don’t go steady. I am tempted to, but I really think it’s all right only if you are older but now it is not a god idea. My sex information I picked up from friends and parents, parents being most useful. I would like to know what a girl is really like and how they think and why they do what they do. If I had a sex problem, I’d talk it over with my parents.

  • What is the most interesting activity for you?

  • Sure, parties come first.

  • What about dates pr talking with friends?

  • And studying?

  • Maybe, talking with adults, and then studying.

  • Gossiping?

  • Oh, gosh, it’s not for me.

  • Do you go steady?

-I am tempted to, but I really think it’s all right only if you are older.

- Do girls in your class go steady?

- Some do. Just teenager dates.

- Do you have any teenagers problems?

- If I had a problem, I’d talk it over with my parents.